The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 155 Extraordinary granting of a title!Run a school!limit!

Chapter 155 Extraordinary granting of a title!Run a school!limit!
Because it takes a certain amount of time for Ma Hongjun to absorb soul bones, and everyone is extremely curious about Wuhun City, a holy land that is coveted by soul masters all over the world.

Therefore, except for Lin Nuo, who was extremely afraid of society, who stayed to protect Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Tang San were all visiting Wuhun City.

As for Qin Mo, he and Flender came to a quiet teahouse at this moment.

Compared with Qin Mo, who had a calm expression, Flanders seemed to be a little uneasy at the moment, with his eyes sometimes excited, sometimes hesitant, sometimes excited, and sometimes apprehensive.

Naturally, Qin Mo knew the reason for the change in Flanders' eyes.

After the finals of the Soul Master Competition ended and the soul bones were distributed, Qin Mo went directly to Flanders and gradually unfolded his planned future development of Shrek Academy in front of Flanders.

After hearing Qin Mo's thoughts on Shrek's future development, Flanders fell into this state.

Looking at the quiet teahouse in front of him, Flanders had a look of hesitation on his face and said: "Boy Mo, might our request be a bit too outrageous? I'm afraid even if Prince Qinghe agrees, Emperor Xueye won't agree either. Although We have no ambitions, we are just running a school, but after all..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo's eyes fluctuated slightly, as if he thought of something. He smiled pointedly and said, "'Xue Qinghe' will agree. Not only that, he will also help us convince Xue Ye."

Hearing this, Flanders was immediately confused.

The two of them walked into the teahouse and went straight to the top floor of the teahouse.

Compared with usual times, this teahouse is extremely quiet at the moment. There are not even waiters walking around. There are only a lot of people in plain clothes, but with tall postures and firm eyes, standing around the teahouse like elite soldiers.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

Qin Mo raised his hand and knocked on the door. The next moment, the sound of 'Xue Qinghe' sounded quickly.

"Please come in!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Mo and Flanders immediately pushed the door open and entered.

In the room, in addition to 'Xue Qinghe', Ning Fengzhi was also there.

"Uncle Ning, Brother Xue!"

"I have met His Royal Highness, Sect Master Ning."

Qin Mo and Vlad bowed slightly. Although Vlad's strength has reached Contra level and he is the dean of an advanced soul master academy, in terms of status, he is undoubtedly far inferior to the two in front of him.

Seeing this, 'Xue Qinghe' stood up quickly and said quickly: "Brother Qin, Dean Flanders, why are you so polite."

After saying that, he took the two of them to sit down directly.

After seeing the two people sitting down, Ning Fengzhi had a thoughtful expression on his face. He didn't intend to beat around the bush and asked straight to the point: "Xiao Mo, are you and Dean Flanders coming to me and Qinghe at this time? What’s the difficulty?”

Hearing this, 'Xue Qinghe''s eyes flickered slightly, and surprise and suspicion flashed across his face. As a disciple of Ning Fengzhi, he knew and feared his teacher very well. Never had he ever seen Ning Fengzhi be so direct.

But even though he was surprised, 'Xue Qinghe' still reacted quickly, with a look of concern on his face.

"I don't know what difficulties we have encountered. If we need Qinghe's help, we will do our best."

Seeing this, Qin Mo and Flanders looked at each other. Although Flanders was a little stretched outside the teahouse, he quickly got into the mood after entering the teahouse.


Five days later!
Outside Tiandou Imperial City, Emperor Xueye was waiting at the gate of the imperial city with hundreds of imperial officials, major nobles, and thousands of knights of the Royal Knights. Even Emperor Xueye, who was suffering from chronic poison, had a red face at this moment.

Normally, even if the team wins the Soul Master Elite Competition, the Tiandou Empire will never let the emperor, officials, nobles and thousands of royal knights personally greet them at the city gate.

After all, compared to those in the upper echelons like them, although the champion of the Soul Master Elite Competition is rare, it is only an event held every five years. Even if their academy team in the Tian Dou Empire is slightly inferior to the Spirit Hall and the Star Luo Empire, , but it’s not like I haven’t won the championship before.

But after Emperor Xue Ye received the urgent message from the crown prince, 'Xue Qinghe', although he was a little hesitant about Shrek Academy's request, he finally agreed after seeing what Xue Qinghe said in the letter. And arranged the highest level of reception for Shrek Academy.

At the same time, he directly arranged for the strong man to travel day and night to deliver the reply to 'Xue Qinghe', allowing him to do whatever he wanted.

Just because 'Xue Qinghe''s letter mentioned Shrek Academy's performance in the Soul Master Competition, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect's attitude towards Shrek Academy, Pope Bibi Dong's wooing of the Shrek team, and the title fighting figure behind Shrek Academy. Luo's conjecture and analysis of the responses and benefits of Shrek Academy's requirements were extremely clear.

As the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, Emperor Xueye is undoubtedly qualified. Even though his strength is not high, he is full of courage. In addition, Xue Qinghe is the prince of the empire. The empire will one day be handed over to Xue Qinghe, so even if Shi The request made by Lake College was extremely outrageous, but it was still agreed to.

Xue Ye believed that Xue Qinghe could solve the problem perfectly.


Outside Tiandou City, the space was slightly distorted. Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, Gu Rong, Xue Qinghe, teachers and students from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, and a group of more than ten people slowly walked out of the space distortion.

Originally, during the Soul Master Competition, Qin Mo did not let his old man take action due to the rules, but now that the Soul Master Competition has ended, Qin Mo is not willing to waste time on the road.

Originally, with Qin Dong's ability, he could teleport directly to the palace of Tiandou Empire, but at the request of 'Xue Qinghe' and Ning Fengzhi, he arranged to teleport outside Tiandou City.

Looking at the familiar environment around him, even though Xue Qinghe was a little dizzy because he had experienced space movement for the first time, his eyes towards the teachers and students of Shrek Academy became a little more intense at this moment, especially Qin Mo among them. .

In just a moment, he appeared directly outside the Tiandou Imperial City in the core of the Tiandou Empire from Wuhun City on the border of the two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo.

'Xue Qinghe' is very clear about the power and importance of such ultra-long-distance space methods, and judging from Qin Dong's performance, it is obvious that this ultra-long-distance space method does not consume much.

Not only 'Xue Qinghe', but also Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Gu Rong also showed some emotion on their faces.

Chen Xin even said directly: "Old Ghost Qin, your spatial skills are much better than Old Bones."

Although Ning Fengzhi did not speak, there was an expression of approval on his face.

Gu Rong did not refute this. After all, in terms of space means alone, he was indeed far inferior to Qin Dong in terms of distance, stability, and the number of people he could carry.

But this is not surprising. After all, although Gu Rong also possesses spatial means, his Wuhun Bone Dragon is not mainly based on spatial attributes after all, and even the spatial attributes are only an accessory among the auxiliary attributes.

Naturally, he can't compare with Qin Dong, but the reason why the gap is so obvious is mainly because Qin Dong's soul power level has reached level 97 at this time, and his practice of 'Elixir Condensation Method' has reached the seventh level of inner elixir.

With such strength, even if Qin Dong does not have spatial attributes, his own strength alone is enough to shake the space of Douluo Continent, not to mention that the 'Mountain and River Cauldron' martial spirit inherited by the Qin family is extremely friendly to spatial attributes.

If Qin Dong's soul power level is the same as Gu Rong's, and he has not practiced the 'Elixir Condensing Method', even if the 'Mountain and River Cauldron' martial spirit has an incomparable affinity for spatial attributes, his spatial methods will only be twice as powerful as Gu Rong's at most. There could be such a clear gap.

His family knew his own affairs, so Qin Dong didn't pay much attention to Chen Xin's praise and said with a smile: "It's just that he took advantage of the martial soul attributes."

Ning Fengzhi nodded, then looked directly at the people at Shrek Academy, and said with a smile: "During the preliminaries, Emperor Xue Ye released ten viscounts and dozens of baron titles as rewards. You, Shrek Academy, won this time." The reward for the champion of this Soul Master Elite Competition will probably be huge and scary, but you have to be prepared."

Even Qin Mo and Flender agreed to such outrageous requests, and they would never be stingy with the rewards for everyone in the Shrek team.Hearing this, except for Qin Mo and Dai Mubai, all the teachers and students of Shrek Academy showed a hint of excitement in their eyes. Even Ning Rongrong, the young master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, was no exception. After all, this was her Earned with my own hands.

The titles in the Tiandou Empire are different from those in the Kingdom of Barak. Although titles such as Baron are nothing in the Tiandou Empire, once they reach Viscount or above, they are eligible to obtain territory.

And during the preliminaries, Emperor Xue Ye was so willing to release ten viscounts and dozens of barons as rewards. So for those who have won the championship of this Soul Master Elite Competition, the rewards will not be low no matter what. At this level, otherwise the Tiandou royal family would have no face.

'Xue Qinghe', who had been prepared for this for a long time, showed a hint of gentleness on his face and said with a smile: "Shrek Academy has won such honor for our Tiandou Empire. My father will never be stingy with rewards."

Seeing 'Xue Qinghe''s confident appearance, Ning Fengzhi's eyes flashed with satisfaction. For 'Xue Qinghe', a disciple, Ning Fengzhi was undoubtedly extremely satisfied and said with a smile: "Let's go, we can't keep His Majesty waiting too long. "

Hearing this, 'Xue Qinghe' glanced over, and after confirming that everyone had alleviated the side effects of moving from space, he said gently: "Everyone, please follow me."

Then he led everyone directly towards the gate of Tiandou Imperial City.

As everyone approached, cheers and shouts quickly came from the city gate.

"Haha! Our hero is back!"


"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince..."

At the city gate, in addition to the top brass of the Tiandou Empire and the Knights, there were many civilians.

Emperor Xue Ye would not let go of the good news that their Tiandou Empire's Soul Master Academy had won this year's Soul Master Elite Competition. This kind of good news could greatly boost the morale of the people.

On the day he got the letter, Emperor Xueye ordered a big publicity. It can be said that the entire Tiandou Empire was in a carnival these days.

With such a battle, even though Xue Qinghe had notified them in advance, all the teachers and students of Shrek Academy could not help but feel excited, especially the serial students, whose faces showed a slight flush of excitement.

This is the supreme being of the empire, and he actually brought hundreds of officials to greet them.

Originally, the distance from the city gate to the palace hall was at most half an hour, but now it took a full hour under the countless cheers in Tiandou Imperial City.

Under the endless compliments, cheers, and compliments, even Qin Mo couldn't help but feel a little elated.

Above the palace hall, Emperor Xueye praised Shrek Academy and then issued an imperial edict that he had already prepared.

In the imperial edict, in addition to Qin Mo, Team Shrek, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Tang San, and even Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, two members of the Star Luo Empire royal family, were given the title of imperial viscount.

As for Qin Mo, as the captain of the Shrek team, he was directly given the title of earl of the empire, and at the same time, Qin Mo and others directly chose the territory.

In addition, Shrek Academy was also granted the right to establish junior and intermediate soul master academies in all cities in the Tiandou Empire.

The extremely unusual title conferment in the imperial edict did not arouse any objection from any official or noble. Even Prince Xue Xing, who had always been opposed to Xue Qinghe, did not speak up even though his eyes were filled with unwillingness.

Obviously, in the past few days, Emperor Xueye had completely eliminated all obstacles, and the announcement of the imperial edict at this time was just a formality.

In the past few days, Emperor Xueye had put in a lot of effort in order to suppress all opposition.

Although the first half of the titles in the imperial edict are much richer than those in previous Soul Master Elite Competitions, you can even choose the territory for the title.

However, considering that the Shrek team won the championship, coupled with the title Douluo behind Shrek Academy, and the talents of the team members, although it was a bit out of line, it was still within a reasonable range.

However, the second half of the imperial edict, which granted Shrek Academy the right to establish junior and intermediate soul master academies in all cities within the empire, directly aroused fierce opposition from all officials, nobles, and even members of the royal family.

It seems that they only have the right to establish junior and intermediate soul master academies, but don't forget that soul masters are all powerful beings with powerful lethality. In addition, most of the people who can enroll in junior and intermediate soul master academies are young people. Very easily influenced.

Even if the students of the junior and intermediate soul master colleges are not very strong, if they are completely controlled by a certain force or a certain entity, it will be easy to destabilize the Tiandou Empire, and even directly subvert the Tiandou Empire may not be impossible.

Moreover, this is also robbing the interests of major officials, nobles and even members of the royal family. There are people standing behind most of the junior, intermediate and senior soul master academies in the entire continent.

However, in the end, with Emperor Xueye's manipulation, this conferment was still passed.

Of course, the reason why this outrageous conferment was approved was because of the many restrictions added.

Although Shrek Academy is qualified to establish intermediate and junior soul master academies in all cities, the intermediate and junior soul master academies established must be supervised by the empire.

It can only be established after applying for approval from Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire.

In addition to the position of dean, the deputy deans of the established intermediate and junior soul master colleges must be soul masters appointed by the empire, and Prince Xue Qinghe serves as the honorary dean.

At the same time, the deans and teachers in the college must be rotated every two years, and the annual accounts will be audited by the Empire...

And the most important one: Shrek's Advanced Soul Master Academy, where Qin Mo and Flanders are currently located, must be moved from the Balak Kingdom to the Tiandou Imperial City of the Tiandou Empire.

However, although there are many restrictions, it also provides many conveniences.

One of them is that if Shrek wants to build an academy in a certain city within the Tiandou Empire, and it is approved by Crown Prince Xue Qinghe, then the empire will grant the next area free of charge and provide half of the funds to build the academy. .

There were many conditions and restrictions, but Qin Mo and Flanders agreed directly without any hesitation. Although there were many restrictions, it didn't matter to them who simply wanted to run a school.

As Flanders said before, he has no other ambitions. All he wants is to spread Shrek's name to the mainland. In fact, Shrek has already done it at this time, but if he can go one step above this, what will happen? So why not Ladd.

As for Qin Mo, he had no interest in the messy rights, interests, and ambitions among officials and nobles.


Tiandou Empire - within the Kingdom of Haagen-Dazs!
High in the sky, a figure with simple clothes, a tall figure, a strong and cold aura stagnated in vain.

Looking around, his eyes were full of coldness and vigilance, and an extremely cold voice sounded: "Who is this person! Get out!"


The surging soul power fluctuations exploded, and the air twisted crazily under the domineering soul power.

"Yellow!" "Yellow!" "Purple!" "Purple!" "Black!" "Black!" "Black!" "Black!" "Black!"

Nine extremely bright soul rings quickly illuminated the sky, and the shadow of the huge Jade Lin Snake Emperor martial soul instantly appeared behind Dugu Bo, venting its cold and murderous intent wantonly.

Compared with before, the color of Dugu Bo's eyes and hair at this moment has returned to normal, and the fishy smell that was always permeating his body has completely disappeared. The ravines on his face have become much smoother, and even his soul power level is approaching 94. class.

(End of this chapter)

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