The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 156 Absorbing the soul ring!A ten thousand year soul ring! 6 major fields of soul skills!

Chapter 156 Absorbing the soul ring!All 10-year-old soul rings!Six major realms of soul skills!

The next day!

Balak Kingdom—Shrek Academy!

Since the Shrek Academy in Tiandou Imperial City has not yet been completed, after accepting the title granted by Emperor Xue Ye, except for the two inner academy teachers Shao Xin and Qin Ming, all other teachers and students returned to Shrek Academy. .

Originally, Flanders and Zhao Wuji, who were the deans and vice deans, were supposed to stay. However, due to Flanders' strange vision and Zhao Wuji's reckless character, Qin Mo and others were worried that the college they would live in in the future would be unsightly. .

Regardless of the two's resistance, Mr. Qin Dong directly forced Flanders and Zhao Wuji to return to Shrek Academy with them, leaving only the more stable and honest Shao Xin and Qin Ming.

As for Shrek's junior and intermediate soul master academies in other cities, Qin Mo and Vlad were not in a hurry, but planned to wait until the Shrek academy in Tiandou Imperial City was completed before establishing them.

Now they are just planning. Although they have the right to establish academies in all cities in the Tiandou Empire, Qin Mo and Flanders do not really plan to establish academies in all cities.

There were quite a few cities in the Tiandou Empire, but only some of them were important, and Qin Mo's target was precisely these cities.

There are ten provinces in the territory of Tiandou Empire, and there are five provinces under direct control. Among the remaining five provinces, the four larger provinces are divided into four kingdoms, and the smallest one in the eastern part of the empire is Provinces were entrusted to principalities.

In Qin Mo's plan, except for the province where Tiandou Imperial City is located, each province will establish an intermediate soul master academy, for a total of nine Shrek intermediate soul master academies.

As for Shrek Junior College, it is planned according to the size of each province, with no more than five schools at most and no less than two schools at least.

As for the rules of the junior and intermediate soul master academy, Qin Mo does not intend to change, and still implements the inner and outer courtyard system. Students in the inner courtyard of Shrek's junior and intermediate soul master academy will still choose to study higher-level history after graduation. Lake College.

Then with the certificate of the Shrek Junior and Intermediate Soul Master Academy inner courtyard sequence, you can unconditionally enter the higher level Shrek Academy inner courtyard to practice for one year.

They will be assessed again after one year. After passing the assessment, they can permanently obtain the rank of inner house of the college. If they fail the assessment, they will be eliminated as students of the outer college.

Although the Tiandou Empire has many restrictions on these junior and intermediate soul master academies, it has not interfered with the management and rules of the academies. Instead, Shrek has made the decision entirely. Those restrictions are only to avoid losing the big tail.

But compared to these less urgent matters, Qin Mo had more important things to do.

As early as the finals of the Soul Master Competition, Qin Mo's soul power had successfully broken through to level [-], but Qin Mo knew that if he absorbed the sixth soul ring, there would probably be a lot of movement, and he might not be able to do it in time.

After all, unlike the fifth soul ring that was transformed from the pure fire origin of the Fire Dragon King, the Ice Dragon King's origin was not water, but extremely cold ice.

If you want to transform the origin of ice into the pure origin of water, you must spend a lot of time and the origin of the world to transform, so Qin Mo postponed the absorption of the sixth soul ring at that time, and only now that he has returned to Shrek Academy can he Enough time to start absorbing the sixth soul ring.

At this moment, in the secret practice room in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, the martial soul of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' that had returned to its normal state was trembling continuously.

The origins of countless worlds are like refining an icy blue magical scale in the cauldron, and countless blue energy is constantly escaping from the icy blue scales.

In just a moment, the space inside the cauldron was completely occupied by clear blue energy.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's mental power fluctuated slightly, and the source of the world seemed to turn into firewood, and the blue energy in the cauldron began to condense rapidly.

The 'Qiankun Cauldron' shook violently, and the violent vibration instantly caused three cracks to open on the ground of the practice room. Fortunately, no corners were cut when building this practice room, otherwise there would have been more than just cracks under the vibration of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' produced.

As the shock subsided, the clear blue energy in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' quickly condensed into a clear blue halo, and an aura as surging as the ocean lingered instantly.

The moment the clear blue halo took shape, the soul power in Qin Mo's body quickly pulled it, and the clear blue halo merged into Qin Mo's body in an instant as if it had turned into an illusion.

In an instant, surging soul power fluctuations erupted.


A domineering impact of invisible will suddenly erupted, and Qin Mo's sea of ​​consciousness was like when he absorbed the fifth soul ring, and the mysterious dragon roar echoed.

However, compared to the violence of the fifth soul ring Fire Dragon King's original fire, the original soul ring after being transformed from ice into water is much gentler, and even has a hint of goodness like water, making it much less difficult to absorb.

The clear blue light gradually became brighter, the soul power fluctuations became stronger and stronger, and the life of the soul ring began to expand rapidly, even faster than when the fifth soul ring was absorbed.

"1000 years!"

"2000 years!"

"3000 years!"

Two hours passed in a flash.

At this moment, Qin Mo in the practice room was completely enveloped in a clear blue light. Within the light, there was a faint roar of a dragon echoing, and it looked like a huge clear blue dragon egg under the bright light.

The age, strength, and aura of the soul ring have reached the 9-year mark.

Even though the difficulty of absorbing the soul ring has been reduced a lot because it has been transformed and tempered by the origin of the world, the 10-year soul ring age limit is still a bit difficult for Qin Mo.

After all, no matter how strong Qin Mo is, he is still only a quasi-soul emperor. Whether it is physical strength or spiritual soul, there is still a slight gap compared to a quasi-titled Douluo whose soul power has reached level [-].

Even if the absorption difficulty of the soul ring is reduced, and there is no residual soul impact of the soul beast in the soul ring, the huge soul power impact of the 10-year-old soul ring is not so easy to withstand.

In the bright blue light, under the impact of the huge soul power of the soul ring, Qin Mo's body was completely soaked with sweat, and the meridians in his body began to hurt.

But Qin Mo did not choose to give up. Although he could directly increase the life of the soul ring to 10 years by relying on the attribute panel, this method of increasing the life could not improve Qin Mo's physical, soul and mental strength.

"Ninety-five thousand years!"

"Twelve thousand years!"

"Ninety-five thousand years!"

The age of the soul ring is still increasing. As the age of the soul ring gets closer to 10 years, the impact of the soul power becomes more and more terrifying.

Another quarter of an hour later, Qin Mo already felt the limit of his body. Feeling the strength of the soul ring at this moment, Qin Mo felt a little disappointed in his heart: It's a pity, it's still a little short...

Feeling the faint collapse of his body, Qin Mo stopped absorbing the soul ring.


In an instant, the clear blue light covering Qin Mo's body, like a huge dragon egg, instantly turned into a stream of light and enveloped the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.


The 'Qiankun Cauldron' began to vibrate in vain, and the blue soul ring took shape instantly. The surging soul power suddenly burst out from Qin Mo's body, and the sixty-level soul power bottleneck in his body shattered.

The huge soul power instantly began to impact Qin Mo's soul power level.

"Level 61!"

"Level 62!"

"Level 63!"

The 63-year-old soul ring directly raised Qin Mo's soul power level to level [-]. According to the speed of Qin Mo's soul power improvement, it saved Qin Mo several months of hard training.

Compared to the ferocity when the fifth soul ring was absorbed, although the sixth soul ring is now nearly 3 years older than the age after absorbing the fifth soul ring, its aura has not leaked out at all.In addition to the fact that Qin Mo's ability to control his own soul power has been greatly improved compared to the fifth soul ring, what's more, the water attribute soul ring is much calmer than the fire attribute soul ring.

After the soul power gradually returned to calm, Qin Mo slowly opened his eyes and looked at the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit that had expanded a lot in front of him. His eyes fluctuated slightly. With the weight of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' at this moment, he struck with all his strength. I'm afraid even the titled Douluo will have to vomit blood.

With a slight thought in his mind, he quickly opened the properties panel, his eyes flashing with light.

【Name: Qin Mo】

[Martial Soul: Qiankun Ding]

[Soul Power: LV63]

[Physique: LV87]

[Spiritual Power: LV80]


[First Soul Skill: Space Control (999)]

[Second Soul Skill: Domain of Time (9999)]

[Third Soul Skill: Anode (9999)]

[Fourth Soul Skill: Yin Realm (100000)]

[Fifth Soul Skill: Field of Fire (100000)]

[Sixth Soul Skill: Domain of Water (99870)]

[Equipment: Space Soul Guidance Device (50 cubic meters)]

[Dojo: Shrek Academy]

[Origin of the world: 100.56 squares↑]

[Plane opened: Douluo Continent]

Looking at the exaggerated data on the attribute panel, Qin Mo's face showed a look of satisfaction. At the same time, his eyes kept wandering over the origin of the world and the six soul skills, his eyes flickering slightly.

After a moment, Qin Mo took a deep breath and whispered: "It's time to increase the age of the soul ring."

In the past, due to Qin Mo's strength, lack of strong backing, and the need to plan the Soul Master Elite Competition, Qin Mo did not choose to increase the life of the soul ring even if he had sufficient world origin.

After all, once the age of the soul ring increases, the color will definitely change, which will definitely bring a lot of unnecessary trouble to Qin Mo.

As for changing the color of the soul ring, unless you have a soul skill similar to the simulated soul skill of the protagonist ten thousand years later, it is only possible to change the color of the soul ring unless your mental strength and mental control ability reach a certain level. Do it.

Of course, if you are willing to waste the world's origin to create a skill similar to a simulated soul skill, you can naturally do it. However, Qin Mo has already had a plan for the world's origin. In addition to increasing the life of the soul ring and some important skills, he will not allow any waste.

Even if the world origin on the attribute panel is converted into points at this time, a small goal has been achieved, but it may not be enough in the next plan.

His mind moved slightly, and in an instant, 279133 points of the world's origin on the attribute panel evaporated instantly. At the same time, Qin Mo's mental power violently rioted, and he began to transform the interfering soul ring and soul skills.

[Origin of the world: 100.28 squares↑]

In an instant, as the world's origin points evaporated, Qin Mo's soul rings appeared instantly, with the first, second, third, and sixth soul rings lighting up in vain.

The colors of the first three soul rings instantly began to flash, purple, black, and red. In just three seconds, they directly transformed from the yellow hundred-year soul ring and the purple thousand-year soul ring into the red soul ring that was 10 years old.

At the same time, with the intervention of Qin Mo's spiritual power, the soul skills in the first, second, and third soul rings began to transform in the direction Qin Mo wanted.

The sixth soul ring is the same as the fourth and fifth soul rings, with a clearer color.

Only a moment~~~
"Red!" "Red!" "Red!" "Black!" "Blazing red!" "Clear blue!"

The six miraculous soul rings slowly stabilized, and the shining light gradually dimmed. Feeling the improvement brought about by the changes in the age of the soul rings, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly showed a glimmer of light.

Although the increase in the number of years of the world's origin cannot bring improvements to Qin Mo's physical strength, soul power, and spiritual power, it has greatly improved his combat effectiveness.

The soul skills also completed their transformation due to the interference of spiritual power and the power of the origin of the world.

The first soul skill: Space Control → Space Domain!

The second soul skill: Domain of Time → Domain of Time!
The third soul skill: Anode → Zhiyang Realm!

The three major soul skills were all transformed into domain-type soul skills under Qin Mo's interference and the power of the world's origin, plus the fourth soul skill of the Yin Domain, the fifth soul skill of the Fire Domain, and the sixth soul skill. In the realm of water, the six realms of soul skills are gathered together.

At the same time, with the age of the soul ring, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul also began to metamorphose. Although its size did not become larger, its weight began to increase crazily.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

Three dull, shattering sounds were heard. Under the sudden increase in weight of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', the ground of the practice room suddenly collapsed several inches.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's mental power quickly exploded, and he instantly put the 'Qiankun Cauldron' back into his palm. He felt the terrifying weight coming from his palm, and the three pits in front of him that were pressed by the three legs of the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. Qin Mo had an extremely wonderful expression on his face.

According to the normal soul ring addition, the weight of Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul will not change much. It will only change with the level of the soul power. Every time the soul power breaks through one level, the weight of 'Qiankun Cauldron' will not change much. Gain one hundred pounds.

But the 10-year-old soul ring is a limit. Without another 10-year-old soul ring, the weight of Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul will increase by an additional one thousand kilograms.

At this moment, the six soul rings surrounding Qin Mo's body have all reached 10 years old. In other words, the normal weight of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' at this moment has reached 1 kilograms.

Normally, the material of the practice room can fully withstand this kind of weight, but Qin Mo's martial spirit cauldron has three legs, and the ground was slightly cracked in the previous shock. The surge in weight actually pressed the ground directly out of the pit.

Looking at the three cracked holes on the ground in front of him, Qin Mo's soul power fluctuated slightly, and the third soul ring instantly lit up, shining red.

"The second soul skill - Time Domain!"



The moment the soul skill was activated, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in Qin Mo's palm erupted in vain with an extremely magical aura of time, and an invisible shock erupted.

The time domain instantly covered the entire practice room, and time began to flow backwards!

The exploded gravel, cracked stone, and crushed debris were quickly rewinded by Qin Mo's time domain power.

In just a moment, the three cracked holes all disappeared and completely returned to their original state.

 Hey guys, the lowercase numbers in the starting point are not counted in the word count.

(End of this chapter)

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