Chapter 160 Cruel revenge!Tuogu?etc!
At the same time, Dugu Bo's 'inner elixir' flashed with light, and the elixir energy with a trace of spiritual power instantly filled the air.

Looking at Dugu Bo's movements, Ye Renxin on the side did not notice anything unusual, but Qin Dong, whose soul power level had reached level 97 and had reached the seventh level of inner alchemy, his pupils shrank in an instant.

Due to Ye Renxin's lack of strength and the fact that she had not yet mastered the 'Elixir Condensation Method' to condense the inner elixir, she could not see the abnormality in Dugu Bo's movements.

But in Qin Dong's eyes, it was extremely clear, and he secretly thought in his heart: "What a cruel and vicious method..."

Normally, with Dugu Bo's level 93 soul power, the soul bone skill 'Medusa's Gaze' used, unless they are both titled Douluo, or dodge in time, once hit, the body, martial soul, The soul power and even the soul will be turned to stone, and the breath of life will be extinguished in an instant.

But this is not the case with the 'Medusa's Gaze' at this moment. Under Dugu Bo's control, it was only partially petrified, but the breath of life was locked in the petrified state.

Originally, after being poisoned, no matter how terrifying the pain of the body being dissolved by toxins is, it will eventually end, especially for soul masters with lower soul power levels. However, after being petrified now, if no one breaks the petrified state, then the pain will only continue. Only when the soul annihilates itself can liberation be achieved.

With Dugu Bo's soul power level at this moment, only beings with higher soul power than him could possibly lift the petrified state.

But the moment the petrified state is lifted, the real nightmare begins. Dugu Bo's mental power left in the stone statues will explode instantly, and these more than ten stone statues will turn into a source of terrifying poison in an instant.

Moreover, it is a source of terrifying poison that cannot be eradicated unless Dugu Bo comes in person. It is extremely cruel.

Even if the inner elixir was not perfected originally, the toxins in Dugu Bo's body were so terrifying that only gods could solve it, but now the inner elixir is perfect.

Although Qin Dong frowned a little at Dugu Bo's cruel and vicious methods, he had no intention of stopping him.

Looking at the dozen or so figures trapped in petrification, Dugu Bo's eyes showed indifference, and he sensed the thunderous aura outside the door, and his face was not less fierce at all.

The eyes of the 'Jilin Snake Emperor' beast behind him condensed for an instant, and he immediately wanted to take action to cook Yu Tianheng outside the door.

Outside the room door, Yu Tianheng instantly felt an irresistible breath of death.


Dugu Yan, who was in a deep sleep state in Ye Ren's heart, suddenly murmured...

Dugu Bo's figure suddenly froze, and he instantly turned to look at Dugu Yan, his eyes without a hint of viciousness or coldness. He looked at his granddaughter, whose brows were still slightly wrinkled even though she was in a deep sleep.

There was a hint of hesitation in Dugu Bo's eyes, but in an instant, the hesitation on Dugu Bo's face quickly turned into indifference, and the eyes of the 'Jilin Snake Emperor' behind him instantly burst out with two rays of green light.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The door shattered with a bang, and green light instantly struck Yu Tianheng.

The severe pain instantly overwhelmed Yu Tianheng's consciousness. When his consciousness was blurred, Yu Tianheng seemed to see a pair of extremely cold, indifferent, vicious and violent beast eyes.

A voice full of murderous intent came faintly in my ears: "You can avoid death, but you cannot escape living crime. Just spend your whole life in pain..."


The space was instantly distorted, and Qin Dong, Dugu Bo, Ye Renxin, and Dugu Yan disappeared into the room instantly.

As the four people disappeared, the terrifying soul power pressure and spatial confinement disappeared instantly.

But at this moment, among the dozens of auras originally rising in the hotel, except for Bai Baoshan, the second educational committee member of the Tiandou Royal Academy, and the remaining members of the Imperial Battle Team, all other beings were huddled in place.

The nearest members of the Royal Fighting Team, such as Yu Feng and Brother Mo, arrived at almost the same time as Bai Baoshan, which was slightly farther away.

Everyone in the Imperial Fighting Team looked at Yu Tianheng, who was lying at the door of Duguyan with a pale face, and their expressions suddenly changed.

"Captain!" "Captain!" "Boss!" "..."

Contra Bai Baoshan, whose soul power reached level 85, instantly appeared next to Yu Tianheng, but before Bai Baoshan could start to examine Yu Tianheng, his body froze in vain, and his eyes instantly showed a trace of shock.

Inside the broken door, more than a dozen horrifying stone statues with painful expressions fell on the ground. The seemingly valuable carpet was covered with bloodstains and scratches. The gradually calming spatial fluctuations in the space instantly made Bai Baoshan... My heart was shocked.

As a person with a soul power of level 85 and an educational committee member of Tiandou Royal Academy, Bai Baoshan naturally has some understanding of Soul Douluo and even most Soul Saints among the major forces on the mainland.

Even though the faces of the more than ten stone statues in the room had extremely distorted expressions of pain, Bai Baoshan could still recognize several of them at a glance.

Something bad suddenly arose in his heart, and he quickly turned his head to look at Yu Feng, Shi Mo and other members of the Royal Dou Team who were about to run this way, and shouted: "Don't come here."

The pressure of Gundam Contra erupted instantly, suppressing everyone in the Royal Dou Team.

"Board of Education!" "Board of Education!" "Board of Education!"

Yufeng, Shimo and other members of the Imperial Fighting Team all had a look of reluctance in their eyes.

Bai Baoshan paid no attention to the unwillingness in the eyes of Yufeng, Shimo and other Imperial Team members, and showed an extremely serious expression on his face: "Go back all, this is not something you can touch, Tianheng leaves it to me..." ····”

Hearing this, Yu Feng, Shi Mo and other members of the Huang Dou Team still wanted to argue, but the pressure on Bai Baoshan suddenly strengthened. In an instant, everyone in the Huang Dou Team dwarfed, and the words spoken by Yu Feng and others were directly suppressed. Hold it in.

"Go back!" Bai Baoshan repeated again with great seriousness.

Under Bai Baoshan's strong pressure, all the members of the Imperial Fighting Team, including Yu Feng and Shi Mo, showed unwillingness, but they still retreated in the end.

Seeing this, Bai Baoshan's face relaxed slightly, but as he felt the soul power in Yu Tianheng's body was gone, the muscles and bones were broken, and the terrifying toxins spread all over the body like tarsal bones, his eyes revealed an extremely worried look.

He murmured in a low and unobtrusive voice: "Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family... What on earth have you done to make Dugu Bo resort to such ruthless means..."

As the academic advisor of Tiandou Royal Academy, Bai Baoshan didn't know Dugu Bo very well, but he also knew that although Dugu Bo had a very eccentric temper and was lonely, he was a man of great promise and trustworthiness. Unless he was a sworn enemy, it would be impossible for him to do such a thing. Cruel means.

One Soul Douluo, several Soul Saints, and nearly ten Soul Emperors, even the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, one of the top three sects, is enough to be extremely painful, let alone Yu Tianheng, who has the potential to be titled. .

Feeling the presence of dozens of people in the hotel who were stranded in place and did not dare to act rashly, Bai Baoshan sighed slightly, but did not blame them, it was just survival instinct.

With a slight movement in his mouth, several soul power transmissions instantly passed through the air, ringing in the ears of those with the strongest auras among the dozens of figures.

The moment they heard Bai Baoshan's voice, the expressions on the faces of those with the strongest aura froze for an instant, but after hearing Bai Baoshan's soul power transmission, their faces quickly turned to happiness.

Without any hesitation, he immediately turned around and began to order and arrange for everyone in Tiandou Imperial Academy to pack their things and set off back to Tiandou Imperial City.

After making the arrangements, Bai Baoshan quickly blew a whistle toward the window of the room, and the sound spread quickly with his soul power.

a moment later...

A sharp cry sounded, and a dark figure passed through the window like a stream of light and appeared in front of Bai Baoshan.

Looking at the dark figure in front of him, Bai Baoshan quickly took out the pen and paper from the space soul guide, wrote down all the situation here, then rolled up the paper and stuffed it into the bamboo tube tied to the feet of the dark figure.

He gently patted the dark figure on the back and said, "Go and find His Highness the Crown Prince."

As Bai Baoshan's words fell, the dark figure flickered its wings, and then instantly turned into a black stream of light and disappeared into the window.

Looking at the disappearing back of the dark figure, the worry on Bai Baoshan's face eased slightly, but looking at Yu Tianheng who looked like a living dead, he sighed slightly and said: "I hope it's too late, otherwise..."

Shrek Academy—Inner Court!
In a quiet courtyard, in the room, Dugu Bo carefully tidied his granddaughter's messy hair, feeling that his granddaughter had completely calmed down, with an expression of great reluctance on his face.

Immediately, the soul power in his body fluctuated slightly, and he pressed Dugu Yan's neck slightly, making Dugu Yan sleep deeper.

Originally, Dugu Bo was unable to do this, but since the 'Inner Alchemy' was completed, Dugu Bo's understanding of the human body and soul power has been greatly improved.

Although not much research has been done, it is not difficult to make people fall asleep deeply.

After slightly adjusting his clothes, he slowly walked out of the room.

Looking at Qin Dong, Qin Mo's grandson, and Ye Renxin who were waiting at the stone table, Dugu Bo didn't hesitate at all. He didn't care about the title Douluo at all, and his legs instantly bent.

Upon seeing this, Qin Dong, who was the strongest and had the fastest reaction, changed his face instantly, his mental power fluctuated suddenly, and he instantly imprisoned Dugu Bo's body.

Immediately, Qin Mo and Ye Renxin also stood up instantly.

"Dugu Laogui (Grandpa Dugu), what are you doing..."

Qin Dong also quickly said: "Brother Dugu, why is this..."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo's face did not waver at all, and his eyes were full of seriousness as he said: "Brother Qin, Lao Ye, Xiao Mo, if you don't help me, Yanyan and I are afraid..."

Hearing this, Ye Renxin wanted to say something else.

But in an instant, Dugu Bo said with great seriousness: "Old Ghost Ye, you know me, Yanyan needs protection..."

After watching Qin Dong's attack on Dugu Bo, he naturally has a great understanding of Qin Dong's strength. Yu Yuanzhen of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family is stronger than him, Dugu Bo, but compared to Qin Dong...

This was also the reason why Dugu Bo had been ruthless just now, and with Ye Renxin and Ye Lingling around, he could rest assured about Dugu Yan's safety.

Hearing this, Ye Renxin was slightly startled, but then he sighed unconsciously and said nothing more. Qin Dong and Qin Mo's grandson were also speechless, and they were naturally very clear about Dugu Bo's thoughts.

Seeing this, Dugu Bo looked at Qin Dong and Qin Mo with extremely serious eyes, and said in an extremely solemn voice: "I, Dugu Bo, swear by my martial spirit that if there is anyone who survives in the future..."

Looking at Dugu Bo who directly swore the martial soul without any hesitation, Qin Mo's eyes fluctuated slightly. Although Dugu Bo's martial soul oath only included him, he did not even choose to join the Qin family and become a vassal like Ye Renxin. It's unknown whether it can be fulfilled, but the weight is not weak at all.

The moment the oath ended, Dugubo bowed deeply to Qin Dong, Qin Mo, and Ye Renxin, and then wanted to leave directly.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes changed instantly, and he quickly spoke to stop him: "Grandpa Dugu, wait..."

At the same time, a spatial fluctuation that was different from Qin Dong's suddenly burst out, instantly imprisoning Dugu Bo, a titled Douluo, in place.

(End of this chapter)

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