Chapter 161 Blue Lightning Reaction
Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family——Family Hall!

The oppressive feeling of impending mountain rain lingers, and even from a distance, one can clearly feel the terror in the mountain hall as if it is a volcano on the verge of erupting.

Unlike the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, one of the top three sects, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family's clan is located on the top of an extremely high and special mountain.

The oppression in the main hall made the thunderclouds lingering outside the main hall seem to be getting anxious.


The lightning flashed, and a bright thunder exploded. The deafening thunder even caused the hall to tremble slightly.

At this moment, inside the family hall.

Nearly all the top leaders of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family gathered together, and a manic and depressing atmosphere lingered.

Looking at the more than ten stone statues in the center of the hall with different shapes, but with extremely painful expressions on their faces, as well as Yu Tianheng, whose face was livid, his breath was weak, and there was no trace of soul power fluctuations, he was like a living dead.

All the senior officials of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family present had extremely angry looks in their eyes.

Yu Yuanzhen looked at Yu Tianheng's body with an extremely ugly face, and his eyes showed an extremely crazy and cruel killing intent.

"Brother, how is Tianheng's situation..." Yu Luomian's eyes were filled with lightning and his face was full of anger.

As Yu Luomian finished speaking, all the senior officials and family elders of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family present quickly locked their eyes on Yu Yuanzhen.

Feeling the presence of many eyes, the expression on Yu Yuanzhen's face became increasingly ugly, and a faint voice with a hint of gnashing of teeth sounded: "The soul sea is shattered, the spirit of the martial spirit is erased...poisoned into the bone marrow."


The moment they heard Yu Yuanzhen's voice, all the senior officials and elders of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family present were like a frying pan. They unleashed their violent and bestial killing intent, and exploded with angry curses.

"Damn Dugu Bo..."

"What a cruel method..."

"Dugu Bo, Mountain and River Douluo Qin Dong, how dare you..."

"How dare you ruin the future of my Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family..."


As many murderous intentions were vented in the hall, the thunder outside the hall seemed to have accumulated to the extreme. The thunder light flashed crazily and a terrifying thunderstorm broke out instantly.

Hearing the extremely noisy thunderstorms and angry curses in his ears, Yu Yuanzhen showed an extremely bored look in his eyes, and the 95-level soul power pressure burst out.

"To shut up!"

The terrifying soul power suppressed all sounds in the hall instantly. The extremely domineering soul power and martial soul fluctuations even made the family elders who were closest to Yu Yuanzhen take a few steps back.

With Yu Yuanzhen's anger, it seemed that even the thunderstorm that was madly venting outside the hall was suppressed and began to slowly dissipate.

Ignoring the ugly expressions on other senior officials and family elders, Yu Yuanzhen looked at Yu Tianheng who was like a living dead in front of him. A trace of guilt flashed across Yu Yuanzhen's face, but... there was no trace of guilt. regret.

Slowly looking at Yu Luo Mian, an extremely suppressed voice sounded: "Yu Luo Mian, take a team of dragon guards to Thunder Academy and bring Tian Xin back..."

Hearing this, Yu Luomian's face changed slightly, as did all the senior officials and family elders present. Apparently they had also thought of the key.

Yu Tianheng, one of the twin stars of their Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, who has the potential to be a titled Douluo, has been abolished. If Yu Tianxin is also abolished, then...
Without the slightest hesitation, Yu Luo Mian nodded quickly, lightning flashed, a thunder sounded, and quickly disappeared into the family hall.

Looking at Yu Luo Mian who left quickly, one of them, an old figure with a soul power as high as level 87 but with a faint aura of twilight, seemed to feel that it was not safe enough, so he immediately said to Yu Yuan Zhen: "Clan leader, I'm going too. Well, Luo Mian's strength is a bit weaker after all."

The old figure with a twilight look in front of him, although he is only a family elder, his seniority in the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family is extremely high. It can be said that he is the only remaining member of the previous generation of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Regardless of strength and status, in terms of seniority alone, even Yu Yuanzhen, who is the clan leader, has to be called uncle.

Seeing this old man who had devoted his whole life to his family, Yu Yuanzhen paused slightly. The anger on his face weakened slightly, and he even said with a little respect: "Then I'll trouble my third uncle..."

Hearing this, the old figure with an aura of twilight shook his head slightly, did not speak but turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared into the hall.

Compared with Yu Luomian, although this old figure is older, his soul power level and soul power control are far from the same level. The violent thunder in his hands does not even produce a trace of fluctuation.

Seeing this, Yu Yuanzhen's face relaxed slightly and waved slightly.

The next moment, the figure who was serving Yu Tianheng, who was extremely frightened and trembling, as if it was muscle memory, hurriedly stepped forward, carefully lifted Yu Tianheng, who was like a living dead, and left towards the outside of the family hall. .

Then Yu Yuanzhen quickly looked at the more than ten stone statues. Seeing the extremely painful look on the petrified face, the extremely violent aura flickering on his body, he said: "What is the situation of Jun Yi and the others? Is there a way to break this petrified state?" ?”

As a titled Douluo with a soul power as high as level 95, he could naturally feel that there was still life in the more than ten stone statues in front of him, and even the fluctuations of life were not weak at all.Thinking back to the extremely painful look on the stone statue's face and the terrifying toxin on Dugu Bo's body, Yu Yuanzhen still didn't understand how vicious Dugu Bo was. He wanted them to endure pain to the point of collapse forever.

Hearing this, several soul masters from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family who specialized in studying martial arts had troubled expressions on their faces.

"Patriarch, this petrified state is completely consistent with the Queen's Medusa in the Soul Beast Snake. There is no way to break it. We can only counteract it with strong soul power."

"Judging from the remaining soul power strength of Master Yu Junyi, the soul power strength of the being in the petrified state is approaching level 95."

"That is to say..."

Although Yu Yuanzhen and all the senior officials and family elders present did not understand the meaning, their faces turned extremely dark.

But the next moment, one of the family elders seemed to have thought of something. He quickly looked at the several soul masters and said: "The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit of my Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Family is the most powerful beast martial spirit in the world. The strength of the force is much stronger than that of soul masters of the same level, and with the strength of the clan leader, he should be able to break it."

As soon as these words came out, all the senior officials, family elders, and even Yu Yuanzhen showed a glimmer of hope in their eyes.

Seeing this, the several soul masters beside the stone statue looked at each other with a hint of bitterness on their faces, shook their heads and said: "Clan chief, elders, if we just simply lift Master Yu Junyi and the others from their petrified state, with the patriarch's Soul power can naturally do it."

"But the clan leader, Master Yu Junyi, they were not only petrified, but also poisoned, and they were poisoned by the being who is known as the 'poison tyrant in the world'."

"In the entire continent, apart from Dugu Bo, I am afraid that only the 'Jiu Xin Hai Tang', known as the miraculous martial spirit, has hope of being able to suppress and relieve it, but..."

"If the petrified state is lifted, I am afraid that Master Yu Junyi and the others will be eroded by poison and die in pain in a short time, but if the petrified state is not lifted..."

As the words of several soul masters fell, the entire hall instantly fell into silence.

Yu Yuanzhen looked at the more than ten stone statues in front of him with an extremely pale face. Suddenly, Yu Yuanzhen's face turned red and blood spurted out.


"What a vicious and ruthless counterattack. It's worthy of being called 'venomous' and its methods are worthy of it."

The high-ranking officials and elders of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family present had worried looks on their faces. Yu Yuanzhen was the only Titled Douluo in their Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and he must not fall.




Yu Yuanzhen ignored the worries of many senior officials and elders, but stared at the more than ten stone statues in front of him. Looking at the extremely painful expressions on the stone statues, the light in his eyes became more painful and fierce.

After a long silence, a voice with a vague hint of terror slowly sounded from Yu Yuanzhen's mouth, "That means Jun Yi and the others are hopeless... right?"

Hearing what Yu Yuanzhen said, all the soul masters present suddenly felt chills on their bodies, especially the several soul masters around the dozen or so stone statues, who began to tremble unconsciously.

The horror of being targeted by an ancient predator made those soul masters speechless.

But Yu Yuanzhen didn't speak to ask them questions, but seemed to be deciding something.

His eyes with faint blue-black lightning slowly scanned the several soul masters beside the stone statue, and an indifferent voice sounded: "You guys, go down."

Hearing this, the eyes of several soul masters instantly showed a look as if they were about to survive a disaster. Without any hesitation, they saluted Yu Yuanzhen and many high-level officials and elders, and quickly left the hall as if they were running away.

Many senior officials and elders looked at each other in confusion, but in the next moment, the expressions of many senior officials and elders suddenly changed.

"Clan leader! Don't..."

"Clan leader, you..."


An extremely violent thunder exploded, and the blue-black thunderstorm instantly submerged more than ten stone statues. At the same time, an extremely overbearing soul power came suddenly, suppressing all the beings in the hall in place.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Just a moment...

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!"

More than ten dull and shattering sounds sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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