Chapter 146 The Nether White Tiger
Not long after, the third round of the finals begins!
In the third round of Shrek Academy, except for Qin Mo, Dai Mubai, and Zhu Zhuqing, the remaining four people who appeared were Lin Nuo, Ma Hongjun, Tang San, and Ning Rongrong.

Since the protagonists of this battle were Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, even Qin Mo, as the captain of the team, stood on one side and waited quietly.

On the opposite side, the Xingluo Royal Team, a group of seven people, was also dominated by Davis and Zhu Zhuyun.

Compared with Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun are much more mature due to their age, but their relationship can be seen from the mold.

Compared with Davis, who has been in power for a long time, Dai Mubai's aura is less majestic, but more domineering and violent.

As for Zhu Zhuyun, well... there's nothing much to say, he's just as domineering. . .

Even though Davis had already known that Dai Mubai had broken through to level [-] and became a Soul King, he still felt a bit of disbelief on his face when he felt the faint sense of oppression coming from Dai Mubai at this moment.

If Dai Mubai's soul power level was only over level 40, it would naturally not attract other people's attention. But with Dai Mubai's breakthrough, many teams in the Tiandou Empire will naturally talk about it. Moreover, regarding Dai Mubai's identity, among them Some high-level soul master academies know this very well.

There were even some actions by Tiandou's top brass, so the information about Dai Mubai's breakthrough to the Soul King naturally came into the hands of Davis.

After all, Dai Mubai is a full six years younger than him. If he hadn't learned that there was a huge gap between Dai Mubai and his fiancée Zhu Zhuqing, and that they couldn't even use the martial soul fusion skill Netherworld White Tiger, I'm afraid Davis would have wanted to Desperate.

When Zhu Zhuyun looked at Zhu Zhuqing's aura at this moment, there was an extremely complicated look in her eyes. Compared with the Davis brothers, the age gap between her and Zhu Zhuqing was larger, but at this moment...
Seeing the faint flash of disdain in Dai Mubai's eyes, Davis's purple eyes were filled with endless anger. There was only one thought in his mind: "So what about the Soul King? Without the Netherworld White Tiger, you are still nothing. !”

His eyes swept over Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, feeling the nearly complete severance of martial soul fusion energy in their bodies. He raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said, "Isn't this my playboy brother? Why, he's outside. You are so wild that you don’t know how to say hello to your elder brother when you see him?”

Hearing this, Dai Mubai's pupils dimmed a little, but there was no reaction on his face.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, his face was even more indifferent and cold, as if he had not heard what Davis said.

Looking at the vigilance hidden under Davis's body, Dai Mubai's eyes showed an extremely violent and bloodthirsty light, and a bloody aura lingered in vain: "Say hello? Davis, you are still so hypocritical, I'm afraid you have been wishing for it for a long time. I should die outside."

Seeing this, Davis's pupils shrank suddenly, and the terrifying and dangerous aura instantly made him shiver. However, seeing that Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing didn't react at all, he instead smiled and said: "Mubai, I You should be clear, without the Netherworld White Tiger, you may not be my opponent, and don’t forget, the conditions for the inheritance of our Xingluo royal family..."

Hearing this, the violence and bloodlust in Dai Mubai's eyes were hidden in vain, and he actually sneered, as if he thought what Davis said was very ridiculous.
Dai Mubai raised his right hand, clenched his fist slightly, looked at Davis with great indifference, and said, "Davis, do you know what is the most important thing I learned outside?"

Hearing Dai Mubai's sneer, Davis's face turned extremely ugly instantly, but after hearing Dai Mubai's words, he was stunned for a moment.

Without waiting for Davis to react, Dai Mubai spoke word by word: "In the face of absolute strength, everything is illusion!"

As Dai Mubai finished speaking, a terrifying and domineering force instantly locked Davis.


The terrifying power of the tiger was like the arrival of an ancient behemoth, and it suddenly pressed on Davis.

"Da da da!"

Under the tiger's power, Davis subconsciously took a few steps back, and the soul power in his body exploded instantly, and the white tiger spirit directly possessed him.

After forcing Davis back a few steps, Dai Mubai showed an extremely contemptuous look in his eyes, and instantly restrained his power.The next moment, the referee on the Soul Fighting Stage quickly appeared in front of the Star Luo Royal Team and gave Davis a warning.

Davis, whose face was already extremely ugly, now his purple eyes were filled with murderous intent. The rule about not killing anyone in the Soul Master Competition was completely forgotten in his mind, leaving only one thought: kill him. .

However, he restrained his martial spirit possession in front of the referee, and then whispered something in Zhu Zhuyun's ear.

The moment he heard what Davis said, Zhu Zhuyun's pupils shrank suddenly, but looking at the extremely gloomy expression on his fiancé's face, Zhu Zhuyun nodded quickly. After all, their fates were already connected, and they were both prosperous. , one loss and all loss, there is no escape.

After seeing Davis restrained, the referee arranged by Wuhun Palace returned to his original position. Looking at the tense situation between the two sides, a smile flashed in his eyes, and then he began to announce: "Prepare for the game, you can release the martial arts." Soul."

"The rules of the competition remain the same as before, the loser will be eliminated directly, and the winner will advance to the top six."

"Shrek Advanced Soul Master Academy team versus Star Luo Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy."


As the referee's words fell, incomparably surging soul power fluctuations instantly erupted on the hundred-meter-diameter soul fighting stage.

Fourteen soul powers with different auras suddenly rose up, and dozens of extremely bright soul rings lit up instantly.

When he saw the flashing black soul rings on the opposite Shrek team Qin Mo, Tang San, and Dai Mubai, Davis's eyes instantly showed a trace of distortion.

Originally Qin Mo's fifth soul ring was as red as a blazing red flame, but after Qin Mo spent the world's origins to lay down a layer of cover, the color of the soul ring would not be exposed as long as he did not use his fifth soul skill.

Even so, the two extremely dark soul rings still shocked everyone present.

After seeing everyone releasing their martial spirits, the referee immediately gave the order.

"Game start!"


Golden light and black light instantly shined in the Star Luo Royal Team, and they actually used their trump cards directly.

"Martial Soul Fusion Technique - Nether White Tiger!"

The martial arts, soul power, and auras of Davis and Zhu Zhuyun began to merge instantly.

In just an instant, a huge Netherworld White Tiger suddenly appeared.


Incomparably powerful soul power fluctuations broke out instantly, and the energy alone was far beyond that of ordinary soul kings, and the extremely cold murderous intent suddenly fell.

(End of this chapter)

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