The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 158 'Inner Alchemy' self-destructs?Extreme rescue!

Chapter 158 'Inner Alchemy' self-destructs?Extreme rescue!

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

An incomparably clear shattering sound instantly resounded in the void, and a bright blue light carried extremely violent and corrosive terrifying energy fluctuations, and madness overflowed from the 'inner elixir'.

"Bah!" "Bah!" "Bah!"

The original poison that constitutes the 'inner elixir' instantly corrodes the air.

The 'dragon-shaped' dragon scales outside the palm of the closest Yu Yuanzhen instantly fell off and turned into pus under the corrosion of this overbearing source of poison.

Severe pain instantly flooded Yu Yuanzhen's mind from his palms.

"Dugu Bo, how dare you..."

Yu Yuanzhen's crazily trembling pupils began to shrink in vain, and his eyes showed an extremely angry look:
The soul power inside the body violently rioted, and the already overbearing soul power quickly turned into dark blue thunder, which rushed towards the corrosive toxins in the palm of his hand. At the same time, a soul power barrier instantly isolated the toxins.

Under Thunder's overbearing attack and blazing heat, no matter how strong the toxin of the original poison is, it is still just rootless water. After Yu Yuanzhen paid a certain price, the toxin was eliminated in an instant.

At the same time, a roar of a domineering dragon sounded like thunder from the sky.


"The true form of Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus!!"

In an instant, a huge thunder dragon that resembled the Lord of Thunder descended.

A pair of giant dragon claws wrapped with endless thunder slammed towards the violent 'Inner Alchemy', without paying any attention to Dugu Bo who was not far away.

A pair of majestic and domineering beast eyes were full of ferociousness, and a terrifying roar like a beast's roar sounded: "Give it to me!"

Seeing Yu Yuanzhen's crazy appearance, already falling to the ground, and his life breath crazily leaking out, Dugu Bo's eyes showed an extremely mocking look.

If it had been before, when the 'Inner Alchemy' was not complete, it would have been possible for Yu Yuanzhen's strength to suppress the 'Inner Alchemy' from self-destructing.

But at this moment, the 'Inner Alchemy' has been completely perfected with the help of Qin Mo, and has been completely integrated with his Dugu Bo. He lives with the 'Inner Alchemy', and he dies with the 'Inner Alchemy' and dies, and vice versa, even if the gods descend. The world cannot stop it.

"Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!" "······"

Yu Yuanzhen tried his best, but instead of suppressing the self-destructive power of the 'Inner Alchemy', under the violent thunder energy, the energy of the 'Inner Alchemy' exploded even more.

On the ground, Dugu Bo, who was already on the verge of death, felt the remaining trace of his inner elixir. Even if he was about to die, his eyes showed great joy.

The consciousness fluctuated instantly, and the remaining trace of origin in the 'Inner Alchemy' was quietly extinguished.

As the last trace of the origin of the 'Inner Alchemy' was wiped out, the chaotic energy of the 'Inner Alchemy' lost its last trace of order, and the energy fluctuations within Yu Yuanzhen's two dragon claws were in vain.


next moment!
Dugu Bo mobilized the remaining strength in his body and laughed wildly with great joy.

"Hahaha! Bury with me."

The terrifying death crisis instantly caused countless dragon scales on Yu Yuanzhen's body to explode. His eyes instantly fell on Dugu Bo, who had only a trace of breath left. His eyes were filled with terror: "Damn it! You actually want to die with me! Don't even think about it... ··”

The two claws changed instantly, and the surging soul power was instantly transformed into countless thunders, and the crazy, violent and terrifying energy in his hands was instantly thrown towards Dugu Bo.

At the same time, the soul power in his body exploded, as if his body had turned into thunder, and he fled madly towards the distance.

Looking at Yu Yuanzhen who was running away like crazy, Dugu Bo's eyes were filled with ridicule. As the owner of the 'Inner Alchemy', he naturally knew how terrifying his power would be if his 'Inner Alchemy' exploded by itself, especially if his 'Inner Alchemy' was still With poison as its origin, coupled with Yu Yuanzhen's suppression.

Even if Yu Yuanzhen activates 'Dragon Transformation' and 'Martial Soul True Body', there is less than a [-]% chance that he can withstand it. Even if he blocks it, his vitality will definitely be severely damaged. The 'Inner Alchemy' possesses The terrifying toxin is enough to put Yu Yuanzhen in extreme pain for the rest of his life.

At this moment, Yu Yuanzhen's eyes were full of anger, violence and...fear, and the terrifying death crisis behind him did not weaken at all, and even became more terrifying.

"Damn! Damn! Damn..."

"The future of my Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Dugu Bo! How dare you..."

Infinite killing intent was raging crazily in his mind, but he didn't dare to hesitate at all and ran away crazily into the distance.

On the ground, looking at the extremely violent, crazy, and terrifying 'inner alchemy' energy, there was no trace of fear in his eyes, but only deep guilt and worry.

He murmured in a low voice: "I don't know if Yanyan can receive my secret message. Old Ghost Ye should be able to take Yanyan back before the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family takes action..."

"I'm sorry, Yanyan! Grandpa can't protect you anymore..."

As a treacherous and cunning old ghost, Dugu Bo cannot escape from the trap set by the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, but it is not difficult to simply send a message.

At the last moment of his life, Dugu Bo only worried about whether the secret message he sent would be timely.

As the breath of life became weaker and weaker, Dugu Bo closed his eyes and waited for death.

The next moment, a very familiar voice sounded: "Grandpa Dugu! You should take Sister Yan back and take care of her yourself, Grandpa Ye is not free!"

Dugu Bo's eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes showed an extremely anxious look for an instant, but in the dying state, Dugu Bo no longer had any strength, only his lips trembled slightly, as if to say: "Run away..."

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes fluctuated slightly, and the martial spirit of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in his palm instantly lit up.

The remaining one-third of the soul power in the body suddenly rioted, and an extremely bright red light suddenly lit up.

"Time Domain - Countercurrent!" The bright red light as red as blood instantly made Dugu Bo's pupils stagnant.

But compared to this bloody light, the myth-like scene that followed made Dugu Bo's heart tremble even more.

The invisible time domain instantly covered Dugu Bo and the 'Inner Alchemy' that had gone into complete riot and crazy self-destruction.

Under the power of the domain, the chaotic and self-destructive energy of the 'Inner Alchemy' was completely frozen at first, and the next moment, time began to flow backwards!

In just an instant, the origin of the 'Inner Alchemy' that was self-destructed under Dugu Bo's consciousness was restored, and a ray of order returned to the complete chaos in the 'Inner Alchemy'.

In less than a breath, the crazy and violent "Inner Alchemy" quickly returned to the state when Dugu Bo spit it out. Although it was full of cracks and dim, the origin of the "Inner Alchemy" was not damaged.

As time went back and the 'Inner Alchemy' was restored, the life breath in Dugu Bo's body also recovered rapidly.

In fact, although the injuries caused by the thunder on Dugu Bo's body and the temporary shattering of his martial soul were serious, they were not fatal. The reason why he was on the verge of death was entirely because Dugu Bo directly self-destructed his 'inner elixir' and planned to fight with Yu Yuan. The shock of the same death leads to self-annihilation.

With the recovery of the 'inner elixir', Dugu Bo's life breath returned to its original intensity.

Feeling the consumption of soul power in his body, Qin Mo's eyes flashed with a strange color, and the consumption of his second soul skill 'Time Domain' was reduced.

Qin Mo's eyes instantly locked on the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. Looking at the 'Qiankun Cauldron' which had a slightly different sense of 'reality' than other martial arts spirits, Qin Mo's eyes fluctuated slightly and he thought to himself: Could this be caused by the expansion of the 'dojo'? The change?I'm afraid it's more than that...

Dugu Bo, who had recovered from the time reversal, looked at Qin Mo in a daze, as if he could see faith in his eyes.

Sensing the huge thunder dragon that was running away like crazy without noticing any abnormalities in the distance, Qin Mo's soul power moved slightly and directly sent the 'inner elixir' to Dugu Bo.

The soul power transmitted the message: "Grandpa Dugu, quickly put the 'inner elixir' away, it's time for us to leave..."

Although relying on the six 10-year domain soul rings, many soul skills, and the power of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', Qin Mo is confident that his combat power will never be lower than that of ordinary titled Douluo

But this does not include Yu Yuanzhen, whose soul power level is as high as 95, who has turned on the 'Dragon Transformation' and 'Martial Soul True Body' states at the same time, and also has an unknown trump card.

And the most important thing is that Qin Mo doesn’t have much soul power left in his body...
As Qin Mo's voice rang in his ears, Dugu Bo woke up instantly and quickly opened his mouth to swallow the 'inner elixir'. Then he looked at Yu Yuanzhen who was running away crazily in the distance, and an extremely terrifying murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

However, although Dugu Bo wanted to cut Yu Yuan Zhen into pieces with a thousand knives, he also knew that his strength was not Yu Yuan Zhen's opponent. In addition, Qin Mo was beside him at the moment, so the murderous intention in his eyes was just a flash. Gone in a flash.

After seeing Dugu Bo take back the 'Inner Alchemy', Qin Mo's mental strength fluctuated slightly, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' trembled in vain.


The space was instantly distorted, and the two people disappeared instantly.

In the high sky in the distance, Yu Yuanzhen felt in vain that the terrifying death crisis dissipated instantly, a cold and extremely cold murderous intention flashed away, and an extremely bad feeling instantly arose in his heart.

The figure that was running away suddenly froze.


The body's sudden stop instantly caused an extremely violent explosion in the air.

Instantly turning his head to look in the direction where Dugu Bo collapsed, his pupils shrank suddenly. Looking at the remaining distortions and fluctuations of space in the distance and the empty ground, Yu Yuanzhen didn't know that someone had rescued Dugu Bo.

The azure beast face of Yu Yuan Zhen Wuhun's true form turned black in vain, then turned into livid color in the next moment, and turned into a sickly flush in the next moment.


The martial soul's true form suddenly dissipated, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes showed extremely angry, violent, and crazy killing intent.

"Ahhh! Damn it! The spatial ability 'Shanhe Cauldron'...Shanhe Qin Family, Qin Dong..."

The string of reason in his mind broke instantly, and the soul power in Yu Yuanzhen's body vented crazily. In an instant, it was like a thunderous natural disaster that destroyed the world, and countless blue-black thunder exploded like a thunderstorm.

In just a moment, the ground under Yu Yuanzhen's feet completely turned into a piece of thunderous scorched earth, with terrifying thunder arcs beating crazily on the ground.

After a long time, when only [-]% of the soul power in his body was left, Yu Yuanzhen finally calmed down, and his lost rationality slowly returned. His figure flickered and quickly appeared where the spatial fluctuations disappeared.

Feeling the suppressed and calmed riot atmosphere and the looming strange power remaining in the surrounding space, Yu Yuanzhen revealed an extremely fearful look in his eyes.

With Yu Yuanzhen's strength, although he could not determine what this looming and strange force was, he could still sense that the 'inner elixir' that he could not suppress with all his strength was easily suppressed by this strange force. Living.

Coupled with the rumors about the strength of Mountain and River Douluo Qin Dong in the soul master world, Yu Yuanzhen's fear became more intense. However, although Yu Yuanzhen was extremely fearful, after all, Dugu Bo and the 'Qin Dong' that Yu Yuanzhen thought were in front of him If you choose to escape, you will obviously not be his opponent, otherwise...
Thinking of this, Yu Yuanzhen felt a little lucky in his heart, and even a strange thought appeared in his mind: Good escape.

After all, the rioting 'inner alchemy' energy has been suppressed, so their Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family will still have a chance.

Little did they know that the person who saved Dugu Bo was not Qin Dong, a titled Douluo, but Soul Emperor Qin Mo, who had only level 63 soul power.

Looking at the traces left by Dugu Bo on the ground, Yu Yuanzhen showed a fierce look on his face. He moved his right palm slightly and the soul power in his body exploded, completely erasing the traces and leaving a huge hole in it.

Looking in the direction of Shrek Academy, Yu Yuanzhen narrowed his eyes slightly, and an extremely cold voice sounded: "Qin Dong! Dugu Bo! You won't be so lucky next time!"

There was an extremely harsh and fearful tone in his tone.

As for Dugu Bo, an old poisonous man who had the ability to kill hostile forces until only Titled Douluo remained, Yu Yuanzhen had no fear at all.

Originally, if Dugu Bo escaped by himself, Yu Yuanzhen would still be worried. After all, the lone wolf is the most difficult to deal with, but now that Dugu Bo was rescued by Shrek Academy, then...

Thunder exploded, and a bolt of lightning burst out toward the sky in the opposite direction, and Yu Yuanzhen quickly disappeared from the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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