Chapter 132 Departure
25 days later!
At the gate of Shrek Academy, a huge luxury carriage galloped towards the capital of King Barak.

Looking at the carriage going away, Zhao Wuji, who had been squeezed for 25 days, breathed a sigh of relief. Feeling his somewhat weak body, he slapped himself twice with some trembling, and said with great regret: "These little guys Our ancestors are gone now, so what do you agree to do..."

At this moment, compared to 25 days ago, Zao Wuji felt as if his energy had been sucked dry by a female demon. Not only were his eye sockets sunken, but even the weight he had gained in the past six months had been completely lost, and he was even lighter than he was more than half a year ago. A little.

Because this time they were only participating in the budget competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition, not all the teachers from Shrek’s Inner Academy were dispatched to lead the team to King Balak. Qin Ming was just allowed to lead the team and Flanders was in charge. convoy.

The rest of the teachers are sitting in Shrek Academy. When the promotion competition in Tiandou City begins, the teachers in the inner academy will start to go to Wuhun City to watch Qin Mo and the others' competition.

In this regard, Zhao Wuji, Li Yusong and other inner courtyard teachers did not care. After all, they were not as showy as Flanders, and they were also willing to let Qin Ming, the youngest among them, shine more.

In other words, it's guilt and making up for Qin Ming's regret. After all, if it weren't for Qin Mo, their Shrek Academy would probably still be a pheasant soul master academy without any qualifications until now.

In terms of qualifications and strength, even among all the teams in the continent-wide soul master competition, Qin Ming was enough to become the main force and even the ace, but because Shrek Academy did not have the qualifications to participate, even Even the team couldn't gather together, so Qin Ming...
Now, if it weren't for Qin Ming's strength not being strong enough, even Flanders would not choose to follow him this time.

As the leading teacher of their Shrek Academy team, even though Qin Ming has not participated in the continent-wide senior soul master competition, this alone is enough to make him famous in the mainland.

The higher their ranking in Shrek Academy, the greater their reputation. If they win the championship...
Seeing the carriage getting smaller and smaller, the expression on Zao Wuji's face gradually began to become wilder. There seemed to be a vague roar of infinite desire. Zao Wuji's legs were slightly bent, and there was a surging reverse gravity under his body. It exploded.


Zhao Wuji soared into the sky instantly, drawing a strange arc in the sky, and fell straight towards Shrek's inner courtyard.

It seemed that Zhao Wuji could still faintly hear his wild laughter: "Lao Shao, Lao Li, Lao Lu! Let's go drink!"

On the carriage, a faint fragrance slowly emanated from an opened jade bottle next to Qin Mo. Inside the jade bottle was a light blue elixir. As the air flowed, the medicinal properties in the elixir Distribute slowly.

Soothing, peaceful, pleasant...
Under the fragrance of Dan, except for Qin Mo, Qin Ming and Flanders, all the people in the inner courtyard fell into a deep sleep at this moment.

These 25 days of crazy training were absolutely torture for Zhao Wuji, but it was not the same for those in the inner courtyard.

Even compared to the simple draining of Zhao Wuji's soul power, the practice of 'shi' not only consumes soul power, but also consumes a lot of physical and mental energy.

If they hadn't kidnapped Ye Lingling's grandfather back, plus the elixir in Qin Mo's space necklace, such intense training would have killed him long ago.

Oscar and the others, who had been tense for a long time, lacked this sense of relaxation.

However, such a strong training intensity also allowed Oscar, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and others to completely consolidate their foundation. Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling, who were already on the verge of a breakthrough, had a direct breakthrough in soul power, reaching level 49. .

Qin Mo also controlled his soul power at level 49. After all, as the captain of the Shrek Academy serial team, his soul power could not be lower than that of his team members.

In the past few months, although Qin Mo had not taken any pills like Dai Mubai and the others, his soul power level had reached level 59, which was only one level away from breaking through to the Soul Emperor.

Qin Mo is confident that he will definitely be able to break through to the Soul Emperor level with his soul power before the finals of the Continental Senior Soul Master Competition.

Looking at Oscar and others leaning on each other on the carriage, the two teachers Flanders and Qin Ming looked proud and distressed. Among the little ones in front of them, even the oldest Dai Mubai was only 15 years old.

With the current intelligence department of Shrek Academy, it is natural to know that the age of their Shrek Academy participating team members is the youngest.

The upper limit of the age limit for participating in the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition is 25 years old. Even the oldest Dai Mubai can definitely participate in the latter two competitions.

By that time, even if Dai Mubai and Oscar have relaxed their training in the past ten years, they will still have unparalleled dominance. It is very possible that a full team of Soul Emperors will be formed, and even one or two Soul Saints will not be surprising.

They are real monsters and monsters!
But now, for the glory of Shrek Academy, they have to compete with those so-called peers who are five, ten, or even ten years older than them.

Even though Flanders and Qin Ming had absolute confidence in Qin Mo and the others, they still felt a little aggrieved.Looking at the expressions on Flanders and Qin Ming's faces and the twinkling eyes in their eyes, Qin Mo showed a smile on his face. He could tell what Flanders and Qin Ming were thinking at a glance, and laughed softly: "Flanders Dean De, Teacher Qin Ming! Glory belongs not only to Shrek Academy, but also to us..."

Hearing this, seeing the confident smile on Qin Mo's face, Flanders and Qin Ming were slightly startled, but soon, like Qin Mo, they smiled and said: "Yes, the glory is yours too. "


Two days later!
Guided by a pair of kingdom guards riding war horses, Shrek Academy's carriage slowly stopped in front of a luxurious hotel.

The moment the carriage stopped, everyone quickly stepped out of the carriage. Dai Mubai, Oscar and other boys started to stretch without paying any attention to everyone else's gaze.

Suddenly, there were four crackling sounds, and Ma Hongjun shouted directly: "It's cool!"

Living in a carriage for two consecutive days really made young people like Dai Mubai and Oscar who had a bit of excess energy extremely frustrated.


There was a clear and crisp sound, and Flanders, who was slowly getting out of the car, slapped Ma Hongjun on the head and said angrily: "What are you shouting for..."

As the leader of the team, Qin Ming quickly stepped forward and handed over to the two Kingdom guards who were leading the team.

The guards of the two kingdoms looked straight at each other and did not care about the noise made by the people. After seeing Qin Ming approaching, they immediately bowed slightly and said respectfully: "Master Qin Ming, this is the king of Shrek Academy. During the preliminaries, The royal family is responsible for preparing the residence and all the expenses. During this period, the two of us will also be led by your lords to solve trivial matters for your lords."

Hearing this, Qin Ming frowned immediately, and just when he was about to refuse, a soul power transmission instantly appeared in Qin Ming's ears.

Hearing the voice coming from his ears, Qin Ming's eyes suddenly flashed with a trace of laughter and laughter. He said with a hint of helplessness to the two kingdom guards in front of him: "We at Shrek Academy have accepted the hotel, but some trivial matters are still in our Shrek Academy." It can be solved, we appreciate King Kundera’s kindness, and I would like to trouble you both to express our gratitude to King Kundera on behalf of Shrek Academy!”

Hearing this, the guards of the two kingdoms looked at each other, as if they had expected it, and without any entanglement, they quickly and respectfully said to Qin Ming: "Yes! Sir Qin Ming! We will leave..."

Then without any hesitation, he turned around, mounted his horse, and left in the direction of Barak Palace.

Seeing the crisp movements of the two people, Qin Ming was slightly stunned.

Seeing this, Flanders no longer lectured Ma Hongjun, but slowly walked to Qin Ming, patted Qin Ming's shoulder, and said meaningfully: "How much do you understand..."

Hearing this, Qin Ming's eyes suddenly flashed with a glimmer of light, and his face showed a thoughtful look.

Compared with the original work, he broke away from the protection of Shrek Academy and has been struggling in the soul master world. By relying on his own strength, he entered the Tiandou Royal Academy and became a Tiandou-level teacher, and even became a Tiandou Royal Academy teacher. The leader of the first team.

Although the current Qin Ming is far stronger than the Qin Ming in the original work, his scheming, experience, and experience are undoubtedly inferior.

And this is one of the reasons why Flanders and the others asked Qin Ming to be the teacher of their Shrek team.

Looking at the two kingdom guards who were gradually disappearing, Qin Ming's eyes gradually showed a little daze, and a wry smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said to Flanders: "I understand..."

Seeing this, Flanders suddenly showed a smile on his face and patted Qin Ming's shoulder again. He didn't care at all about the bitter smile on Qin Ming's face and laughed: "Hahaha! Just understand."

Then he smiled directly at Qin Mo and others: "Children, go in and see how the residence Kundera has prepared for us is."

After speaking, he led Qin Mo and others directly into the hotel door.

Looking at Flender's back, Qin Ming's eyes suddenly showed reverence.

(End of this chapter)

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