Chapter 123 Soul Skill: Phoenix Nirvana

Four and a half months later!
In the middle of the Star Forest, in a dense forest full of reddish brown, Ma Hongjun sat cross-legged with his eyes closed next to the corpse of a ferocious bird that was shaped like a golden eagle and had feathers like neon clothes.

The soul power in the surrounding air continued to surge, converging towards Ma Hongjun's body. The hot soul power aura lingered, and a faint golden phoenix god shape slowly condensed on Ma Hongjun's body.

Looking at Ma Hongjun who was absorbing the soul ring, all the students in the inner courtyard except Qin Mo showed a hint of relaxation in their eyes, and at the same time there was deep exhaustion on their faces.

But even so, it was like instinct, guarding Ma Hongjun and acting as a warning.

Dai Mubai looked at the corpse of the ferocious bird next to Ma Hongjun with some hatred, and said in a low voice: "We must make Ma Hongjun bleed when we go back. Just for such a beast, we have suffered more than one death in the Star Dou Forest for no reason." Yue’s sin.”

Hearing this, Oscar, Tang San, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and even Lin Nuo, Ye Lingling, and Zhu Zhuqing all nodded subconsciously.

After four and a half years of training in the Star Forest, everyone including Qin Mo looked a little embarrassed at the moment, especially the four girls Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Lingling, and Xiao Wu.

Because of the information that Shrek Academy spent a lot of resources to collect, it was not too difficult for Oscar, Lin Nuo, Tang San and others to hunt the soul rings, and they even spent most of their time on the road.

With sufficient information, it took them less than two and a half months to obtain the extremely suitable fourth soul ring for everyone except Ma Hongjun.

Among them, Oscar and Tang San were judged to be qualified to absorb ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts after their overall qualities were evaluated by the Soul Hunting Department's Research Office. Therefore, the information on the soul beasts selected and collected for them were all those that were just a few years old. A soul beast that has lasted for ten thousand years.

The two of them lived up to expectations and successfully absorbed the fourth soul ring that lasted ten thousand years, which attracted the envy of Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo, and Ning Rongrong.

Perhaps because of the title Douluo Qin Dong who was secretly protecting them, Xiao Wu, who was in the form of a soul beast, also absorbed the soul ring of a soul beast that was more than nine thousand years old.

Qin Mo wasn't too surprised about this, but he was just a little surprised that this silly rabbit also had a brain.

After all, after the soul beast transforms, in addition to containing the soul beast origin before transforming, it already has the same abilities as humans, and can naturally absorb soul rings.

Normally, an existence that has transformed into a 10-year-old soul beast will basically not choose to absorb the soul ring of the soul beast before absorbing and condensing all the soul beast origins it contains.

Because as the soul beast origin contained in the body of the soul beast transformed being is gradually absorbed, the soul beast aura contained in the body becomes lighter, making it less likely to be discovered by human soul masters.

Therefore, unless it is necessary for an existence to transform into a soul beast, basically it will not choose to absorb the soul rings of foreign soul beasts when its own soul beast origin has not been completely absorbed.

Firstly, there are not many benefits, and secondly, it is easy to slow down the degree of maturity, and the gain outweighs the loss.

But for Xiao Wu, a silly rabbit, it doesn't have any impact. After all, after practicing the 'Jade Rabbit's Heaven-Collapsing Power', the spirit beast aura on his body has already been condensed into the 'Jade Rabbit' in his mental visualization.

If the difficulty of hunting souls for Oscar, Tang San, Lin Nuo and others in the first two and a half months was easy, then the difficulty of hunting souls for Ma Hongjun was difficult.

In order to prevent the Phoenix Martial Spirit from being contaminated again, the choice of Ma Hongjun's soul ring is not much different from before. Birds with Phoenix bloodline are the best. The richer the Phoenix bloodline, the greater the improvement for Ma Hongjun.

Until the end of the three-month training period, no spirit beast was found that matched Ma Hongjun's martial spirit.

Originally, when Qin Mo and others were about to give up and let the teachers from the inner courtyard, such as Flanders and Zhao Wuji, take over Ma Hongjun's soul hunting, they unexpectedly discovered the soul beast that Ma Hongjun had absorbed at this moment.

Everyone immediately changed their minds and quickly started hunting this soul beast.

Even though a soul beast with the bloodline of the mythical beast Phoenix is ​​only more than nine thousand years old, its strength is no worse than that of ordinary soul beasts that are tens of thousands of years old. Coupled with its flying ability, even with Qin Mo's help, it is enough It took nearly a month and a half to successfully hunt it down.

Of course, it would not be difficult for Qin Mo to simply kill it, but their purpose was to use it as Ma Hongjun's soul ring.

After a long time, a high-pitched phoenix cry sounded, and the phoenix god condensed outside Ma Hongjun soared into the sky, and the coercive aura of the mythical beast phoenix suddenly descended.

"Hahaha! Level 44, my soul power actually broke through to level 44!" Ma Hongjun's excited voice sounded.

But before Ma Hongjun could be excited for too long, Qin Mo quickly landed a slap on the back of Ma Hongjun's head, instantly waking up Ma Hongjun. Looking at the unkind expressions on everyone's faces, his heart trembled in vain. Of course he knew why this happened on everyone's faces. Kind of bad.He quickly showed an extremely flattering smile and promised everyone that he would treat guests when he returned.

Seeing Ma Hongjun's extremely sincere and flattering look, the unkindness on everyone's faces was slightly reduced. Ning Rongrong glanced at the soul beast corpse on the ground with some curiosity on his face, and asked directly: "Ma Hongjun, what soul skill did you get?" What is it?"

Hearing this, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San and others all showed curiosity in their eyes. They were looking forward to what kind of soul skills this soul beast they had been chasing for half a month would produce. Incomparable.

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun's face suddenly showed a hint of pride, and he immediately began to introduce the fourth soul skill he had obtained.

"What this soul beast added to my fourth soul ring is a passive triggering soul skill called Phoenix Nirvana."

"Once I suffer an attack that threatens my life, I will quickly trigger Phoenix Nirvana, recover all injuries, and enter an invincible state for three seconds. After the invincible state ends, all attributes will increase by 30% within [-] seconds, and the Phoenix flame temperature will A two hundred percent increase.”

"However, after the state ends, you will be weak for three days, and the cooldown time of the soul skill is as high as seven days." Ma Hongjun pretended to sigh.

Hearing this, the corners of Dai Mubai and others' mouths twitched. Even Qin Mo's eyes showed a slight fluctuation at this moment. Is it him or Ma Hongjun who was cheating?

A soul ring that is only more than nine thousand years old can actually have such exaggerated soul skill effects, such as invincibility, recovery, increase in all attribute status, and increase in flame temperature. These are not like the soul skills that a soul beast less than ten thousand years old can provide. .

Even though this soul skill can only be triggered passively, lasts for a short time, and has extremely strong side effects, it still cannot conceal its power. It is an excellent soul skill that can save lives and make a comeback.

After triggering the 'Phoenix Nirvana' state, coupled with Ma Hongjun's third soul ring and the power of the soul bone attached to the five-color phoenix, there is no need to use it at all like the Black Wolf Soul Emperor they encountered before with a soul power as high as level 69. Others can easily kill them if they take action.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo and others gradually showed a slightly dangerous look in their eyes. They looked at each other with Dai Mubai, Oscar, Lin Nuo, and Tang San, and quietly approached Ma Hongjun, who was pretending to sigh.

The next moment, Ma Hongjun only felt his eyes darken. An invisible space wave suddenly imprisoned his body. Several extremely solid soul powers completely blocked the soul power in his body. Countless fists and kicks fell on him in an instant, and he was miserable. The cry started instantly.

"Ah!" "Oh!"

"I was wrong!" "I was wrong!" "I...ouch!" "Spare your life!"

"No, not there..."

Dai Mubai and others didn't respond at all to Ma Hongjun's begging for mercy. They even whispered, "I'll let you bluster, let you pretend..."

Even the four girls Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and Ye Lingling couldn't help but stepped forward and kicked him a few times.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Boom!" "Bang!" "Boom!"


After a long time, Dai Mubai and the others stretched their bodies with relief on their faces, completely venting the depression they had felt in the Star Dou Forest for the past three and a half months.

Only a figure with black eyes and a body full of punch marks and footprints was left, looking extremely embarrassed, lying on the spot twitching.

Ignoring Ma Hongjun, who was lying on the ground unable to get up, Qin Mo casually put the body of the soul beast into the space soul guide, and then said to Dai Mubai and others: "Let's go, we should go back."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San and others nodded quickly. They also ignored Ma Hongjun, who was pretending on the ground, and formed a formation extremely skillfully. Oscar, who was in charge of logistics, appeared directly at the position where Ma Hongjun was originally responsible. Walk directly towards the outside of the Star Dou Forest.

Seeing how Qin Mo and others really left him behind without any hesitation, and even his position was replaced by Oscar, Ma Hongjun couldn't help but jump up in his face, and instantly turned into a blaze of fire, appearing in front of the team. middle.

He admitted his mistake and apologized extremely flatteringly and respectfully. Finally, after dealing with many unequal conditions, he finally returned to the team successfully.

(End of this chapter)

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