The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 166 Conspiracy!Dai Mubai graduates!Another coincidence? ? ?

Chapter 166 Conspiracy!Dai Mubai graduates!Another coincidence? ? ?
All the teachers and students in the inner and outer courtyards of Shrek Academy have basically packed up all their things and are just waiting for the official departure tomorrow.

Although the entire academy has been relocated to Tiandou Imperial City, this academy will not be abandoned. Instead, it will be directly downgraded to Shrek's Intermediate Soul Master Academy.

It became the first Shrek intermediate soul master academy in the Tiandou Empire.

However, since it was not the enrollment time at this time and time was tight, no remaining teachers were arranged.

Compared to many teachers and students in the inner and outer courtyards, Qin Mo didn't have much to pack. After all, not far from the academy, was the residence of the Shanhe Qin family.

At this moment, Qin Mo was sitting on a stone chair in the courtyard, calculating the gains from annihilating the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family this time.

In addition to the three very old soul bones on Yu Yuanzhen's body, more than ten soul bones were also dropped from the bodies of the senior leaders and elders of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, although the age was far less than the three soul bones on Yu Yuanzhen's body. The bones, even half of them are thousand-year soul bones, are still priceless.

In addition, the background and wealth of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family were also captured by Qin Mo. Even though the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family was far less wealthy than the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, they were still worthy of being one of the top forces in the mainland.

However, compared with these, Qin Mo cares more about the origin of the world. After destroying the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Qin Mo naturally obtained the origin of the world contained in the original Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

It's just that I don't know if it's because Yu Xiaogang, a being who clearly has the destiny of the protagonist, but lives a joke for himself, was sucked dry of the origin of the world.

Or because in the original work, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family was originally exterminated, but the origin of the world they obtained was not much, at least not in line with the fact that they have been inherited for countless years and are the top three sects in the soul master world.

After sorting out all the harvest, Qin Mo was about to take a rest. Suddenly, he seemed to feel something and looked directly outside the door: "Dai Mubai?"

Qin Mo frowned slightly, but he immediately thought of the reason.

Sensing Dai Mubai's approaching aura, the soul power on his fingertips moved slightly.


The courtyard door opened directly, and Qin Mo's voice sounded: "Come in."

Dai Mubai, who was about to knock on the door, was slightly startled, then nodded slightly and walked in, closing the door behind him.

Seeing the faint anxiety in Dai Mubai's eyes, Qin Mo's eyes fluctuated slightly and said: "Sit down, come to me so late, do you have anything to ask for?"

Looking at Qin Mo's dark eyes, a wry smile suddenly appeared on Dai Mubai's face: "Boss Mo, I really can't hide anything from you. This morning, the Star Luo Empire sent someone."

Hearing this, Qin Mo smiled slightly and said, "Your father plans to let you go back?"

Dai Mubai nodded first, then shook his head, and said helplessly: "If only it was that simple."

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes flickered: "Oh? Is it related to me or Shrek Academy?"

Dai Mubai looked slightly helpless and nodded: "In addition to ordering me to go back, my father also left an imperial edict..."

After speaking, Dai Mubai took out a piece of white-gold cloth from the space soul guide, and handed the imperial edict directly to Qin Mo without any awe.

Qin Mo didn't pay any attention to it. He opened it directly and scanned it ten lines at a time. Looking at the content recorded on it, Qin Mo showed a strange look on his face. Rather than saying this was an imperial edict, it was better to say it was an imperial edict. ensure.

Seeing Dai Mubai's slightly uneasy expression, Qin Mo suddenly laughed, picked up the imperial edict slightly, looked at Dai Mubai and said with a smile, "You are worried about this little thing? Isn't this a good thing?"


Looking at the smile on Qin Mo's face, Dai Mubai seemed to have many question marks in his eyes, but the next moment, all the question marks in his eyes turned into surprise.

Dai Mubai stood up instantly and said in surprise: "Boss Mo, do you agree?"

Hearing this, Qin Mo shrugged slightly and said with great ease: "Why don't you agree? Shrek is just a soul master academy, not a soul master family or force, and we have no intention of interfering in the disputes between major families and forces. , being able to establish a school within the Star Luo Empire is something we at Shrek Academy can only dream of."

After finishing speaking, Qin Mo seemed to be teasing him and said with a smile: "Your father is quite powerful, and he is not afraid that the soul master genius of the Star Luo Empire will be abducted."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai showed a relaxed look on his face. He didn't care about Qin Mo's teasing and said with a smile: "That's good. I thought Boss Mo would be worried about the Tiandou Empire. After all... "

Qin Mo shook his head and laughed, and said: "Lao Dai, do you think the Tiandou Empire would refuse such a thing if it knew about it?"

"I'm afraid they are eager for this. After all, our Shrek Academy has only one advanced soul master academy, and it will be moved to Tiandou Imperial City soon."

"If the Star Luo Empire also establishes an intermediate and junior soul master academy, even if less than one tenth of the soul masters choose to attend Shrek's advanced soul master academy, then..."

Although the words were not finished, the meaning was very clear. Even though Dai Mubai had not received much royal education, he understood the importance of it, and his expression changed instantly.

"Boss Mo, this..." Even if the competition in the Star Luo Empire is extremely cruel and bloody, Dai Mubai is the prince of the Star Luo Empire after all.

Seeing this, Qin Mo naturally knew what Dai Mubai was thinking, and immediately said angrily: "Do you really think I was really teasing your father just now?" "No?" Dai Mubai's eyes were full of doubts.

Qin Mo slightly tapped the white-gold imperial edict on the table, and said with a hint of sigh: "Your father is indeed a talented man. This imperial edict seems to give Shrek Academy the qualification to establish a school in the Star Luo Empire."

"But it is an extremely clever conspiracy, which contains several meanings."

"One: To win over Shrek, the guarantee in the imperial edict tells me that what the Tiandou Empire can do, the Star Luo Empire can also do, or even do better."

"Two: Li Liang, believe it or not, regardless of whether Shrek Academy accepts this imperial edict or not, the information has already appeared in front of the Tiandou royal family and has been spread throughout the major provinces in Tiandou."

"With Emperor Xue Ye's character, there is a high probability that he will not refuse and will respond with a welcoming attitude. Even many of the previous restrictions may be relaxed a lot. However, secretly, the vigilance against Shrek Academy has been increased again, and gaps will inevitably occur. "

"Three: inducement, using the temptation of establishing a school in the Star Luo Empire to keep Shrek Academy neutral and not biased in favor of the Tiandou Empire. After all, you also know how powerful my grandfather's space power is. No matter which side you fall to, it will not matter to the other side. It’s all a disaster.”

"I have to say that your father has a very thorough understanding of Shrek Academy."

"And it is absolutely impossible for your father to let Shrek Academy stay in Tiandou Imperial City for a long time. I am afraid that before many intermediate and junior soul master academies are fully established in the Star Luo Empire, he will definitely negotiate with the Tiandou Empire."

"Let Shrek's Advanced Soul Master Academy be moved to the middle area between the two empires, otherwise we will start a war. For your father and the Star Luo Empire, it will not be a loss no matter whether there is a war or not."

"If there were no excuses, the Star Luo Empire would have taken action against the Heaven Dou Empire. If the Heaven Dou Empire refused by then, your father and the Star Luo Empire would just use this as an excuse to launch an attack on the Heaven Dou Empire."

"If you agree, it will also gain something for the Star Luo Empire and directly eliminate the possibility of the empire losing talent."

After hearing Qin Mo's analysis, the pupils in Dai Mubai's eyes had completely fused, and a dumbfounded expression appeared on his face.


Looking at the white-gold imperial edict on the table and Qin Mo's calm look, Dai Mubai swallowed unconsciously. In his eyes, it was just an ordinary imperial edict, but it had so many twists and turns.

Dai Mubai looked at Qin Mo with some stuttering, and asked: "Mo... Boss Mo, since you saw my father's conspiracy, why..."

Qin Mo slowly rolled up the white-gold imperial edict on the table, put it into the space necklace, and said calmly: "Do you want to ask me why I didn't refuse?"

Dai Mubai nodded silently.

Qin Mo stood up and patted Dai Mubai on the shoulder, reminding him, "Will your father's imperial edict be harmful to Shrek Academy?"

Dai Mubai suddenly realized that, as Qin Mo said, even if Emperor Xingluo's imperial edict was a conspiracy, it would not do any harm to Shrek Academy. Their Shrek Academy was just a school of soul masters, not a family of soul masters. ,power.

Seeing this, Qin Mo nodded immediately, and then asked as if unintentionally: "When will you leave?"

Hearing this, the expression on Dai Mubai's face froze slightly, and a trace of reluctance appeared in his eyes for a moment, and he said, "I'll leave later, they are waiting outside the academy."

Qin Mo paused slightly and said in a calm tone: "Have you told the dean or the others?"

"I told the dean and others that I have received my diploma." As if he thought of something, Dai Mubai was actually a little excited at the moment and said: "Speaking of which, I can be regarded as the first official inner courtyard member of our Shrek Academy. Graduated soul master."

Seeing Dai Mubai's eyebrows dancing with joy, Qin Mo punched Dai Mubai angrily and said with a smile, "You were the one who took the lead. Don't you plan to say goodbye to Oscar and the others?"

Hearing this, Dai Mubai shook his head slightly, with a trace of ease on his face, and said: "Forget it, it's just a short separation. If I tell them, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave tonight. "

"Yes." Qin Mo nodded.

Now that the matter was done, Dai Mubai did not hesitate any longer: "Boss Mo, take care of it!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

Looking at Dai Mubai's free and easy back, Qin Mo smiled unconsciously: "How dare you, old Dai, to pretend to be serious."

A moment after Dai Mubai left, Qin Mo seemed to have thought of something, his brows instantly furrowed, his eyes instantly lit up, and he quickly looked towards the sky.

"The middle area between the two empires..."

"Isn't that what the hell is Wuhun City..."

"Another coincidence???"

This night is destined to be sleepless. . .

(End of this chapter)

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