Chapter 134 Ning Rongrong in 1VS7
The qualifiers for the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition are decided in the form of team battles, and the competition format is a single round-robin format. The two senior soul master academies with the highest points advance.

There are six major high-level soul master academies in the Kingdom of Balak. There are a total of fifteen team battles in a single round-robin format, three each day, cross-match, for a total of five days. If there are two academy teams with the same points in the end, an extra match can be held. , until the final promotion spots are determined.

As King Barak Kundera finished his speech, the master of ceremonies on the podium quickly began to announce the list of battles for the five days.

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Barak Academy faced off against Shrek Academy."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Moslow College faced off against Cote College."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Slavic Academy faced off against Sokas Academy."


"In the second round of the qualifiers, Barak College faced off against Moslow College."

"The second round of the qualifiers, Shrek Academy versus Slavic Academy."


As the emcee announced the order of battles for these five days, other teachers and students of the Advanced Soul Master Academy and the audience did not notice anything unusual, but everyone in Shrek Academy suddenly showed extremely strange looks in their eyes, even Flanders, Qin and Ming also had some strange expressions on their faces.

It's not that they have any objection to the order, but they didn't expect that they would be scheduled to play against Barak Academy in the first game...
Flanders and the others did not believe that King Barak Kundera, the royal family and the nobles would not know how powerful their Shrek Academy was. After all, their Shrek Academy had always been under the attention of King Barak Kundera.

But now, the Royal Academy has been arranged to fight their Shrek Academy in the first game. Aren't you afraid that the students of the Barak Academy team will be crushed by their Shrek Academy and completely lose their morale?
Flanders's eyes revealed a hint of sharpness, and his sharp eyes like a falcon were instantly fixed on Kundera on the rostrum, his brows furrowed, as if he was warning something.

On the rostrum, it seemed that Flanders was also aware of his gaze. Kundera's face did not waver at all, but instead showed a calm smile to Flanders.

Seeing the smile on Kundera's face, Flanders slowly averted his eyes and felt relieved, but he still secretly guessed what the Barak royal family was up to.

But soon, Flanders put it behind him. With his soul power up to level 81 at the moment, he was completely unafraid of the Balak royal family, not to mention that there were three titled Douluo behind their Shrek Academy, let alone He is not afraid of the Balak royal family or the Tiandou royal family.

After a while, the emcee announced the order of all the battles. Without any hesitation, he went directly to the main topic and announced: "In half an hour, the competition will officially begin."

"Please prepare for the first game of the first round of the qualifiers later, Barak Academy and Shrek Academy!"

"The remaining participating academy teams will withdraw."

Following the arrangements of the master of ceremonies, the other four major soul master academy teams quickly began to withdraw.

Since there are not many high-level soul master academies in their Balak subdivision, there is a battle every day. After exiting, the four major soul master academies teams directly led by the kingdom guards came to the front of the great soul fighting platform, specializing in In the viewing area prepared for all participating academy teams.

The Barak Academy team and their Shrek Academy team staying in the Great Soul Fighting Arena came to the preparation areas on both sides of the Great Soul Fighting Arena under the arrangement of the master of ceremonies.

In the preparation area, Flanders leaned directly on the chair and said to Qin Ming, Qin Mo and others lazily: "Xiao Ming, I don't care about the battle these days. I leave it to you."

From Flanders' point of view, with their Shrek Academy's fighting power, they could win even with their eyes closed, so there was no need for him to bother at all.

After finishing speaking, he picked up a cup of hot tea from somewhere and slowly tasted it. His slightly narrowed eyes looked particularly vulgar under those gold-wired square glasses.

Regarding what Flanders said, Qin Ming's eyes flashed with a trace of laughter and laughter, but he still bowed respectfully to Flanders and said: "Dean, please don't worry."

His eyes quickly swept across Qin Mo, Oscar and others, with a rare edge showing in his eyes, and he said: "Children, this is the first time our Shrek Academy has shown its edge in front of the world, so I have only one request for you!"

"Crush them!"

As Qin Ming's words fell, Oscar and others, who had not cared much at first, suddenly showed a hint of fighting spirit in their eyes. Yes, this is the first time that their Shrek Academy has shown its strength in front of the world!

"Yes! Teacher Qin Ming!"

Upon seeing this, Qin Ming's face suddenly showed a satisfied smile, and then he quickly looked at Qin Mo and said, "Qin Mo, I'll leave it to you to arrange this qualifier."

Hearing this, Qin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded and agreed, and quickly started making arrangements without any hesitation. If he wanted to impress the world with the excellence of his Shrek Academy, he had to give the world a stunning performance.

His eyes instantly swept over the three inner court preparations, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, and Xiao Wu, as if they were thinking about something. Finally, his eyes locked on Ning Rongrong, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said: "Ning Rongrong, I Give you 1 minute, can you be sure to eliminate all the students in Barak Academy?"

As Qin Mo's words fell, everyone present immediately turned their attention to Qin Mo, with surprise in their eyes. Even the simplest Xiao Wu could hear the meaning of Qin Mo's words. This was to make Ning Rong Rong fights against a team alone.

The next moment, everyone including Flanders and Qin Ming showed excitement in their eyes. Originally, Dai Mubai and others were dissatisfied with the other five senior soul master academy teams in the Balak Division. No matter how you look at it, there is no one who can give them a sense of crisis, they are just chickens and dogs.

But now, if Qin Mo's arrangement is followed, it will be interesting. To single-handedly overthrow the opponent's entire team within a limited time is very exciting for Dai Mubai and the other young people.

As for Flender and Qin Ming, they looked at Qin Mo's seemingly ridiculous arrangement and had no intention of stopping it.

As for whether he will be resented by the other five soul master academy teams and the Barak royal family.

Don't forget that there are Titled Douluo behind Shrek Academy. Even if Qin Mo's grandfather didn't take action, their Dean Flanders and Vice President Zhao Wuji could break through to the Contra.

Moreover, Qin Mo arranged for Ning Rongrong, the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, to appear in the first battle. In terms of status alone, she was not even worse than King Kundera of Balak.Hold a grudge?Let's give it a try. They also wanted to see how the Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect fought.

Ning Rongrong, who already had the character of a 'little witch', was extremely excited at this moment. She made fists with her white and delicate hands, waved them in front of her, and responded: "Don't worry, Boss Mo, it won't take more than a minute for me to do it." Knock them all down!"

Seeing Ning Rongrong's excited face, everyone present suddenly showed envy in their eyes.

Seeing this, Qin Mo raised the corners of his mouth slightly, nodded and said, "Very good, I'll leave the first battle to you."

Half an hour passed quietly!
At this moment, the morning sun has risen high in the sky, and all the lights turned on in the Great Soul Fighting Arena have been extinguished.


A simple bell echoed, and the emcee's voice quickly sounded: "Invite Team Barak and Team Shrek to appear!"

In the preparation area, everyone who heard the voice of the master of ceremonies suddenly showed a hint of excitement in their eyes. Except for Qin Mo, Ye Lingling, and Lin Nuo, the seven major groups quickly lined up and walked towards the great soul fighting arena.

It is a pity that the team battle rules of the qualifiers do not allow the number of players to be less than seven if the team has sufficient personnel. Otherwise, Qin Mo and the others would have really thought about letting only Ning Rongrong play.

Compared to the mindless treatment Shrek Academy encountered in the original work, no academy team dares to look down upon it now.

At this moment, the Barak team opposite Ning Rongrong directly arranged all the official members of the team to play, with alert eyes.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai, Oscar and others all looked strange in their eyes, while the excitement in Ning Rongrong's eyes became even more intense, and there was even a faint glimmer of glazed light.

The referee, who did not notice the strange atmosphere between the two teams, quickly said: "Both sides salute!"

Hearing this, everyone from the Barak team and the Shrek team bowed slightly. This was the normal spirit fighting etiquette, so no one showed any reluctance.

After the ceremony, the referee quickly raised his right hand, and his loud voice instantly spread throughout the Great Soul Fighting Arena: "The first game of the first round of the qualifiers has officially begun."

At the referee's signal, this announced the official start of the first qualifying match for the Balak division of this continent's elite soul master academy competition.

Somewhat similar to fighting souls, the competition has 1 minute for both parties to activate their martial souls.

The moment the referee finished speaking, a tall young man in Balak's team, about twenty years old, suddenly said: "Brothers! Activate the martial spirit!"

The bright soul ring light instantly enveloped them, and the surging soul power aura crashed towards the Shrek Academy team on the opposite side.

On the other hand, the Shrek team, the moment the referee finished speaking, all the members except Ning Rongrong didn't even summon their martial souls. They took a step back and looked at the opposite team Balak with an indifferent look.

The moment he saw the movements of Team Shrek, the entire Soul Fighting Arena felt like it was exploding. Even King Barak Kundla on the podium had an extremely ugly expression on his face at this moment.

Opposite the Shrek team, the Balak team's eyes were filled with infinite anger.

Ning Rongrong's right hand flashed slightly, and the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda Martial Soul disappeared in a flash, but the attribute blessings of the four soul rings fell on him instantly. Looking at the Balak team opposite, which was full of angry flames, his face was full of anger. With a bright smile, he said: "I'll defeat you in one minute!"

Hearing this, the anger in Team Balak's eyes grew stronger, and they were about to open their mouths to scold each other.

Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded.


The soil splashed under Ning Rongrong's feet, a huge pothole exploded, and a phantom appeared in the Balak team like a stream of light.

In an instant, the anger on the face of the auxiliary soul master in Balak's team had not changed, and a terrifying blow suddenly landed on his neck.

Under the heavy blow, the auxiliary soul master instantly rolled his eyes and fainted.

Ning Rongrong, who had hit the target with one strike, turned lightly and appeared next to the other soul masters of Balak's team in an instant.

"Bang!" "Crack!" "Click!" "······"

Under Ning Rongrong's terrifying speed, many students from Balak's team fell to the ground one after another. Before they even had time to react, only the captain of Balak's team and a plant-type soul sect with the Sunflower Spirit were left.

Ning Rongrong's eyes instantly fell on the two Soul Sects.

In an instant, the terrifying sense of crisis directly caused the expressions of the captain of Balak's team and a Sunflower Soul Sect to change, and they were just about to mobilize the soul power in their bodies to activate soul skills.

But before the soul ring on his body lit up, a sharp pain quickly shot up from his neck, and his consciousness disappeared instantly.

Barak's team was completely wiped out...

(End of this chapter)

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