Chapter 165 Coincidence?

Wuhun City!
On the Holy Mountain, Pope Bibi Dong's beautiful face seemed to be covered with eternal ice, and he slowly stepped out of the gate of the Elder's Hall with a faint cold murderous intention.

The moment he stepped out of the door, Pope Bibi Dong glanced at the deepest part of the Elder Hall, with an extremely dark look in his eyes, and a crazy voice echoed in his mind: "Hurry! Hurry! No one can stop me, Qian Dao The same goes for Liu, you can't suppress me for much longer, so what if Tang Chen reappears, anyone who stands in my way will die!!"

The soul power in his body fluctuated suddenly and disappeared instantly.


The door of the Elder's Hall slammed shut.

In the deepest part of the Elder's Hall, Bibi Dong's aura was felt moving away. In front of the huge seraph statue, a figure in white clothes with blond hair who looked no more than middle-aged slowly opened his eyes, and his golden pupils were faintly twinkling. Extremely blazing light.

Looking at the huge golden seraph statue in front of him, Qian Daoliu's eyes flashed with an inexplicable color.

"Xue'er, we don't have much time left. Grandpa can't suppress it for long. There is also the Clear Sky Hammer..."

Tiandou Imperial City—Prince’s Mansion!

In the secret room deep in the mansion, Qian Renxue, who had already removed his disguise, looked at the figure in front of him with great hesitation, with a trace of struggle in his eyes, but it turned into determination in an instant.

"Grandpa Ghost Leopard, we have reached a critical moment here. It won't take long to completely solve it. I..." Qian Renxue gritted her teeth and said.

Although he hadn't finished speaking, Ghost Leopard Douluo also understood Qian Renxue's meaning. A slight sigh appeared in his eyes, and Bibi Dong instantly felt infinitely angry in his mind. If it weren't for her, the young master of their Spirit Hall would Why would the Lord waste time here?

Although he clearly has the unmatched talent in the entire Douluo Continent, his current soul power level is not that of Soul Saint. However, since Qian Renxue refused, Ghost Leopard Douluo did not force him. Although it was urgent, it was not like he would run out of time.

Ghost Leopard Douluo only came here to ask for Qian Renxue's opinion this time. If Qian Renxue agreed to return, that would be great. If she refused, it would be okay.

His purpose was more to urge Qian Renxue to improve her strength, to pass on information about the genocide of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, and... to protect her.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family was quietly destroyed by unknown strong men. The threat was too great. She Long and Thorn Blood alone were no longer enough to guarantee Qian Renxue's absolute safety.

Feeling Qian Renxue's soul power level at this moment, a serious look flashed in her eyes, and she said, "Miss, you should spend more time improving your soul power."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue paused slightly. She seemed to think of a certain existence in her mind. She nodded subconsciously and said, "I understand, Grandpa Ghost Bao."

Seeing this, Ghost Leopard Douluo showed a trace of love on his face, nodded, and then said with a serious look on his face: "Miss, you must also know from the Tiandou Empire's intelligence that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family has been exterminated. However, the Great Enshrined One would like me to remind you that although the spirit of the genocide is the Clear Sky Hammer, it is not Tang Chen’s Clear Sky Hammer."

"The messages spread by the outside world are just guidance for the great sacrifice."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue was instantly startled. Some kind of terrible possibility suddenly occurred to her mind, and she said, "It's not Tang Chen? The inheritance of the gods??"

Seeing this, Ghost Leopard Douluo shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "Miss, please don't worry, it is not the inheritance of the gods, and the grand worship did not sense the aura of the gods."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue's face relaxed, but also, if it is really the inheritance of the gods, then even if Qian Renxue never wants to leave, Qian Daoliu will never let her stay in the Tiandou Empire.

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue's eyes instantly revealed a glint, and she immediately understood what her grandfather was thinking. A smile suddenly appeared on her face and she said, "I understand what grandpa meant."

With the destruction of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family and the unknown powerful Clear Sky Hammer, the peace and balance on the continent have been broken. This will never be a good thing for the Tiandou Empire, but for her, Qian Renxue, But it's a great thing.

If she had been in a calm state, it would still take a long time for her to control the Tiandou Empire, at least before the fall of Emperor Xueye, but it would not be possible once disputes started to arise... ·
At the same time, in the most prosperous area in the center of Tiandou Imperial City, was a five-story elegant building.

In the top room, a graceful and beautiful woman handed an encrypted letter to a plainly dressed figure with great dignity.He said in a deep voice: "Tang Rong, return to the sect immediately and hand this letter to your elder brother."

Hearing this, Tang Rong quickly received the letter into the space soul guide, nodded and said respectfully: "Yes, Miss Yuehua."

After speaking, Tang Rong instantly turned into a black shadow and disappeared into the room.

Looking at Tang Rong's disappearing back, Tang Yuehua showed a hint of uneasiness on his face, and a faint voice sounded: "Is it really grandpa..."


Balak Kingdom—Shrek Academy!

In the inner courtyard dean's office, Flanders's eyes were slightly absent-minded, and his eyes were full of worry.

His two sworn brothers and sisters both have great connections with the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, but the current situation at Shrek Academy does not allow him to leave.

At this moment, all the teachers and students of Shrek Academy, whether in the inner or outer courtyard, are packing their things.

Soon after Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong arrived at Shrek Academy, the Royal Family of the Heaven Dou Empire sent powerful men to visit them directly, requesting Shrek Academy to transfer the campus in advance to the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

And the reason is that the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan was wiped out, and the three majestic sects, one of the top forces in the mainland, were quietly destroyed, which caused the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Tiandou Empire to become extremely uneasy and in urgent need of powerful existences. Join, take charge.

Shrek Academy is undoubtedly this powerful existence. It happens that Shrek Academy needs to go to Tiandou Imperial City to build a school. However, because the campus has not been completed, it has not moved to the campus.

But now it has to be brought forward. For this reason, Emperor Xue Ye directly arranged for Prince Xue Qinghe to purchase Lanba Academy near Tiandou Imperial City as the temporary campus of Shrek Academy.

Regarding the college being purchased, Liu Erlong, as the dean of Lanba College, no longer has any thoughts about the college. The destruction of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, no matter how dissatisfied Liu Erlong is with the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, they are her relatives after all. .

So without any hesitation, he agreed to the Tiandou royal family's request.

Originally, Emperor Xue Ye wanted to buy Thunder College. After all, in terms of the size and facilities of the college, Thunder College was undoubtedly one of the top high-level soul master colleges.

However, before Emperor Xue Ye took action, Prince Xue Qinghe believed that the environment of Thunder Academy was dominated by thunder and lightning attributes, which was extremely incompatible with Shrek Academy and was not suitable for Shrek Academy.

Instead, he chose Lan Ba ​​College. The size and facilities of Lan Ba ​​College may be slightly inferior to Thunder College, but compared to Thunder College, it is more suitable for Shrek College as a temporary campus.

Of course, if Shrek Academy is satisfied with the environment of Lanba Academy, then it can directly choose to become Shrek's official campus. The Tiandou royal family will also invest and contribute to upgrade and expand the environment of the academy.

As for the students and teachers in the original Lanba Academy, if they are willing to stay, they will be directly merged into Shrek Academy.

If you are unwilling to stay, the Tiandou royal family has also given a choice. In the Tiandou Empire, except for the Tiandou Royal Academy and the Five Elements Academy, all senior soul master academies can choose to join directly.

Of course, if you want to choose Tiandou Royal Academy or Five Elements Academy, you can do that as well, but Tiandou Royal Academy will only give you a letter of recommendation, and you can only enroll after passing the academy's assessment.

After going round and round, Lanba Academy still fell into the hands of Shrek Academy.

After Qin Mo learned of this situation, he stared directly at the sky for a long time, consuming tens of thousands of world sources, but unfortunately he couldn't find anything.

(End of this chapter)

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