The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 113 The battle for sequence ends

Chapter 113 Sequence Battle--End

The space fluctuated slightly, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' shrank instantly and appeared in Qin Mo's palm. The terrifying weight was like nothing in Qin Mo's hand.

Seeing the ecstasy in Dai Mubai's eyes, Qin Mo didn't care at all. Dai Mubai's weight against the 'Qiankun Cauldron' was only a few months ago when his soul power was still at level 30.

When Qin Mo's soul power was still at level 35, the weight of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul would have reached 57 kilograms under normal circumstances. But now Qin Mo's soul power level is not only as high as level 10, but also the fourth and fourth level. The life span of the five soul rings was increased to [-] years by Qin Mo.

Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit originally weighed 57 kilograms after its soul power reached level 10, but with the addition of two [-]-year-old soul rings, the weight was once again at [-] kilograms. The weight increased by another two thousand kilograms, reaching seven thousand seven hundred kilograms.

And this is just the weight of normalcy...
As early as Qin Mo chose the 'Qiankun Cauldron' as the core of the 'Dojo', within the scope of the 'Dojo', if Qin Mo was willing to consume a massive amount of world essence, he would be able to unleash a blow comparable to the weight of the entire 'Dojo'.

Even if you are not in the 'dojo' area, after fully exploding the soul power and soul rings, you can still double the weight of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul.

Coupled with the secret techniques of 'Exploding Rings' and 'Great Sumeru Hammer' that he just obtained from Tang Hao, even though Qin Mo only has five rings at this time, the lifespan of the fourth and fifth soul rings is as high as 10 years. Under the circumstances, the weight of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit may not be worse than that of the Poseidon's inherited artifact, the 'Poseidon Trident'.

However, with only four rings, he was able to withstand the fall of thousands of kilograms of heavy weapons with all his strength. It is obvious that Dai Mubai's combat power at this moment is not inferior to the existence of the top soul kings in the outside world, and even in the simple destruction In terms of strength, it is completely comparable to the Soul Emperor. Of course, with this kind of destructive power, Dai Mubai's soul power at the moment can only explode in one blow.

But this is normal. In fact, compared to the outside soul king, Dai Mubai may not be worse than the outside soul king in other aspects except for the difference in soul power.

After taking the Whale Body Pill, the body has already reached the level of a Soul King. Even though due to lack of mental power, the fourth soul ring is only more than nine thousand years old, which is not as good as the fifth soul ring of the top soul king, but the cultivation The 'power' is enough to easily smooth out the gap.

Dai Mubai, whose hands were slightly cracked and trembling, saw the dull expression on Qin Mo's face, and the ecstasy on his face slowly dissipated, replaced by a hint of complexity.

Feeling the secret pain in his body caused by the excessive explosion of power, Dai Mubai's mouth was dry. Looking at Qin Mo with a calm face, he sighed secretly in his heart, and then slowly said: "Old... Boss Mo , can you let me see your true strength?"

Hearing Dai Mubai's change of address to him, Qin Mo's brows moved slightly. Seeing the calm look on Dai Mubai's face, Qin Mo's eyes flashed a little, and he nodded slightly without answering.

He just slowly raised his right palm and held the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit high, and the soul power in his body fluctuated slightly.

The 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit, which was only the size of a palm, began to expand crazily in an instant, and in an instant it expanded into a behemoth five meters high.

In an instant, all the soul masters present looked at the behemoth being lifted in Qin Mo's palm, and they all became speechless. A pressure as deep as the ocean suddenly descended, as strong as the heavens.

Even Qin Ming, who was the referee on the spirit fighting stage, had an extremely fearful look in his eyes at this moment. The Fire Wolf Spirit in his body actually showed a hint of fear under the power that Qin Mo unleashed.

This is true for a fighting soul emperor with a soul power as high as level 62, not to mention Dai Mubai, whose soul power is only level 44, even though the pressure on Qin Mo is not directed at him.

But this vast pressure, like an abyss and a prison, still made Dai Mubai's body start to tremble crazily. This trembling feeling was beyond Dai Mubai's control at all. It was the most basic level of fear in life.

Not only Dai Mubai, but also many inner and outer courtyard soul masters began to tremble in their hearts when they saw the 'Qiankun Cauldron' held by Qin Mo. If it weren't for a soul power protective barrier, Qin Mo's explosion would have been blocked. Its power has isolated most of them, and I am afraid that just this moment is enough to destroy the hearts of most of the students in the outer courtyard.

The first soul ring's light lit up, and the space was slightly distorted.

In an instant, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' held in Qin Mo's palm disappeared instantly.

The next moment...'Qiankun Ding' fell.


The Soul Fighting Platform exploded with a bang, and hundreds of huge cracks were torn out in an instant. The terrifying shock instantly caused the Soul Fighting Platform to tremble crazily, and even the soul protection barrier at the edge began to flicker on and off at this moment.

The violent vibrations even affected the square outside the Soul Fighting Stage. If many teachers and students in the square were not sitting in their seats, they might not be able to sit firmly under this shock.

Dai Mubai's face showed fear for the first time when he faced this horror on the soul fighting stage. The soul power in his body was continuously transferred to his feet, adhering to the earth.

As the referee, Qin Ming's eyes were even more horrified. He could feel that the protective barrier of soul power that could withstand high-level soul emperors was on the verge of breaking under this shock.

He didn't dare to be careless at all, and the martial spirit possessed him instantly.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple and black!Six brilliant soul rings quickly surrounded him, and the soul power in his body was continuously poured into the soul power protective barrier to keep it from breaking.

Fortunately, this shock was the most powerful at the beginning, and subsequent shocks were far less powerful than the first wave.

a moment later...

The smoke and dust dispersed, and the originally flat Soul Fighting Platform was now covered with countless huge cracks, and a huge pit appeared in the center of the cracks.

Looking at the potholes in the center of the countless cracks in the Soul Fighting Platform, the thousands of teachers and students from the outer courtyard fighting outside the Soul Fighting Platform swallowed unconsciously.If this blow had fallen on them, I'm afraid they wouldn't even have a whole body.

Not only the teachers and students in the outer courtyard, but also the many teachers in the inner courtyard on the observation platform next to the Soul Fighting Platform, their eyes unconsciously showed horror.

Oscar, Lin Nuo and other old students from the inner courtyard in the preparation area under the fighting spirit stage had even more admiring looks in their eyes. Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu were more fearful, while Zhu Zhuqing was even more frightened. A little more envy, if she also had such strength...

Tang San, on the other hand, although there was a little fear in his eyes, after all, this was a pure life instinct that could not be suppressed at all, but beneath the fear, there was more of longing.

His second martial spirit, 'Haotian Hammer', is also a type of heavy weapon. It weighed hundreds of kilograms when it was first awakened. It may also reach such a powerful level in the future.

After the shock, Dai Mubai could barely control the trembling of his body. The unwillingness in his eyes disappeared at this moment. The soul power in his body gradually converged, and the state of possession by the martial spirit quickly faded. He slowly said: "I give up..." ··”

Seeing this, Qin Ming quickly released the spirit of possession, and then quickly announced: "The first sequence of battles - Qin Mo wins!"

As Qin Ming's words fell, shouts and cheers like a landslide and tsunami broke out instantly.

"Qin Mo!"

"Qin Mo!"

"Qin Mo!"

During the cheers, the soul protection barrier on the Soul Fighting Platform quietly disappeared. Flanders, Zhao Wuji and other inner courtyard teachers in the observation area next to the Soul Fighting Platform slowly stood up and walked towards the Soul Fighting Platform.

Oscar, Ye Lingling, Lin Nuo, Ma Hongjun, and Tang San who were in the preparation area next to the Soul Fighting Stage also stood up and quickly walked towards the Soul Fighting Stage.

When the cheers and shouts gradually subsided, all the teachers in the inner courtyard, as well as the seven major sequences determined by this sequence battle, stood on the soul fighting stage.

The Soul Fighting Platform that was originally filled with huge cracks was now restored to a flat state.

On the Soul Fighting Stage, Qin Mo and the other seven groups slowly took a step forward, their eyes full of solemnity.

Flanders did the same, taking out seven dark golden badges from the space soul guide, his eyes slowly swept across all the students around him, and finally landed on Tang San.

Flanders said with a solemn expression: "Tang San!"

Hearing this, Tang San took a step forward again, with a hint of respect on his face, and said: "The students are here!"

Flanders took out the badge representing the seventh sequence from the seven dark gold badges, walked up to Tang San, slowly put the badge representing the seventh sequence on Tang San's chest, and then glanced at all the people around him. The student said in a deep voice: "I, Flanders, the dean of Shrek Academy, now award Tang San with the title of the Seventh Sequence!"

After he finished speaking, thousands of teachers and students outside the Soul Fighting Stage began to applaud.

Feeling the badge on his chest shining with dark golden light in the sun, Tang San's eyes were filled with heat, and the supreme Tang Sect in his heart dimmed once again.

Seeing this, Flanders showed a smile on his face, patted Tang San's shoulder gently, and then walked towards Ma Hongjun.

Compared with Tang San, Ma Hongjun looked at Flanders, who was gradually approaching, with a slightly stiff expression on his face.

Flanders naturally knew what his disciple was thinking, and also knew that it was not Ma Hongjun's fault, but he did not intend to let Ma Hongjun pass by just like that. He deliberately kept a straight face and announced: "I, Flanders, am from Shrek Academy. Dean, now Ma Hongjun is awarded the title of Sixth Sequence!"

Then he walked directly towards Lin Nuo without giving Ma Hongjun a good look, leaving only Ma Hongjun with a cold back.

" grant Lin Nuo the title of Fifth Sequence!"

"I... now award Ye Lingling with the title of Fourth Sequence!"

" award the Oscar - the third series title!"

"I... now award Dai Mubai with the title of Second Sequence!"

" grant Qin Mo the title of First Sequence!"

As each sequence title was announced to thunderous applause, the battle for sequence gradually came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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