Chapter 117 Stone Chamber!Clean!
The Sequencers of Shrek Academy were preparing for the soul hunt.

Far outside Tiandou City, in a huge valley surrounded by mountains, surrounded by greenery, and rippling blue waves, there is a magnificent waterfall that seems to connect the sky and the earth. The valley is filled with the roar of the waterfall. In addition, Other than that, everything seemed extremely peaceful.

At a high altitude, a tall figure in black robe slowly descended. Looking at the huge waterfall in front of him, Tang Hao's eyes were slightly dim and absent-minded. His feet shook in vain, and the surging soul power of up to 95 levels in his body suddenly burst out with a powerful momentum. Swept across with a bang.

In an instant, the magnificent waterfall in front of him, which seemed to connect the sky and the earth, was directly cut off by Tang Hao's soul power, and even faintly flowed backwards under its power.

With a flash of figure, Tang Hao dodged directly under the cut off water flow. He pressed his left hand on the stone wall behind the waterfall. A seemingly tight stone wall actually sunk in, and a portal appeared on the smooth stone wall.

Seeing this, Tang Hao instantly stepped into the portal. Outside, as Tang Hao disappeared, the waterfall that was blocked from flowing backwards was blocked for a moment because the water flow was cut off, and the silted waterfall poured down like thunder.

After stepping into the waterfall, Tang Hao waved his left hand and directly closed the door. The cave instantly became extremely dark. As if he had gotten used to it a thousand times, he took out a pale golden gem directly from the space soul guide and illuminated the surrounding area.

The faint sound of footsteps echoed in the cave.

In a stone room of no more than ten square meters in the deepest part of the cave, a blue silver grass about a foot long with fine golden lines on the grass blades swayed slightly, and the top of the grass blades trembled slightly, as if trying to get closer to it. The top of the stone chamber is like a small hole. It is obvious that the breath of life is much stronger than the blue silver grass growing outside, but it gives people a vague state of incomparable depression.

After a moment, Tang Hao appeared in the stone room. His dull eyes first glanced at the blue silver grass with fine golden lines on the grass blades, and then he returned his hand and slapped it on the stone wall next to it.


A black box about 1.5 meters long and one foot wide fell from the sky and fell into Tang Hao's hands. He moved his palm slightly and opened the black box.

In an instant, an unparalleled gentle breath of life surged out from the gap. The blue silver grass with golden fine lines on the grass blades beside him disappeared in an instant under this breath.

The moment he sensed this gentle breath of life, Tang Hao's dull eyes fluctuated slightly, and then he quickly covered the black box and received it into the space soul guide.

As the black box disappeared, the surging gentle breath of life in the stone chamber quickly dissipated. The blue silver grass with fine golden lines on the grass blades seemed to be lost, and the grass blades drooped slightly.

Seeing this, even though Tang Hao was controlled by the 'Yin Yang Soul Controlling Pill', he still subconsciously stretched his arm towards the slightly drooping grass blades and touched them gently.

Later, Tang Hao took out a stone flowerpot from the space soul guide, carefully dug it out along the veins of the blue silver grass, and planted it in the stone flowerpot.

His dull eyes slowly swept across the stone chamber, and he walked towards the outside world without any nostalgia.

The stone wall opened, and the surging soul power in Tang Hao's body exploded. He clenched his right palm slightly, and a terrifying wave of soul power instantly destroyed the cave.

After erasing all traces, Tang Hao instantly rose into the sky and disappeared into the valley.

Qibao Glazed Sect——Meeting Hall!
The two extremely powerful figures who were sitting quietly on both sides of Ning Fengzhi suddenly condensed their aura, and their eyes looked outside the hall almost at the same time. Their sharp eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the space.

The moment the momentum rose, the main hall where the discussion was originally fell silent.

Ning Fengzhi, who was sitting on the main seat, frowned suddenly, but the next moment he seemed to have thought of something. A trace of solemnity appeared on his face, and his eyes instantly swept across all the deacons of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in the hall, and said: "You guys go down first."

As Ning Fengzhi finished speaking, all the deacons in the hall immediately stood up, bowed slightly to Ning Fengzhi and the others, and said, "Yes, Sect Master."

Then he quickly retreated out of the meeting hall.

When all the deacons left the meeting hall, Ning Fengzhi and the other three did not speak, but waited quietly for something.

For a moment, a figure with extremely chaotic aura appeared directly in front of the three of them as if teleporting. When he saw Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo, the figure seemed to relax completely, and a sense of powerlessness suddenly emerged. , this figure actually collapsed directly to the ground.

His already extremely pale face was covered with a layer of deathly gray at this moment, and his hands were shaking slightly, as if he was trying to take something out of the space soul guide, but there was no trace of the feeling of powerlessness and the completely depleted soul power in his body. effect.

Upon seeing this, Ning Fengzhi's face instantly became extremely solemn, the soul power in his body fluctuated slightly, and a seven-story seven-story glazed pagoda instantly appeared in his palm.

"Yellow!" "Yellow!" "Purple!" "Purple!" "Black!" "Black!" "Black!"

The colorful soul rings surrounded him instantly, and the glazed light flashed, and Ning Fengzhi shouted softly: "Go."

The seven-story colorful glazed pagoda floated out from the palm, and its size expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a ten-meter-high pagoda, floating in mid-air. Fortunately, the meeting hall of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect was large enough, otherwise such a huge pagoda would be completely destroyed. Enough to punch a hole through the roof.

A faint halo of light shot out from between Ning Fengzhi's brows, and the seventh black soul ring on his body lit up in vain, directly injected into the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda floating in the void. His body also shone with the same light as the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

It actually directly activated the true form of the weapon soul of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

The soul power in the two titles of Sword and Bone beside him exploded instantly, quickly sealing off the entire sect's meeting hall.

The healing light from the sixth floor of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda quickly shone on the figure. The glazed brilliance shone in the hall, and the figure's condition began to recover quickly.

At the same time, Ning Fengzhi also felt the incomparably depleted soul power in his body. His thoughts moved slightly, and the light of soul power amplification burst out instantly on the fourth floor of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda.Even though the Qibao Glazed Pagoda is not an auxiliary spirit specialized in recovery, with Ning Fengzhi’s level 79 spirit power and the activation of the weapon spirit true body, it is not inferior to the treatment and recovery auxiliary spirits of the same level. division.

Under the dual effects of the light of healing and the light of soul power amplification, the figure's face quickly began to turn rosy.

As soon as his condition recovered, the figure quickly took out a letter with a colorful mark from the space soul guide, before he could speak.

The moment they saw the colorful marks on the letter, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo's pupils suddenly trembled.

Only the direct disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect are qualified to use this kind of colorful mark, and the figure in front of them is the absolute confidant of their Qibao Glazed Sect in Soto City.

"call out!"

The letter with the colorful mark instantly disappeared from the hands of this figure and appeared in the hands of Sword Douluo Chenxin.


Sword Douluo tore the letter open and quickly handed it to Ning Fengzhi. Sword Douluo knew that he cared more about Ning Fengzhi than himself.

Ning Fengzhi's heart beat wildly as he quickly took the letter. When he saw the familiar handwriting on the letter, his breathing froze and his eyes trembled slightly.

But as the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi's mind was naturally extremely strong. He quickly adjusted his aura and quickly read the contents of the letter at a glance.

After reading the contents of the letter, Ning Fengzhi's eyes suddenly showed disbelief. He read the contents of the letter carefully again as if it were absurd, and clenched his hands instantly.

Upon seeing this, Sword and Bone Douluo's face suddenly showed a trace of anxiety.

As the master of Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi looked at the figure in front of him with some trembling. Even though the description in the letter was extremely complete, Ning Fengzhi still had a little disbelief on his face.

In an instant, extremely hearty laughter burst out from Ning Fengzhi's mouth: "Hahaha! Okay! Great! God bless my Seven Treasures Glazed Sect! Hahaha!..."

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi felt unprecedentedly happy and excited.

If the sect's meeting hall had not been sealed off by the two titled Douluo Sword and Bone, Ning Fengzhi's ungrateful laughter might have spread throughout the sect.

The moment Ning Fengzhi's laughter rang out, the faces of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo beside him were startled. Ever since Ning Fengzhi took over as the head of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, it seemed that they had never seen Ning Fengzhi so indulgent and indulgent. Laughed heartily.

Even when Ning Rongrong's martial soul was awakened and its ninth level soul power was detected, Ning Fengzhi had never been seen like this.

His eyes instantly looked at the letter that was clenched in Ning Fengzhi's hand. A trace of relaxation flashed across his face at first, and then he became extremely curious. What on earth was written in the letter could make Ning Fengzhi, who had always been extremely calm, laugh so indulgently.

Seemingly sensing the curiosity of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, Ning Fengzhi directly smoothed the clenched letter in his hand, then handed it out and said, "Uncle Sword, Uncle Bone, look at it!"

Hearing this, the two major titles, Jian and Gu, quickly took over the letter. This time, they did not fight over it, but watched it together.


"Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda!!"

In an instant, extremely horrifying voices came from the mouths of the two titled Douluo who were nearly a hundred years old. The next moment, the expressions of the two titled Douluo, Sword and Bone, instantly became extremely solemn, and the soul power that had originally blocked the hall expanded again.

Bone Douluo's eyes flashed with an extremely sinister look, and he said: "Fengzhi, it's time to cleanse the sect."

Although Sword Douluo on the side did not speak, his fierce sword aura lingered around him.

Ning Fengzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at Ning Yi in front of him, and said, "Ning Yi, go down first and don't leave the sect for the time being."

Hearing this, Ning Yi did not hesitate at all, and immediately saluted Ning Fengzhi and the others, saying, "Yes, Sect Master!"

Since Dai Mubai and others had improved their strength in all aspects after taking the elixir, even their martial spirits had a faint tendency to evolve.

As a result, the teachers of the Soul Hunting Department of Shrek Academy's inner courtyard had to seal up the old data and recalculate the data for the sequences.

It took nearly a month to completely calculate the physical, mental, martial soul and other data of all the students in the inner courtyard.

Then there is the search for suitable soul beasts for the sequences.

(End of this chapter)

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