Chapter 116
The next morning!

The sun rises slowly from the east, the sky is gradually changing from dark blue to bright blue, and the weather is slightly cooler in autumn.

In the past, many birds could be heard chirping in the inner courtyard in the morning, but today it seemed extremely quiet. A strong sense of oppression enveloped the entire inner courtyard, as if even the air was frozen.

Faintly, the sounds of phoenixes, tigers roaring, eagles chirping, bears roaring, etc. were intertwined, seemingly competing with each other, and the soul power was even more chaotic.

It seems to have reached its limit.





The faint echoes of phoenix calls, tiger roars, eagle chirps, bear roars... became louder in vain.

In an instant, the fire phoenix exuding golden brilliance, the white tiger filled with murderous intent, the civet cat in the netherworld, the giant bear shaking the earth... Fifteen huge phantoms appeared, one after another surging. The soul power is raging crazily.

In particular, the six phantoms erupted by Flanders, Zhao Wuji and other inner courtyard teachers in the Teachers' Courtyard were much more solid and powerful than the phantoms erupted by Dai Mubai and other inner courtyard students.

The terrifying power even caused the annex where Flanders, Zhao Wuji and other teachers from the inner courtyard lived to tremble slightly. Even the annexes of the two most powerful deans, Flanders and Zhao Wuji, had faint cracks.

The moment he sensed this situation, Qin Mo frowned suddenly, his mind moved slightly, and the martial soul of the 'Qiankun Ding' in his body trembled slightly, and the power of the 'Dojo' exploded, directly suppressing all the strange phenomena, and at the same time, the power of space and time flashed. The other courtyard was repaired quickly.

At this moment, Flanders, Zhao Wuji, Dai Mubai, Tang San and other teachers and students in the inner courtyard have reached the final stage of absorbing the elixir. Qin Mo felt it briefly, and a trace of satisfaction suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Among the teachers in the inner courtyard, the soul power of the two deans, Flanders and Zhao Wuji, has directly reached the eighty-level bottleneck. As long as they obtain a soul ring, they can become a real Contra. Lu Qibin has also reached the seventy-level bottleneck. The bottleneck of soul power.

Shao Xin, the food-type soul saint, broke through two levels in a row to reach level 75. The soul power of Li Yusong and Qin Ming even broke through three levels in a row.

Among the students, the soul power of Oscar, Lin Nuo, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong also broke through several levels in a row, reaching the forty-level soul power bottleneck. Among them, Oscar's soul power would have been broken if it were not for the bottleneck of the soul power limit. The level can be improved by at least one level.

Ma Hongjun, Tang San, and Xiao Wu had a much lower third soul ring age than Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, so after taking the elixir, their soul power did not reach the limit and stayed at 39 Level, but not far from level [-].

Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling had higher soul power than Oscar, Lin Nuo and others, so after refining the elixir, they only raised their soul power to the peak of level 48, which is not far from level 49.

When he sensed that the soul power levels of Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling were close to level [-], Qin Mo's eyes showed a hint of interest. It seemed that when the continent-wide senior soul master competition started, their team might compete with the Spirit Hall. All teams can have at least three soul kings.

Suddenly, in Ma Hongjun's courtyard a few kilometers away, a golden phoenix rose into the sky and flew towards Qin Mo's courtyard in an instant. At the same time, a roaring laughter sounded: "Hahaha, Boss Mo! The elixir you gave me is so powerful that not only has my martial soul been completely purified, but my soul power has even reached level 39. I am only one step away from reaching level [-]."

In an instant, the golden phoenix appeared in the sky above Qin Mo's courtyard across a distance of several kilometers, and an extremely noble and scorching air wave swept across it.

Feeling the pure flame breath, Qin Mo's face suddenly showed a look of satisfaction. It seemed that the 'Phoenix Fire Purifying Pill' he had refined worked well, and it completely removed the impurity in Ma Hongjun's martial soul.

But the next moment, Qin Mo raised his palm slightly, and a surging soul power burst out, directly photographing Ma Hongjun, who was shouting in the sky, and said angrily: "Why don't you put the flame away quickly, you want to send me to another hospital." Yes."

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun instantly restrained his martial spirit, and the golden flaming phoenix instantly dissipated. After the martial spirit was completely purified, Ma Hongjun's face became more handsome, and at the same time, he still exuded a noble aura, and he truly had the aura of the Phoenix martial spirit. .

Seeing Qin Mo's unhappy look, Ma Hongjun suddenly showed a trace of shame on his face. The continuous breakthroughs in his soul power made him feel a little complacent. Just when he was about to speak, several surging momentums in the distance suddenly broke out, involuntarily heading towards Qin Mo's face. Came from other courtyard.

Oscar's joking voice sounded: "Hongjun, why are you only level 39? Brother, my soul power has exceeded level [-]..."

The moment the words fell, the figures of Oscar, Dai Mubai and others quickly appeared in Qin Mo's other courtyard. As everyone arrived, wisps of faint red fragrance slowly dispersed.

Ma Hongjun's face was still a little unconvinced at first, but when he sensed the auras of Oscar, Lin Nuo, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing that were on the verge of reaching their limit, as well as the auras of Tang San and Xiao Wu that were not inferior to him at all, A look of disbelief suddenly appeared on his face.What the hell, he, an old student who has been in the inner courtyard for many years, is at the bottom of his soul power level?It was obvious that his previous soul power level was higher than that of Tang San and Xiao Wu, but now... he shouldn't really fall to the seventh sequence in the next sequence battle.

Ma Hongjun's eyes suddenly showed a trace of resentment, and said: "Boss Mo, you are biased..."

Hearing Ma Hongjun's extremely resentful voice, Qin Mo immediately shuddered and said angrily: "Why am I biased? Your elixirs are completely consistent in quality and properties. You don't want to think about the flaws in your martial soul before." , you think you don’t need to consume medicine to purify your martial soul.”

As he said that, Qin Mo showed a hint of threat on his face and said scaredly: "If you don't want to, I can directly convert the part of the medicinal power that purifies the martial soul into increasing the soul power. Anyway, you just took the elixir, and you can still transform it." ."

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun immediately began to shake his head wildly and begged for mercy: "Boss Mo, I was wrong, I was wrong, I am willing."

Seeing this, Dai Mubai and others immediately started laughing, and the cheerful laughter instantly echoed in the inner courtyard.

After a moment, Dai Mubai looked at Qin Mo with some confusion: "Old... Boss Mo, I'm afraid your soul power is more than level 46. After all, after taking the elixir, we all..."

In the past, he had always called Qin Mo Lao Mo, but now he was suddenly called Boss Mo. Dai Mubai felt a little uncomfortable, feeling the 49th level of soul power in his body, and felt a surge in his heart.

At this moment, Dai Mubai was confident that even if he was alone, he was sure to defeat Davis and Zhu Zhuyun. His thoughts about Zhu Zhuqing quickly faded a lot. In other words, if it weren't for Davis' threat, he would actually have no feelings for Zhu Zhuqing. I don’t care that much, even if I do, it’s just...
Qin Mo chuckled lightly and said, "Just think of me as level 46."

Hearing this, a look of surprise suddenly flashed in the eyes of Dai Mubai and others.

Seeing Dai Mubai and others still wanting to say something, Qin Mo quickly stretched out his hand to stop them, and said angrily: "Okay, how about a soul power breakthrough, Oscar, Lin Nuo, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, you four My soul power has reached its limit. I will go to the Soul Hunting Department later and ask Mr. He for help in selecting a suitable soul beast. Then let Fran..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Mo thought that the soul power of the three teachers, Flanders, Zhao Wuji, and Lu Qibin, had also reached the bottleneck, and then quickly changed his words: "Forget it, I might as well not bother the teachers with the soul hunting this time. Let's solve it ourselves, just to have some experience and cultivate a tacit understanding for the senior soul master competition."

At the same time, he sensed the auras of Ma Hongjun, Tang San, and Xiao Wu who were on the verge of breakthrough, and continued: "Ma Hongjun, Tang San, Xiao Wu, you guys will also go to the Soul Hunting Department with Oscar and the others later. Maybe this time they will hunt for souls." On the way, you can also break through to level [-]."

After hearing what Qin Mo said, Oscar, Lin Nuo, and Tang San immediately said, "Yes, Boss Mo."

Dai Mubai, on the other hand, was a little worried and hesitated: "Boss Mo, Oscar and the others need at least 9000-year-old soul rings for their fourth soul rings. With our strength, a 9000-year-old soul beast alone is fine. If we encounter a group of soul beasts, Or a ten-thousand-year soul beast, there are no teachers here..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo patted Dai Mubai on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't make fun of my life. When the time comes, I will ask grandpa to protect us secretly."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai and the others suddenly showed a look of reverence on their faces and relaxed instantly. Only a certain rabbit subconsciously shrank its neck.

This soul hunting trip was actually escorted by a titled Douluo, which immediately made Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San and others impatient.

Except for Ning Rongrong, Oscar, Lin Nuo, and Tang San quickly left Qin Mo's other courtyard and walked towards the Soul Hunting Department, while Ye Lingling and Dai Mubai went directly to the Soul Fighting Platform. The soul power level Continuous breakthroughs have made their aura a little impetuous and need to be tempered.

Not only Ye Lingling and Dai Mubai, but also Oscar and others, but their choice of soul rings is more important than tempering their soul power.

In just a moment, Qin Mo and Ning Rongrong were the only two people left in Qin Mo's otherwise bustling courtyard.

Seeing the hesitant look on Ning Rongrong's face, Qin Mo suddenly understood. The smile in his eyes flashed away. Qin Mo naturally knew the effect of the elixir he had refined. After taking the elixir, Ning Mo Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda may have evolved into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

Without giving Ning Rongrong a chance to speak, Qin Mo said directly: "I know what you want to ask. You can send a message to Sect Master Ning first, and we will have another conversation after this soul hunting is over."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted instantly. A hint of excitement suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the worries in his heart disappeared instantly.

Ning Rongrong naturally understood the meaning of Qin Mo's words. It was obvious that Qin Mo had more than one elixir that could evolve the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, and he was also willing to trade with their Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

He nodded immediately and said excitedly: "Thank you, Boss Mo!"

(End of this chapter)

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