The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 153 The power of the Yin realm!The finals are over!

Chapter 153 The power of the Yin realm!The finals are over! (6000)


Compared with the 'power' possessed by Shrek Academy, the pure killing intent of the Wuhundian team was not as good as it was, and they suffered a heavy loss directly under the power of the Shrek team.

Feeling the power of the Shrek team members, Bibi Dong's eyes showed a strange look in the stands.

As a Titled Douluo, especially a Titled Douluo with a domain, he was naturally able to sense the strange power of the Shrek team.

The tense atmosphere between the two sides immediately made the strong men and nobles watching the battle feel excited. They were once young, and many of them had even participated in the Soul Master Elite Competition.

The audience didn't have to wait too long. The Cardinal, as the referee, immediately began to make an announcement.

"The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition - Championship Competition!"

"Prepare for the match, both sides release their martial spirits!"

As the cardinal referee finished speaking, the Wuhundian team instantly erupted, with surging soul power fluctuations rising.

Under the surging soul power, the air in the arena seemed to begin to gradually distort.

Among the Wuhundian team, Xie Yue, Yan, and Hu Liena, standing at the front, were two yellow, two purple, and one black. Five bright soul rings were lingering, and the powerful soul king's aura burst out.

The four team members behind the three were not to be outdone. Although their soul power had not yet reached the soul king level, they had all reached the advanced soul sect level. Their four soul rings, two yellow and two purple, echoed each other.

Facing the powerful explosion of the Wuhundian team, the faces of the Shrek team did not change at all. Even except for Qin Mo, the remaining six people took a step back, and the power that erupted on their bodies was completely restrained.


Qin Mo slowly stretched out his right hand, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' condensed instantly.

"Yellow!" "Purple!" "Purple!" "Black!" "Black!"

Five incomparably bright soul rings rose instantly, and the terrifying pressure suddenly descended. Just one person suppressed the momentum of the Wuhundian team. .

Seeing Team Shrek's actions, all the spectators present were in an uproar.

"What is Team Shrek doing!"

"Is Shrek planning to defeat the seven members of the Spirit Hall team with one person?"

In the stands, Bibi Dong, Yue Guan, and Gui Mei also had looks of surprise in their eyes. Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo, who knew Qin Mo somewhat, looked at the excitement instead.

On the other side of the ring, Hu Liena, Xie Yue, Yan and others from the Wuhun Palace showed extremely angry looks in their eyes when they saw the actions of the Shrek team.

Yan, who was already hot-tempered, became even more furious: "Arrogant!"

The faces of Hu Liena and Xie Yue were like eternal ice, extremely cold and stiff, and their eyes looking at Qin Mo were filled with murderous intent.

Seeing this, the referee's cardinal eyes gradually turned cold. His eyes glanced at the Shrek team and quickly announced: "The game begins!"

The moment it was announced that the final battle of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition was about to begin, the cardinal retreated violently, completely vacating the arena.

In an instant, Hu Liena of the Wuhundian team danced lightly, and the five soul rings lingering around her body flickered.

"Yellow!" "Yellow!" "Purple!" "Purple!" "Black!"

The unparalleled powerful charm power exploded instantly. Under Hu Liena's mental power comparable to Contra, the almost all-pervasive charm power crazily interfered with the perception of the Shrek team. Even if Dai Mubai and others did not release their martial souls, Hu Liena still Indiscriminate interference was performed.

There is no room for carelessness in the arena. As long as you don't admit defeat and withdraw, you are the enemy.

Triple impact of vision, hearing and smell, regardless of gender!

Under the power of terrifying mental charm, even though everyone in Shrek had been prepared for Hu Liena's mental charm power, and even visualized it with power and power, they were still distracted for a moment, especially Dai Mubai, who had the lowest resistance to beauty. , a hint of intoxication flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, the 'Qiankun Ding' in Qin Mo's palm trembled slightly.


The simple and magical bronze vibrato sounded in vain in the consciousness of everyone in Shrek, instantly waking everyone up, and at the same time completely blocking Hu Liena's burst of mental charm.

After waking up Dai Mubai and Oscar behind him, Qin Mo calmly looked at the movements of the Spirit Hall opposite, as if waiting for something.

Seeing this, Hu Liena's eyes became colder. Looking at Qin Mo who was motionless, Hu Liena felt extremely cruel.

After being defeated by Qin Mo yesterday, Hu Liena knew that in terms of individual combat strength, their Wuhundian team was no match for the Shrek team.

But it's not that they don't have trump cards, or in other words, their Wuhun Palace's biggest trump card can only exert its greatest power in team battles.

And in order to bring out the most powerful power from the trump card, except for the three members of the Golden Generation, all members of the Wuhundian team are auxiliary soul masters.

As the force with the largest number of soul masters in the entire continent, although the Wuhundian team has only seven official members, in order to avoid accidents, there are many substitute members, and their soul power levels are all above level [-], and even A team can be formed again.

In just this moment, a red light curtain suddenly appeared, completely covering most of the arena in an instant.

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill—Yao Mei!"

Under the red light, Hu Liena and Xieyue brother and sister quickly began to merge.

The moment the red light curtain erupted, Yan suddenly stepped forward, with extremely hot flames in his eyes, and transformed directly into an extremely tall flame lord. The surging flame aura raged crazily, blocking the front of the Shrek team.

The remaining four auxiliary soul masters also poured all their soul power into the four soul rings in an instant.

"Gold!" "Red!" "White!" "Green!"

Four bright rays of soul power instantly erupted from the four auxiliary soul masters in Wuhun Hall.

"Yellow!" "Yellow!" "Purple!" "Purple!"

Sixteen soul rings flashed crazily, and 32 auxiliary lights instantly burst out towards the merging Xie Yue and Hu Liena.


The red light curtain that originally covered most of the arena expanded crazily, completely covering the entire arena in an instant.

The auras of Hu Liena and Xie Yue during the fusion instantly exceeded the limit. Even if there was some attenuation between different auxiliary increases, under the increase of sixteen auxiliary soul skills, the soul power fluctuations of Xie Yue and Hu Liena instantly reached Reached the top soul emperor level.

The terrifying soul power pressure suddenly fell.

Seeing this, everyone in the Shrek team suddenly showed a hint of shock in their eyes. They didn't expect that Xie Yue and Hu Liena in front of them could do this to win the soul master competition.

There is a limit to the power that the human body can withstand. Once the limit is exceeded, it will collapse if rescue fails.

Moreover, the increases among auxiliary soul masters are not perfect. Even if some auxiliary soul masters increase their abilities at the same time, it may cause attribute increase conflicts.

Why can the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect be called the number one auxiliary martial spirit, and even become one of the top three sects?

Normally speaking, a Soul Saint-level Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Soul Master can add six 80.00% enhancements to various major attributes. It is indeed extremely powerful, far inferior to other auxiliary system Soul Masters.

But in terms of increase, one auxiliary soul master may not be as good as the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Soul Master. When two, three, four, or even more auxiliary soul masters join forces, the increase they can provide will definitely far exceed that of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda.

But for countless years, the reason why no auxiliary soul master has been able to shake the status of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is because of the conflict between attribute increases.

In addition, the same is true for the soul master's own amplified soul skills. Although there is no worry about amplification conflicts, there is a limit to the amplification that the soul master can withstand.

Don’t the strong men and powerful forces on the mainland know how enhanced soul skills can improve a soul master’s strength?
No, that's not the case, but because the human body can withstand limits. Even a soul master with soul power has a limit.

Facing the increasingly terrifying auras of Xie Yue and Hu Liena, Team Shrek quickly calmed down after the initial surprise. Their confidence in Qin Mo was even greater than Qin Mo's confidence in himself.

This is still the case even if the Wuhundian team at this moment has exploded with beyond-limit combat power.

As the red light flashed, Xie Yue and Hu Liena's martial soul fusion skills - the demons and charms were completely condensed, and a figure with fluttering red hair appeared, seemingly indistinguishable from male to female.

The terrifying soul power aura raged crazily, reaching the level of Contra. The exploding soul power caused the ground of the arena to tremble crazily.

Normally, if the martial soul fusion skills performed by two soul kings can reach the soul saint level in a short time, but after four auxiliary soul masters and sixteen auxiliary soul skill increases, the strength is forcibly improved. Brother and sister Xie Yue and Hu Liena, who had reached the Soul Emperor level, suddenly reached the Soul Douluo level after using martial soul fusion skills.

Feeling the stinging pain from everywhere in their bodies, Xie Yue and Hu Liena knew that they could not last long in this state, and looked at Qin Mo with extremely firm eyes.

The two moon blades, which had doubled in size, trembled slightly. In an instant, a thick red mist completely enveloped the entire arena, blocking all sight.

Unlike the Netherworld White Tiger, which is an offensive spirit fusion technique, Xie Yue and Hu Liena's 'Yao Mei' is an extremely powerful control spirit fusion technique.

Within the red mist, the senses are reduced by 50.00%, the soul power is suppressed by 50.00%, the movement is sluggish by 50.00%, and it also has the ability to block sight.

Feeling the red mist that filled his eyes, Qin Mo's eyes moved slightly. The red mist that could block his sight seemed to have completely failed and was directly locked on 'Yao Mei'.

An extremely calm voice sounded: "Is it worth paying such a high price...?"

With Qin Mo's eyesight, he could naturally see how much Xie Yue and Hu Liena had to pay in order to increase their strength to this level.

After this battle, regardless of victory or defeat, Xie Yue and Hu Liena will have to cultivate for at least several years, even with the background of Wuhun Palace, and both of them are still in the golden age of cultivation. delay······
Not far away, he noticed the eyes falling on him, and the 'Yao Mei' paused slightly. The sight of the red mist was ineffective, and without any surprise, a voice like an accent sounded: "As long as I defeat you, it will be worth it..." ···”

After he finished speaking, an extremely terrifying and violent soul power burst out, and the two giant moon blades 'Yao Mei' in his hands disappeared instantly.

The next moment..."Full moon!"

There was a faint heavy sound with some pain.

In an instant, a bright white moon seemed to appear in the entire arena, and a whirlpool appeared in the arena, with the red mist swirling crazily.

The sound of wind, whistling, and friction.

Under the self-created soul skill 'Full Moon' used by 'Yao Mei', it was completely eliminated.

Looking at the sharp edge of the 'Full Moon' that swept towards him instantly, Qin Mo's eyes flashed with divine light, the soul power in his body exploded, and the originally compact 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul in his palm expanded crazily.

An incomparably vast and exaggerated pressure came instantly, and the fourth soul ring instantly lit up, shining with intense black soul power.

"The fourth soul skill - the Yin Realm!"


The arena that was originally shrouded in red demonic mist instantly turned into extremely dark.

With the explosion of Qin Mo's domain soul skills, Bibi Dong, Gui Mei, Yue Guan, Ning Fengzhi, and Chen Xin stood up in the stands with shock in their eyes.


Even if Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin knew that the "power" cultivated in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy could transform into a realm, at least it would only be in Soul Saint and even Soul Douluo who had enough strength to complete the transformation.

But now...

Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo looked at each other, feeling extremely uneasy in their hearts.

Within the arena, the coverage of the 'Zhiyin Realm' instantly completely erased the suppression of the 'demon' red mist, and at the same time, an extremely mysterious wave erupted instantly.

In an instant, the attribute increases that had been maintained on Hu Liena and Xie Yue's sixteen soul skills completely disappeared, and were quickly converted into attribute weakening.

Qin Mo's fourth soul skill, 'Zhiyin Domain', can completely reverse all the opponent's soul-increasing soul skills within the scope of the domain, and the attribute increase can be reversed into attribute weakening. Even the effects of healing and restoring soul-like skills can be completely reversed. Reverse to a negative state. If it is already in a negative state, the negative state will be doubled within the domain.

As the increase in attributes was reversed, the 'demon' aura that was originally comparable to a Contra fell crazily. In an instant, the aura that was originally comparable to a Contra fell to the Soul Emperor level.

The crazy drop in aura and strength shocked Xie Yue and Hu Liena. The sudden drop in power instantly caused the soul power in their bodies to run extremely violently, and the self-created soul skill 'Full Moon' they used collapsed.

The two giant moon blades in the hands of 'Yao Mei' were thrown away.

Under the violent impact, the martial soul fusion skill 'Yao Mei' used by Xie Yue and Hu Liena instantly disintegrated.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

Although the attribute increase was converted into attribute weakening, the backlash the two suffered was not reduced at all. Even because their strength was weakened, the damage caused by the backlash was even more terrifying.

Scarlet blood spurted directly from the mouths of Xieyue and Hu Liena, and they collapsed on the ground helplessly. Hu Liena's eyes had no light at all. She seemed to see Qin Mo's always calm and indifferent eyes, and she felt extremely desperate: "This is yours. Strength?······"

Seeing Xieyue and Hu Liena who had completely lost their ability to resist, Qin Mo's soul power slowly converged, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' that had originally expanded to an extremely huge size quickly shrank.

Turning his palm slightly, he directly took the 'Qiankun Ding' back into his body.

As the martial soul of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' was taken back by Qin Mo, the gloomy, dark, and deep 'Zhiyin Realm' quickly dissipated.

"Nana! Evil Moon!"

Yan, the only person in good condition in Wuhun Hall, showed extremely shocked eyes, and instantly flashed in front of Xie Yue and Hu Liena.

When the Shrek team's Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San and others looked at the state of the opposite Wuhundian team, their eyes revealed that this was indeed the case.

"What did you do to Nana!!"

Feeling the extremely dilapidated condition inside Hu Liena and Xie Yue's bodies, Yan looked at Qin Mo with extremely terrifying murderous intent.

Facing Yan's furious questioning, Qin Mo's eyes turned cold, but before Qin Mo could make any move.

Hu Liena's extremely weak voice sounded: "Yan, shut up!"

Hearing Hu Liena's voice, the expression on Yan's face froze for a moment, and he wanted to say something, but under Hu Liena's gaze, Yan still closed his mouth, but Yan's fists were clenched, and his nails directly penetrated the flesh and blood. It kept dripping, and the eyes looking at the Shrek team were full of unwillingness.

Hu Liena frowned and slowly raised her head to look in the direction of the Shrek team. Holding back the pain, she lifted up the soul power in her body and said with an extremely heavy voice: "The Wuhundian team... give up!"


Yan's eyes were full of grief and anger. He didn't even take action in this battle, just...
But Hu Liena could no longer hear Yan's voice of grief and anger. After enduring the pain and lifting up the soul power in her body and admitting defeat, Hu Liena completely lost consciousness.

In the stands, seeing Hu Liena who was completely unconscious, Bibi Dong stood up instantly, a look of extreme anxiety flashed in her eyes, and the vast pressure of soul power disappeared in a flash.

The terrifying soul power pressure instantly shocked the hearts of all the nearby soul masters, especially Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo. With their strength, they would not think that the fleeting pressure was an illusion, and their eyes were filled with incomparable expressions. A solemn look.

In the area of ​​the Tiandou Empire in the stands, an elegant and easy-going figure looked at the anxiety flashing in Bibi Dong's eyes, and his eyes revealed an extremely happy look.

As the Pope of Wuhun Palace, even though she was extremely worried about Hu Liena, Bibi Dong still controlled her emotions in an instant and quickly looked at Ning Fengzhi beside her.

With a hint of request: "Sect Master Ning, can you heal our Spirit Hall team?"

Although the Qibao Glazed Pagoda of the Qibao Glazed Sect is not a healing martial spirit, and only the sixth soul skill has the healing ability, with the quality of its top martial spirit, when the martial soul's true form is turned on, it is not inferior to the same spirit. A super healing soul master.

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi shook his head slightly, looked at the square below, and said with a smile: "His Majesty the Pope, I'm afraid you don't need me to heal him."

Bibi Dong's eyes moved slightly and quickly looked down.

On the ring, Qin Mo felt Xie Yue and Hu Liena whose auras were gradually weakening. Qin Mo frowned slightly and thought to himself: We can't really let you die.

He quickly looked outside the ring, where the teachers of Shrek Academy were, and said with some respect on his face: "Grandpa Ye, please excuse me."

As Qin Mo's words fell, an old man with white hair and good spirits appeared on the ring. He patted Qin Mo's head unceremoniously and said angrily: "You bastard, I know how to let you leave." Grandpa cleans up the mess.”

Although the words were rude, there was no hesitation in the movements of his hands.

The martial soul of 'Nine Hearts and Begonia' was summoned instantly.

"Yellow!" "Yellow!" "Purple!" "Purple!" "Black!" "Black!" "Black!" "Black!"

Eight extremely bright soul rings lit up instantly, and the elegant fragrance of flowers quickly filled the air.

"Nine Heart Begonia—Cure!"

The brilliance petals scattered piece by piece and quickly fell on Xie Yue and Hu Liena.

In just an instant, as the petals of the Nine-Hearted Begonia appeared, a trace of blood quickly appeared on the originally pale faces of Xie Yue and Hu Liena, and the energy that had been passing away quickly began to recover.

"It's Ye Renxin!"

"Nine Heart Begonia!"

"He actually came too..."

In the stands, with the appearance of Ye Ren's heart and soul ring, except for Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo, all the powerful men, great nobles, and senior officials of Wuhun Palace showed extremely surprised looks in their eyes.

In the past few days, their eyes had been on the finals, and they had not carefully looked outside the arena square, so they did not find Ye Renxin sitting in Shrek Academy.

Especially Bibi Dong, Gui Mei, and Yue Guan, based on their intelligence, they naturally know that the original Ye Renxin's ability to reach Soul Saint was already the limit, but now...

A Soul Saint-level healing soul master is not the same concept as a Contra-level healing soul master, especially since the martial soul possessed by this healing soul master is the 'Nine-Hearted Begonia', which is known as the miraculous martial soul.

In an instant, the eyes of many people in the stands showed extremely fiery gazes, even Bibi Dong, as the Pope, valued Shrek Academy more and more in his heart.

At the same time, she felt Hu Liena's breath quickly recover, and the anxiety in her eyes slowly dissipated.

After a while, Ye Renxin slowly took back the 'Nine-Hearted Begonia' and looked at Qin Mo with feigned disgust: "Next time, you will solve it yourself."

Hearing this, Qin Mo nodded with a smile and said respectfully: "I understand, Grandpa Ye."

Seeing this, a smile flashed in Ye Renxin's eyes, and then he disappeared from the ring.

Feeling that Xie Yue and Hu Liena were completely recovered, Yan looked at Qin Mo with extremely complicated eyes.

Ignoring Yan's gaze, Qin Mo directly led everyone from the Shrek team out of the ring.

Seeing this, everyone in the Wuhundian team quickly left the scene with Xie Yue and Hu Liena. Although the four auxiliary soul sects had exhausted their soul power, they still had the strength to leave with Xie Yue and Hu Liena.

As the two major teams left the field, the soul masters of Wuhun Palace soon began to sort out the situation.

After a while, the originally messy square was quickly tidied up, and Qin Mo and others, under the arrangement of the Spirit Master of Wuhun Palace, stood in the center of the entire square that attracted the most attention.

In the stands, looking at the Shrek team that attracted the most attention in the center of the square, the Pope, Ning Fengzhi, Yue Guan, Gui Mei, Chen Xin, and even the many powerful men and nobles behind them all stood up.

Bibi Dong gently waved the scepter in her hand and announced: "The final champion of this year's Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is - Shrek Academy."

(End of this chapter)

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