The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 154: Working specifically for your boy

Chapter 154: Working specifically for your boy

"Congratulations, talented young soul masters."

As the words of the contemporary Wuhun Palace Pope Bibi Dong fell.

The nearly endless world origins in Wuhun City instantly began to riot, quickly dividing into a large number of world origins and gathering towards the Shrek team.

If the fluctuations in the origin of the world at the end of the promotion competition were nothing more than a giant funnel, then the fluctuations in the origin of the world that were raging wildly at this moment were like whirlpools leading straight into the deep sea.

The people of Team Shrek are the center of the black hole.

Not only the origin of the world in Wuhun City, but also the origin of the world that was originally hidden in the entire Douluo Continent, the two empires, and countless cities all appeared, divided into parts, and quickly crossed the space under the invisible force, heading towards Wuhun City. Condensation.

At this moment, on the attribute panel, the points of the world's origin are beating crazily, with more than [-] world origin points added every moment.

[Origin of the world: 11.97 squares↑]

[Origin of the world: 12.07 squares↑]

[Origin of the world: 12.17 squares↑]

The originally extremely stable world origin in Wuhun City was slightly loosened at this moment.

After noticing this situation, Qin Mo's pupils shrank slightly and he didn't care too much. His mental power fluctuated rapidly, and the divine light of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in his body flickered.

"Temporary dojo - unfold!"

In order to maximize the source of the world in Wuhun City, Qin Mo did not hesitate to use the "temporary dojo" and directly expanded the scope of the "temporary dojo" to the entire Wuhun City.

When the 'temporary dojo' completely enveloped Wuhun City, Qin Mo's eyes flashed with heat, and his mental power exploded.

"Om!" "Om!" "Om!"

The 'Qiankun Ding' inside the body shook violently. In an instant, the 'Qiankun Ding' seemed to be the most terrifying celestial body in the universe, the 'black hole'.

The endless source of the world is being crazily swallowed by the 'Qiankun Cauldron' like a vast ocean pouring back into it.

Qin Mo felt the stinging pain for the first time between his eyebrows. The unprecedented heat completely covered Qin Mo's eyebrows.

The world origin that originally increased every moment on the attribute panel once again increased tenfold.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The 'Qiankun Cauldron' was trembling crazily, and the beliefs contained in the origin of the world were impacting crazily. The huge pressure crazily oppressed Qin Mo's consciousness, and as the origin of the world gradually gathered,

The severe pain made Qin Mo's face turn pale, but compared to the pain, Qin Mo's eyes were full of excitement at this moment.

[Origin of the world: 32.57 squares↑]

[Origin of the world: 33.57 squares↑]

[Origin of the world: 34.57 squares↑]

[Origin of the world: 99.57 squares↑]

When the world origin on the attribute panel reached nearly a hundred square meters, the pain threshold that impacted his consciousness finally reached the limit that Qin Mo could bear.

The 'Qiankun Cauldron' in the body seemed to have noticed this, and instantly stopped swallowing the origin of the world. The unfolded temporary dojo quickly converged, dissipated, and became completely silent.

The moment he stopped sucking in the origin of the world, the pain was instantly withdrawn. Qin Mo felt his consciousness lighten and his body sway slightly.

The next moment, his right palm was held by hands as gentle as jade, and at the same time, an extremely gentle soul power quickly poured into Qin Mo's body.

Qin Mo regained consciousness quickly and quickly looked at Ye Lingling beside him. His eyes relaxed slightly, indicating that he was fine.

But looking at Qin Mo's pale face at this moment, Ye Lingling still had a trace of worry in his eyes.

Seeing this, Qin Mo showed a slight smile in his eyes, tightened his right hand slightly on Ye Lingling's palm, and slightly moved his soul power in his mouth to say: "Don't worry, I'm fine, just adjust."

After speaking, Qin Mo closed his eyes slightly, his mental and soul power quickly gathered, his energy and blood surged slightly, and after a few seconds, the paleness on his face quickly disappeared.

When Qin Mo opened his eyes, the cardinal who was originally serving as the referee on the ring appeared on the high platform at some point and announced loudly: "Shrek Academy, please come forward and receive the championship reward."

At this moment, all the eyes of everyone in the square were focused on the Shrek team in the center of the square.


As the voice sounded, Qin Mo took a deep breath and temporarily suppressed the urge to look at the attribute panel. He looked at the Shrek people beside him and saw the uncontrollable excitement in the eyes of Dai Mubai, Oscar and others. , excited eyes, and a smile on his face.

"Come on, it's time to accept our glory."

After speaking, Qin Mo took Ye Lingling's hand and walked slowly towards the high platform.

Seeing this, everyone from Shrek followed closely behind and walked onto the high platform.

After a moment, Shrek and everyone walked up to Pope Bibi Dong. Bibi Dong held up the red brocade plate with three soul bones with an extremely solemn expression and slowly brought it to Qin Mo.

"This is your glory, don't let it down!"

When Qin Mo heard this, with an extremely determined expression on his face, he took the three soul bones and solemnly said: "I will live up to His Majesty's expectations!"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's eyes showed a look of satisfaction, and her eyes slowly swept over everyone in the Shrek team. Her eyes were extremely kind, and she said: "You are much better than I imagined. You are willing to join Wuhun after graduation." temple?"

Bibi Dong's eyes were full of thirst for talents.

As Bibi Dong's words fell, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the stands, and quickly turned their attention to Qin Mo. Even after watching the battle for only a few days, they could still tell that Qin Mo was the leader of the Shrek team. host.

Even Shrek's people are like this.

Among them, the senior officials of Wuhun Palace, including the two major titled Douluo Ju and Gui, all had expectant looks in their eyes.

Seeing this, Qin Mo paused for a moment, and then said seriously: "I thank His Majesty the Pope for his kindness, and I am not afraid. However, Qin Mo has plans for his future, and I hope His Majesty the Pope will forgive me."

Upon hearing Qin Mo's rejection, Dai Mubai and Ning Rongrong in Shrek, as well as the non-Martial Spirit Hall soul masters in the stands, all showed a hint of relaxation in their eyes.

Seeing the seriousness in Qin Mo's eyes, Bibi Dong paused slightly, with a look of pity flashing in his eyes, and said with a little regret: "In this case, I wish you greater achievements in the future. If you change your mind in the future, my martial soul The palace sweeps the couch to welcome you."

For Qin Mo and everyone in the Shrek team, Bibi Dong sincerely wants to win them over to join the Spirit Hall. Not to mention Qin Mo's grandfather Qin Dong, a titled Douluo of the space system, he is also a few teachers in Shrek Academy with great potential. Very good too.

Not to mention Qin Mo and others in front of them, I am afraid that in less than 20 years, there will be several more titled Douluo in the soul master world.

Looking at Pope Bibi Dong in front of him, Qin Mo's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he sighed slightly at its charm. If Qin Mo hadn't known about Bibi Dong's crazy future in Wuhun Palace, and had his own plans, it would have been someone else. He had already fallen directly into the arms of Wuhun Palace.

He gave a slight salute to Bibi Dong and said with a smile: "Thank you, Your Majesty the Pope!" As Qin Mo finished speaking, the Shrek people behind Qin Mo also gave a slight salute to Bibi Dong and repeated: "Thank you, Your Majesty the Pope!" Down!"

Seeing this, Bibi Dong shook her head slightly disappointedly, turned around and left with the two titles of Ju and Gui, as well as twelve cardinals.

Qin Mo and the others didn't pay attention to this. Feeling the vague greed in the surrounding eyes, Qin Mo directly received the three soul bones in the red brocade plate into the space necklace.

After putting away the soul bone, Qin Mo gave a slight salute to Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo who were not far away, and then his eyes slowly swept around, with a look of indifference in his eyes.

Under Qin Mo's indifferent eyes, most of the powerful beings quietly converged their greedy eyes. Soul bones, especially those of high age, are extremely tempting to soul masters, especially to powerful soul masters. Even more so.

But this place belongs to Wuhun City, and Shrek Academy is not weak, and there is a titled Douluo behind it.

But the greed in the eyes of some powerless men has not changed at all.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes instantly showed a cold look, he slightly raised his head to look up into the sky, and shouted softly: "Grandpa."

As Qin Mo's words fell, wherever Qin Mo looked, the space was instantly distorted, and a terrifying aura as deep as a prison suddenly descended.

The powerful power of the Titled Douluo instantly overwhelmed the audience present, especially those who had no time to restrain their greed in the future, and were directly crushed to the ground.

Seeing Qin Dong's appearance, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo suddenly showed a smile on their faces, and did not stop Qin Dong's movements. In other words, even if Qin Dong did not appear, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo were still prepared to use this to give some relief. A warning exists.

Qin Dong first nodded to Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin, and then his eyes became extremely cold, and he slowly swept over the beings who were pressed to the ground, which was obviously a warning.

In an instant, there was silence in the entire high platform.

Regarding Qin Dong's slightly outrageous action, no strong person in Wuhun Palace came out to stop him.

Seeing this, Qin Dong also restrained himself slightly. After seeing the begging for mercy in the eyes of those beings, Qin Dong slowly restrained his pressure. His eyes seemed to be casual, and he glanced in the direction of the Pope's Hall and the Enshrinement Hall, his eyes slightly Flashing.

Immediately, the mental power fluctuated slightly, quickly covering many teachers and students of Shrek Academy, and the space was slightly distorted.

The next moment, he disappeared directly into Wuhun City.

The moment teachers and students Qin Dong, Shrek teleported away, many of the spectators present, especially the greedy and powerful lone warriors, suddenly showed expressions of fear on their faces, and they quickly started talking.

"Is that the titled Douluo behind Shrek Academy—Shanhe Douluo?"

"What a terrifying pressure..."


Listening to the comments coming from their ears, a little indifference flashed in the eyes of Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin.


An extremely sharp cold snort sounded, and in an instant, anyone who had just seen greed felt a creepy feeling on their necks.

A gentle smile appeared on Ning Fengzhi's face and he said: "Everyone, my daughter is also studying at Shrek Academy. Please don't do anything unnecessary, don't say it's unforeseen."

Immediately, he ignored the frozen figures, looked directly at Xue Qinghe in the Tiandou Empire camp, and said gently: "Qinghe, let's go."

Hearing this, Xue Qinghe looked behind him at nearly half of the powerful men and nobles of the Tiandou Empire who were completely frozen under Sword Douluo's sword will. His face showed an expression of unyielding anger. He snorted coldly and shook his sleeves. Walked towards Ning Fengzhi.

After approaching, Xue Qinghe bowed slightly to Ning Fengzhi with a guilty face and said: "Teacher, please forgive me..."

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi shook his head slightly, patted Xue Qinghe's shoulder, and said as if on purpose: "You are just the prince..."

Hearing this, Xue Qinghe's pupils shrank slightly, and a storm quickly arose in his mind.

But before Xue Qinghe could figure it out, Ning Fengzhi seemed to have said nothing and said with a smile: "Let's go, it's time for us to go back."

After speaking, Ning Fengzhi left directly with Sword Douluo.

Seeing this, Xue Qinghe watched the backs of Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin wavering slightly, and quickly followed them.

After Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin and Xue Qinghe left.

After a long time, many spectators in the stands finally left with aggrieved expressions.


Wuhun City——Hotel!
Although the Soul Master Competition is over, there are still many tedious things to do in the follow-up. After all, Shrek Academy has won the championship of this Soul Master Competition, and rewards such as rewards from the Tiandou Empire are definitely indispensable.

It would undoubtedly be extremely troublesome to return directly to the academy, and Ning Rongrong's father Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Tiandou Empire's crown prince Xue Qinghe were all still in Wuhun City, so Qin Mo and others did not choose to return to the academy directly.

After all, it is different from the original book where Shrek Academy occupied Lanba Academy near Tiandou Imperial City, which was very convenient for accepting rewards from Tiandou Empire.

In the room, Qin Mo took out the three soul bones from the space necklace.

Seeing the shining light of the three thousand-year-old soul bones, everyone present had a hint of intoxication in their eyes, even Ning Rongrong, who was born in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and was the young sect leader, was no exception.

But the next moment, except for Ma Hongjun, all the voices present almost sounded: "I give up, none of these three soul bones are suitable for me..."

The moment the words fell, the eyes of everyone in Shrek suddenly showed surprise, and they looked at each other with strange eyes.

As for Ma Hongjun, when he heard everyone's voices, his eyes instantly showed confusion, and countless question marks quickly appeared in his mind. What the hell?Is he being ostracized?
When Qin Mo saw that Dai Mubai and others were so united, his eyes showed a little surprise, and he smiled helplessly: "It's really interesting, no one wants the soul bone."

Ning Rongrong showed a smile on his face and said: "Boss Mo, it's not that we don't want it, but the properties of these soul bones are really not suitable for us, and my father, Grandpa Jian, and Grandpa Bone have already prepared soul bones for me. ”

Oscar looked at the three soul bones in front of him and analyzed them directly: "Boss Mo, the attributes of the three soul bones are space, speed, and fire. The only ones among us with matching attributes are you and Hongjun, Boss Mo."

"But I'm afraid the space soul bone won't be a big improvement to Boss Mo. I'm afraid you won't absorb it, Boss Mo."

"The left leg bone of Zhui Feng, who is moving forward rapidly, would be suitable if Zhuqing focused on speed, but it's a pity..."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai and others nodded quickly. As Shrek's inner court sequence, they had already made extremely clear plans for their future. Even if it was the soul bone as a treasure, if its attributes were not suitable enough, they would never May be absorbed.

Seeing the extremely serious and clear looks in the eyes of Dai Mubai, Oscar and others, Qin Mo showed a smile in his eyes, nodded slightly, and then directly threw the flame attribute soul bone to Ma Hongjun, and said angrily: " In the end, our trip to the Soul Master Competition is just to work for you."

As Qin Mo finished speaking, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San and others all raised their brows. Ma Hongjun, who had caught the soul bone, was immediately surrounded by people before he could escape from the confusion.

The next moment, screams and wails quickly sounded in the room.

"No, wait..."

" doesn't work there."

"not me······"

(End of this chapter)

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