Chapter 164 The storm is rising
High in the sky above the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family clan, an extremely domineering and terrifying soul power erupted.

In an instant!The thunder clouds that have been lingering over the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family all year round instantly collapsed under this extremely powerful, violent, and horrifying wave of soul power.

A voice like the whisper of a god instantly vibrated wildly in the space.

"Big Sumeru Hammer - Sumeru Lingtian!"

Like a star falling from the sky, the extremely domineering and violent giant 'Haotian Hammer', carrying unparalleled terrifying power, suddenly fell from the collapsing clouds.

The giant Clear Sky Hammer, like a divine weapon, instantly bombarded the center of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family's clan on the top of the mountain.




An incomparable terrifying shock erupted, and the extremely solid ground of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family instantly shattered, forming a terrifying pit with a diameter of more than a hundred meters in an instant.

The edge of the pit was still collapsing crazily, and the space seemed to be carrying some kind of strange power. Under this power, the terrifying power of the Clear Sky Hammer was not attenuated at all due to the collision.

Under the shock of destruction, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family clan, which was originally full of pavilions and extremely luxurious, was instantly turned into ruins, with mourning all over the place.

Even after the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family was destroyed, the extremely domineering and explosive power of terror still spread crazily in all directions, like an earth dragon turning over or a volcano erupting.

The entire mountain peak where the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family was located began to shake in vain. The violent vibrations caused the towering mountain peak to continuously collapse, and countless clearly visible cracks and gravel began to spread.

In an instant, the originally majestic mountain peak grew shorter out of thin air, and collapsed hundreds of meters directly under the destructive shock.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, one of the three sects in the soul master world, was completely wiped out.

In a few days!
When the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family was exterminated, the news gradually spread that not a single member of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family was left alive, and even the mountain peak where the clan was located was collapsed hundreds of meters.

Many forces who got the news were in an uproar. It was unbelievable. As one of the most powerful forces on the continent, even if Wuhun Palace, the most powerful force, took action, it would have to pay a heavy price. How could it be so quietly destroyed? Genocide.

And they all know very well how strong the mountain peak where the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family is located is, how could it be blown down hundreds of meters.

How could it be that the mountain peak chosen by the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family as the family's homeland could be simple? It is a mountain peak that contains strange metal deposits. It has the power of naturally attracting thunder. It is shrouded under thunderclouds all year round. It is a top-notch mountain. , natural lightning mimic environment.

Even the ordinary stones on the mountain peak are much harder than ordinary iron ore. Under this strength, even the Soul Saint who has activated the true form of the martial spirit cannot leave much mark on the mountain peak, let alone be affected by it. It collapsed hundreds of meters violently.

But soon, after receiving accurate information from their own forces' spies, all the forces in the entire continent fell silent without any hesitation. Tiandou, Xingluo, Wuhun Palace, Qibao Glazed Sect, Lower Four Sects, major soul master families, In the academy, many forces have arranged for strong men to go to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family’s clan to investigate.

Among them, Ning Fengzhi, the sect leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, one of the top three sects, went directly with the two titled Douluo Sword and Bone Douluo to investigate. Relying on the spatial ability of the Bone Douluo, he was the first to arrive at the clan of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. , no, it should be called a ruins now...

Due to the undercurrent in the soul master world, and in order to pass on the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda to An Ran, even though Ning Fengzhi's martial spirit has evolved into the 'Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda' and become a Soul Douluo, it has not been transformed into a Soul Douluo. The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect was renamed the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect.

At this moment, looking at the shorter mountain peak not far away, Ning Fengzhi felt extremely happy.

"Uncle Jian, can you detect anything?"

Ning Fengzhi's eyes kept flickering around the mountain peak, and the 'Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda' in his body rotated slightly, as if he was exploring something.

In addition to the extremely powerful auxiliary amplification ability of the 'Seven Treasures Glazed Tower' martial soul, the most powerful one is the ability to detect treasures. After the martial soul evolves, this ability has been greatly improved.

Under the influence of the 'Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda', Ning Fengzhi realized that except for the mineral deposits it possessed, there was no precious substance in the entire mountain peak.

Hearing this, Sword Douluo did not answer, but felt the remaining aura on the collapsed mountain with great solemnity, and the extremely sharp sword energy gradually lingered.

"Bones, go directly to the top of the mountain!"

Hearing these words, Gu Rong didn't hesitate at all. The soul power in his body fluctuated suddenly. A hint of darkness flashed across his eyes, and a dragon roar with a faint aura of death rang out in a trance.

The space was instantly distorted, and the three people disappeared directly.

On the top of the rubble-strewn mountain, a faint light flickered, and the two titled Douluo Ning Fengzhi, Jian, and Gu appeared instantly.

The moment he teleported to the top of the mountain, he sensed the terror remaining on the countless rubbles. Instantly, Sword Douluo's 'Seven Killing Sword' martial spirit and Bone Douluo's 'Bone Dragon' began to possess them unconsciously. , eighteen bright soul rings burst out.Among them, Chenxin's 'Seven Killing Domain' was opened directly, and countless extremely sharp sword energy poured out crazily, directly cutting countless long and narrow sword marks on the rubble-strewn mountain top.

But Chen Xin, Gu Rong, and even Ning Fengzhi were not surprised at all. They said three words almost in unison: "Haotian Hammer!"

As these three words were spoken, Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong all showed disbelief in their eyes, especially Ning Fengzhi.

"How is that possible! How can it be the Clear Sky Hammer!!"

If it were another force, even if the next four sects joined forces, or if Wuhun Palace took action to destroy the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, Ning Fengzhi would not be able to do this.

But the bloody fact is right at your feet. That overbearing and destructive aura can only be emitted by the Haotian Hammer of the Haotian Sect, and it is caused by activating the Haotian Sect's secret "Exploding Ring" and the "Great Sumeru Hammer". The aura of destruction produced.

Coupled with the characteristics of the 'Haotian Hammer' and the collapsed mineral mountain...

At this moment, even Ning Fengzhi couldn't control his emotions. Countless questions appeared in his mind, giving Ning Fengzhi a huge headache.

Seeing this, Sword Douluo's mental power fluctuated slightly.


A clear sword cry sounded: "Fengzhi, calm down!"

The moment the sound of the sword sounded, Ning Fengzhi felt his consciousness clear. After hearing what Sword Douluo said, Ning Fengzhi quickly began to adjust his emotions.

But looking at the faint aura of destruction lingering around him, he couldn't help but feel a hint of bitterness at the corner of his mouth.

But he finally calmed down and quickly said to Chen Xin and Gu Rong: "Uncle Jian, Uncle Gu, let's go to Shrek Academy first..."

Hearing this, Chen Xin and Gu Rong did not hesitate at all, and the dark space fluctuations spread instantly.

The three disappeared instantly.

After the Qibao Glazed Sect, the fastest ones are the Tiandou Empire and the Wuhun Palace. The Tiandou Empire is because they are closer, while the Wuhun Palace is because the two major titled Douluo, Chrysanthemum and Ghost, are dispatched.

The moment the two forces arrived, they also came to the same conclusion as the Qibao Glazed Sect, with disbelief in their eyes.

Even if any force on the mainland could take action to exterminate the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, only the Haotian Sect and the Qibao Glazed Sect, which were both the top three sects, could not take action.

But this breath cannot be faked.

In particular, the two major titled Douluo, Ju and Ghost, were seriously injured by Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer's 'ring-exploding ring' and the Great Sumeru Hammer more than ten years ago, and were extremely impressed by the destructive aura of the Clear Sky Hammer.

It's just that compared to the 'Big Sumeru Hammer' more than ten years ago, the destructive aura remaining in the mountain rubble at this moment is countless times more powerful.

At the same time, the two of them also noticed the strangeness of the broken rocks on the mountain. Normally, even if it was a titled Douluo's attack, the lethality would continue to decrease with the distance and obstacles, but the traces of the broken rocks on the mountain peak were not. ······

A legendary name instantly appeared in the minds of the two titled Douluo.

In an instant, the two titled Douluo, Ju and Gui, without any hesitation, streaked two streaks of light in the sky and flew towards the Spirit Hall as if they were escaping.

A few hours later, an extremely bright and bright aura suddenly descended, and golden light shone for ten miles.

In an instant, the entire mountain peak seemed to turn into a world of light. In the center of the world of light, a figure with six wings and blond hair looked like a god himself.

The extremely powerful pressure instantly caused many powerful men who arrived to bow their heads. Some of them recognized this powerful aura, and their eyes revealed an incredible look.

For a moment, a faint sigh sounded in the ears of the many strong men who bowed their heads.

"is it you······"

The next moment, the pressure disappeared instantly, and the bright world that shone ten miles suddenly dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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