The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 108 The Wail of the Clear Sky Hammer

Chapter 108 The Wail of the Clear Sky Hammer

Looking at Tang Hao who looked like a crazy demon god, Qin Mo's eyes showed a trace of fluctuation. Even if he did not dare to compliment Tang Hao's temperament and person, he had to admit that Tang Hao's fighting talent was the best in the entire Douluo Continent. A supreme existence.

Especially his decisiveness and domineering in battle, which perfectly brought the domineering spirit of the 'Haotian Hammer' to its extreme.

In this regard, even Tang Chen, who is a demigod, may not be as powerful as Tang Hao. It is no wonder that when the Haotian Sect chose Tang Hao as the successor of the sect, it was no wonder that the Haotian Sect chose Tang Hao without hesitation and The title of 'Haotian', which only the sect leader was eligible to inherit, was given to Tang Hao.

It's a pity that even though he has such a unique talent, his character is so unsightly, not only Tang Hao, but also the titled elders of the Haotian Sect who have been sealed off the mountain gate.

Too much domineering and arrogant, but not enough courage and responsibility.

It was clear that Tang Chen had amassed a hand of good cards that could overwhelm the entire continent, and even make it possible for him to believe in becoming a god like the Angel God of Wuhun Temple, but they were torn apart and beaten to pieces.

The construction ability possessed by the Royal Clan can build countless fortifications and war fortresses on the battlefield.

The forging ability of the Force Clan allows the Haotian Sect to have an endless source of weapons and armor.

The terrifying speed of the Min clan is undoubtedly the best information transmission existence.

As for the Soul-Breaking Spear of the Broken Clan, its offensive ability on the battlefield alone is not as good as even the Clear Sky Hammer. Coupled with the ability to refine medicine inherited from his family, he is a natural-born general.

Coupled with the fact that Tang Chen had such a demigod backing, they were all abandoned like clogs under threat.

Forcibly turning a simple difficulty game into a difficult difficulty, even if Tang San hadn't appeared in the original work, it would have been a death difficulty.

The giant 'Haotian Hammer', like a divine weapon, instantly set off a terrifying storm in this space-blocked area. Its raging soul power tore apart everything in this area, but it was unable to attack Qin Dong and Qin Mo. The space barrier laid down has no impact at all.

In the barrier, Qin Dong stared closely at the giant 'Haotian Hammer' that was falling towards them, observing the flashing lines on the 'Haotian Hammer', the light in his eyes became even brighter.

Vaguely, Qin Dong seemed to feel that the 'Haotian Hammer' turned into a blood-colored magic sword filled with murderous intent.

His figure flashed slightly, and he stepped directly out of the space protective barrier area. He raised his right palm as if slowly and swiftly. In an instant, the space for several kilometers seemed to be suppressed.

The giant 'Haotian Hammer' fell like a meteor of destruction that wiped out all living things in the world.

However, Qin Dong's right palm was slowly raised like a savior. It seemed that it was not fast, but it appeared in front of the 'Haotian Hammer' in a strange moment.


In an instant, the invisible space power and the dark red-gold soul power of destruction exploded like thunder from the sky and fire from the earth. The violent torrent of energy destruction raged around like a volcanic eruption in an instant.


Countless plain vegetation in the space blockade area of ​​several kilometers in diameter was uprooted and shattered in mid-air. Countless rocks exposed or buried deep underground were crushed into countless pieces in an instant.

Just one collision destroyed all the plains in the entire space-blocked area.

It was as if a real meteorite had fallen, leaving a huge crater of destruction in the plain.


The black robe that Tang Hao was wearing exploded, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

In an instant, countless dark red blood crazily overflowed from Tang Hao's seven orifices and pores. If Title Douluo's vitality was not strong enough, plus the six soul bones in his body, the backlash of this blow would have been enough to kill Tang Hao. Hao's body was torn apart.Even with the protection of six soul bones, the terrifying backlash instantly shattered all the meridians, organs, and even bones in Tang Hao's body, and the already heavy hidden injuries exploded directly.

"how is this possible!!!"

Tang Hao, who was covered in blood, couldn't see any good flesh on his body, but Tang Hao didn't pay any attention to it. Instead, he looked at the figure under the giant 'Haotian Hammer' in his hand with dizzy eyes.

The terrifying blow that destroyed the world was easily blocked by a pair of fleshy palms.

Qin Dong carefully felt the power contained in the 'Haotian Hammer' on his right palm, which seemed to be on a different level from the world.

Looking at the mysterious lines engraved on the 'Haotian Hammer', Qin Dong's eyes revealed an unprecedented light.

At this moment, Qin Dong was like a god and demon overlooking the heaven and earth.

Tang Hao's face instantly became extremely ugly, and there was only one thought in his mind: How is this possible!How could there be such a terrifying existence in this world!This is impossible!
Suddenly, Tang Hao felt a great sense of crisis in his heart, and an extremely creepy aura enveloped his whole body.

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!"

Countless metal-like cracking sounds sounded in Tang Hao's mind in vain, and an inexplicable feeling of sadness suddenly surged into his heart.

It's his martial spirit!It's the Clear Sky Hammer!It's whining! !

Tang Hao, who had turned into a bloody man, had his pupils shrinking crazily and an extremely absurd expression on his face. He could feel that his Clear Sky Hammer had lost control.

But how is this possible...
His consciousness trembled crazily, trying to take back the martial spirit 'Haotian Hammer' into his body.

But it was a pity that no matter how Tang Hao called, the 'Haotian Hammer' did not respond at all.

Feeling the power of resistance coming from his palm, Qin Dong's eyes showed a hint of surprise. He still had the strength to resist, and his thoughts moved slightly.

In an instant, Qin Dong's right palm seemed to hold the entire space, and the resistance of the 'Haotian Hammer' was instantly suppressed.


Suddenly, Qin Dong seemed to sense something. He looked at the giant 'Haotian Hammer' in his palm and suddenly frowned.

The power in the giant 'Haotian Hammer' began to fade away rapidly. As the power faded, the size of the 'Haotian Hammer' began to slowly decrease, and the wisp of power that seemed to be on a different level from the world also began to disintegrate. stand up.

In just an instant, that ray of power collapsed directly. Qin Dong's eyes suddenly showed a trace of pity, and he thought: What a pity. If I were allowed to observe for a little longer...

Looking at the 'Haotian Hammer' that was now full of cracks, Qin Dong's eyes showed a look of indifference, and he clenched his right palm in vain.

In an instant, the 'Haotian Hammer', which was originally more than ten meters high, exploded and turned into countless martial spirit fragments that poured into Tang Hao's body.


Dark red blood spurted out from Tang Hao's mouth again. The originally tall and burly body suddenly knelt down in the pit, and the already precarious breath of life fell directly to the bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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