The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 147: Head-on battle with the Netherworld White Tiger

Chapter 147: Head-on battle with the Netherworld White Tiger
As the Nether White Tiger appeared, the remaining five members of the Star Luo Royal Team suddenly rioted as if they had expected it.

Most of the soul power in the auxiliary soul master in the team evaporated in an instant, which was shockingly excessive support.

The auxiliary soul master's body instantly lit up with four bright lights of yellow, yellow, purple, and violet. The four auxiliary soul skills instantly fell on the 'Netherworld White Tiger', and at the same time, he quickly retreated away.

All the auxiliary increases were directly attached to Davis and Zhu Zhuyun.


The power of the 'Netherworld White Tiger', whose aura was extremely terrifying, once again exceeded its limit and reached the level of the Soul Emperor. The terrifying power even made the Soul Fighting Platform under its feet, which could withstand the Soul Emperor's attack, tremble slightly.

The rest of the team members also exploded with all their combat power in an instant, without sparing the soul power in their bodies. Violent soul power fluctuations instantly erupted in the direction of the Shrek team.

The Netherworld White Tiger, whose aura broke through the limit, followed closely behind. The hundred-meter-diameter soul fighting platform was instantly crossed, and a pair of huge tiger claws, full of murderous intent, swooped down in the direction of Dai Mubai.

Looking at the offensive that rushed in front of them in an instant, Qin Mo and others' eyes were extremely calm, as if they didn't see the attack of the Star Luo Royal Team at all.

The next moment, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing flashed slightly and suddenly disappeared into the ranks of the Shrek team.

In an instant, two extremely terrifying powers exploded.

Seeing the Xingluo Royal Team's attack on the Shrek Team, Zhu Zhuqing was instantly enveloped by an extremely strange ghostly aura.


Sharp, extremely sharp claws burst out, the soul power suddenly rioted, the mental power fluctuated slightly, the consciousness turned into darkness, and shadows flickered in the darkness.

The terrifying and strange underworld power instantly condensed, an extremely dark breath of hell entangled, a pair of sharp and sharp claws burst out with a breath of death, the soul power in the body exploded instantly, and the first two yellow soul rings flickered.

"Netherworld Body!"

"Second Soul Skill - Nether Hundred Claws!"

"The first soul skill - Nether Spike!"

Hundreds of claws of the netherworld, condensed with a strange aura of death, suddenly tore away at the attack launched by the Star Luo Royal Team.

It was obviously just two hundred-year-old soul skills, but with the blessing of 'Netherworld Potential' and the transformed 'Netherworld Body', it actually exploded with terror comparable to ten-thousand-year-old soul skills.

In an instant, the soul attack launched by the four members of the Star Luo Royal Team shattered directly under Zhu Zhuqing's hundreds of death-filled Netherworld claws.

"how is this possible!"

"how is this possible!"


The eyes of the four members of the Star Luo Royal Team were full of horror. Their offensive would have given them a headache even if they encountered the Soul King, but now it was directly shattered by Zhu Zhuqing's two hundred-year-old soul skills.

Before the horror in the four people's eyes dissipated, Zhu Zhuqing's figure disappeared in front of them in an instant.

One of the attack-type soul masters' expression changed instantly: "No, go back and protect..."

Before he could finish his words, a faint light flashed beside the auxiliary soul master who had been hiding in the furthest distance.

The moment Zhu Zhuqing broke out his offensive, the violent murderous intention in Dai Mubai's heart could no longer be suppressed.


A violent, domineering, and extremely violent roar suddenly erupted from Dai Mubai's mouth. The first and third soul rings instantly lit up, and the light of the soul rings instantly merged into Dai Mubai's body.

"The first soul skill - White Tiger Barrier!"

"The third soul skill - White Tiger King Kong Transformation!"

"White Tiger Destruction Body!"

The mental power suddenly rioted, and a terrifying blood light burst out from the eyes of the white tiger that was imagining in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Blood tiger transformation!"

In an instant, Dai Mubai's original blue eyes quickly turned into blood, and the white hair possessed by the martial spirit also began to turn into blood red.

The ferocious power soared into the sky, the bone-chilling chill fell in vain, and an extremely trembling and suffocating wave erupted from the blood-red eyes and the battle body.

With the violent, ferocious, and overbearing power of the beast king, he rushed towards the "Netherworld White Tiger" condensed by Davis and Zhu Zhuyun. Countless blood-colored energy crazily enveloped him, and he actually chose to face the "Netherworld White Tiger" with the martial soul fusion technique.

Seeing this, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun in the 'Netherworld White Tiger' were instantly overjoyed. They were extremely clear about the power of the martial soul fusion technique 'Netherworld White Tiger'.Although the soul power of Davis and Zhu Zhuyun is only over level 40, after using the martial soul fusion skill 'Netherworld White Tiger', their combat power is enough to compete with the Soul Emperor. Even based on strength alone, ordinary Soul Emperors are far behind. .

Coupled with the increase in auxiliary soul masters, Davis is confident of defeating the soul emperor even if he faces him.

And now Dai Mubai, who had just broken through to the Soul King, actually dared to face the 'Netherworld White Tiger'.

Davis's eyes showed extremely vicious murderous intent, and he murmured in his heart: "My good brother, you are seeking death on your own, and you can't blame me."

Without any hesitation, the soul power in his body exploded again, and the aura of the 'Netherworld White Tiger' became even more terrifying.
"go to hell······"

Looking at Dai Mubai below, the eyes of the 'Netherworld White Tiger' controlled by Davis showed an extremely happy look, and the tiger claws that were as big as half of Dai Mubai's body fell towards Dai Mubai extremely fiercely.

Seeing this, the fierce fighting spirit in Dai Mubai's eyes instantly burst out, and a ferocious smile appeared on Dai Mubai's face under the 'Blood Tiger Transformation': "Well done!"

Blood flowed brightly, and Dai Mubai's slightly ferocious bloody tiger palms expanded suddenly.


Two extremely domineering soul powers collided with each other.


In an instant, the large soul-fighting platform underfoot, which was strong enough to withstand the Soul Emperor's attack and supported by many soul-guiding devices, suddenly cracked, and countless fine granite fragments exploded in all directions.

Dai Mubai not only received the attack of the 'Netherworld White Tiger' transformed by Davis and Zhu Zhuyun head-on, he even overturned it directly.

"how is this possible!!!"

The eyes of Davis and Zhu Zhuyun in the 'Netherworld White Tiger' were filled with disbelief. Their 'Netherworld White Tiger', who was even more powerful than the Soul Emperor, actually lost in strength to Dai Mubai, who had just broken through to the Soul King. .

Not only Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, but also all the surrounding audiences were incredulous. The audience present were all soul masters with soul power. Naturally, they would not be unaware of the famous martial soul fusion skills in the soul master world. power.

In particular, the reputation of Dai and Zhu's 'Netherworld White Tigers' in the Star Luo Empire was very clear, and they were acquired through hard fighting on the battlefield.

Feeling the faint pain from the two tiger claws, the 'Netherworld White Tiger' controlled by Davis became more ferocious, and roared with a hint of madness: "So what if you are powerful, I don't believe how long you can last in this state. .”

Terrifying soul power fluctuations erupted instantly, and the terrifying energy brilliance gathered crazily towards the bloody mouth.

In an instant, an extremely bright golden torrent of ability crashed towards Dai Mubai and was destroyed.

Hearing this, a sneer appeared on Dai Mubai's face. If he were in this state before taking the elixir, he could only last for 3 minutes at most. At the end of 3 minutes, he would lose all ability to resist, so he could only use it as his final trump card.

But after taking the elixir refined by Qin Mo, breaking through to level [-] with soul power, and absorbing the ten-thousand-year soul ring, his body vaguely possesses the power of indestructibility.

Under the triple blessing, this state can become a permanent state as long as his mental power, soul power, and physical strength are sufficient.

However, Dai Mubai was not going to explain this to his good brother.

Seeing the energy light waves erupting from the mouth of the 'Netherworld White Tiger', Dai Mubai's eyes showed an extremely crazy look of confidence, and he was not going to retreat anymore.

If he wants to completely get the rights he wants from the group of old antiques behind them and his ruthless father, then he must show his qualifications to be supported by all the old antiques behind them.

Simply defeating Davis and Zhu Zhuyun was not enough. Only by completely crushing the 'Netherworld White Tiger' head-on could he truly make his ruthless father, the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire, face him, and be qualified to talk to those old antiques on an equal footing. .

Without any hesitation, the soul power in his body exploded again. Under the violent and ferocious soul power fluctuations, the blood-colored hair flew wildly, a purple light with a hint of blood burst out, and the fourth soul ring surrounding Dai Mubai instantly lit up.

"The fourth soul skill - Tiger King's Roaring Wave!"

The terrifying energy fluctuations instantly distorted the air on the Soul Fighting Stage.

In an instant, a huge, violent, and ferocious bloody tiger quickly condensed outside Dai Mubai's body, staring at him with extremely violent and crazy eyes.


The next moment, an extremely explosive sound wave of a tiger's roar erupted like a thunderous explosion, and the already cracked granite soul fighting platform under Dai Mubai's feet cracked a little again.

In an instant, it was like a destructive storm, bursting directly towards the torrent of energy erupting from the mouth of the 'Netherworld White Tiger'.

Gold and red energy raged like meteorites colliding.


Two extremely terrifying attacks collided, and in just an instant, the Soul Fighting Platform, which was only slightly damaged, exploded. It could no longer withstand the cracking of the next corner, making a deafening sound, and huge rocks were shot in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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