The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 144 The Origin of the Endless World

Chapter 144 The Origin of the Endless World

The highest governing body of Wuhun Palace - the Pope Palace!

On the throne, Bibi Dong, who was wearing a luxurious black robe with gold patterns and a purple gold crown with nine curves on her head, looked at the letter in her hand with interest.

This letter was written by Salas of the Wuhun Temple in the Tiandou Imperial City. Because it is different from the commotion of the Shrek Seven Monsters in the original work, and the Shanhe Douluo behind Shrek Academy, the Wuhun Temple is not In other words, he is more of a win-win mentality towards Shrek Academy.


Looking at the contents of the letter, Bibi Dong had an inexplicable look on his face: "Shanhe Qin family, Haitang Ye family, Qibao Liuli, Xingluo Dai family, and Zhu family are a bit interesting."

"I remember that the dean of Shrek Academy is called Flanders." Bibi Dong asked casually.

Under the throne, one was feminine and the other was strange. The two figures were shocked in vain. The eyes of the two titled Douluo, Ju and Ghost, both showed complicated expressions. Yue Guan lowered his head slightly and said femininely: "Yes, Your Majesty."

As if it was just a casual question, Bibi Dong didn't seem to care at all about Yue Guan's answer, and turned to say, "Tell Nana and the others that they have an opponent."


Both Yue Guan and Gui Mei were shocked. They knew the strength of the golden generation best. Even if they fought in the Wuhun Hall of countless soul master elite competitions in the past, this time the Wuhun team was the strongest. Top-notch, even invincible.

In their view, it was absolutely impossible for any team from the Soul Master Academy to be the opponent of this martial arts team, even the Tiandou Royal Academy and the Star Luo Royal Academy.

But they also don’t think what Pope Bibi Dong said is false.

Yue Guan's feminine face instantly became extremely sinister, and she said: "Your Majesty, do you need me and the old ghost..."

Although the ghost on the side did not speak, the ghostly aura lingering on his body gradually became stronger.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong shook his head slightly and said calmly: "No need, just remember it naturally. Having an opponent is not a bad thing for Nana. Nana's path is so smooth..."

After finishing her words, Bibi Dong gently twisted her fingertips, and the letter in her hand instantly flew to Yueguan.

Yue Guan caught the letter and looked at the content written on the letter. Ju and Gui, the two titled Douluo, suddenly showed a hint of surprise in their eyes.

At the same time, he also understood why the Pope had such an attitude. The Mountain and River Douluo was the one they wanted to win over from the Spirit Hall.

The murderous intent in the eyes of the two people quickly disappeared. However, as the two people who personally went to Shrek Academy to confer titles on Qin Dong, they naturally had an understanding of the soul power of Qin Mo and others. However, in such a short period of time, the soul power level unexpectedly increased. Such a big change, could it be...
As a high-level executive of Wuhun Palace, he was very aware of some evil methods on the mainland. Yueguan suddenly said with some surprise: "Your Majesty, the soul power level of this Shrek team..."

Bibi Dong's fingertips tapped the armrest of the throne slightly, and said with a hint of nonchalance: "Is it important?"

Yue Guan was stunned for a moment, but he immediately understood what Bibi Dong meant and immediately stopped talking.

The ghost on the side seemed to have thought of something, and an extremely low, ghostly voice sounded: "Your Majesty, is the three soul bones reward for the competition champion..."

Bibi Dong paused with her fingertips, frowning slightly and thinking: "The rewards for the three soul bones remain unchanged, and the skull that condenses spirit and wisdom will be replaced."

Hearing this, Yue Guan and Gui Mei both understood clearly, but at the same time they said with some concern: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's difficult to explain over there at the Consecration Hall." Upon hearing the words "Consecration Hall", Bibi Dong's expression instantly became extremely indifferent. With murderous intent and fear in his eyes, he said coldly: "I am the Pope, why do I need to explain to the enshrinement hall."

Hearing this, Yue Guan and Gui Mei suddenly showed troubled expressions on their faces.

Seeing this, Bibi Dong's face became even more ugly. Thinking of the invincible existence in the Enshrinement Hall, she finally took out an extremely crystal-clear soul bone from the space soul guide, threw it directly towards Yueguan, and said coldly: "Use it." Exchange this soul bone."

Yue Guan's face did not change at all after catching the soul bone. Gui Mei breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Although he was still a little embarrassed, looking at Bibi Dong with an unwavering expression, Gui Mei and Yue Guan looked at each other.

He bowed to Bibi Dong with great respect and said, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Then he quickly left outside the Pope's Palace.

After a while, Bibi Dong was the only one left in the huge Pope's Palace. His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the space and see the enshrinement hall, his eyes full of hatred and cruelty.

A terrifying voice like the cry of a Rakshasa echoed in the vast and empty Pope's Palace: "Qiandaoliu! Wait, there is only one last step left! It won't take long before I can destroy everything in your angel clan. Then I will see you What can you do to stop me?"

The sound of dense air explosions sounded, and the extremely gorgeous throne under Bibi Dong exploded into countless pieces.


Ten days later!
The escort team finally arrived at Wuhun City after a peaceful journey.

Because of the special regulations of Wuhun City, Xue Qinghe ordered the Royal Knights to station outside the city, and then led fifteen teams of soul masters into Wuhun City.

Compared to big cities like Tiandou Imperial City and Star Luo Imperial City, Wuhun City is even less than one-tenth the size of the two imperial cities, but it is the holy land in the hearts of most soul masters and civilians on the mainland.

Although Wuhun City is small, it is very majestic. Its outer city wall alone is no worse than the walls of the two imperial cities, and its material is extremely hard granite. This towering and thick city wall alone is enough to make the title fight Luo sighed.

Different from the square layout of other large cities on the mainland, Wuhun City has a hexagonal layout. The thickness of the six city walls alone exceeds 30 meters. The 80-meter-high city wall looks extremely majestic from the outside.

Each of the six city walls is carved with a huge relief, which is exactly the same as the pattern on the Wuhun Palace token, symbolizing the six powerful Wuhun.

However, although Wuhun City's city wall defense is powerful, it has more symbolic meaning for Wuhun City. Compared with this majestic city wall, the many Wuhun Palace soul masters and even titled Douluo in Wuhun City are the real The wall of sighs.

With the existence of many soul masters and titled Douluo, even if Wuhun City does not have these six walls, it will have no impact at all.

Even though everyone had already seen the equally majestic Tiandou Imperial City, the moment they saw Wuhun City, they were still amazed by it, even more impressive than the Tiandou Imperial City.

However, compared to the towering and majestic Wuhun City in front of him, Qin Mo cared more about the origin of the world lingering in Wuhun City, even though he had seen the vast origin of the world in the 'Eye of Ice and Fire'.

But Qin Mo's face still showed a trace of sluggishness, because the origin of the world lingering in Wuhun City at this moment was countless times more exaggerated than what he had seen in the 'Eye of Ice and Fire'.

Looking at the nearly endless sources of worlds in Wuhun City, Qin Mo only had one idea left in his mind!
(End of this chapter)

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