Chapter 120

The moment the words fell, Bao Xiong's expression suddenly changed, and he secretly thought something bad.

When Dai Mubai heard this voice, his murderous intention surged in vain, and a trace of blood quietly appeared in his eyes.

Not only Dai Mubai, but also Lin Nuo, Oscar, Tang San and others also had dangerous looks in their eyes, and they were instantly locked on the owner of the voice.

But there was no movement. They could all feel the dangerous aura coming from the old man behind the young man, a strong man whose soul power level was much higher than theirs.

Compared with the members of the Violent Bear Soul Hunting Team who were dressed in elaborate attire, the owner of the voice was in exquisite attire. It didn't look like he was here to hunt soul beasts, but rather like he was here for an outing in the Star Dou Forest.

Judging from his face, he is about 25 years old, and his soul power is slightly depressed. He has obviously reached the limit of his soul power. Behind him is an old man who is also wearing gorgeous clothes and has a face full of grooves. , with no trace of soul power on his body, he was obviously the protector of the young man.

Looking at the purple soul ring that gradually stagnated above the body of the bloodthirsty tiger, it was obvious that the bloodthirsty tiger had just died. The young man in rich clothes looked at the violent bear with anger on his face.

He said angrily: "Bear Bear, are your Soul Hunting Team just for nothing? You can't even stop a thousand-year soul beast. Do you know how much this bloodthirsty tiger has helped me? What a waste. I thought that the soul hunting team that has been hanging around in the Star Dou Forest all year round is so strong. If I had known, I might as well have done it myself..."

The extremely dirty yells and curses instantly made everyone in the Storm Bear Soul Hunting Team look extremely ugly. Especially the boss, Storm Bear, clenched his hands tightly, but did not dare to refute at all.

Because the eyes of the old man behind the young man had completely locked onto them at some point, and there was an extremely terrifying aura in his cloudy eyes.

They all knew that the old man behind the young man was a Soul King with a soul power of level 69, and even their strongest violent bear was only a level 52 Soul King.

And the reason why they are so arrogant is precisely because of this old man. After all, with the strength of the Soul Emperor, they are undoubtedly extremely crushing in this peripheral area, but this time they seem to have hit an iron plate.

Seeing that the violent bear didn't dare to refute at all, a trace of pride flashed in the young man's eyes. In fact, in his heart, the bloodthirsty tiger's soul ring was not as important as he said, or in other words, the age of the bloodthirsty tiger was not as important as he said. It's still a little low for him.

For an ordinary soul master, the 300-year-old bloodthirsty tiger is definitely the best fourth soul ring. However, as a direct descendant of a soul master family, he has taken ten thousand-year whale glue, whether it is his family or himself. , the requirement for the age of the fourth soul ring is more than 500 years.

The reason why he wanted to kill the bloodthirsty tiger was just for fun. Otherwise, with the protector beside him, how could he let a spirit beast that was no more than 300 years old escape.

After finishing his mouthful, the young man turned his eyes to Qin Mo and others. When he saw the soul rings surrounding Qin Mo and others, as well as their young faces, his eyes suddenly showed an extremely jealous look.

In the outside world, a 25-year-old who breaks through to the Soul Sect is already considered a first-level genius. There is definitely hope to break through to the Soul Sage in the future, but compared with Qin Mo and others in front of him...

However, the jealousy in the young man's eyes quickly disappeared, replaced by salivation like a hungry wolf. His eyes lingered on Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and Ye Lingling, and his breathing became extremely rapid.


He swallowed unconsciously, the anger on his face quickly disappeared, and an extremely frivolous smile appeared instantly, and he was about to say something.

Suddenly, several terrifying killing intents erupted, and the surging killing intent from Qin Mo and others slammed into the young man, instantly causing the bright smile on the young man's face to freeze.

At this moment, even Qin Mo, who wanted to see how Dai Mubai, Oscar and others would respond, felt extremely cold murderous intent in his heart.

The terrifying and dangerous aura made the young man take a few steps back subconsciously, and his face instantly became extremely ugly.The old man behind him, whose face was full of furrows, had not known when he stood in front of the young man, completely blocking the murderous intent of Qin Mo and others. The old man looked at the clothes Qin Mo and others were wearing, as well as the sounds coming from them. Feeling the biting chill, his pupils shrank slightly, and he became even more fearful. He immediately turned to Qin Mo and others and said, "How many of you are students from Shrek Academy?"

Perhaps Dai Mubai's aura was the strongest at this moment, so most of the old man's attention fell on Dai Mubai.

Feeling the extremely oppressive aura of the Soul Emperor on the old man, everyone except Qin Mo had solemn looks in their eyes, but soon they thought of Qin Mo's exaggerated combat power, and what else was hidden behind them. A true titled Douluo.

The solemnity in his eyes disappeared instantly, without any fear, he said: "So what!"

Hearing this, the old man's eyes became more fearful, and his mental power fluctuated slightly. He wanted to sense where the protector of Qin Mo and others was, but no matter how he sensed it, he could not feel any breath, as if Qin Mo and others had no protector. generally.

Even the young people behind the old man and the members of the Violent Bear Soul Hunting Team showed surprise in their eyes after hearing the answers from Qin Mo and others. However, unlike the simple surprise of the members of the Violent Bear Soul Hunting Team, the young people behind the old man There is more resentment in people's eyes.

Ning Rongrong, who is particularly sensitive to eyesight, noticed the resentment in the eyes of the young man behind the old man. A chill appeared on her exquisite face again, and she said coldly: "You don't want your eyes anymore?"

The moment the words fell, the young man behind the old man's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he couldn't help but want to say something, but a surging soul power suppressed him directly.

The old man in front of him looked at the exquisite glazed pagoda in Ning Rongrong's palm. His expression changed instantly and he said with great solemnity: "Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda? You are from the Qibao Glazed Sect!"

Shrek Academy alone was enough to make them fearful, and there was actually a soul master from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect among them, which instantly made the old man give up his thoughts.

The young man behind the old man immediately looked at the glazed pagoda in Ning Rongrong's palm, with an expression of disbelief on his face, but soon there was something strange in his eyes, and he actually closed his mouth directly, and his eyes flashed instantly. A touch of resentment and excitement.

Even in order to hide the twinkling gaze in his eyes, he turned around simply, slapped the violent bear directly on the face, and said angrily: "Trash, who let you rush around randomly, don't understand the rules, and wasted my life?" A top-quality soul ring.”

The huge power instantly caused the violent bear's face to swell up.

"Boss!" "Boss!" "Boss!" "Boss!"

The faces of the four soul sects of the Violent Bear Soul Hunting Team suddenly showed expressions of shock and anger, and a hint of hatred flashed in their eyes when they looked at the old man and the young man.

The moment he noticed the hatred in the eyes of the violent bear soul hunting team in front of him, the old man narrowed his eyes, murderous intent suddenly arose in his heart, and immediately sentenced the violent bear soul hunting team in front of him to death.

The moment the murderous intention rose in the old man's heart, the violent bear's body froze in vain, and a look of horror suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Ignoring the reaction of the Violent Bear Soul Hunting Team, a smile was forced out of the old man's grooved face, and he said to Qin Mo and others: "I'm sorry, my subordinates are ignorant and have caused trouble to you. The bloody tiger will be our apology, and we will leave now."

After speaking, the old man quickly retreated with the young man behind him without hesitation, intending to leave directly. At the same time, he said to the members of the Violent Bear Soul Hunting Team with indifference: "Trash, hurry up and follow."

The cold and indifferent voice instantly made the members of the Violent Bear Soul Hunting Team tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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