Chapter 133 Opening

Three days later, the capital of the Barak Kingdom, Barak City.

The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the Heaven Dou Empire Barak Kingdom Division, officially opens!
As the most grand soul master competition in the soul master world, even if it is only one of the sub-divisions, it has attracted almost all the soul masters in the entire Barak Kingdom, even from the royal family, nobles, to every commoner. The competition is regarded as the grandest festival.

The opening ceremony of the sub-division, as well as the selection competition for the six advanced soul master academies in the sub-division, will be held in the main soul fighting arena in the Great Soul Fighting Arena in Barak City.

As for the spirit fighting arena, it will be temporarily transformed into a viewing venue during each continental elite spirit master academy competition.

Although there are only six high-level soul master academies in the entire Balak Kingdom, tickets for the opening ceremony are still in short supply.

In the early morning, before the coolness of the night had completely dissipated, countless spectators were waiting outside the Balak Arena.

Of course, this group of spectators came so early not to be able to enter the venue early. After all, each ticket has a special seat number. Whether you enter early or late, you will sit according to the seat number on the ticket.

They wanted to see the young soul masters participating in the competition up close on the first day of the opening ceremony.

In Douluo Continent, the status of soul masters is extremely high. As long as one can awaken soul power, even if the innate soul power is extremely low, the class status can be changed in an instant, especially the stronger the talent.

And the students who can represent the Advanced Soul Master Academy in the competition are definitely the best among the Soul Masters. In addition, the 25-year-old age limit for the Continental Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition is no less than that of Qin Mo's previous Blue Star. Stars exist.

It is definitely a favorite in everyone's eyes, especially for the royal family and nobles.

They are very keen to recruit even ordinary soul masters, not to mention soul masters who are qualified to represent the advanced soul master academy in competitions. Not to mention those who can achieve certain results, even the students who participated in the competition are all nobles. , the object of family competition.

This is also the best choice for the vast majority of soul master students who have no power and no backing.

As for the common people, they mostly hope to be favored by the participating soul master students. Even if it is only for a short night, if they can successfully give birth to an heir with soul power, it will be the same for the entire family. Completely change your destiny.

Even a few years later, he may not be able to become a member of the noble nobles, with a full profit, no, a profit without any capital.

As teams of Kingdom guards began to lead the teams from the Advanced Soul Master Academy participating in the division selection competition, the atmosphere inside and outside the Great Soul Fighting Arena instantly became extremely lively.

Perhaps because it was Shrek Academy's first time participating in the Balak Kingdom's sub-selection, it was particularly eye-catching.

"Wow! What kind of academy is that? Their clothes are so cool!"

"Not only their clothes, they are also so handsome and they look so young."


Some civilians who didn't know about Shrek Academy sighed crazily, especially after seeing the young and handsome faces of Qin Mo and others.

The free soul masters who knew the details of Shrek Academy looked at Qin Mo, Dai Mubai, Oscar and others with awe, envy, and enthusiasm.

It was an advanced soul master academy with a titled Douluo in charge. Even though it was one of the most powerful forces in the soul master world, there was only one titled Douluo in the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family in the upper three sects.

"Is this the genius of Shrek Academy? What a powerful sense of oppression!" The first soul master looked at Qin Mo and others and exclaimed.

"It is indeed the academy where Shanhe Douluo is in charge. It is much better than the students from several other high-level soul master academy teams."


Compared with the yellow and green clothes worn by Shrek Academy when participating in the Soul Master Competition in the original book, the clothes Qin Mo and others are wearing at this moment are the clothes specially designed by Shrek Academy for the inner court sequence, although they are not luxurious. , but also very decent and exquisite.

Wearing it on Qin Mo and the others, they looked even more dazzling.

Because Qin Mo was fully wary of Flanders' "peculiar taste", he made preparations as early as the moment Shrek Academy obtained the qualification to establish a senior soul master academy.

All clothing and logos in the college, as well as all matters related to the image, exclude Flanders, leaving no chance for Flanders to interfere.

Just for this moment, Qin Mo didn't want to climb to the top wearing 'shit green' clothes.

The shape of the Great Soul Fighting Arena in the Kingdom of Balak is similar to an octagonal building, with the royal family and nobles each occupying one corner to enter, and the remaining six corners are occupied by the teams from the six senior soul master academies that participated in this qualifier. field.

Suddenly, the cheers and shouts in one corner of the area completely overwhelmed the other five corners. The moment he heard the cheers and shouts in that corner that were far more enthusiastic than those in other areas, King Barak Kundera's face suddenly showed A thoughtful expression.

He asked the official next to him: "That position is the entrance position of Shrek Academy?" Although it was a question, Kundera's tone was very sure.

Hearing this, the official beside King Barak Kundla suddenly felt his heart skip a beat. The entrance positions of the six colleges flashed through his mind. He nodded quickly and replied: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Kundera glanced at the location of Shrek Academy, and his eyes narrowed slightly at some point.

After a moment, he said: "Let's go, it's time to go in."

After hearing the order, the official beside Kundera breathed a sigh of relief and said respectfully: "Yes! Your Majesty!"

With two teams of armored Kingdom guards leading the way, everyone from Shrek Academy slowly passed through the sea of ​​people.

Looking at the crowd blocked by two teams of kingdom guards, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu suddenly showed a hint of surprise on their faces: "Wow! There are so many people!"

A look of excitement suddenly appeared on their faces. Not only Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu, but also Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San and others also had some excitement in their eyes.

Only Lin Nuo, who was extremely socially anxious, fell completely into isolation. He looked at his nose, mouth, and heart without squinting. He looked straight at Ma Hongjun's feet in front of him, as if he had completely blocked all influences from the outside world. .

Different from the entrance, where the six senior academies entered through several entrances of the Great Soul Fighting Arena, at this moment, after entering, the six senior soul master academies all gathered in a resting place that was transformed into a separate fighting spirit arena. District.

Perhaps because the onlookers were particularly enthusiastic when Shrek Academy entered the venue, Qin Mo and the others were the last to reach the rest area.

When Qin Mo and others entered the rest area, all the teachers and students from the advanced soul master colleges, including Barak's advanced soul master college, looked at Qin Mo and others with curiosity in their eyes.

After all, Shrek Academy is the only high-level soul master academy with a titled Douluo in the entire continent.

Qin Mo and others did not react to this, they just nodded slightly to everyone, and then walked to the rest area arranged for Shrek Academy.

With Shrek Academy in place, Kingdom guards soon arrived and began to organize major academies to start attending the opening ceremony.

Perhaps because Shrek Academy has a titled Douluo in charge, he was directly arranged to enter in the second order, second only to Balak Senior Soul Master Academy.

Although the other students of the Soul Master Academy were a little angry about this, they did not say anything. They just looked at Qin Mo and others with a hint of fighting spirit gradually rising in their eyes.

Under the guidance of the kingdom guards, everyone slowly passed through the entrance passage.

The moment they entered the venue, cheers and shouts like a landslide and tsunami poured into Qin Mo's ears. Countless enthusiastic spectators were scattered around the huge central soul fighting stage.

In front of the central soul fighting stage, a temporary rostrum was set up. On the rostrum, the royal family, nobles and officials from the Balak Kingdom were seated.

At the front of the rostrum stood a master of ceremonies dressed in extremely bright colors, specially introducing information about the college to all the audience present.

"The teams entering now are the teams from Shrek Academy. Shrek Academy is an advanced soul master academy located in Soto City, another important city in our Balak Kingdom..."

I don’t know if it’s because Shrek Academy is participating in the continent-wide senior soul master elite competition for the first time, or because King Barak and the royal family want to win over Shrek Academy.

The emcee's introduction to Shrek took several times longer than the introduction time in other colleges.

In the Great Soul Fighting Arena, Ma Hongjun looked at the emcee on the podium with a strange look in his eyes. He whispered to Oscar next to him: "Oscar, did the dean spend money? Why do I feel that the emcee is flattering us?" , that’s not right, our dean is so stingy, why are we willing to spend money, could it be..."

Hearing this, Oscar's eyes suddenly showed a trace of laughter and tears. With Oscar's wisdom, he could naturally understand why the master of ceremonies acted like this. He was about to explain to Ma Hongjun.

A cold and stern gaze instantly passed through the crowd and fell on Oscar and Ma Hongjun.

In an instant, Oscar quietly closed his mouth and looked at Ma Hongjun with a wishful expression.

Seeing this, Ma Hongjun froze and looked at where he was looking in panic. When he saw Flanders, who was standing at the forefront of the team with a sneer on his face, his face suddenly showed an expression of despair. It quickly became quiet.

A moment later, when the last high-level soul master academy entered the venue, the emcee's voice instantly became high-pitched, as if he was extremely excited and announced loudly: "Now, I would like to invite His Majesty the King of Barak Kingdom to announce the opening of this competition."


In an instant, thunderous applause broke out, and cheers and shouts came one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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