The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 122 Counterattack against the Soul Emperor!

Chapter 122 Counterattack against the Soul Emperor!

"The third soul skill - Fire Phoenix Transformation!"

The five-color phoenix's outer soul bone hidden in the tail feathers of the 'Fire Phoenix' bloomed with brilliant light for the first time.

Under the power of the attached soul bone, Ma Hongjun completely transformed into a flaming phoenix. The temperature of the flames on his body instantly increased by [-]%. The terrifying golden flames faintly lingered with five-color brilliance. The extremely hot flames instantly made the surrounding air crazily distorted.

After completely turning into flames, Ma Hongjun felt as if all restraints had been lifted, and his golden flaming eyes were instantly locked on the Black Wolf Soul Emperor.


Like a falling meteor, a stream of bright golden flames instantly bombarded the Black Wolf Soul Emperor.

Fire shot into the sky and blood filled the air!
At this moment, whether it was Dai Mubai or Ma Hongjun, their offensive capabilities had reached the level of top soul emperors in the outside world.

Especially Ma Hongjun, the terrifying temperature he carries in his body, even the Soul Saint would never want to be contaminated. This is why a few months ago, Ma Hongjun dared to tell Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo, and Oscar in front of Qin Mo and Ye Lingling. The biggest reason for a surprise.

Regardless of Qin Mo, in terms of killing ability alone, Ma Hongjun is the best in the inner courtyard, truly showing a trace of the divine beast Phoenix.

Xiao Wu's 'Rabbit Kicks Eagle', which had reached its limit and concentrated all the strength in its body, not only kicked the Black Wolf Soul Emperor into the air, but even knocked him unconscious for a moment from his berserk state.

The Black Wolf Soul Emperor felt a sharp pain in his jaw. His brain was instantly dizzy, the world was spinning, and his eyes seemed to be filled with starlight.

The next moment, he regained consciousness, but what he saw was fireworks falling from the sky, and the bloody storm drowned him. The extremely terrifying death crisis instantly made the Black Wolf Soul Emperor tremble crazily. Every hair on his body and every organ in his body seemed to be frantically asking for help. .

He wanted to save himself, but the soul power in his body felt like it was stuck in a quagmire, which was extremely difficult.

The cold and violent green beast eyes no longer had a trace of magnanimity at this moment, but only endless fear and horror.



The golden phoenix flames arrived first, with extremely terrifying high temperatures, and instantly completely incinerated the hair possessed by the Black Wolf Soul Emperor's martial spirit. The terrifying temperature carbonized the Black Wolf Soul Emperor's skin in an instant. An extremely unpleasant smell quickly filled the air.


The incomparable roar of pain sounded, and the Black Wolf Soul Emperor's expression was crazily distorted. Countless pieces of carbonized skin fell off crazily, but before the completely carbonized skin could hit the ground, it was turned into ashes by the golden phoenix flames on Ma Hongjun's body.

The severe pain, which was countless times more painful than heartbreaking, completely overwhelmed the Black Wolf Soul Emperor's mind. The severe pain caused him to completely lose the ability to mobilize the soul power in his body to resist.

But the next moment, a pair of bloody tiger claws with extremely bloody and ferocious power suddenly descended, and the Black Wolf Soul Emperor's extremely painful screams suddenly stopped.

The carbonized wolf's head and heart were instantly dented, the breath of life completely dissipated, and it crashed to the ground, splashing countless dust.

As the breath of life dissipated, the black wolf soul emperor's spirit-possessed state slowly disappeared, and a completely blackened corpse with a crazily dented head and chest came into view.

The next moment, except for Qin Mo and Tang San, the expressions of all the students in the inner courtyard instantly became extremely ugly. The blood on their faces quickly faded, and an extreme sense of nausea emerged in vain.

As a disgusting smell filled the air, Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo, Ning Rongrong and others couldn't help but lean down, and without exception they started to vomit.




Everyone's stomachs rolled crazily, and their minds felt dizzy, as if they wanted to vomit everything out.

Even though he was a human being in two lives, Tang San, who was an outer disciple of the Tang Sect in his last life, also showed an ugly look on his face when he saw the corpse that was nearly ninety-five percent cooked, with a completely carbonized appearance, and a completely collapsed head and chest. However, compared to Dai Mubai and others are doing much better.

Qin Mo, on the other hand, may have seen too many weird things on Blue Star's network in his previous life, but he was extremely calm at the moment, with only a hint of disgust and disgust towards the corpse.

As for the members of the Dire Bear Soul Hunting Team who were hiding far away, as well as the young man in Chinese clothes, they couldn't help but vomited at this moment. Even Dire Bear, the boss, was no exception, but it was not because of killing people. But out of sheer disgust.

Even as a soul hunting team, they had never seen such a miserable and disgusting way of death, but rather than disgust, they were more afraid at the moment, especially the young man in gorgeous clothes.

He collapsed completely to the ground, with tears and nasal discharge flowing across his face. He was vomiting crazily and incontinent at the same time. He was extremely embarrassed.

But at this moment, no one except Qin Mo has the mind to pay attention to these irrelevant existences, and Qin Mo just put up a space barrier on this group of irrelevant people to prevent them from escaping.Dai Mubai looked at the corpse on the ground with an extremely ugly face, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly: "Ma Hongjun, your flames are... cruel enough!"

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun's face became even more ugly, especially when he thought that he had just transformed into flames and burned the Black Wolf Soul Emperor into such a miserable state. Isn't this equivalent to...
The nausea that had just subsided surged into his heart again, and he quickly began to retch. At the same time, he said harshly: "Old Dai, you are not much better. The most fatal blow was yours."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai's face turned pale again. He also thought of the touch of his palms that he had just slapped down. He felt a strong sense of nausea and subconsciously reached out to cover his mouth.

But the next moment, Dai Mubai's pupils shrank, his hand!

As Dai Mubai's exaggerated vomiting sound sounded, everyone who had been able to barely stop their nausea leaned down again and started retching.

Seeing this, Qin Mo sighed slightly in his heart, but didn't say much. Looking at the charred corpse on the ground not far away, the soul power in his body surged slightly, and he raised and lowered his palms slightly.


The space on the ground rolled instantly, intending to bury the charred corpse directly. However, the moment the soul power came into contact with the charred corpse, a strange fluctuation of soul power quickly attracted Qin Mo's attention. His palms paused slightly, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes. color.

The ripples in the space in the palm flickered slightly, and then completely buried the charred corpse.

After disposing of the body of the Soul Emperor, the faces of Dai Mubai and the other boys looked much better, but the faces of the four girls Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ye Lingling did not look much better.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's body flashed slightly and appeared next to Ye Lingling. He held his slightly trembling palm and felt Ye Lingling's slightly cold palm.

Oscar and Tang San also quickly walked to Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu. As if grasping a life-saving straw, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu quickly grabbed Oscar and Tang San's arms and leaned their heads against them. On both men's shoulders.

Dai Mubai originally planned to step forward to comfort Zhu Zhuqing, but when he saw Zhu Zhuqing, whose face was pale but whose eyes were still cold and indifferent, he pursed his pale lips and quietly stopped.

for a long time······
Ye Lingling, who had managed to calm down, clenched his palms slightly, looked at Qin Mo beside him, and said in a hoarse voice: "Qin Mo, I'm fine. You can go deal with it first."

Hearing this, Qin Mo showed a trace of concern in his eyes and wanted to say something, but after seeing the persistent look flashing in Ye Lingling's eyes, he remained silent for a moment and nodded slightly, saying, "Yes."

Slowly letting go of Ye Lingling's hand, he looked at Dai Mubai, who was pale and with a hint of loneliness in his eyes, and said, "Old Dai, take them to find a safe place to camp. We won't go deep for now. We'll talk about it tomorrow. ."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai nodded slightly and said in a deep voice, "I understand, Boss Mo."

Then his eyes swept across the few people who were sealed in the space barrier in the distance, his eyes wavered slightly, and he said: "Boss Mo, be careful."

Hearing this, Qin Mo's eyes were slightly startled, he nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry."

Then he turned around and walked towards the Violent Bear Soul Hunting Team. Just after taking a few steps, a faint fragrance filled the air, and Ye Lingling's cold and slightly weak voice sounded: "Nine Heart Begonia - Cure!"

Qin Mo paused slightly, and a hint of gentleness suddenly flashed in his eyes.

A quarter of an hour later, a few kilometers away from the battle site, Dai Mubai and others had already set up their tents. After being cured by Ye Lingling's 'Nine Hearts and Begonia' martial spirit, everyone's expressions became much better, but they remained silent. , and did not speak.

When Qin Mo's figure appeared in the camp, Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Tang San quickly raised their heads and looked at Qin Mo, wanting to ask something.

But before the words came out, they saw Qin Mo nodding slightly. Seeing this, the three of them suddenly understood.

In the battle area several kilometers away from the camp, there is no trace of battle or bloody smell. Several soul masters of the Violent Bear Soul Hunting Team and the young man have also completely disappeared, completely eliminating all traces.

Seeing that everyone's faces were still a little pale, Qin Mo looked at Oscar and said, "Oscar, prepare something to eat."

They originally stopped here to rest and eat, but they didn't expect to encounter something like this, a big battle, and... now they were tired and hungry.

Hearing this, Oscar was slightly startled, but he reacted instantly, quickly took out kitchen utensils and a large amount of ingredients from the space soul guide, and began to prepare food for everyone.

As a soul master with a food martial spirit, he has a natural talent for cooking, and even the best environment for martial arts to mimic is the kitchen.

As the owner of a food-type martial soul who has awakened his innate soul power, Oscar's talent in cooking can be said to be fully utilized.

In just a moment, the alluring aroma spread quickly.

The moment they smelled this fragrance, the eyes of everyone who were still a little pale and weak suddenly showed a trace of desire, and their faces began to look a little rosy.

(End of this chapter)

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