The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 145 Zhu Zhuqing: I will take care of the others

Chapter 145 Zhu Zhuqing: I will take care of the others...

Since this continent-wide senior soul master elite competition is held in Wuhun City at the junction of the two empires, the distance between the imperial cities of Tiandou and Xingluo and Wuhun City is not that big.

Therefore, the thirty battle teams from the Tiandou and Xingluo war zones basically arrived at Wuhun City on the same day. However, under the arrangement of the Wuhun Palace, the teams from the two empires were separated in two places, which invisibly gave way to Tiandou. The thirty battle teams of the two empires Dou and Xingluo formed an opposing pattern.

In addition to the thirty teams that stood out from the two major battle zones of Tiandou and Xingluo, the two seed teams belonging to Tiandou and Xingluo arrived in Wuhun City long before all the teams arrived.

One is to get familiar with the environment, and the other is to have more time to recharge.

After all, most of the previous champions were determined from the two seed teams of Tiandou and Xingluo as well as the teams from Wuhun Palace, so they would naturally be able to receive more resources from the empire.

As for the thirty teams that stood out from the Tiandou and Xingluo war zones, they only had three days to rest after arriving at Wuhun City.

Fortunately, the escort arrangements arranged by the two empires were top-notch. Although the 20-day journey made the members of the thirty teams of the two empires somewhat mentally exhausted, their physical condition did not decline. Three days of rest was enough for them all. The college adjusted.

During the past three days, even though everyone in Shrek Academy had full confidence in themselves, they did not relax at all. They suppressed their curiosity about Wuhun City, the holy land for soul masters, and recuperated in the hotel arranged by Wuhun Palace. Charge up.

Even Qin Mo, who coveted the endless source of the world in Wuhun City, had forcibly held back his desires during the past three days.

It's not that Qin Mo can bear it, but because Qin Mo discovered that the endless world origin in this Wuhun City is different from the world origin contained in the bones of the two dragon kings in the 'Ice and Fire Eyes'.

The world origins in Wuhun City have owners, but the owners of these world origins are not the angel gods enshrined in the Wuhun Palace, nor the Rakshasa gods hidden in the darkness.

It doesn't even have much to do with the Pope and the powerful people in Wuhun Palace, but it is purely because of the two existences of Wuhun City and Wuhun Palace.

For most of the soul masters in Douluo Continent, and even [-]% of the civilians, Wuhun City is a holy land, and Wuhun Palace is a temple.

Even if Qin Mo didn't have a trace of extraordinary power in Blue Star in his previous life, if any organization had such exaggerated beliefs as Wuhun Palace and Wuhun Palace, it could directly become a holy place that affects the entire world.

Wuhun Palace and Wuhun Palace have condensed the beliefs of the vast majority of human beings on the entire continent for countless years, so they have this endless source of the world.

If you want to capture all the origins of the vast world blessed by countless beliefs, there are only two ways.

One: Find a way to become the supreme controller of Wuhun Palace. As the supreme controller of Wuhun Palace, naturally you will not be rejected by the origin of the world with the blessing of countless beliefs.

Two: Just like in the original work, the two existences of Wuhun Palace and Wuhun City are completely erased from the world. In this way, the beliefs in the origin of the world that have lost their destination will naturally collapse and become ownerless.

Unfortunately, neither of these two methods can be accomplished by Qin Mo today.

However, although it is not possible to absorb all the world origins in Wuhun City at this time, with the help of the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition, it can still be done with a little leverage.

Originally, Qin Mo thought that this continent-wide elite soul master competition would draw the origin of the world to be a gluttonous feast.

But now, in front of the origin of the world contained in Wuhun City, the continent-wide high-level soul master elite competition, which was originally a gluttonous feast, is just an appetizer.

So even if Qin Mo suppressed his desire for the origin of the world of Wuhun Palace, he would still be a little distracted after seeing the nearly endless brilliance of the world's origin.

Fortunately, he had these three days to rest, and Qin Mo gradually got used to it.

Unlike in the preliminaries and promotion rounds, only two teachers, Flanders and Qin Ming, led the team. With the start of the finals, Zhao Wuji, Shao Xin, Lu Qibin, and Ye Lingling’s grandfather who were originally in charge of Shrek Academy Ye Renxin also came to Wuhun City.

Only Li Yusong remained in Shrek Academy, and the reason... was naturally because he was the weakest and could not compete with Zhao Wuji, Shao Xin, and Lu Qibin.

Compared with the budget round and the promotion round, the finals are more intense. Once you lose, you will be eliminated. Therefore, there will be one day of rest and adjustment time between each round and the next round. Before the final fifth round, there are three Day time adjustment.

Under the leadership of Qin Ming, everyone from Shrek Academy came to the rest area prepared for Shrek Academy by Wuhun Hall.

In the rest area, even though he had absolute confidence in Qin Mo and others, it was his first time as a team leader to participate in such a top continental event. Qin Ming was still a little nervous and kept making arrangements.

"Although the format of the finals is just a simple fight, it is very cruel. Once you lose, you will be eliminated, so Qin Mo..." Qin Ming paused slightly, looked at Qin Mo very seriously, and said : "You must personally take charge of the five rounds of the finals!"

Even if Qin Ming didn't say anything, Qin Mo planned to play in every round. Seeing Qin Ming's extremely serious look, Qin Mo nodded quickly and agreed.

After seeing Qin Mo nodding in agreement, Qin Ming suddenly showed a relaxed look on his face, and then made arrangements for Dai Mubai, Oscar and others.Although their Shrek Academy won the first place in the promotion competition of Tiandou Theater and got a bye in the second round of the finals, it had no impact on Qin Ming's arrangement.

Seeing Qin Ming's orderly arrangements despite being a little nervous, whether it was Flanders, Zhao Wuji, Shao Xin, or Lu Qibin, their eyes showed satisfaction.

Due to the order of Wuhun Palace, only soul masters were allowed to watch the finals, so the momentum of the finals was not as enthusiastic as that of the preliminaries, and the number of viewers was only a few thousand.

There wasn't even an opening ceremony, just a cardinal from Wuhun Palace came on stage and announced the start of the finals, and also announced the lineup of players and byes.

The finals began under the command of the referee specially selected by Wuhundian.

Unlike the original book where Shrek Academy drew Blazing Academy in the first round, Shrek Academy drew an ordinary high-level soul master academy team from the Star Luo Empire in the first round of the finals.

Even among the fifteen teams in the Tiandou battle zone, the team's strength was at the bottom, so Qin Mo and others didn't waste any effort and just pushed past.

In the second round of the finals, because Shrek Academy won No. 1 in the promotion round, it received a bye and directly became one of the top ten.

With the elimination of the two rounds of the finals, the remaining teams are undoubtedly strong teams, and among these ten teams, Wuhundian Team, Tiandou Royal Team, Star Luo Royal Team, and Shrek Team are the strongest. powerful.

The four major element academies of Thunder, Blazing Fire, Divine Wind, and Tianshui, as well as the two high-level soul master academies of the Star Luo Empire, followed.

I don’t know if it was Wuhundian’s secret manipulation or an invisible destiny arrangement.

In the draw of the third round of the finals, the four strongest teams were actually drawn together.

Wuhundian Team VS Tiandou Royal Academy, and Star Luo Royal Team VS Shrek Academy.

The rest except for the advanced soul master academy team that won No. 2 in the promotion competition of Shenfeng Academy and Star Luo Empire had a bye.

The Tiandou Empire's Blazing Academy faced off against the Tianshui Academy, which was also part of the Tiandou Empire, while the Thunder Academy faced off against another high-level soul master academy in the Star Luo Empire.

After seeing the result of the lottery, Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing not far away in the rest area of ​​Team Shrek, with one last hope flashing in his eyes.

However, after noticing Dai Mubai's gaze, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes did not waver at all, and his gaze was as dull as the ghost.

Upon seeing this, Dai Mubai's eyes flashed with disappointment, and at the same time he sighed slightly in his heart. Without saying anything else, he completely put Zhu Zhuqing down.

After putting Zhu Zhuqing down completely, Dai Mubai's power became more and more powerful. There was no fear in his eyes, but only an absolutely confident fighting spirit.

Compared with the original work, Dai Mubai is undoubtedly much stronger. He is confident in defeating Davis and Zhu Zhuyun's Netherworld White Tiger on his own.

However, although Dai Mubai is confident of defeating Davis and Zhu Zhuyun's Netherworld White Tiger, this is after all a team battle between Shrek Academy and Star Luo Royal Academy. If their Shrek Academy exerts its full strength, I am afraid that Davis and Zhu Zhuyun will use Netherworld in succession. Bai Hu had no chance.

And he has been waiting for this opportunity for almost ten years, and this is also the best opportunity.

Dai Mubai took a deep breath, quickly looked at everyone, and asked with utmost seriousness: "Everyone, I want to ask you something."

Seeing the faint fighting spirit on Dai Mubai's body, Qin Mo and others naturally knew what Dai Mubai was thinking.

Everyone knew about the identities of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing when they were studying in the inner academy, and now their Shrek Academy happened to be facing the Star Luo Royal Academy.

Whether it is Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Davis, or Zhu Zhuyun, it is a test. The winner gets everything, and the loser...

So before Dai Mubai could say anything, everyone agreed directly. Ma Hongjun even said directly, "Don't worry, Big Bai, we won't let others interfere with your battle."

But before Dai Mubai could respond, a cold voice sounded: "I will deal with the others..."

As Zhu Zhuqing's voice sounded, Dai Mubai was silent for a moment, then nodded without saying anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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