Chapter 135 The Budget Competition Ends


Incredibly quiet!
The referee who was in charge of the judgment on the Soul Fighting Stage didn't even come back to his senses before he saw all the members of Balak's team falling at Ning Rongrong's feet.

Outside the Soul Fighting Stage, tens of thousands of spectators cheered and shouted, and their shouts suddenly stopped. Many spectators even rubbed their eyes with doubts about life, as if they did not believe the scene they saw before them.

Even King Barak Kundla on the rostrum was a little paralyzed at this moment, even if the royal family's intelligence had already expected the power of Shrek Academy.

But to be so powerful that an auxiliary soul master can wipe out the entire team of their Royal Academy, isn't this a bit too exaggerated...
Originally, Kundera only planned to let the Shrek Academy team suppress the impetuous atmosphere of Barak Academy. The most important thing was to warn some members of the royal family and nobles who were reaching out to Barak Academy.

Looking at the members of Barak's team who fell at Ning Rongrong's feet, Kundera's eyes twitched crazily, and he suddenly felt like he was out of luck.

On the soul fighting stage, looking at the stunned referee, Ning Rongrong showed a sweet smile on his face and reminded: "Mr. Referee, it's time to announce the result!"

Hearing this, the referee suddenly woke up. The moment he saw the smile on Ning Rongrong's face, he couldn't help but subconsciously took half a step back, and announced stiffly: "The first match of the first round of the qualifiers - Shrek Academy, win!”

As the referee announced the verdict, the audience in the Great Soul Fighting Arena finally came to their senses. Looking at Ning Rongrong, who had a dull expression on the Great Soul Fighting Arena, they instantly burst into unparalleled enthusiasm.

In an instant, overwhelming cheers and shouts rang out, regardless of the fact that Barak College was the royal college of their Barak Kingdom.

Under the cheers and shouts, the faces of many royal families, nobles, and officials sitting on the podium all looked dark.

If Barak Academy's team simply lost to Shrek Academy, it wouldn't be a big deal. After all, everyone knew that Shrek Academy had a titled Douluo, so losing was normal.

But being crushed, and being crushed in a 1V7 situation, even the one who crushed their team was an auxiliary soul master, this is a bit...
The emcee's face was stiff, and he looked at King Barak Kundera in the center of the rostrum with some trepidation. His eyes were full of anxiety. The current battle situation really made it difficult for him to control the situation.

Seeing this, Kundera's already dark face became even more ugly, but when he saw Ning Rongrong standing on the big soul fighting platform, he had to suppress the aggrieved feeling in his heart.

The soul power in his body fluctuated slightly, and he quickly transmitted his voice to the master of ceremony's soul power.

Upon hearing Kundera's message, the emcee's face suddenly showed an expression of relief, his expression instantly changed to extremely fanatical, and his extremely excited voice echoed.

On the rostrum, listening to the impassioned words of the emcee, many members of the royal family, nobles, and officials looked at the official team members being carried off the Great Soul Fighting Platform by the rest of the Barak Team substitutes, as if they had eaten dead rats.

Many members of the royal family, nobles, and officials suddenly had an idea in their minds: We can’t be the only ones to lose this face...

The moment this idea arose, information about Shrek Academy quickly appeared in my mind, and the best one to use was: Flender, the dean of Shrek Academy, is extremely greedy and stingy...

In an instant, many members of the royal family, nobles, and officials looked at each other and nodded.

In the preparation area, Ning Rongrong, who was extremely excited, was happily telling Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing her excitement.

Listening to Ning Rongrong's cheerful voice, Oscar's eyes flashed with gentleness, and Xiao Wu, who was more in tune with Ning Rongrong's personality, now had extremely envious eyes.

Xiao Wu, who had an extremely pure heart, pulled Tang San in an instant, stepped in front of Qin Mo, and begged Qin Mo with great anticipation: "Boss Mo! Boss Mo! Let me do it tomorrow..."

As he spoke, he pulled Tang San's sleeves and kept winking at Tang San, wanting Tang San to help him speak.

Tang San's eyes suddenly flashed with fondness, and he subconsciously looked at Qin Mo, wanting to speak for Xiao Wu: "Boss Mo..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Mo directly interrupted Tang San and looked at Xiao Wu.

Under Qin Mo's gaze, Xiao Wu shrank her neck unconsciously, instinctively afraid, but her eyes were full of expectation.

Seeing this, Qin Mo chuckled, nodded, and said with a smile: "Okay!"

The moment she saw Qin Mo nodding, Xiao Wu jumped up excitedly: "Thank you, Boss Mo!"

But before Xiao Wu could be happy for too long, Qin Mo's voice sounded again: "Don't be happy too early. You can take action tomorrow, but..."

Qin Mo paused slightly and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The moment she heard Qin Mo's but, Xiao Wu's face suddenly showed a trace of anxiety, her voice quickly became softer, and she said: "Boss Mo, but what?"

Looking at the cute and silly rabbit in front of him, Qin Mo couldn't help but smile on his face and said: "But... the solution time cannot exceed 1 minute, and the attack cannot be too heavy." "??? "

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's eyes were full of confusion, and a thought flashed crazily in his mind: That's it...
Seeing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

After a moment, Qin Mo looked at Zhu Zhuqing, Tang San and Lin Nuo, and said seriously: "The second battle tomorrow will be left to Xiao Wu, and the remaining three battles will be left to you three."

"There is only one request: crush them! Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing, Tang San, and Lin Nuo all flashed with excitement in their eyes, and quickly responded: "Yes! Boss Mo."

Seeing this, Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun, who had no chance to make a move, suddenly showed envy in their eyes, especially Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun. This was a good opportunity to shine.


Five days later!
With the strength of Shrek Academy that was almost like a dimensionality reduction attack, he defeated all the other advanced soul master academies in the Balak Kingdom, gained a full amount of points, and successfully obtained a promotion spot.

The other promotion spot finally fell into the hands of the Barak team.

Even though Team Balak seems to have no ability to resist in the hands of Shrek Academy, it is the royal academy of Balak Kingdom after all, and the resources it devotes are far beyond what other high-level soul master academies can match.

Looking at the nearly [-] advanced soul master academies in the entire continent, the strength and foundation of Barak Academy are fully sufficient to rank in the top twenty. In the Balak division of the budget competition of the previous All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition, the one who ranked first in points has always been It's them.

The other four major high-level soul master academies in the Balak Kingdom are still lagging behind the Balak Academy.

It is a pity that the sudden emergence of Shrek Academy this time directly interrupted the undefeated path of Barak Academy in the Kingdom of Barak.

At the award ceremony, in addition to the audience, the faces of the royal family, nobles, and officials were all extremely stiff.

On the great soul fighting stage, all the members of the senior soul master academy team, including the Barak team, looked at Qin Mo and others with awe, fear, and even a hint of admiration in their eyes.

Only five people were dispatched, and they completely crushed the five senior soul master academy teams. This huge gap made them unable to even think about resisting.

On the contrary, Kundera, who was in charge of awarding the awards, had a smile on his face and issued the promotion qualification certificates and bonuses for Shrek Academy and Barak Academy with great kindness.

He also directly invited all the members of Shrek Academy and Barak Academy, the two teams, and the leading teachers to the palace for a banquet.

The end of the Barak Division qualifiers does not mean that they can immediately go to the Tiandou Empire to participate in the promotion competition, but it is just the beginning.

For the Barak royal family and King Kundera, it is important for their two domestic teams to participate in the promotion competition and even the finals.

But compared to rankings, the Balak royal family and King Kundla pay more attention to the soul masters who will compete in the promotion and finals of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition.

If we say that the nobles and big families in the Balak Kingdom mainly compete for the soul masters in the six high-level soul master academies in the Balak Kingdom.

Then the most important thing for the Tiandou Royal Family, the Star Luo Royal Family, and many kingdoms and principalities is to compete for those soul masters who have performed in the promotion and finals of the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition. This is also the biggest reason why they have been able to thrive for so long.

Especially the kingdoms and principalities other than the two royal families have a greater thirst for talents, and they all hope to have more powerful soul masters in their hands.

The promotion round of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is not like the qualifiers. In order to protect the privacy of the soul masters and for security reasons, no spectators are allowed in the promotion round except the team itself and the teachers who lead the team. Watched.

Therefore, every promoted team carries many promises and even tasks with them when they go to their respective main theaters to participate in promotion matches and finals.

While ensuring the ranking of our own team, we should try our best to attract those free soul master talents who have performed well in the promotion competition and finals to the kingdom.

Even the reward for recruiting a free soul master genius to the kingdom is much richer than the ranking rewards in the soul master competition.

The two major soul master academies that the Barak Kingdom advanced to in the past were both under Kundera's control and could be easily controlled.

But this time it was different. Shrek Academy, with its titled Douluo in charge, was not something he, the king of the kingdom, could control.

In order to obtain more talents in this Soul Master Competition, the power of Shrek Academy is indispensable. Fortunately, Kundera knows Shrek Academy fairly well, especially Flanders.

(End of this chapter)

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