Chapter 112


Dai Mubai, who was originally full of murderous intent, completely froze, and was stunned on the spot for a moment. Looking at Oscar's innocent expression outside the pothole, his face was full of confusion, and he said: "What?"

Seeing this, the weirdness in Oscar's eyes became more and more strange. He spread his hands slightly and repeated: "The gap in soul power levels is too big. I can't beat you, so I give up..."

As soon as these words came out, the expression on Dai Mubai's face instantly became extremely weird. At this moment, there was no trace of happiness in Dai Mubai's heart, but instead he was full of frustration.

What does Oscar mean?

He showed off himself on the soul fighting stage, beat up Dai Mubai, and then when Dai Mubai was preparing to fight back with all his strength, he said that the gap in soul power levels was too big and he would just admit defeat if he couldn't beat him?

This kind of operation is really a bit...
Not only Dai Mubai, but also Qin Ming as the referee, as well as many teachers and students in the inner courtyard in the observation platform and preparation area, looked at Oscar with extremely strange looks in their eyes.

"Crunch!" "Crunch!" "Crunch!"

Looking at the innocent look on Oscar's face, Dai Mubai rubbed his teeth crazily.

Oscar, who was being stared at, felt a little guilty, and obviously knew that what he was doing was somewhat unreasonable. He subconsciously avoided Dai Mubai's gaze, quickly turned to look at Qin Ming, coughed dryly, and reminded: "Cough! Teacher Qin Ming, what is that, it’s time to announce it.”

After finishing speaking, he disappeared directly on the soul fighting stage without giving any reaction to others.

Looking at Oscar who was running away as if someone was chasing him, Qin Ming twitched his mouth slightly, but still ducked to Dai Mubai's side, raised his right hand high, and shouted: "Second sequence battle - Dai Mubai wins!"

The students from the outer courtyard who were watching the battle did not see the weirdness of this battle. They only knew that during the battle, Oscar and Dai Mubai both showed powerful combat power that they could not match.

So after Qin Ming's announcement, cheers rang out in the square again.

"Dai Mubai!"

"Dai Mubai!"

"Dai Mubai!"

Feeling the cheers for him outside the Soul Fighting Arena, Dai Mubai felt no excitement at all for the first time. Looking at Oscar and Ning Rongrong who had not known when they got together in the Soul Fighting Arena, the corners of his eyes twitched crazily.

However, after seeing Zhu Zhuqing, who was wearing a black leather jacket next to the two of them, also smiling, the frustration in Dai Mubai's heart weakened a lot.

He sighed slightly in his heart, and then he ducked directly to one of the few flat areas on the soul fighting stage, took out a few jelly beans from the space soul guide, swallowed them directly, and quickly began to recover.

Although he spit out a mouthful of blood during the battle with Oscar just now, it was just a shock in the body that caused blood accumulation. The injury was not serious. Even after spitting out the congestion, with the physical strength brought by the top beast martial spirit White Tiger, Just minor injuries.

The only thing that consumes a lot of energy is soul power and mental power. His fourth soul ring has a lifespan of more than nine thousand years. Coupled with the integration of his own 'power', the consumption of soul power and mental power is not small.

When Dai Mubai's soul power recovered, the traces of the battle on the soul fighting stage quickly recovered under Qin Ming's soul power.

After a stick of incense!
Dai Mubai, who had taken jelly beans to recover, now his aura began to gradually become unstable.


There was a shattering sound that only Dai Mubai could hear, and the level 43 soul power in his body that had already reached its peak broke through instantly.

In an instant, the extremely pure and powerful soul power in the body was strengthened again, reaching level 44!

Outside the Soul Fighting Stage, many teachers and students in the inner courtyard felt the soul power fluctuations surging on the Soul Fighting Stage, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Dai Mubai slowly opened his eyes, feeling the extremely active soul power in his body, and a look of dumbfounding appeared on his face.

Dai Mubai originally had a feeling that his soul power would break through in the near future, but he didn't expect to be so stimulated by Oscar, and he actually broke through directly out of frustration.

He calmed down his agitated soul power slightly, and then slowly looked at the preparation area under the soul fighting stage, with a fierce fighting spirit in his eyes.

Seeing this, a smile suddenly appeared on Qin Mo's face, his mind moved slightly, and he instantly disappeared from the preparation area and appeared on the soul fighting stage.

Seeing Qin Mo's speed as if he was teleporting, Dai Mubai's pupils suddenly shrank. Even with his level 44 soul power, he couldn't see clearly, and he felt a sudden pressure in his heart.

At the same time, a somewhat complicated look flashed in his eyes.

Six years ago, there was a ten-level gap in soul power level between him and Qin Mo. He originally thought that he could maintain the lead in soul power level until graduation.

Even if Dai Mubai had long expected that his soul power level would one day be overtaken by Qin Mo, at least he would be surpassed only after graduation, but he didn't expect that it would only be six short years.

All the students in the inner courtyard call Qin Mo "Boss Mo". Only Dai Mubai calls Qin Mo "Lao Mo". Why... he just doesn't want to accept it.

After seeing Qin Mo on the stage, Qin Ming, as the referee, did not hesitate and quickly announced: "The first sequence of battles - begin!"

As Qin Ming's words fell, Dai Mubai instantly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and the soul power in his body was suddenly activated to the extreme. Facing Qin Mo in front of him, Dai Mubai did not dare to hold back at all.

The first and third soul rings lit up instantly, and the light of the soul rings instantly integrated into Dai Mubai's body.

"The first soul skill - White Tiger Barrier!"

"The third soul skill - White Tiger King Kong Transformation!"

"White Tiger Destruction Body!"

At the same time, the mental power suddenly rioted, and a terrifying blood light burst out from the eyes of the white tiger that was imagining in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Blood tiger transformation!" Dai Mubai shouted in a low voice.In an instant, Dai Mubai's original blue eyes quickly turned into blood, and the white hair possessed by the martial spirit also began to turn into blood red.

The ferocious power soared into the sky, the bone-chilling chill fell in vain, and an extremely trembling and suffocating wave erupted from the blood-red eyes and the battle body.

The ferocious and domineering Beast King's power, even though it was blocked by the soul protection barrier, still caused a palpitation in the hearts of thousands of students in the square, especially the students with beast martial souls. The moment the power swept across, their bodies trembled subconsciously. , a little sparkle quietly overflowed from the forehead.

At the beginning, Dai Mubai unleashed his ultimate combat power, but for some reason he did not attack Qin Mo directly, as if he was waiting for something.

Under the Soul Fighting Stage, seeing Dai Mubai's explosive momentum at this moment, Oscar's face showed a trace of emotion and said: "Old Dai, you still don't give up, but compared to the three-ring soul master, the momentum is several times stronger. "

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun, who was not far away, rolled his eyes and said: "Nonsense, if it were you, you would do the same."

Hearing this, Oscar didn't pay any attention to Ma Hongjun's ridicule, but nodded in agreement to show his approval.

Looking at Dai Mubai in front of him who had clearly unleashed his ultimate combat power but did not attack, Qin Mo's eyes were extremely calm, his soul power fluctuated slightly, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit quickly condensed on Qin Mo's palm.


The 'Qiankun Ding' trembled slightly, and the ancient bronze vibrato echoed.

In an instant, a vast coercion as strong as the universe suddenly descended, with overwhelming power, instantly rushing towards the ferocious beast king's power that erupted from Dai Mubai's body.

"Yellow!" "Purple!" "Purple!" "Black!"

Four extremely bright soul rings rose quickly.


The moment they saw the black color on Qin Mo's fourth soul ring, the thousands of students and many teachers watching the battle on the soul fighting stage were instantly in an uproar.

"Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring!"

"The 4th year soul ring!"

"how is this possible!"


All the teachers and students looked at the fourth soul ring surrounding Qin Mo on the soul fighting stage with extremely hot eyes.

Not paying attention to the commotion outside the venue, Dai Mubai's feet moved slightly.


The ground of the Soul Fighting Platform instantly cracked, and a stream of blood was drawn directly. The terrifying blood seemed to cut a gap in the world.

As if he transformed into a bloody tiger that was charging and hunting, it was tearing towards Qin Mo crazily.

Seeing this, Qin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in his palm expanded in vain, the first soul ring lit up, and the space fluctuated instantly.

The 'Qiankun Cauldron' that turned into a person's height instantly fell in the direction of Dai Mubai. At this moment, it seemed as if the entire space was being crushed.


The blood flow was bright, and Dai Mubai's pair of slightly ferocious bloody tiger palms suddenly shot down.


The terrifying power brought by the bloody tiger palm impacted instantly, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' shook violently, and the originally repaired soul fighting platform below exploded again.

Dai Mubai's face looked extremely ferocious at this moment, and the terrifying weight of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' made all the muscles on Dai Mubai's body tremble and swell crazily.

His teeth were clenched, his eyes revealed an extremely cruel bloody light, and the soul power in his body exploded.

"Open it for me!"

The arms that had originally expanded to the limit expanded again, and the ferocious blood vessels on the arms continued to tremble.

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!"

Under the shocking huge force and heavy pressure, the ground exploded crazily.

"Drink!" Dai Mubai shouted loudly, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' that was as tall as a person in his hand was actually pushed away by Dai Mubai.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai's eyes suddenly showed a hint of ecstasy, and even Flanders, Oscar and others in the observation area outside the Soul Fighting Stage and in the preparation area also showed a little sigh.

"Lao Dai actually resisted him!" Ma Hongjun said in surprise.

Since the battle for sequences in the inner courtyard began, the battles and competitions among the five major sequences except Qin Mo have been going back and forth, which is extremely exciting.

However, Qin Mo's first position remained motionless. Facing the battle, Qin Mo only needed to amplify the spirit, lock the space, and drop it, and no one could resist it.

For this reason, it has even gradually become a natural barrier that is beyond the reach of the students in the inner courtyard.

But at this moment, Dai Mubai, who had unleashed his ultimate combat power, actually withstood the heavy pressure of the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

(End of this chapter)

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