The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 149 His Majesty the Pope Arrives

Chapter 149 His Majesty the Pope Arrives
Two days later, the fourth round of the Soul Master Competition begins!
With the third round of the finals over, there are only six teams left.

The two seed teams that had high hopes, the Huangdou Team of the Tiandou Royal Academy and the Xingluo Team of the Star Luo Royal Academy, both failed in the third round of this Soul Master Elite Competition.

Team Xingluo was defeated by Team Shrek, and Team Huangdou was defeated by Team Wuhundian.

Even the eliminations of the two teams were very similar. The winner only sent two people to wipe out the Imperial Team and Xingluo Team.

Regarding this, even though they knew how powerful the Wuhundian team and the Shrek team were, the accompanying officials from the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire had extremely ugly expressions on their faces.

However, compared to the Star Luo Empire, the Tian Dou Empire still has a fig leaf. At any rate, the Star Luo Empire's Xing Luo team was defeated by their Shrek Academy of the Tian Dou Empire. As for the Tian Dou Royal Academy's Huang Dou team.

For the officials of the Tiandou Empire, it was easier for them to accept losing to the Spirit Hall team than to the Star Luo Empire's Star Dou team.

In the third round of the finals, in addition to the Shrek team and the Wuhundian team, there are also the Divine Wind Academy of the Tiandou Empire and the Tianxing Academy of the Star Luo Empire. Both of these two academies won the second place in the promotion competition. Ranking.

The remaining two high-level Soul Master Academy teams are Team Tianshui and Team Blazing Fire. The other two teams from the Star Luo Empire that entered the third round of the finals all failed in the third round.

This bleak situation made the accompanying officials of the Star Luo Empire, as well as Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, who had woken up and fully recovered under the treatment of the healing soul master, all look livid, and there was even a trace of fear faintly visible in their eyes.

With their eyesight, they can naturally see that the only remaining team in the Star Luo Empire, the Solitary Miao Tianxing team, is no match for other teams, even if it does not face the most terrifying Spirit Hall team and Shrek team.

However, the strength of the Kamikaze, Tianshui, and Blazing Teams is far superior to that of the Tianxing Team.

In other words, in the ranking of this Soul Master Elite Competition, their Star Luo Empire could not even enter the top three.

Their Star Luo Empire's performance in this Soul Master Competition was so dismal that even if they didn't die after returning, they would still have to shed their skin, especially Davis.

Even though he already had the upper hand, his younger brother, who was six years younger than him, was able to overturn the situation. This kind of thing was extremely rare even in the countless generations of Star Luo Empire.

Even if Davis's future fate has fallen into Dai Mubai's hands at this moment, he will definitely be severely punished when he returns, and their ruthless emperor father will not be lenient either.

The expressions on the faces of Tiandou officials were much better. Although the Imperial Dou team they had high hopes for could not even enter the fourth round finals, no matter whether it was the Kamikaze, Tianshui, Blazing Fire or Shrek teams, they could They all belong to the Tiandou Empire.

Even though the four teams have their own forces behind them and have little connection with their Tiandou Empire, the ownership rights alone are enough to make Emperor Xueye Long Yan very happy.

Especially according to the current situation, as long as nothing happens to the top three in this Soul Master Elite Competition, two of them will be from their Tiandou Empire, and even No. 1...

Compared with the first three rounds of the finals, no team has the right to a bye in the fourth round. The remaining six teams will fight against each other to determine the final top three and advance to the fifth and final round. finals.

After a simple drawing of lots, the battle order of the six teams was quickly announced.

Team Tianxing VS Team Tianshui!

Team Shrek VS Team Blazing!

Wuhundian Team VS Kamikaze Team!

For a while, several families were happy and others were sad.

Especially the leader of Team Tianshui, who was drawn to Team Tianxing, almost couldn't get excited when he saw that he had been drawn to Team Tianxing, the weakest team.

This means that their Tianshui team has basically locked in the top three rankings. Even if they are lucky, in the last round of the finals, both the Shrek team and the Wuhundian team will lose, then...

After drawing lots, the leading teacher of Tianshui College returned to the rest area of ​​Tianshui College with a hint of unrealistic fantasy.

The teachers leading the Kamikaze Team and the Blazing Fire Team had pale faces. Whether it was the Wuhundian Team or the Shrek Team, the combat prowess displayed was far beyond what they could compare to.

The leading teachers of the two teams felt extremely regretful. It would be great if Shrek Academy faced Wuhundian Academy in this round of drawing, but both of them knew that this was impossible.

The first game of the fourth round was the battle between Tianxing College and Tianshui College.

Perhaps because they knew how much they weighed and knew they were no match for Tianshui Academy, Team Tianxing simply chose to admit defeat.
After all, the number one team in the promotion round all fell in the third round, and as the No. 2 team in the promotion round, for their Tianxing Academy, this result is already very satisfactory.

With the Tianxing team admitting defeat, the Tianshui team directly entered the fifth round of the finals.The first battle of the fourth round ended with Tianxing Academy voluntarily admitting defeat.
The second battle between the Shrek team and the Blazing Academy, and the third battle between the Wuhun Temple team and the Divine Wind Academy were very exciting, even no worse than the two seed battles in the third round.

In the second battle, the Blazing Fire Team showed their ultimate interpretation of flames. The combined efforts of the seven flame soul masters, coupled with the fusion ring of Huo Wu, forcibly transformed the hundred-meter-diameter soul fighting platform into a In the flame area, a giant fireball was created that was as lethal as the Soul Saint's full blow.

However, although this attack is powerful, it does not have much effect on the Shrek team whose combat power exceeds the standard.

Facing Team Blazing Fire's nearly full-force attack from the Soul Saint, he was given two consecutive doses of the 'Golden Blood Sausage' condensed by Oscar's fourth soul ring, as well as Ning Rongrong's four major supports of 'Strength, Speed, Control and Soul'. Lin Nuo, who was under the amplification of the light, used the 'Xuanming Shield' martial spirit to resist it.

A terrifying blow comparable to the Soul Saint's all-out blow, it didn't even force Lin Nuo to take a step back. It just evaporated most of Lin Nuo's soul power. As for the other members of Shrek's team on the Soul Fighting Stage, Lin Nuo didn't even take a step back. Under Nuo's protection, there was not even a trace of damage.

After unleashing this extreme blow, all the members of the Blazing Fire Team were knocked unconscious, and even the leader Huo Wu was seriously injured.

In the third battle, even facing the Wuhundian team with three soul kings, the Kamikaze team, all of whom had the ability to fly, brought a lot of trouble to the Wuhundian team, especially It was Feng Xiaotian who relied on his high mobility and self-created soul skills to fight until his soul power was exhausted before completely surrendering.

However, this effect will only occur if the Wuhundian team retains its strength. Otherwise, whether it is the Wuhun fusion skill 'Yao Mei' or Xie Yue's self-created soul skill 'Yuan' that can defeat the level 68 Soul Emperor, Yue', can easily eliminate Kamikaze Academy.

At this point, the fourth round of the finals came to an end, and the top three in this Soul Master Competition were completely locked.

At this time, it has entered the final moment of struggle. The finals are right in front of them. They are only one step away from the final championship.

In order to best demonstrate the strength of all teams, the fifth round of the finals gave the three teams that entered the final round three days of rest time. Even if the three teams' combat strength is basically intact, among these three teams Tianzhong was adjusting his status extremely seriously.

This is true even for Tianshui College, which has little hope.


Three days later!
Under the bright sunshine, the Pope's Palace shines with golden light, like a divine realm.

In front of the Pope's Palace, two rows of knights wearing bright silver armor and holding thick knight swords lined up from the front of the Pope's Palace to the bottom of the mountain, making the entire Pope's Mountain particularly majestic and solemn.

In the past three days, all the eliminated teams had left and were not even allowed to watch the last day's battle. This was especially true for the thousands of Soul Master spectators who had attended the first four rounds of the final battle.

Only the truly young and strong are qualified to set foot on the square in front of the Pope's Palace.

Early in the morning, the three teams that entered the finals had already appeared in front of the Pope's Palace and were waiting quietly. Teachers from Shrek Academy and Tianshui Academy were not allowed to stand in the square and could only wait on the outside. .

In the square, among the Shrek team, Qin Mo looked at the Pope's Palace in front of him with some confusion.

Although the world origin in Wuhun City is endless, there are three areas where the concentration of world origin far exceeds that of other areas.

One of them is the Pope's Palace in front of him. If the world origin possessed by Wuhun City is ten, then the world origin lingering in the Pope's Palace at this moment accounts for [-]%.

[-]% sounds like a small amount.

But this is only [-]% of the world's origin accumulated by the "Martial Soul City" and "Martial Soul Palace" for countless thousands of years since its establishment.
If it is converted into numbers, the number of world sources alone is comparable to the world sources contained in several 'Ice and Fire Eyes'.

The other two areas with extremely high concentrations of world origin are the Sacrifice Hall, which enshrines the statues of angel gods and controls the inheritance of the angel gods, and the Douluo Hall, where only titled Douluo are eligible to enter slumber after their death.

Compared with the Pope's Palace, the origin of the world lingering in the Douluo Palace and the Enshrinement Palace is even more exaggerated. The existence of the three major temples condenses half of the origin of the world in the entire Wuhun City.


The side doors on both sides of the Pope's Palace slowly opened, and twelve solemn and solemn figures walked out.

Judging from the clothes they wore, these twelve figures were all cardinals whose status was second only to the Platinum Bishop. They slowly walked from the side door to the front of the Pope's Palace, standing on the left and right, with six people on each side.

The leading cardinal first glanced at the square, then looked at the door of the Papal Palace with eyes full of enthusiasm, and said loudly: "His Majesty the Pope has arrived."

(End of this chapter)

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