The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 159 'Original Dan Qi'!revenge!

Chapter 159 'Original Dan Qi'!revenge!

Haagen-Dazs Kingdom—Xilu City!

Compared with Shrek Academy, which has the ability to teleport in space, many high-level soul master academies basically rush back to the academy in carriages after being defeated.

The same is true for Tiandou Royal Academy. It took many high-level soul master teams 20 days to set off from Tiandou Imperial City and arrive at Wuhun City.

Although there are not many encumbrances when returning, and the speed is much faster, it still takes at least more than ten days to return from Wuhun City to Tiandou Imperial City.

Tiandou Royal Academy, which made it to the fourth round of the finals, has been on the road for seven days and is currently resting in Xilu City, the important city of Haagen-Dazs Kingdom.

In the top room of a luxury hotel in Xilu City, Dugu Yan walked around the room with a slightly panicked expression, covering his chest with his hands as if he could slow down his crazy beating heart.

Sensing the restless "Jilin Snake" martial spirit within his body, as well as a faint blue aura within the "Jelin Lin Snake"'s body, Dugu Yan's eyes showed an anxious look.

After her grandfather Dugu Bo left, she gradually began to feel uneasy in her heart, and as time went by, her uneasy feeling gradually increased.

At the same time, since Dugu Yan entered Xilu City, she felt that someone was targeting her, and she was the only one targeting her, not including the many teachers and students of Tiandou Royal Academy who were traveling with her.

Dugu Yan had no doubt about this feeling.

Originally, Dugu Yan was no more than a 40-level soul master, so his perception ability was definitely not able to reach this level. He was even weaker than a soul master of the same level due to the drag of the original toxin.

But a few months ago, Dugu Bo used the 'Inner Alchemy' to transform all the original toxins in her body, and used the martial soul origin of his 'Jilin Snake Emperor' and a wisp of the original alchemy energy in the 'Inner Alchemy', After tempering her 'Jilin Snake' guidance.

Her 'Jilin Snake' martial spirit seemed to have been started on the path of evolution. As Dugu Yan's soul power level increased, the original strength of the martial spirit also continued to increase.

Although Dugu Yan's 'Jilin Snake' martial spirit has not yet evolved into the 'Jilin Snake Emperor' at this moment, it is much stronger than before. The removal of toxins and the evolution of the martial soul's origin have made 'Bilin Snake King'. The power of Snake's martial spirit was completely released.

Compared with other high-level beast spirits of the same level, the physique, speed, defense and even soul power provided by the 'Jilin Snake' spirit to the host are only at the middle to lower levels.

However, with its terrifying toxicity and even the terrifying side effects of poison soul master training, it still surpasses most advanced beast martial spirits and is at the upper level of advanced beast martial spirits.

But apart from the terrifying toxicity of the 'Green Snake' martial spirit, the most powerful thing is its sensitive perception ability, especially the ability to perceive danger.

Originally, this powerful perception ability was extremely limited under the influence of its own original toxin, and could even be said to be completely blocked.

As the original toxins in one's martial soul are eliminated, this sensitive and perceptual ability derived from instinct is liberated. Even this sensitive and perceptual ability is always in a state of emergency because it is always under the threat of the original toxins in one's own body.

Once liberated, it exploded with far beyond ordinary power. Even when he was still in the Tiandou Royal Academy, Dugu Yan had secretly tested that even the three Contra-level beings in the academy could have the power. Induced.

In addition, the most important thing is the "original elixir energy" left in the origin of the "Jilin Snake" martial spirit when Dugu Bo used the "inner elixir" to transform her original toxin a few months ago.

This wisp of 'original elixir energy' can not only allow the 'Jilin Snake' martial spirit to evolve towards Dugu Bo's 'Jilin Snake Emperor' martial spirit, and increase the possibility of condensing inner elixirs, the most important thing is that it can Dugu Yan, Dugu Bo's grandfather and grandson are aware of each other's safety.

This was said by her grandfather Dugu Bo himself, so Dugu Yan had no doubts at all.

Normally, this wisp of 'original elixir energy' in the body of 'Jilin Snake' would not fluctuate at all, but at this moment, the 'original elixir energy' was uncertain, and seemed to be extinguished and disintegrated at any time.

And what this means is very clear to Dugu Yan.

As the "original elixir energy" in the "Jilin Snake" martial spirit gradually dimmed, Dugu Yan's eyes became more and more anxious, and there was even a hint of sadness in his eyes.

But Dugu Yan didn't dare to make the slightest move. The sensitivity brought by the 'Blue Lin Snake' martial spirit told her that whenever she made any move, or even just left the hotel and went shopping alone in Xilu City, she would feel a direct sense of danger. Increased several times, it seemed as if her irresistible presence would attack her at any time.


Dugu Yan's delicate body trembled in vain, her eyes that had returned to their normal color trembled crazily, her face was instantly occupied by incomparable sadness, and the gradually dimming 'original elixir energy' in the 'Jilin Snake' martial spirit within her body completely dimmed and dissipated.


A shrill voice sounded instantly.

The stinging pain in his heart overwhelmed Dugu Yan's consciousness, and instantly exceeded the limit that Dugu Yan could bear. His consciousness was instantly closed, his eyes quickly lost focus, and he collapsed in the room.

The moment the shrill voice sounded, dozens of auras rose up in the hotel. Several nearby auras, especially one with thunderous fluctuations, instantly appeared outside Duguyan's room.

At the same time, several figures hidden in the luxury hotel were also flashing, with surprise and uncertainty in their eyes.

Outside the room door, Yu Tianheng showed an extremely anxious expression on his face: "Yanzi..."

Yu Tianheng, who couldn't hear the response from the room, became more anxious in his eyes. His right palm instantly transformed into a dragon, and the soul power in his body surged rapidly. Lightning suddenly appeared, and the dragon-turned right palm directly bombarded the door lock.


The sound of thunder exploded, and the solid door lock was directly bombarded by Yu Tianheng and became to pieces.

The moment the door lock shattered, Yu Tianheng didn't hesitate at all. He instantly transformed into a bolt of thunder and wanted to sneak into the room to check on Dugu Yan.

But the moment the door opened, an extremely powerful and cold soul force came suddenly.

Under the terrifying pressure of cold soul power, the temperature of the entire hotel instantly dropped several degrees, and at the same time, all the beings in the hotel were suppressed in place.Among them, Martial Soul Tianxing Luo, who has a soul power as high as level 85, and Baibaoshan Soul Douluo, the second chairperson of the Education Committee of Tiandou Royal Academy, were blocked in place by an inexplicable spatial restriction.

Although this year's Tiandou Royal Academy lost in the fourth round of the finals, this does not mean that the talent of the members of the Royal Dou team is poor. Yu Tianheng, one of the twin stars of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, and Titled Douluo Poison Douluo His granddaughters undoubtedly have the potential to be titled Douluo.

In addition, many team members such as Yu Feng, Osluo, and Mo Mo brothers are only inferior to the two in terms of talent. Although they may not be able to reach the realm of Titled Douluo, there is no problem in achieving Contra. Considered a genius.

Even if you don't look at the face of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family and Dugu Bo, the talent alone is enough for Tiandou Royal Academy to dispatch the highest combat power for protection.

Under the confinement of space, Bai Baoshan's eyes instantly showed a trace of horror, because under this confinement of space, his Contra strength was unable to resist even a trace, and he could not even release the martial spirit 'Tianxing Furnace'. come out.

Seemingly aware of Bai Baoshan's resistance, an indifferent voice instantly appeared in Bai Baoshan's ears: "Don't move, be quiet..."

The cold and indifferent voice instantly froze Bai Baoshan's consciousness, as if his body had been frozen by countless millions of years of ice.

In Dugu Yan's room, the space fluctuations slowly calmed down. Dugu Bo, who was covered in mess but his aura had returned to his peak state, looked at Dugu Yan who collapsed on the ground with a look of great regret in his eyes.

Feeling the "original elixir energy" dissipated in Dugu Yan's "Blue Lin Snake" martial spirit, Dugu Bo's mouth moved slightly, and the "inner elixir" with many cracks appeared quickly.


A faint breaking sound sounded, and a crack appeared on the 'Inner Alchemy' again. A ray of 'Original Alchemy Qi' shining with green light quickly overflowed from the newly cracked crack in the 'Inner Alchemy'.

Dugu Bo's mental power carefully controlled this wisp of 'Original Dan Qi' to be integrated into the 'Jilin Snake' martial spirit in Dugu Yan's body.

Then he picked up Dugu Yan and felt the physical condition of his granddaughter. An extremely cold expression appeared on Dugu Bo's face. He suppressed the almost crazy murderous intention in his heart and begged Ye Renxin beside him: "Old Ye. ,sorry to bother you······"

Hearing this, Ye Renxin took Dugu Yan and looked at Dugu Yan's extremely pale face. A trace of pity flashed in his eyes. The soul power in his body fluctuated instantly, and the healing light of the 'Nine Hearts Begonia' martial spirit flashed instantly.

Seeing his granddaughter's face quickly turn rosy under Ye Renxin's treatment, Dugu Bo's insane murderous intent in his eyes could no longer be suppressed.

Seeing this, Qin Dong's mental power fluctuated slightly, and the calm space fluctuations in the room became distorted again.

next moment······

"Pa!" "Pa!" "Pa!" "Pa!" "Pa!" "Pa!" "······"

More than ten figures dressed in various costumes, including civilians, wandering soul masters, nobles... quickly fell from the space distortion. Although they were wearing various costumes, the soul power aura of these ten figures... But they are very similar, obviously coming from the same source.

In addition, the soul power levels of these ten figures are all above the Soul Emperor, and even the highest soul power level among them has reached level [-] or above.

At this moment, the dozen or so figures looked at the three people in the room, especially the ragged and embarrassed figure among them, with shock on their faces.

His mind was filled with shock, and he obviously didn't understand why Dugu Bo appeared here. Obviously...

He wanted to beg for mercy and make excuses, but he was unable to move at all under the confinement of Qin Dong's space.

Seeing this, Dugu Bo looked at Qin Dong with gratitude in his eyes, and then his eyes showed an extremely horrifying look.


The Snake King neighed, and the sinister, cold soul power fluctuations suddenly erupted.

Under the terrifying soul power, a substantial energy shadow of the 'Jade Lin Snake Emperor' was condensed behind Dugu Bo. Cold, bloodthirsty light instantly burst out from the 'Jade Lin Snake Emperor' beast pupils.

"Chick!" "Chick!" "Chick!"

More than ten rays of bright and almost beautiful blue light burst out from the mouth of the 'Jilin Snake Emperor' in an instant, and instantly integrated into the bodies of the more than ten figures in front of him.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

In an instant, heart-rending wails of pain quickly erupted, even for the Contra with a soul power of over eighty levels. Even the body of the being with the lowest soul power level was constantly dissolving.

Outside the room door, Yu Tianheng was frozen. The moment he heard the painful cry, his pupils shrank instantly, and his eyes revealed an extremely unbelievable look.

Because he heard several familiar voices from the painful wailing voice.

Ignoring Yu Tianheng outside the door for the time being, Dugu Bo's eyes showed a trace of pleasure as he watched more than a dozen beings in the room wailing in mad pain and their bodies dissolving.

But in an instant, it seemed that this was not enough, and the fierceness in his eyes erupted again, the soul power in his body fluctuated suddenly, and the eyes of the 'Jilin Snake Emperor' behind him suddenly turned as gray as rocks.

"Soul Bone Skill - Medusa's Gaze!"

A low roar sounded, and an extremely pale light instantly burst out from the gray eyes of the 'Jilin Snake Emperor'.

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!"

In just an instant, the screams of the dozen figures in front of them stopped and turned into extremely gray rocks.

(End of this chapter)

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