Chapter 150 Soul Bone Changes
"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"


As the cardinal's words fell, shocking voices quickly spread from the Pope's Palace.

The twelve cardinals, the palace knights arrayed neatly on the Pope's Mountain, and even all the soul masters and civilians in the Spirit City outside the Pope's Mountain were shouting with incomparable enthusiasm. For them, the Pope is the highest faith!

At this time, the three soul master teams in the square were all standing in a row, waiting for the door of the Pope's Palace to open, especially the members of the Wuhun Palace team, whose faces were full of reverence.


Under endless cheers, the two huge doors in front of the Pope's Palace slowly opened, and the six emblems on the two doors gradually deviated from the track.

In an instant, everyone in front of the Pope's Palace unconsciously focused their gazes in the direction of the open door. Even Qin Mo moved away from the origin of the world of the Pope's Palace and looked at the gate of the Pope's Palace, with a look in his eyes. A look of curiosity.

next moment!
Holding a scepter in hand, Bibi Dong slowly stepped out of the huge palace door with endless majesty.

In an instant, all the members of the Wuhun Palace knelt down on one knee.

"See His Majesty the Pope."

Extremely majestic and solemn!
At this moment, even the soul masters who were not from Wuhun Palace couldn't help but feel like they wanted to worship in the shouts coming from all directions.

At this moment, in front of the Pope's Palace, everyone except the Shrek team was kneeling on one knee in great respect. However, although the Shrek team did not kneel on one knee, they were also led by Qin Mo and faced Bibi Dong. He bowed slightly and saluted.

No matter what his character is and what he will do in the future, as the Pope of Wuhun Palace and one of the top powerful men in the entire continent, Bibi Dong is qualified to receive their courtesy.

In front of the Pope's Palace, the Shrek team's unique behavior quickly attracted everyone's attention, and even some soul masters showed a hint of dissatisfaction in their eyes.

However, these soul masters do not include the top leaders of Wuhun Palace. After all, Wuhun Palace has always planned to win over Qin Dong, the man behind Shrek Academy.

Kneeling down on one knee to worship the Pope is only a etiquette belonging to Wuhun Temple, and soul masters outside Wuhun Temple are not required to forcibly salute. This does not violate the regulations. After all, Wuhun Temple at this moment can only be regarded as a religion, not a religion. Empires like Tiandou and Xingluo.

At this moment, the reason why the non-Martial Soul Hall soul masters in front of the Pope's Palace knelt down in worship was just a subconscious action and following the crowd mentality under the coercion of many Wuhun Palace members.

Bibi Dong's eyes were extremely peaceful, and his eyes swept over everyone in the Shrek team, especially Qin Mo and Tang San, who lingered for a moment longer.

In an instant, Qin Mo felt a gaze that seemed to be able to penetrate the soul. His slightly lowered pupils suddenly shrank, and his mental power exploded. Invisible space fluctuations instantly enveloped him and Tang San, isolating the soul-piercing gaze.

Tang San's eyes were also filled with purple light at this moment, and there was a little sparkle on his forehead. Even though he had been taught many times by Titled Douluo in Shrek Academy, his body still felt some instinctive fear that he couldn't suppress at this moment.

Seeing this, Bibi Dong's starry eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of surprise, and the corners of her mouth suddenly curled up slightly: It's interesting that the power of space can actually block my gaze, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit, not bad...
Bibi Dong, whose gaze was blocked, didn't pay attention at all, but quickly looked at everyone, waving the scepter slightly in her hand. "Get flat."

It was obviously just a plain voice, but it was directly transmitted into everyone's ears.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Pope!"

Below, all the kneeling soul masters slowly stood up.

After seeing everyone stand up, Bibi Dong waved the scepter in her hand again, and three points of light instantly condensed and magnified in front of Bibi Dong, floating in the air.

Soul bone!

As the light condensed, the entire Wuhun City was completely boiling, and everyone's eyes instantly showed extremely fiery and even greedy gazes, even the top brass of Wuhun Palace were no exception.

Seeing this, Bibi Dong's eyes fluctuated slightly, and she said calmly: "This is the reward that our Spirit Hall has specially prepared for the champion of this Soul Master Competition!"

In an instant, it was like a bomb was dropped in everyone's ears.

Everyone present was in an uproar. Needless to say, the rarity and preciousness of soul bones were a treasure that every soul master dreamed of, even if they were banned.

If this wasn't the Pope's Palace in Wuhun City, and if there weren't several titled Douluo sitting here, some strong men might have been able to resist and snatch it away.

Now to be rewarded by Wuhun Palace, how rich and powerful he is.

In the square, only Qin Mo's eyes flashed with some fluctuations, as if he was a little surprised. His eyes were directly locked on one of the three light groups in front of Bibi Dong, a pale white light group, and he thought to himself: "It's not a skull, it has been replaced." ?"

The three soul bones in the original work are the right arm bone, the left leg bone and the most precious skull. However, among the three soul bones in front of Bibi Dong at this moment, none of them is a head soul bone. Instead, there is a head soul bone. Left arm bone.

His eyes instantly glanced at Hu Liena, who was not far away from him. Feeling the faint fluctuations in Hu Liena's mental power that was not fully restrained, he narrowed his eyes slightly and took a deep look at Hu Liena.

Under the blazing and greedy gazes of countless soul masters, Ghost Douluo, who was shrouded in a layer of illusion behind Bibi Dong, slowly stepped forward and introduced to everyone: "As you can see, these are three soul bones, three thousand pieces. Year-level soul bones.”

Ghost Douluo's palm slowly brushed over the three soul bones from left to right: "The three soul bones are the right arm bone of the bursting and burning flame, the left leg bone of Chasing the Wind that moves forward rapidly, and the space transformation bone. Teleport the left arm bone!"

"Getting any one of them will be a huge improvement for you." Ghost Douluo's eyes scanned the three teams in the square, and finally paused for a moment on Qin Mo.

Even under the illusion, Qin Mo could feel the kindness hidden in Ghost Douluo's eyes, as if he was reminding him of something.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's mouth twitched slightly. Looking at the soul bone shining with pale white light, something strange flashed in his eyes. Could this soul bone be...
Ghost Douluo's gaze flickered, and his plain tone was now a little more high-spirited: "But! They only belong to the champions, and only the team that wins the final victory is qualified to obtain them!"

As Ghost Douluo finished speaking, all the members of the three teams in the square, except Qin Mo, showed extremely fiery fighting intent in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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