Chapter 152 Warning?Fight back?
After absorbing the head soul bone that was over 5 years old, Hu Liena's already extremely powerful mental power directly exceeded the limit, and even greatly made up for Hu Liena's shortcomings.

In the original work, something happened when Tang San absorbed the spirit bone in his head that condensed his spirit. The soul skills in the spirit bone merged with the spiritual power of the Purple Demon Eye, forming a weapon called 'Purple Divine Light'. Powerful soul skills, and at the same time, his ability to operate his mind has been greatly improved.

Although Hu Liena did not change after being absorbed, due to the extremely high degree of compatibility with the soul bone and the near-perfect fusion with the soul bone, not only did her mental power and thinking ability undergo a great transformation, but she also gained a name called The spiritual attack soul skill of 'Spiritual Storm'.

Even the soul power consumed to activate the soul skill is very small. The lethality depends more on the mental power output, and Hu Liena's strongest is the mental power.

Hu Liena had tested it before, and even the titled Douluo was stunned for a moment when hit by her mental attack soul skills under her full strength, and those below ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts would die instantly if touched.

Mental confrontations are always the most cruel, but Hu Liena can no longer care too much. The pressure Shrek puts on her is too great.

Even if this arena battle is not the final decisive battle between the champion and the runner-up, if Shrek Academy wins by a big score, it will be a huge blow to their Spirit Hall.

She will never allow it!
After Hu Liena appeared on the stage, with just a look, the Tianshui Academy member fell into a state of enchantment and jumped off the ring directly under Hu Liena's order.

After seeing the charming ability displayed by Hu Liena, everyone in the Shrek team except Qin Mo showed extremely solemn looks in their eyes.

With their perception, they can naturally detect how powerful the spiritual power and charm ability is. This is just the charm ability. If they have spiritual soul skills, even Oscar and Tang San, who have the strongest spiritual will, may not be able to resist it. Come on, the gap is really too big.

Fortunately, they still had Qin Mo in charge, so although Dai Mubai and others looked solemn, there was no trace of panic on their faces. Ma Hongjun even had the intention to tease Xiao Wu: "Xiao Wu, I'm afraid your charming soul skill It must be a fake, look at it..."

Before he finished speaking, a pair of red eyes instantly locked onto Ma Hongjun, with a hint of shame and anger in his eyes: "Ma Hongjun!"

As Xiao Wu finished speaking, Tang San quietly appeared beside Ma Hongjun. Although there was a smile in his eyes, his hands were faintly jade-colored, and he directly embraced Ma Hongjun's shoulders.

He didn't pay attention to the drama of a few people and glanced at Hu Liena on the ring and Bibi Dong in the stands. Qin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly. He could feel that after Hu Liena came on the stage, Bibi Dong's eyes in the stands were always on Hu Liena and his. Wandering around.

Feeling Bibi Dong's gaze, Qin Mo felt slightly unhappy. Was this a warning to him...

His eyes swept over Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing, and he asked casually: "Do you want to go up and give it a try?"

Hearing this, the three of them sensed the spiritual power lingering on Hu Liena's body in the ring. Having practiced 'Shi', their perception of the spiritual power was quite clear.

Tang San simply shook his head and refused: "No need, Boss Mo, my mental strength is still low, there is no need to play."

At this moment, Tang San was much more mature and cautious than in the original work. He had no interest in this kind of battle where it was basically impossible to win and where he couldn't learn anything.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing also chose to refuse.

Seeing this, Qin Mo nodded slightly and glanced at Bibi Dong in the stands. The soul power in his body fluctuated slightly, and his body flashed slightly, almost teleporting, and he appeared on the ring.

Seeing Qin Mo appear on the stage, Hu Liena's face suddenly showed an extremely solemn look.

After seeing Qin Mo's appearance, the audience in the stands had expressions of great anticipation on their faces.

In addition to the top management of Wuhun Palace and the team members of the three teams, those who are qualified to watch this finals are the strong men from all over the mainland and the nobles of the two empires.

As the grandson of a titled Douluo, Qin Mo was undoubtedly the most valued being among all the powerful men and nobles present.

It's a pity that they have never had the opportunity to see Qin Mo take action, but now they finally have the opportunity, and they must not miss it.

Hu Liena adjusted her mind slightly, and with an extremely solemn expression on her face, she said: "Hu Liena, Martial Spirit: Demon Fox, Level 53 Control System Spirit King, please enlighten me."

Seeing Hu Liena's extremely solemn look, Qin Mo paused slightly and said calmly: "Qin Mo, Martial Soul: Qiankun Cauldron, Level 52 Battle Soul King."

Seeing this, the cardinal quickly began to announce the start of the game between the two.

As the referee's words fell, Hu Liena did not dare to look down upon Qin Mo, but the general burst out with his ultimate fighting power.

The martial spirit instantly possessed him, and the soul power in his body suddenly evaporated. The yellow, purple, and black lights shrouded him, and the endless charming power exploded instantly.

Her eyes were like the blazing sun, and the terrifying mental power suddenly rioted. A huge amount of mental power was extracted, which made Hu Liena's mind extremely painful, but Hu Liena didn't pay any attention to it.

"Soul Bone Skill - Spiritual Storm!"

The invisible power of charm swept towards Qin Mo's sea of ​​consciousness in a rioting spiritual storm.

Looking at Qin Mo who only summoned his martial spirit and made no other actions, Hu Liena's eyes showed a hint of excitement.

But before Hu Liena could make a move, an extremely calm voice sounded: "A good mental attack."

As the voice sounded, Hu Liena's eyes froze with excitement. She looked at Qin Mo, who seemed not to be affected at all, with an extremely incredible look in her eyes.

Not only Hu Liena, but also the two titled Douluo Yue Guan and Gui Mei in the stands were in disbelief. "How can it be!"

"It has no impact at all!"

When Hu Liena was experimenting with the soul bone technique of condensing the soul bones in her head, it was the two of them who conducted the power test. Even the two of them would lose consciousness for a moment under Hu Liena's 'spiritual storm'.

But now Hu Liena's full-strength 'spiritual storm' was completely ineffective against Qin Mo.

Looking at the incredible Hu Liena and the curious eyes around her, Qin Mo didn't intend to explain, feeling Bibi Dong's eyes on him.

Qin Mo's eyes moved slightly, and he glanced at the cardinal referee on the edge of the ring. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the soul power in his body evaporated instantly. The first and second soul rings surrounding his body quickly lit up, and ripples in time and space rippled.


A mysterious bronze trembling sound sounded in the void.

In an instant, the space in front of Hu Liena exploded, and countless terrifying cracks spread crazily towards Hu Liena.

The terrifying death crisis instantly caused Hu Liena's pupils to shrink. Before Hu Liena could react, the crack instantly spread in front of Hu Liena.

"not good!!"

The red cardinal referee at the edge of the ring changed his face. With his strength, he could naturally feel the power of Qin Mo's blow. If Hu Liena was hit, she would definitely be dead or alive.

Even the faces of Bibi Dong, Yue Guan, and Gui Mei in the stands changed, but their expressions changed rapidly the next moment, and the corners of Qin Mo's mouth twitched slightly as they looked at Qin Mo on the stage.

On the ring, the cardinal suddenly appeared in front of Hu Liena. Facing the crazily spreading cracks, he had no time to take Hu Liena away, and the soul power in his body suddenly rioted.

"Avatar of Martial Soul!!"


The moment the crack came into contact with the true form of the Cardinal's martial spirit, it was quietly annihilated without causing any harm to it. Instead, the Cardinal, who exerted too much force, spat out a mouthful of blood in order to steady his steps.

Looking at Qin Mo not far away, his eyes were full of confusion and a trace of absurdity, and his mind was extremely confused.

Looking at the cardinal standing in front of Hu Liena, Qin Mo slowly put away the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit and said calmly: "This should be regarded as my victory."

Although the words were spoken to the referee, Qin Mo's eyes were directly looking at the center of the stands, as if he was counterattacking something.

Before Hu Liena could admit defeat, the cardinal referee's action undoubtedly violated the rules of the competition.

After hearing what Qin Mo said, the cardinal referee spit out a mouthful of blood again, while Hu Liena showed an extremely ashamed and angry look.

Before the cardinal referee could speak, Bibi Dong, who was in the center of the stands, looked at Qin Mo on the ring, with a hint of indifference in her eyes, and slowly said: "The Wuhundian team surrenders!"

As Bibi Dong's words fell, even if one person from the Wuhun Palace team did not appear, they directly entered the loser group. After all, as the supreme ruler of the Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong's order had no effect on their Wuhun Palace team. It is absolute.

With the defeat of Wuhundian, the only two remaining soul masters of Tianshui team also chose to admit defeat under the arrangement of their team leader.

With the two teams Wuhundian and Tianshui admitting defeat, Team Shrek successfully won a spot in the finals.

The next day!

In front of the Pope's Palace, there was no change except for the absence of the Tianshui team.

Pope Bibi Dong and many powerful men and nobles who had watched yesterday's battle were already seated, and the three soul bones as rewards lay quietly on the red brocade plate beside them, emitting a faint halo.

As the Wuhundian and Shrek teams were in place, the cardinal who served as the referee yesterday did not appear, and another cardinal quickly made an announcement.

"The finals of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is about to begin. The players from both sides are preparing. The competition will begin in a quarter of an hour."

Perhaps it was because the Pope personally admitted defeat yesterday. At this moment, the eyes of the seven members of the Wuhundian team were extremely cold and sharp, as if they were ready to tear a strip of flesh and blood from Qin Mo and the others at any time. The strong and cold murderous aura was like a sharp blade heading towards Shi. Team Lake.

Faced with the naked killing intent of the Wuhundian team, Dai Mubai, Oscar and the others were not to be outdone. Their extremely powerful power suddenly exploded, and they instantly crushed the Wuhundian team.

 The sudden increase in the number of words is indeed a bit taxing. I am always deleting, deleting, and revising. I am not satisfied with it. I have to increase the coding time tomorrow. I can’t be too lazy to sleep anymore...

(End of this chapter)

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