The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 148 The Netherworld White Tiger is defeated!Golden Generation 1!

Chapter 148 The Netherworld White Tiger is defeated!Golden generation!
"Chick!" "Chick!" "Chick!"

The torrent of golden energy erupted by the 'Netherworld White Tiger' and Dai Mubai's fourth soul skill 'Tiger King's Roaring Wave' were annihilated crazily.

The violent energy shock caused the soul fighting arena to tremble crazily. If it were not maintained by the extremely precious soul guide, this one blow would be enough to completely shatter the hundred-meter-diameter soul fighting platform.

Even so, the soul fighting platform under the two major soul skills has left extremely profound traces.

Davis's eyes in "Netherworld White Tiger" were full of fierceness, but Zhu Zhuyun, who was fused with his martial soul, could very clearly sense the fear gradually rising in Davis's heart.

"Damn! How could he be so strong!" Davis was losing his mind at this moment: "Hateful, if I had known I should have drowned directly, damn! Damn! Damn..."

"Weiss! Calm down!" A trace of panic flashed in Zhu Zhuyun's eyes, but he quickly reminded: "We haven't lost yet. Fight with him. Dai Mubai has just broken through to the Soul King. I don't believe his soul power can combine with ours." Compared to 'Netherworld White Tiger'..."

After hearing this, Davis' rationality began to gradually return. Feeling the powerful power from the 'Netherworld White Tiger', he seemed to have grasped the last straw: "Yes! Zhu Yun, you are right."

The soul power of the two people instantly began to riot.

In an instant, the torrent of golden energy in the mouth of the 'Netherworld White Tiger' surged again.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai's eyes became even more crazy, his mental power gathered crazily, and the white tiger's murderous intention that transformed into a blood tiger in the sea of ​​consciousness instantly gathered.

The lingering blood began to quickly gather towards Dai Mubai's body, and a faintly hoarse voice came from Dai Mubai's mouth.

"Blood!" "Tiger!" "Change!"

The huge, violent, and ferocious shadow of the bloody tiger condensed outside his body instantly converged on Dai Mubai's body. The bloody tiger directly turned into tiger stripes, and the marks were engraved on Dai Mubai's body.


The violent roar of the tiger sounded, and in an instant, the originally violent and crazy aura surged again, reaching the Soul Saint level in an instant.


The terrifying sound waves condensed suddenly, and actually directly overwhelmed the golden energy torrent that erupted from the mouth of the 'Netherworld White Tiger'.

Under the roar of the destructive tiger, the golden energy torrent was like ashes and began to disappear inch by inch.

"No!" "No!" "No!"

"how is this possible······"

"how come······"

"Obviously I am..."

Seeing the increasingly approaching blood-red roar of the destructive tiger, and the torrent of golden energy being annihilated by madness, Davis in the 'Netherworld White Tiger' no longer had a trace of ruthlessness in his eyes, but was replaced by endless unwillingness, fear, and regret.

Not only Davis, but Zhu Zhuyun also looked extremely pale.

They have been cornered!

When the torrent of energy erupted by the 'Netherworld White Tiger' was completely annihilated by the bloody roar of the destructive tiger, the roar of the destructive tiger instantly bombarded the 'Netherworld White Tiger'.

Under the terrifying sound waves, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun in the 'Netherworld White Tiger' instantly lost all ability to resist, and the huge 'Netherworld White Tiger' suddenly disintegrated.

Watching the 'Netherworld White Tiger' disintegrate and lose consciousness to Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, Dai Mubai's eyes fluctuated slightly. The next moment, the sound wave slowly died out, but did not kill the two of them.

Compared with Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, the other members of the Star Luo Royal Academy team are undoubtedly much weaker. Even if all members of the Soul Sect are there, Zhu Zhuqing's claws don't have much resistance, and they can be solved earlier than Dai Mubai.

Looking at Dai Mubai who didn't kill Davis, the Wuhun Palace referee's eyes flashed with disappointment. If Dai Mubai had killed Davis, he would definitely be able to provoke the two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo. The conflict, unexpectedly, he could hold it back.

Although Dai Mubai and Davis were both princes of the Star Luo Empire, and even had extremely bloody inheritance rules, Dai Mubai ultimately represented the Tiandou Empire in the competition.

What's more, after more than ten years in the Star Luo Empire, Davis definitely has a large number of loyal supporters. If Davis dies, due to the rules of royal inheritance, those loyal supporters cannot take action against Dai Mubai, but they absolutely cannot. Will let the Tiandou Empire go.

Not only those supporters, but also the ambitious Star Luo Emperor would not let go of this perfect excuse for attack.It is absolutely beneficial and harmless to Wuhun Palace.

As a referee, he can also use this to ban Dai Mubai, the Soul King, weakening the Shrek team and adding an advantage to their Spirit Hall team.

Although he was a little regretful and wished that Davis would die suddenly, in front of everyone, the Wuhun Palace referee still did not dare to make any move and directly announced: "The third round of the finals: Shrek Advanced Soul Master Academy Team—— Win!"

As the Wuhun Palace referee finished speaking, violent cheers and shouts broke out instantly. This wonderful battle completely ignited the thousands of soul masters present.

There were obviously only a few thousand soul masters, but they shouted with a force that was far inferior to the tens of thousands of spectators.





Under the cheers, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun were helped off the soul fighting stage by the members of the Star Luo Royal Team. They looked at Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing with extremely complicated eyes.

Dai Mubai didn't care at all about the thoughts of the Star Luo Royal Academy team members. He just felt that all the shadows that had been cast in his heart in the past were wiped away.

Not only Dai Mubai, but also Zhu Zhuqing.

Although she did not show absolute suppression like Dai Mubai in this battle, she was not inferior in the slightest.

The other members of the Star Luo Royal Team were able to persist for a period of time even against Davis and Zhu Zhuyun's 'Netherworld White Tiger', but in the hands of Zhu Zhuqing, they could not persist for even one minute and were all eliminated.

In a corner of the soul fighting arena, two men and one woman stood. Watching the Shrek battle where only two people were dispatched on the soul fighting stage to eliminate one of the seeds of the Star Luo Royal Team, their eyes showed an extremely solemn look. look.

Although they were confident that they could defeat the Star Luo Royal Team with just two people, they could only do so if they used their trump cards.

But Team Shrek...
Among them was a woman wearing a light-colored dress, with long black hair hanging loosely around her shoulders, a nearly perfect figure, and an infinitely charming smile. She had an extremely solemn expression on her face and said, "So strong! No wonder the teacher said we have a rival." .”

Hu Liena, the direct disciple of Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace, is also the core of the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, the Wuhun Demon Fox, with a soul power level as high as 53.

Hearing this, the other two people nodded extremely solemnly. At this moment, even they felt extremely heavy pressure.

The 1.9-meter-tall man, who was wearing a black outfit and short black hair, looked very similar to Hu Liena, said with a bit of solemnity in his tone: "Compared to the White Tiger Soul Master, Qin Mo, the captain of the Shrek team, is better I feel more dangerous.”

As if worried that Hu Liena and Yan would not understand what she meant, Xie Yue repeated in a heavy tone: "The danger of death, and my moon blade... is trembling."

As soon as these words came out, Hu Liena and Yan's pupils shrank suddenly, and their eyes instantly looked at Qin Mo on the soul fighting stage.

On the soul fighting stage, Qin Mo only felt three extremely blazing eyes falling on him.

His eyes moved slightly, and he quickly looked where he came from. When he saw two men, one woman, and three figures in the corner, a hint of understanding suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he thought: It turns out it's them...
With Qin Mo's perception, he could naturally sense that Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan were afraid of him, but so what, he ignored the three of them without any fluctuation in his eyes.

After leaving the field, in the rest area of ​​Shrek Academy, looking at the extremely relaxed look in Dai Mubai's eyes, Qin Mo patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Did you feel good?"

Dai Mubai, who was tapped on the shoulder, took a deep breath in an instant. Obviously, the battle just now was not easy for him. He activated the 'Blood Tiger Transformation' and 'Blood Tiger Transformation' one after another, even if he had the invulnerability of a diamond. The body is also vaguely unable to withstand it.

But the next moment, Dai Mubai's face showed an extremely happy smile. Without any hesitation, he nodded quickly and laughed: "It's great! Ten years of fear are gone!"

Seeing Dai Mubai's extremely happy expression, all the teachers and students in the inner courtyard, including Ma Hongjun, Tang San, Lin Nuo, and even Flanders and Zhao Wuji, all had smiles on their faces.

After laughing for a long time, Dai Mubai couldn't help it, and asked Ye Lingling and Oscar for help: "Lingling, Oscar, give me some treatment quickly, it hurts me to death."

Upon seeing this, all the Shrek teachers and students present burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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