The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 143 The weight of the world changes!Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling broke through!

Chapter 143 The weight of the world changes!Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling broke through!
The moment the promotion competition came to an end, Qin Mo felt that the essence of the world gathered in the fifteen teams, including Shrek Academy, began to boil instantly like a raging fire cooking oil.

The entire campus was like a huge funnel, and a large number of world origins quickly gathered and fell into the fifteen teams.

In just an instant, even for the team with the worst performance and the fewest points in the promotion round, the speed at which the world's origin gathers is twice as fast as before the promotion, but the speed at which the world's origin escapes remains unchanged from before.

The better the performance and the higher the points, the faster the world's origin gathers on the body. As the No. 1 in the promotion competition, the Shrek team has won fourteen consecutive games. At this moment, the speed of the world's origin gathering on the body has doubled. times.

However, what Qin Mo is concerned about is not the origin of the world gathered in many teams, but that as the origin of the world gathers, the weight of the world on many team members is gradually increasing.

Although the increase is almost undetectable, it is extremely clear in Qin Mo's eyes, especially the world weight held by Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun and other sequences.

His eyes slowly looked towards the funnel-like phenomenon of the world's origins gathering high in the sky. Qin Mo's eyes flashed with thoughts. This kind of change did not appear in the budget round. He did not expect such a change in the promotion round. So in the finals Woolen cloth······
It seems that due to the faster gathering speed of the world's origin and the increase in the world's weight, in Shrek Academy, Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling, whose soul power has reached the limit of level 49, instantly showed signs of breakthrough.

Not only everyone in Shrek Academy, but also many members of other teams whose soul power has reached the limit.

Feeling the restless soul power in his body, Dai Mu showed a strange look on his face and said: "Dean, Teacher Qin Ming, Boss Mo, I feel like I am about to break through!"

Hearing this, Flanders and Qin Ming suddenly showed surprise in their eyes, saying: "Really? That's great, hahaha! Xiaobai, your breakthrough came too soon..."

Before Flanders could be excited for too long, Ye Lingling beside Qin Mo seemed a little unsure and said: "Dean, it seems that I am about to break through..."


Flanders was slightly startled, his eyes became more and more surprised, and he quickly began to carefully sense the changes in Ye Lingling's aura.

When he felt the faint soul power fluctuations in Ye Lingling's breath, his face suddenly showed an extremely excited expression, and he laughed and said: "Hahaha! Okay! Okay! Double happiness!"

Seeing Flanders looking a little complacent, Qin Mo's mouth twitched slightly and said helplessly: "Dean, let's go back quickly and let Lao Dai and Ling Ling practice. We only have three days to practice..."

Hearing this, Flanders suddenly woke up and said quickly: "Yes, let's go back quickly."

As he spoke, Flanders seemed to think of something again. He looked at Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling and said nervously: "Xiao Bai, Lingling, the Fifth Soul Ring Soul Hunting Department should have already planned it for you."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling both nodded. Dai Mubai smiled and said, "Before we set off, Boss Mo asked us to go to the Soul Hunting Department first."

Hearing this, Flanders looked at Qin Mo with extremely approving eyes, relaxed and said: "That's good."

The finals of this year's Soul Master Elite Competition were different from previous ones. With the intervention of the Soul Master Palace, the venue was set up in the Soul City between the two empires.

The distance from Tiandou City to Wuhun City is not that short. It takes nearly 20 days to reach Wuhun City, so the fifteen teams are only given three days to rest and adjust.

For other teams, after fourteen days of high-intensity fighting, they really need to rest and adjust. Even the four major element academies of Thunder, Blazing Fire, Divine Wind, and Tianshui, and even some weaker teams, It is even more necessary to use these three days to recover as much as possible from the injury.

Although we had a luxurious carriage provided by the Tiandou Empire when we were on our way, no matter how luxurious the carriage was, it was still okay to rest and recuperate...
But for Shrek Academy, there is no change at all compared to the promotion competition except not having to participate in the competition.

Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling successfully broke through the level 49 soul power bottleneck on the night of the promotion competition, broke through to level [-], and became quasi-soul kings.

Since the Tiandou Empire was extremely far away from the Star Dou Forest, both Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling chose to hunt for souls in the Sunset Forest near Tiandou City.

Compared with the Star Dou Forest, although the quality of the soul beasts in the Sunset Forest is slightly inferior, the soul beasts bred in it can fully meet the needs of Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling for their fifth soul ring. After all, not every soul master wants to The requirements for his own soul ring are as demanding as Ma Hongjun's.

The 'Ice and Fire Eye' in the center of the Sunset Forest is the most important place of the Qin family. Qin Mo has long asked his old man to fully explore all the situations in the Sunset Forest.

With Qin Mo's help, Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling easily obtained the fifth soul ring, which was also their first ten-thousand-year soul ring.

Since both of them had taken the whale body pills made from 8-year-old whale glue, and the elixir refined by Qin Mo using fairy grass, plus the cultivation of 'shi', the age of their fifth soul rings was reduced. They are all frighteningly high, even much higher than the Soul Emperor's sixth soul ring age.

Especially Dai Mubai, as the owner of the top beast martial soul White Tiger, physical fitness is already his strength, and the fifth soul ring has a life span of 3 years.Although Ye Lingling's physical strength is not as strong as Dai Mubai's, with the ultimate recovery attribute of 'Nine Hearts Begonia', the life of the fifth soul ring is only 2000 years shorter than Dai Mubai's.

After Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling absorbed the fifth soul ring, their soul power level broke through two levels in a row, reaching level 52, by virtue of the soul ring's age far exceeding the limit.

Teacher Qin Ming, who was following the soul hunt, felt a sense of urgency in his heart when he looked at the fifth soul rings absorbed by Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling.

After all, even after cultivating 'Shi', his sixth soul ring is only 3 years old. In the past, Qin Ming was still a little proud. After all, his sixth soul ring's life span was compared to the sixth souls of other soul emperors on the mainland. The ring life is much higher.

But the sense of urgency rising in his heart at this moment told him that if he didn't work hard, it wouldn't be long before Dai Mubai, Ye Lingling and other junior students were stronger than him.

With Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling's soul power breakthrough, Qin Mo also released his own soul power to level 52.

In this regard, everyone present at Shrek Academy was not surprised at all, or they had expected it. After taking the elixir, Dai Mubai and Ye Lingling's soul power level could reach level 49, not to mention Qin Mo's elixir. Refiner.

With the changes in the auras of the three people, including the four major element academies, all members of the fourteen teams in the Tiandou theater showed a trace of bitterness in their eyes.

After the promotion competition, they will no longer be restricted from moving around and communicating, and because they are in the same Tiandou war zone, there is not much smell of gunpowder, especially since several academies with relatively close relationships are together.

Although the vast majority of final winners in previous Soul Master Elite Competitions were teams from the two empires and Spirit Hall, they were not without hope, especially the four major academies of Thunder, Blazing Fire, Tianshui, and Kamikaze. All are colleges that have won championships.

But this time... they can't see a glimmer of hope.

As the three-day rest period ended, all the players and teachers of the fifteen teams in the Tiandou war zone, escorted by five hundred Royal Knights soldiers, began to move towards the venue of the Soul Master Elite Competition finals - Wuhun Heading into the city.

In order to allow the participating team members to have a better rest, the Tiandou Empire spent a lot of money to prepare a luxurious giant carriage for all participating teams, specifically for the participating team members to ride and rest.

These fifteen luxury carriages are even engraved with the logos of major colleges, even the team college with the lowest points is no exception.

In the queue of fifteen luxury carriages, inside the luxury carriage engraved with the Blazing Academy logo.

Huo Wushuang looked at Feng Xiaotian with some distress and said: "How do you think those monsters in Shrek Academy cultivated? They are obviously younger than us, but their strength..."

Hearing this, even if Feng Xiaotian came to lick... ah no, pursuing Huo Wu, a trace of helplessness appeared on his face involuntarily.

Although Huo Wu on the side was a little unhappy, he had to be convinced by the talents displayed by everyone in Shrek Academy.

Ten days later, the journey to Wuhun City was already halfway through.

With a guard team of five hundred Royal Knights, they were comparable to royal relatives within the territory of the Tiandou Empire. Every city they visited received them in the best manner.

At this moment, fifteen teams, escorted by five hundred Royal Knights, arrived outside a canyon intersecting two hills.

In the team, on the carriage engraved with the logo of Shrek Academy, Qin Mo looked at the canyon not far away with a faint flash of light in his eyes.

As early as the first day of departure, Qin Mo let Flanders get the team's departure route. After comparing the territory map of the Tiandou Empire and the time in the original work, Qin Mo was sure that the canyon in front of him was the one in the original work. The area attacked by Wuhun Palace.

"No?" Qin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, the light in his eyes quietly dimmed, and his heart quietly relaxed a little.

It's not that they are afraid of being intercepted. After all, with Qin Dong's protection, even if Qian Daoliu of Wuhun Palace comes out in person, he can't cause any harm to them.

Moreover, they are not as good as the original work now. Tang San's identity and talent have not been exposed. The master is still in Notting City and has not met Liu Erlong. In addition, Shrek Academy is the only one on the mainland with a titled Douluo. Advanced Soul Master Academy.

If under such circumstances, Wuhun Palace arranged for people to intercept and kill them, then it would represent something different.

(End of this chapter)

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