The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 121 What are you waiting for?Such a weak soul emperor is not easy to find.

Chapter 121 What are you waiting for?Such a weak soul emperor is not easy to find.

Seeing the old man wanting to take everyone away without hesitation, Qin Mo's indifferent voice sounded: "Who allowed you to leave!"

In an instant, the auras and murderous intent of Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Tang San exploded. Following the auras of the three people, the auras of Lin Nuo, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, and others also surged.

The moment he felt the breath of Qin Mo and others, the face of the young man who was eager to leave changed in vain. Even the soul emperor with a soul power of level 69 had a slightly dark look in his eyes at this moment.

However, the old man, who had lived for decades longer than the young man, was much more calm after all. His level 69 soul power suddenly exploded, a cold wolf howl sounded, and his martial soul instantly possessed him.

The old man's originally not-so-tall body grew in vain. Countless black and gray hairs grew rapidly, his face full of grooves elongated rapidly, his fangs became extremely sharp, and his dark eyes flashed with a trace of green light. His extremely powerful soul The force and coercion were unleashed wantonly, pressing down on Qin Mo and others.

"White!" "Yellow!" "Yellow!" "Purple!" "Purple!" "Black!"

Six dazzling soul rings slowly rose under the control of the old man. The cold green eyes slowly raised, and their eyes were instantly locked on Qin Mo. A hoarse voice sounded: "Humph! Boy, don't be so shameless. If you don’t look at the reputation of Shrek Academy and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect... then just accept it as you see fit, don’t forget that this is the Star Dou Forest."

As the old man finished speaking, Qin Mo and others showed a hint of sneer in their eyes. He could bully the weak and fear the strong with such confidence. This Soul Emperor was truly a talent.

Looking at the six soul rings surrounding the old man, Dai Mubai showed disdain on his face. The 69-level soul power pressure was not taken seriously by them. Compared with the Soul Emperor of their Shrek Academy The teacher is very different.

They could even feel that this pressure was not even strong when Dai Mubai faced Qin Mo's ultimate explosion a few days ago.

Originally, the old man had not yet shown his strength, so they could not see clearly what was true and were still wary. After all, the gap in soul power levels between them was really too big. If the old man was a level 69 soul emperor with a top soul ring, he would still be afraid. It may not be possible to keep it.

But at this moment, after the old man's martial spirit possessed him, they felt certain.

Ignoring the old man's barking, Qin Mo's eyes flashed with coldness, and an indifferent voice sounded in the ears of Dai Mubai and Oscar: "What are you waiting for? Such a weak Soul Emperor is not easy to find."

As soon as these words came out, the face of the old man who looked like a giant human wolf in front of him suddenly turned extremely ugly. His eyes burst with cold and violent green light, and the rich soul power in his body exploded in vain. He was just about to take action to teach Qin Mo and others a lesson.

But the next moment, the eyes of Dai Mubai, Oscar, Lin Nuo, Tang San and others suddenly showed extremely fierce fighting spirit, and their originally hidden power suddenly exploded.

Nine extremely powerful forces suddenly fell on the old man. The old man's body froze for a moment, with a hint of disbelief on his ferocious face.

The "battle bodies" of Dai Mubai and other old students instantly condensed, and the incomparable surging spiritual power crazily raged towards the old man. The soul power in Ning Rongrong's body evaporated crazily, and the three major attributes of strength, speed, and defense increased, and the ground beneath everyone's feet exploded. Several streams of light pierced the old man.

The terrifying and dangerous aura instantly caused the black and gray hair all over the old man's body to explode. His cold and violent green beast eyes shrank crazily, and he secretly said in his heart: "Not good!"

The soul power in his body exploded, and the fourth soul ring surrounding his body lit up, with purple light shining.

"The fourth soul skill - Black Wolf Guard!"


An extremely cold wolf howl sounded, and the black and gray soul power quickly formed a dark protective layer.

Relaxation flashed across the eyes of the old man who released the defensive soul skill for a moment, but the next moment, an extremely cold voice sounded.

The three dazzling soul rings hidden under the power of the netherworld instantly lit up. The incomparable soul power in Zhu Zhuqing's body completely evaporated. His face instantly showed a trace of paleness. He moved his mouth slightly and swallowed a jelly bean. A warm soul... Power emerged spontaneously and quickly began to replenish the emptiness in the body.

"Soul skill - Blade of Hell!"

Three extremely dark, deep, without a trace of life, the hell blades that tore apart the underworld and the real world swept across.

With the assistance of Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, the already terrifying Hell Blade instantly tore apart the old man's soul skill protection.



Countless blood mixed with black and gray hair rose into the sky, and an extremely tragic cry of pain instantly came from the old man's mouth.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't hold back at all after being hit by one blow. He instantly disappeared into the darkness and fled far away, without giving the old man a chance to fight back.

The severe pain caused the string of reason in the old man's mind to completely break. Bloodthirsty light flashed in the cold and violent green beast eyes, and the fifth soul ring on his body lit up instantly.

"The fifth soul skill - black wolf madness!"

The blood flashed, and the black and gray hair instantly turned scarlet. The three wounds torn by Zhu Zhuqing were completely tightened, and the bleeding was forcibly stopped. Wusen's cold and strange animal nature was rampant.

The moment he saw the old man using his fifth soul ring, the young man's eyes showed a trace of panic, and he quickly dodged and fled away, fearing that he would be affected by the completely irrational old man.

On the side, Bao Xiong also had a look of shock in his eyes. The sense of danger he had honed over the past ten years in the Star Dou Forest told him that if he stayed where he was, he would most likely be torn into pieces.

Looking at the young man fleeing in the distance, Bao Xiong felt the stinging pain on his face. There was a trace of strangeness in his eyes, and he growled at his four men: "Follow me!"

Even without the warning from the violent bear, the four members of the violent bear soul hunting team were aware of the danger. As members of the soul hunting team in the Star Dou Forest, what they are best at is sizing up the situation and quickly following the violent bear towards the young man. .

Seeing the violent bear's movements, Qin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly and thought to himself: "It's interesting!" "Boom!!"

After the madness, the old man's extremely ferocious claws were like dripping blood, and they instantly tore in the direction of Qin Mo and others who were the greatest threat.

Seeing this, Lin Nuo's "Xuan Ming Fudou Real Body" was activated to the extreme, and the giant beast in the sea of ​​consciousness that had been dormant for endless years at the bottom of the sea was fully awakened, and the vast and towering terrifying momentum was completely condensed.

The three soul rings on his body lit up one after another.

"The first soul skill - Xuanming Shield Control!"

"The second soul skill - Xuanming Shield Counter!"

"The third soul skill - Xuanming Shield Shock!"

Yellow, yellow and purple!Three bright rays of soul power quickly condensed on Lin Nuo's 'Xuanming Shield' martial spirit. The ground exploded under his feet, and violent wind pressure instantly erupted from Lin Nuo's 'Xuanming Shield' martial spirit, like a wild beast. He rushed directly towards the old man.

At the same time, the second and third soul rings on Tang San in the middle also lit up instantly.

"Second Soul Skill - Parasite!"

"The third soul skill - Devouring Life!"

The activation of the two major soul skills instantly caused Tang San to spread countless spores secretly around him, frantically extracting the vitality of the surrounding environment, and began to grow wildly.

The dark blue vines twisted around the old man crazily, and the jet black leaves seemed to want to cut the old man into pieces with a thousand knives, tearing out countless sparks from the black hair on the old man's body.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

Countless vines broke crazily and then grew crazily, trying their best to reduce the old man's mobility.

next moment······


A terrifying explosion sounded. The Soul Emperor is still the Soul Emperor after all. Coupled with the power of the mad soul skill, even if there were countless blue silver grass in the way, Lin Nuo, who was erupting with all his strength, was still knocked away. Fortunately, the 'Xuanming Shield' The powerful defensive ability attached to it prevented Lin Nuo from being injured, and even relied on the counter-shock ability of the 'Xuanming Shield' to freeze him for a moment.

And this is the perfect opportunity Linno creates for others.

In terms of coordination alone, Lin Nuo and the others may not be perfect, but in terms of timing in battle, they are definitely top-notch.

A pink stream of light flashed, a trace of the beast king's fierce light flashed in the blood-red eyes, and the first and third soul skills exploded.

"The third soul skill - Listen to the wind!"

"The first soul skill - waist bow!"

In an instant, countless messages from the surroundings rushed into Xiao Wu's mind. The simple-minded Xiao Wu instantly blocked the countless useless messages, leaving only the flaw in the stagnant old man.

The whole body's strength was completely condensed under the action of the waist bow soul skill, and the terrifying power that had been building up for a long time exploded. His legs exploded like thunder, and his strength was as strong as the sky.

The first kick directly targeted the weakness of old man Hei Lang's soul power.


The soul power of the old man Black Wolf was instantly kicked away. The second kick was like a rabbit kicking an eagle. The concentrated power landed directly on the old man's chin, and the terrifying force directly kicked him high into the air.

As if the task had been completed, a dark blue vine instantly wrapped around Xiao Wu's waist and quickly pulled her away from the place.

The next moment, the domineering and noble roar of the tiger and the cry of the phoenix exploded.

The pupils in Dai Mubai's eyes completely turned into blood, and his mental power suddenly rioted. The eyes of the white tiger that was imagining in the sea of ​​​​consciousness burst out with a terrifying and terrifying blood light. The first and third soul rings instantly Lit up, the light of the soul ring was completely integrated into Dai Mubai's body.

"The first soul skill - White Tiger Barrier!"

"The third soul skill - White Tiger King Kong Transformation!"

"Transform into a blood tiger!" Dai Mubai roared with murderous intent.

The ferocious power soared into the sky, and the heart-piercing chill fell in vain. An extremely shuddering and suffocating wave erupted from the blood-red eyes and the battle body. The terrifying power, as ferocious and domineering as a bloody storm, crashed towards the sky. The old man burst out.

And Ma Hongjun was not to be outdone. The 'Phoenix Nirvana Body' was activated to the extreme, as if he had truly transformed into a divine beast, the Phoenix, with three extremely brilliant tail feathers flashing with divine light.

(End of this chapter)

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