The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 157 'Dojo' expands again! The change of 'Inner Alchemy'!

Chapter 157 'Dojo' expands again! The change of 'Inner Alchemy'!

Feeling the consumption of the time domain soul skills, Qin Mo took a deep breath unconsciously.

Just by restoring the ground to an unbroken state, two-thirds of the soul power in the body was directly evaporated.

However, although Qin Mo was a little surprised by the consumption of the soul skill, he was still very satisfied with the effect of the 'Time Domain' soul skill.

Although with the power of the dojo, it is possible to do this by consuming the world's essence, and it is even more relaxed and freehand, but the dojo is still a foreign object, no matter how little the world's origin is consumed.

It is always different from the power you can possess.

At the same time, Qin Mo also felt that after all the six major soul rings of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul were promoted to 10-year soul rings, the power of the 'dojo' has also been greatly improved, especially in terms of time and space power. In terms of ability to control.

In the past, the time and space power of the 'Dojo' could only control pure matter, but now with the promotion of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul soul ring, it seems to be gradually improving, and it is faintly beginning to move towards the 'Dojo' in myths and legends. Begin to evolve.

The palm of his hand was slightly raised, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' shrunk to the size of a palm shone with a divine light.

His mental power fluctuated slightly, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' trembled slightly. In an instant, a miniature terrain map appeared in front of Qin Mo's eyes. In the center of the terrain map was a light spot about the size of a walnut.

The area covered by the light spot is Shrek Academy and Shrek Town, which is also the current size of the 'Dojo'.

As early as after obtaining tens of millions of points of world origin from the 'Eye of Ice and Fire', Qin Mo had thought about expanding the scope of the 'dojo'.

However, due to the Soul Master Competition and many reasons, Qin Mo never had time to expand the scope of the 'dojo'.

But it's not too late now. Qin Mo's thoughts moved slightly, and the vast origin of the world stored between his eyebrows poured into the 'Qiankun Cauldron' like the falling of the Milky Way.

As the core of the 'Dojo', the 'Qiankun Ding' has the absolute right to control the 'Dojo'.

In an instant, under the source of the endless world, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' became more and more magical, brilliant divine light burst out, and an ancient, mysterious and majestic trembling sound seemed to resound in the void.


The vast power exploded, and in an instant, the entire Shrek Academy and the time and space in Shrek Town outside the academy were completely stagnant. All the students, teachers, residents, and tourists in the academy and the town... ·There is no ability to resist at all, everything is stagnant.

Only Qin Dong, whose soul power reached level 97 and whose inner elixir reached the seventh level, was aware of it. However, the moment he sensed Qin Mo's breath deep in his consciousness, he immediately put down all his defenses and was frozen in time and space. middle

As time and space completely stagnated, a vast, mysterious, ancient, and majestic giant cauldron appeared quietly in the sky above Shrek Academy.

The origin of the world was instantly ignited like firewood, the vast giant cauldron suddenly turned into reality, the brilliant origin of the world burst out, and countless ripples in time and space rippled crazily.

In an instant, the endless ripples of time and space carrying the original brilliance of the vast world were like a wave, crazily expanding the territory of the 'dojo'.

The spots on the miniature terrain map, which were originally no more than the size of walnuts, began to spread rapidly in all directions under the waves of time and space ripples.

As the 'dojo' spreads, the world origin on the attribute panel quickly begins to evaporate, the light spreads crazily on the miniature terrain map, and the scope of the 'dojo' expands crazily. In an instant, the light spot spreads and expands dozens of times.

The world origin on the attribute panel has also been evaporated by millions of points. Qin Mo didn't feel any distress about this. With hundreds of millions of world origin as the backing, he was full of confidence.

In addition to the scope of Shrek Town, after Qin Dong broke through the title Douluo, the Barak Kingdom directly granted nearly a quarter of the Lima Plain to Qin Mo.

What Qin Mo wants to do is to completely turn this nearly a quarter of the territory into his own 'dojo'.

"One million world origins!"

"One million world origins!"

"One million world origins!"


As the dojo's light spot gradually spreads, the evaporation rate of the world's origin on the attribute panel begins to increase.

[Origin of the world: 97.28 squares↓]

[Origin of the world: 95.78 squares↓]

[Origin of the world: 93.78 squares↓]

But as the scope of the 'dojo' expanded crazily, the origin of the world evaporated crazily, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit, which was the core of the entire 'dojo', was vaguely gestating with strange phenomena.

When the world origin on the attribute panel was consumed by more than [-] million, the ripples like a wave suddenly receded, like an ebbing tide.

High above Shrek Academy, the vast giant cauldron instantly became blurred and dissipated in the space.

The stagnant time and space began to flow instantly as if it had been opened. The students, teachers, residents, tourists and many other entities in the college and the town did not notice at all that their time had just been interrupted. He froze for nearly half a breath.

Qin Dong, who was in the secret training room of Shrek's inner courtyard, glanced at Qin Mo's direction with a thoughtful look in his eyes at the moment when the time and space stagnation was lifted, and then entered the 'Coal Condensation Method' again. 'In the midst of practice.

As for the soul power, the all-round increase brought about by the inner elixir after seven turns, even without meditation practice, the speed of soul power improvement is far faster than before.

In the practice room, Qin Mo seemed to be aware of his old man's gaze. With Qin Mo's current state, he could naturally detect his old man's movements. Even though he knew that his old man trusted him, Qin Mo's heart still trembled.

Just by consciously sensing his aura, he let go of all his defenses without reservation. This kind of trust... Even Qin Mo himself couldn't do it...
Qin Mo closed his eyes slightly and quickly adjusted his state.

After a while, Qin Mo took a deep breath.


His eyes quickly fell on the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit on his palm, and he felt the carvings, color, breath, rhythm and even weight on the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit. It was obvious that there was no change at all from before.

But Qin Mo had a feeling that the martial spirit of the 'Qiankun Ding' was... different.

It seems much more 'real' than before. . .

His fingertips slightly rubbed the lines on the martial soul of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', and Qin Mo's eyes gradually became strange.

However, before Qin Mo could investigate, the martial soul of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' began to vibrate in vain. The perception of time and space was instantly amplified to the extreme. The entire 'dojo' emerged directly in the sea of ​​consciousness, and several strange light spots appeared at the edge of the 'dojo'. flashing.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes instantly showed a look of surprise, his eyes suddenly flashed with light, and he quickly looked to the side and high in the sky.

Under the divine light, the walls of the practice room, the buildings in Shrek's inner courtyard, the mountains, and the trees were like illusions, and his gaze instantly extended to countless kilometers away.

When Qin Mo's gaze extended to the area where the light spots flickered, Qin Mo's brows suddenly frowned. Before he had time to think about it, his mental power began to fluctuate instantly.

The 'Qiankun Cauldron' trembled slightly, the space rippled slightly, and Qin Mo disappeared into the practice room instantly.

Barak Kingdom - the edge of the Lima Plain!
There are ten major provinces under the Tiandou Empire. Except for the five major provinces directly controlled by the empire, the other five major provinces have been given kingdoms and principalities, and their territories are adjacent.

Four major kingdoms and one principality are adjacent to the five major territories, completely isolating the Tiandou Empire from the Star Luo Empire, and completely isolating Bingfeng among the kingdoms and principalities.

Among them, the Balak Kingdom intersects with the territory of the Kingdom of Haagen-Dazs and the Kingdom of Silvis, and both of them partially border the territory of the Star Empire.

At a high altitude, Dugu Bo, who had just entered the Lima Plain, had a sinister look in his eyes. His originally simple clothes were now even more ragged, and even slightly charred flesh could be seen in the broken parts.

The originally vibrant Qi was now extremely weak, and there were even some faint cracks on the inner elixir in the body.

Scanning his surroundings, he instantly knew that at his current speed, it was absolutely impossible to reach Shrek Academy before his pursuers caught up with him.The pursuers behind Dugu Bo seemed to know what Dugu Bo was thinking, and their speed increased again.

Feeling the violent and destructive aura getting closer behind him, Dugu Bo's face became colder and colder, with killing intent, anger, cruelty, regret, and worry flashing in his eyes, and there was even a hint of despair: "Damn it, if you give me another two years ·······”

"Yu Yuanzhen, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family! Don't give me a chance, otherwise..."

Although a hint of despair began to appear in his heart, Dugu Bo still did not give up. He endured the injuries in his body, his soul power exploded again, and his escape speed increased again.

It seems that he also noticed that Dugu Bo was at the end of his strength. The pursuer behind him accelerated again, and at the same time, a sound like thunderous explosions instantly reached Dugu Bo's ears.

"Dugu Bo! Stop, you can't escape!"

The thunderous vibrato of the explosion instantly caused the seriously injured Dugu Bo to tremble slightly, but in the next moment, instead of slowing down at all, he speeded up again.

In the rear, compared with the seriously injured and ragged Dugu Bo, Yu Yuanzhen looked a little embarrassed, with countless dragon scales flashing under his damaged clothes, and his aura was only slightly disordered.

Compared with the strength of Yu Yuanzhen's Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Spirit, even though the quality of Dugu Bo's Jade Lin Snake Emperor Spirit is not bad at all, and even condenses the inner elixir, its main attribute is poison after all.

In particular, the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Soul Master also has the secret skill of 'Dragon Transformation' and the attribute of thunder and lightning. In addition, Dugu Bo's soul power level is also two levels lower than Yu Yuanzhen.

With such a huge gap, even if Dugu Bo tried his best and paid the price of serious injuries, he could only injure Yu Yuan from the shock.

If it weren't for the improvement brought about by the inner elixir, I'm afraid he would have fallen to Yu Yuanzhen's thunder and dragon claws before he could escape.

But at this moment, Dugu Bo's condition obviously couldn't last much longer. The crazy squeezing of the soul power in his body had already caused cracks in the meridians in Dugu Bo's body and even the inner alchemy in his Dantian.

"The eighth soul skill - Soaring Dragon Thunder Explosion!"

From behind, Yu Yuan's thunderous voice sounded.


Terrifying soul power fluctuations exploded, and countless blue-black thunderclouds containing thunder descended instantly.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The moment the thundercloud descended, countless blue-black dragon-shaped thunderbolts frantically bombarded Dugu Bo ahead.

In most planes, especially mid- and low-level planes, the attack speeds of light and thunder are the fastest.

With Yu Yuanzhen's strength, facing the seriously injured Dugu Bo, the moment the thunder exploded, it meant that the target had been hit.

Dugu Bo, who was hit by several blue-black thunderbolts, suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his breath suddenly fell to the bottom.

His eyes were instantly occupied by despair, but as a Titled Douluo, and a Titled Douluo whose title was poison, he would not be willing to lead someone to death.

The despair in his eyes was instantly replaced by fierceness and madness. He quickly opened his mouth with countless cracks and the smell of blood, and the turquoise inner elixir that had lost most of its luster was spat out by Dugu Bo in an instant.

Behind, Yu Yuanzhen felt extremely excited and eager when Dugu Bo took out the 'Inner Alchemy'. Waves of excitement and desire instantly erupted from his 'Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus' martial spirit.

Feeling the excitement and desire from the 'Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus' martial spirit, Yu Yuanzhen's eyes suddenly showed an extremely fiery gaze, but there was still a hint of guilt in the fiery heat.

"It's true! What the ancestral book says is true. Tian Heng's perception is not wrong. The 'dragon transformation' of my Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family will never stop there."

Yu Yuanzhen's mind instantly flashed to the words recorded in his ancestral books, as well as the scenes from his time in the sect a few months ago.

That was before the start of the Continental Soul Master Elite Competition. When Yu Tianheng returned to the sect to visit his family, he specifically told Dugu Bo about the strange movements in his martial soul that were caused when Dugu Bo used the 'inner elixir' to remove the soul poison from Dugu Yan's body.

He wanted to ask his grandfather "Yu Yuanzhen" for the reason. In Yu Tianheng's opinion, this kind of martial soul change might allow him and his girlfriend Dugu Yan to have martial soul fusion skills.

The moment he heard Yu Tianheng's request for advice, Yu Yuanzhen was shocked in his heart. He quickly asked Yu Tianheng how he felt and quickly confirmed his suspicion.

But in order not to alarm others, Yu Yuanzhen directly followed Yu Tianheng's idea and handed over all the clan's classics on martial soul fusion techniques to Yu Tianheng, and then sent Yu Tianheng back to Tiandou Royal Academy. .

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family now seems to occupy the top three sects, with two outstanding heirs below, Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin.

But in fact, it can be said that they are in a precarious situation. After all, no matter how talented Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin are, it will take at least decades to fully grow up.

And the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, which only has one titled Douluo, may not be able to persist for decades in this undercurrent of the soul master world.

The huge Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family clearly possesses the top martial arts spirit in the entire continent, but there is only one titled Douluo, Yu Yuanzhen. The 95th level soul power level seems extremely powerful, but in fact it is compared to the auxiliary sect. The Qibao Glazed Sect is far inferior.

Not to mention the Spirit Hall, even the closed sect Haotian Sect is by no means weaker than them. After all, the reputation of the 'Haotian Double Star' decades ago was not false.

In order to prevent future crises, gain greater strength, and strengthen the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, even if his guess may not be correct, even if Dugu Bo is the grandfather of his future grandson-in-law, he will not hesitate.

For this reason, Yu Yuanzhen even directly used the power of the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family and spent countless amounts to set up a dragnet for Dugu Bo.

Even in order to prevent Dugu Bo from escaping into the city, most of the Soul Douluo and Soul Saints of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family were spread outside the many cities returning to Tiandou Imperial City from Wuhun City.

Even if these Soul Saints and Soul Douluo are not Dugubo's opponents, it is still possible to resist for a moment when the martial soul's true form and 'Dragon Transformation' are activated. As long as Dugubo does not want to die, he will face this dragnet. Just avoid the city.

In addition to hindering Dugu Bo, these Soul Saints and Soul Douluo also have the effect of erasing traces.

Sensing Yu Yuanzhen's extremely hot eyes, Dugu Bo showed a look of ridicule on his face. The mental and soul power in his body rioted in vain. Looking at the thunder dragon that was bombarding him crazily, he directly bombarded the 'inner elixir' towards him. Throw it away from your own Thunder Dragon.

Crazy laughter rang out: "Hahaha! Yu Yuanzhen, don't you want my inner elixir? I won't give it to you even if I destroy it..."

"not good!!!"

Yu Yuanzhen's expression changed greatly, especially when he saw the countless hunting souls on the green inner elixir, his eyes showed extremely heartache.

The soul power in the body was suddenly cut off, the eighth soul ring surrounding the body dimmed instantly, the thunder clouds dissipated, and the thunder dragon that had lost its source was quickly annihilated.


The backlash that forcibly blocked the flow of soul power in the body instantly made Yu Yuanzhen groan in pain unconsciously, but compared to the backlash, Yu Yuanzhen cared more about the green 'inner elixir' thrown by Dugu Bo.


Like a thunder dragon rushing towards him, Yu Yuanzhen appeared in front of the green inner elixir in a flash of lightning, with a hint of ecstasy in his eyes.

Even though he wanted to stretch out his palms covered with dragon scales and grab the 'Inner Alchemy'.

But before Yu Yuanzhen could catch the 'Inner Alchemy', a voice with extremely harsh, sinister and murderous intent sounded out.

"Blast me!!!"

The moment Dugu Bo's voice sounded, Yu Yuanzhen's expression suddenly changed.

The 'Inner Alchemy', which was originally dull and full of cracks, suddenly burst out with extremely bright blue light.

(End of this chapter)

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