Chapter 119 Bloodthirsty Tiger
Qin Mo's mental power fluctuated slightly, and he quickly sensed the movement in the distance. The age of the soul beasts in the area they were in at the moment was only about 3000 years old, but the movement erupting in the distance was comparable to the soul beasts that were ten thousand years old.

Normally, even if a 3000-year-old soul beast is seriously injured, it will never appear in the area where a [-]-year-old soul beast lives. Therefore, there is a high probability that it is not a soul beast, but a human soul king.

He immediately warned: "Be careful, I'm afraid other soul masters are hunting soul beasts."

Hearing this, everyone became more vigilant. Sometimes the most dangerous thing in the Star Dou Forest was not the soul beasts, but the humans of the same race, especially when they encountered soul masters who were stronger than themselves.

The martial souls of Dai Mubai and Lin Nuo at the front were instantly possessed. Several soul rings surrounded them, and surging soul power surged rapidly.

"call out!"

The shadow flickered, and Zhu Zhuqing appeared in front of the team in an instant, and said coldly to Qin Mo: "Boss Mo, in front of you is a team of five soul hunters hunting a bloodthirsty tiger that is 300 years old. The leader is His strength is Soul King, and the other four are Soul Sects. Behind the five of them are a pair of grandfathers and grandsons whose strength is unknown, and they look like they are hired to hunt the fourth Soul Ring."

Hearing this, everyone present frowned. In the Star Forest, the most troublesome thing is to encounter this kind of situation. If you encounter it, the best choice is to avoid it directly.

Without Qin Mo's instructions, Tang San, who was already a little ashamed, immediately activated his soul power, and the surging plant growth aura quickly burst out from the blue silver grass in Tang San's hand.

In an instant, countless messages around him were sensed by Tang San. He quickly pointed in a direction and said: "Go this way to avoid them as much as possible."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately prepared to adjust their formation, intending to avoid this soul hunting team.

But before the adjustment was completed, a voice quickly came from the direction of the roar: "Brothers in front, I am a violent bear from the violent bear soul hunting team. I am willing to pay a [-]% commission and ask my brother to help stop the bloodthirsty tiger."

As the words fell, the injured bloodthirsty tiger's eyes instantly locked onto Qin Mo and others. When he sensed the threat on Qin Mo and others, a wave of bloodthirsty eyes suddenly burst out as if they were all going to die together. There was a fierce light, and the next moment, a surging bloody smell filled the air.

The older the soul beast is, the stronger its intelligence is. Although the 300-year-old bloodthirsty tiger cannot understand human speech, it can still sense malice and directly classify Qin Mo and others.

Qin Mo and others also had cold eyes. They were not asking for help, they were clearly trying to intimidate them. If the violent bear had not spoken, they would have been able to avoid the bloodthirsty tiger with their speed.

But at this moment...

A bloody ray of light instantly erupts from the bloodthirsty tiger. This is the talent of the bloodthirsty tiger. When turned on, it can greatly increase the combat power, and can swallow the enemy's blood to restore injuries.

The soul ring it produces has a certain probability of being able to obtain this kind of soul skill. For an offensive soul master, it is undoubtedly an extremely powerful soul skill. If it lasts ten thousand years, even Dai Mubai will be tempted by it.

The bloody light rushed toward Qin Mo and the others with extremely violent intent. The disgusting bloody aura quickly overwhelmed everyone. It was obvious that the bloodthirsty tiger was completely berserk.

Seeing this, everyone's martial souls possessed them instantly, and the nine-color stream of light flickered. Under the control of the secret technique, the three auxiliary lights of Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda - strength, speed, and defense - fell on everyone with incomparable accuracy.

Although the auxiliary increase provided by Ning Rongrong after the evolution of the martial soul has not changed, the consumption of soul power has been greatly weakened again. The three-ring auxiliary light can already provide everyone with a 40.00% increase.

With the defensive light increasing, Lin Nuo, who was holding the Xuanming Shield Spirit in his hand, looked at the bloodthirsty tiger that rushed towards them, with an extremely violent look in his eyes. At this moment, there was no trace of social fear in Lin Nuo. First The soul ring lit up instantly.

"The first soul skill - Xuan Ming Escape!"

The soul power in his body surged, and in an instant, the 'Xuanming Shield', which was originally enough to cover half of his body, enlarged in an instant.

Lin Nuo quickly stepped forward and raised his shield, charging directly towards the bloodthirsty tiger.

Following Lin Nuo's explosion, a fierce light appeared in Dai Mubai's eyes. The first and third soul rings lit up. The power increase of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda plus the two major increase soul skills, the aura instantly broke through. They have reached the Soul King level, but in fact neither Lin Nuo nor Dai Mubai has really unleashed their full strength. All they want to do is force the bloodthirsty tiger back.

It's just that the two of them still have too little fighting experience against soul beasts. Under normal circumstances, their method would naturally be able to force the soul beasts back, but at this moment, the bloodthirsty tiger has already hunted Qin Mo and the others together with the violent bear behind them. The soul team is classified into one category, they are all beings who want its life.

Although the powerful momentum made the bloodthirsty tiger stagnant, it seemed to be about to die together, but it quickly adjusted. Compared with soul masters, soul beasts may be less intelligent, but their ferocity and cruelty are far beyond what soul masters can match. , the blood on his body expanded again.



The two collided with each other, and the bloodthirsty tiger's huge bloody claws instantly tore through Lin Nuo's 'Xuanming Shield' spirit, and the air was shaken by a harsh roar.

The huge impact instantly caused Lin Nuo's legs to bend slightly, and the violent light in his eyes became more intense. In the sea of ​​consciousness, as if a mysterious figure that had been sleeping for endless years slowly opened his eyes, a terrifying power suddenly descended in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Outside, Lin Nuo's violent eyes flashed with Xuanming light, and the 'Xuanming Shield' martial spirit seemed to be resurrected. A strange concussive power burst out, his legs suddenly tightened, and the huge force exploded, directly using the 'bloody shield'. The bloodthirsty and ferocious tiger with the violent' talent was shaken back.

After knocking it back, the rage in Lin Nuo's eyes calmed down for an instant, and his figure flickered strangely for a moment, giving way to the space in front of him.

The next moment, an extremely domineering tiger roar sounded, and a dazzling white light beam burst out instantly.

"Second Soul Skill - White Tiger Light Wave!"

The overbearing soul power light wave instantly hit the bloodthirsty tiger who was knocked back by Lin Nuo. The terrifying lethality directly penetrated the bloodthirsty tiger's body, instantly losing any ability to resist.The next moment, several angry roars sounded, and members of the Violent Bear Soul Hunting Team appeared directly in front of Qin Mo and others.


Two soul sects in the violent bear team subconsciously used soul skills, and two soul skills rays of light surged.

"The fourth soul skill - Tree Vine Blockade!"

"The fourth soul skill - Rock and Earth Thorn!"

It actually exploded directly towards Dai Mubai and Lin Nuo.

But as the captain, Bao Xiong suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart when he saw the uniform uniforms on Qin Mo and others. However, his members had already taken action, and he was too late to stop them even if he wanted to.

Dai Mubai and Lin Nuo, who noticed the fluctuations in their soul skills, moved their feet slightly, their bodies flickered, and they disappeared directly, avoiding the opponent's attack.

Seeing this, everyone's originally extremely cold eyes suddenly turned to murderous intent. It was not enough to calculate against them, but they actually dared to attack them.


Incomparably hot golden phoenix flames burst out from Ma Hongjun's body, directly burning out the control soul skills of the plant-based martial arts.

On the other side, Xiao Wu's blood-red eyes also revealed a hint of violence. He concentrated all his strength and kicked out his legs like lightning.


Two extremely sharp invisible air blades exploded, directly tearing apart the thorns rising from the ground. After tearing the thorns apart, the power of the condensed air blades did not diminish at all, and they instantly moved towards the place where the sound came from. Whistling away.

As a soul hunting team that has been in the Star Dou Forest all year round, those who can survive undoubtedly have an extremely strong sense of danger. Even if the air blade kicked by Xiao Wu is invisible, the terrifying sense of threat still makes the violent bear hunter The soul masters of the soul team sensed the danger.

The captain of the Storm Bear Soul Hunting Team, Storm Bear's face changed instantly, and he yelled: "No! Leith, defend quickly!"

Hearing this, the soul sect named Leith also felt a terrifying sense of threat. The soul power in his body surged, and the third soul ring instantly lit up, with purple light shining.

"The third soul skill—earth wall!"

In an instant, the ground under the feet of the soul sect named Liss seemed to come alive, and three earth walls instantly rose up.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The first earth wall couldn't hold on for even a moment, and it broke directly, but it partially consumed the power of the invisible air blade. However, even if part of the power of the invisible air blade was consumed, it still tore apart the remaining two earth walls. .


Even after being weakened three times, the invisible air blade still directly injured the soul sect named Leith.

"Les!" "Less!" "Less!"

The three soul sects beside Bao Xiong quickly flashed to Liss's side. One of the soul sects instantly lit up with a pale white light, which quickly shone on Liss.

After seeing the violent bear and others appear, everyone instantly locked onto the people in front of them, their soul power fluctuated faintly, and they could explode with powerful attacks at any time.

Seeing this, Bao Xiong, the boss, suddenly showed a hint of fear in his eyes, especially after seeing the soul rings surrounding Qin Mo and others and their extremely young faces, the fear in his eyes became even more intense.

As a soul hunting team that has been wandering on the line of life and death all year round, licking blood from the edge of a knife, the violent bear is undoubtedly the clearest about who can and cannot be offended.

Wearing uniform uniforms, and looking extremely childish, but with extremely high soul power levels, this team is undoubtedly the most dangerous existence in the heart of the violent bear. He is called a 'violent bear', not a 'stupid bear'.

Knowing that such a team is either a direct descendant of a large sect or a genius from a major high-level soul master academy, such beings must be protected by strong men they cannot afford to offend.

As the boss, Bao Xiong was about to speak to calm down, when suddenly a voice full of anger sounded.

"Damn it! That bastard killed my bloodthirsty tiger!!"

In the corner, above the bloodthirsty tiger that had been completely penetrated, a bright purple halo floated, apparently completely dead.

(End of this chapter)

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