Chapter 163 The Fall of Blue Lightning
A quarter of an hour later...



The plaque on the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family hall suddenly fell down, hitting directly next to the head of the family's seat. The huge weight directly caused one end of the plaque to sink into the ground.

The entire hall was crumbling at the moment. Most of the main beams supporting the structure of the entire hall were broken. The remaining half of the main beams were also riddled with holes, with countless cracks and black marks everywhere, and it seemed that they might break at any time.

The flat ground is full of ravines, and some of the shallower ravines still contain green ichor, which is filled with aura. Some of the ichor seems to have strange soul power fluctuations and weak light reflections.

The giant Clear Sky Hammer seal and the ferocious dragon-shaped behemoth mark were even deeper.

Dugu Bo and Tang Hao stood in the ravines and looked at the figure that was completely soaked in blood not far away. Although their faces were cold and indifferent, there was a hint of admiration in their eyes.

Regardless of Yu Yuanzhen's character and personality, there is no doubt about his strength. If the two of them hadn't joined forces and the space in this hall had been completely blocked, they might not have been able to keep him. .

At least if Yu Yuanzhen escapes, Dugu Bo and Tang Hao will have no way to keep him. Although the Jade Lin Snake Emperor and the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit are extremely powerful, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit is far superior in terms of comprehensiveness. .

So even though Dugu Bo and Tang Hao were prepared for Yu Yuanzhen's strength, they still paid a huge price.

Especially Tang Hao, when Yu Yuan Zhen was going crazy and desperate, even though his soul power level was one level higher than Yu Yuan Zhen's and his soul bone configuration was doubled, he was actually at a disadvantage. It's not about blowing up the 10-year-old soul ring on his body.

Tang Hao may not be able to suppress the crazy and desperate Yu Yuan Zhen. Even after Dugu Bo eliminated the other beings of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, the two of them joined forces and paid a huge price to suppress Yu Yuan Zhen. Yuan Zhen was defeated.

"Da da da!"

Yu Yuanzhen, who was already on his deathbed, was extremely staggering. Every step he took left a shallow pool of blood on the ground, and he walked very slowly towards the direction of the head of the family's seat.

At this moment, all the bones in Yu Yuanzhen's body were broken, his martial soul was shattered, and his soul sea collapsed. If it weren't for the soul power still remaining in his body, he would have died suddenly on the spot.

Yu Yuanzhen, who had lost everything, had eyes filled with deathly gray.

With only a distance of more than ten steps, Yu Yuanzhen walked for half a quarter of an hour, but Dugu Bo and Tang Hao did not stop him, but watched quietly.

After staggering to the head of the family's seat, his eyes filled with lifeless gray seemed to be illuminated by a glimmer of light, faintly twisted, and his blood-covered palms slowly touched the plaque next to the seat.

Feeling the marks on the plaque, Yu Yuanzhen slowly turned around and sat on the head of the family's seat.

The returning body swept through the hall with some difficulty, looking at the crumbling hall full of ravines, and finally fell on Dugu Bo. His eyes fluctuated slightly, with hatred, murderous intent, and helplessness in his eyes, but only... ···No regrets.

A very weak voice sounded.


After speaking, the gleam of light that lit up Yu Yuanzhen's eyes was completely extinguished, the remaining soul power in his body collapsed, his head dropped slightly, and the breath of life quickly disappeared.

Although the voice was small, how could Dugu Bo, as a titled Douluo, not hear it? Looking at Yu Yuanzhen who had completely lost his life, Dugu Bo felt a slight chill in his heart. The soul power in his body fluctuated slightly, and a green light instantly flashed from Dugu Bo's fingertips. burst out.


The green light instantly penetrated into Yu Yuanzhen's body. "laugh!"

Yu Yuanzhen's body began to dissolve instantly.

"Du!" "Du!" "Du!"

Three crystal-clear objects that shone brightly fell directly to the ground.

The family plaque of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex next to the head of the family seemed to feel the fall of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and it shattered and collapsed.

Seeing this, Dugu Bo suddenly felt a sense of relief in his heart. His eyes did not stop at the three soul bones that fell to the ground. He turned his head and looked at Tang Hao beside him very seriously, and said with a hint of gratitude: "Brother Tang. , thank you very much.”

Tang Hao shook his head slightly and didn't care, and said calmly: "Everyone gets what they need. Brother Dugu, please look after Tang San more."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo showed an extremely serious look in his eyes and said: "Of course."


The space was slightly distorted, and Qin Dong and Qin Mo instantly appeared in front of Dugu Bo and Tang Hao.

Feeling the auras of Dugu Bo and Tang Hao, as well as the dilapidated scene full of ravines around him, Qin Mo's eyes were slightly surprised. No wonder Yu Yuanzhen was able to maintain the power of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family among the soul masters with one person's power. The status and strength of the three sects in the world are indeed strong.

It’s no wonder that in the original work, when the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family was exterminated by the Wuhun Palace, they were besieged by several titled Douluo who were no less powerful than Yu Yuan Zhen and even had higher soul power levels than Yu Yuan Zhen. Even now, he was still able to forcibly die together with one of the titled Douluo.

Seeing Qin Dong and Qin Mo's grandson appear, Dugu Bo's eyes showed an extremely grateful look.

Originally, Dugu Bo planned to risk his life and use everything he had to drag the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family into the abyss, but now...

Before Dugu Bo could speak, Qin Mo raised his right palm, the soul power in his body fluctuated slightly, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul condensed instantly.

"Time Realm - Countercurrent!"

In an instant, a bright red light lit up, and a blood-red soul ring instantly rose from Qin Mo's feet.


The 'Qiankun Cauldron' trembled slightly, and the invisible time realm instantly enveloped Dugu Bo and Tang Hao.

In just an instant, under the countercurrent of the time domain, all the injuries on Dugu Bo and Tang Hao were wiped away, and even their tattered clothes were completely restored.

Feeling his complete recovery, Dugu Bo still had a shocking expression on his face even though it was not the first time he felt the power of Qin Mo's soul skill. It was something that most titled Douluo desired but could not obtain. Domain soul skills.

Moreover, it is the most special, mysterious, and powerful time attribute domain soul skill. In addition, during the soul master competition, Qin Mo used another domain soul skill. The two domain soul skills actually appeared at the same time in the same soul power level. How unbelievable it is for a soul emperor who is over 60 levels.

After feeling that the auras of Dugu Bo and Tang Hao were completely restored, Qin Mo quickly stopped the time domain. Although the consumption of time domain soul skills was based on the amount of modified time, this short time reverse flow also made Qin Mo The soul power in Mo's body was consumed a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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