Chapter 118

The next day!

Outside the Star Forest, two carriages engraved with the characters of Shrek Academy stopped at a gathering place.

Beside the carriage, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San and all the inner courtyard students were already ready to go and walked directly towards the interior of the Star Dou Forest.

On the way, Qin Mo quickly combined the target of soul hunting this time in his mind, and instantly simulated a route map.

His eyes instantly looked at Oscar, Tang San and others, he slightly opened his palms, soul power surging.

In an instant, an illusory soul power map quickly appeared in Qin Mo's palm, and the exaggerated soul power control instantly stunned everyone present.

Seeing this, Qin Mo didn't pay attention, but directly said: "The number of soul beasts we need to hunt this time is large and complex, so we will start from the southeast, from easy to difficult, in order of Ning Rongrong, Oscar, Lin Nuo, Zhu Zhuqing."

Qin Mo looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu again, and said: "Tang San, Xiao Wu, your soul power has reached the limit of level 39. I think with the speed of your cultivation, you should be able to finish the soul hunting." We want to break through in front, so we arrange behind Oscar and the others.”

Then Qin Mo looked at Ma Hongjun and said with a slight headache: "Ma Hongjun, although your martial soul has been purified by the 'Phoenix Purifying Fire Pill', it is best to choose a soul beast with Phoenix bloodline in the subsequent selection of soul rings to avoid martial souls. Contaminated again.”

"If we can't find a suitable soul beast within three months, we have no choice but to give up first and let Dean Flanders and others help."

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun looked slightly bitter, but he still nodded in agreement. In addition to Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Tang San also nodded slightly to show their understanding.

Seeing this, Qin Mo continued: "After entering the forest later, Lin Nuo and Dai Mubai will take turns opening the way."

As the words fell, Lin Nuo and Dai Mubai nodded slightly. Without any hesitation, they quickly began to adjust their formation and walked to the front of the team.

Qin Mo nodded slightly, then looked directly at Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing and said, "Tang San, the forest is your home court. You are responsible for guarding the surrounding environment, and Zhu Zhuqing is responsible for forward reconnaissance."

Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing nodded quickly: "Okay, Boss Mo."

Seeing this, Qin Mo nodded slightly, looked at Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, Oscar, Ye Lingling and Ma Hongjun, and said: "Xiao Wu, you and Ma Hongjun provide support, and stay with the teammates in front at any time."

"Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Lingling, you are responsible for the supply, assistance, and treatment of the team. Try not to do anything unless necessary."

"Understood!" Oscar and Ma Hongjun immediately responded loudly. Ye Lingling nodded slightly and said nothing, while Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu nodded excitedly. Their personalities are actually a bit noisy. This time the collective soul hunting really made them both excited for a long time.

In fact, not only Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu, but also Oscar, Lin Nuo, Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing and others had a little relaxation in their eyes at this moment.

Since entering the inner court, although the rules in the inner court are extremely loose, as long as you complete the training goals you set every day, you are free, and you even have a few days of free vacation every month.

But they couldn't hold it back and some of them rolled up. After Tang San was hit first, he seemed to be a changed person. He could only think about cultivation. Zhu Zhuqing seemed to be pursued by the god of death behind him. His cultivation level was even more exaggerated than Tang San's.

Coupled with the appearance of the whale glue and the senior third soul ring, the soul power levels of the students in the inner courtyard were quickly brought closer. Even now, Ma Hongjun, an old student who has been in the inner courtyard for several years, has fallen to the bottom.

And those who can enter the inner courtyard are all geniuses. How could they be willing to lag behind others? They started to work hard without anyone's orders.

This also led to the fact that since Tang San and the four of them entered the school for more than half a year, all the students in the inner courtyard except Qin Mo and Ye Lingling were in an extremely tight cultivation state.

This time the collective soul hunting just relaxed the nerves of Dai Mubai, Tang San and others.

In just a moment, they appeared at the edge of the Star Forest. Looking at the lush forest in front of him, Qin Mo showed a smile on his face and quickly said: "Let's go!"

"Yes! Boss Mo!" All the inner courtyard students responded in unison.

As the strongest Qin Mo, he followed closely behind everyone to ensure their safety, and then everyone quickly entered the Star Forest.

Having just entered the Star Dou Forest, they were still at the outermost edge. For everyone, there was almost no danger. Coupled with Zhu Zhuqing's feedback guidance and Tang San's perception of the surrounding environment, he directly avoided most of the hundreds of years. It is a soul beast, so it travels very fast.

As Qin Mo and others continued to go deeper, they encountered more and more soul beasts, and their age was getting higher and higher. After a while, everyone arrived at the area where the thousand-year soul beasts lived. Going deeper still, there were ordinary soul masters. Choose the area for the fourth soul ring.

But the soul beasts Oscar and the others needed needed to go much deeper, even to the central area of ​​the Star Forest.

As the age of the soul beasts living around them became older and older, the chatter in the team gradually disappeared. Even Qin Mo began to gradually become more vigilant at this moment. The team's forward speed began to slow down rapidly, and at the same time, the aura of everyone began to slowly converge.As early as Shrek, Qin Mo told them that unless the soul hunting was really in danger this time, Qin Dong would not take action at all.

Knowing the dangers of the Star Dou Forest, they naturally did not dare to be careless at all. Even when less than a third of the soul power in their bodies was consumed, they stopped moving forward and began to recover their soul power.

A few hours later, Qin Mo raised his head slightly, looked at the sun through the dense leaves of the Star Forest, checked the time, and said: "It's seven quarters past noon. Stop and rest for a moment. Tang San will sense the surroundings and will All threats cleared."

Hearing this, the soul power in Tang San's body fluctuated slightly, the blue silver grass on his palms shone with fluorescence, his eyes were slightly closed, and he carefully explored the surrounding environment.

After a moment, Tang San opened his eyes and said directly: "700 meters to the northeast, 300 meters to the southwest...470 meters due east."

Tang San spoke several directions in succession. As the words fell, Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing moved slightly at their feet and disappeared in an instant, shooting towards the direction Tang San said.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"······

Several dull heavy blows sounded, and in a moment, Dai Mubai and the others appeared in front of Qin Mo, nodding to Tang San. They did not kill the spirit beast, they just knocked it out. After all, in The smell of blood in the forest can easily cause a large number of soul beasts to invade.

The soul beasts in this area are basically under 3000 years old, so it is not difficult for Dai Mubai and the others to knock them out.

Seeing this, Tang San closed his eyes again, carefully sensing the surrounding environment. A few minutes later, Tang San opened his eyes, looked at Qin Mo and said, "Boss Mo, everything has been cleared."

Qin Mo nodded immediately, his soul power fluctuated slightly, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul in his body trembled slightly. He quickly put up a barrier around everyone, and then said to everyone: "Take a rest for two quarters of an hour."

After hearing this, everyone's bodies immediately relaxed, but their vigilance did not relax at all. Because the rest time was not long, everyone took out the food directly from the space soul guide and quickly started eating.

For other high-level soul master academy teams, there will be no space soul guides at all unless the students spend their own money to buy them. However, for the inner courtyard students of Shrek Academy, space soul guides are standard equipment. Anyone who can enter the inner courtyard can receive a space soul guide in the inner courtyard based on their sequence qualifications.

Although it is not too big, it is enough for them.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes flashed with satisfaction. Qin Mo, who was at the rear as a safeguard and rear guard, naturally saw everyone's performance very clearly.

Even the most unlearned Xiao Wu performed very well along the way.

Of course, Qin Mo knew that this was because they were followed by Qin Dong, a titled Douluo, so he acted so calmly.

But at least the knowledge learned in the inner courtyard was used perfectly.

In addition to individual performance, the team's tacit understanding, although far from perfect, is still barely adequate, at least not holding each other back.

But this is not surprising. In the past few months, they have basically been practicing "Shi" together. The practice and collision of "Shi" have made them have a tacit understanding even if they rarely engage in team battles.

At least they don't understand each other as well as those teams who often engage in team battles in the spirit fighting arena. The only thing they lack is cooperation with each other, and this time the spirit hunt just makes up for this shortcoming.

Just as they were about to say something, huge explosions suddenly sounded in the distance, and they quickly approached in their direction.




In an instant, everyone present who was eating stood up and quickly formed an offensive and defensive formation, all facing the direction of the explosion.

Feeling the roar coming from far away, Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul instantly possessed him, and the three yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings rose instantly. But the next moment, the meaning of the netherworld suddenly rose, completely hiding the three soul rings, and there was already a vague soul. The prototype of the existence in the master world that is said to be 'only a ghost but no soul ring'.

Zhu Zhuqing stepped lightly without making any sound, as if there was no resistance in the air, and quickly turned into a shadow, disappearing towards the sound of the explosion, and went to investigate.

Seeing this, a trace of shame appeared in Tang San's eyes, and he whispered: "I'm sorry, everyone, I only detected the life aura within three miles of the surrounding area. I didn't expect..."

(End of this chapter)

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