The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 168 is more suitable to be a researcher

Chapter 168 is more suitable to be a researcher

"This... this is it!" Tang San's face was extremely excited as he exclaimed: "Boss Mo, this is the Eye of Ice and Fire!"

Immediately, Tang San seemed to have thought of something, and a look of enlightenment suddenly appeared in his eyes: "That's right, no wonder Boss Mo can come up with so many magical elixirs. It turns out that you have such a treasure as the 'Ice and Fire Eyes'."

Tang San, who had learned the basics of basic alchemy that Qin Mo left in the library, even if he was just getting started, could only refine the most basic recovery elixirs. Naturally, he was no longer interested in the 'elixirs' Qin Mo gave them. Nothing.

It can be said that the effect of each 'Elixir' is not inferior to the 'Immortal Grass' recorded in the Tang Sect's treasure record in his previous life. The main medicine used to refine the 'Elixir' is definitely not an ordinary medicinal material.

Seeing the undisguised joy on Tang San's face, Qin Mo's eyes fluctuated slightly. This was Qin Mo's test of Tang San. As for the result, he could only say he was quite satisfied.

Compared with Tang San who gradually became complex, deep, extreme, and even had a twisted personality in the original work, Tang San at this time is undoubtedly much simpler, especially without the influence of 'a certain master', the teachers and students in the inner courtyard Under the guidance of words and deeds, the three views gradually become closer to those of normal people.

Moreover, he had accumulated enough knowledge from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, so that Tang San no longer regarded the things recorded in the 'Xuantian Treasure Record' as supreme, and at least began to have his own judgment.

Although in his previous life, he was in a dark sect like the Tang Sect, so there was still a hint of darkness in his psychology, but it didn't hurt.

This was especially true after being tempted by Qin Mo with alchemy, which inspired Tang San's desire for research and knowledge.

Even after Tang San introduced the 'Basics of Alchemy', even the hidden weapon that was regarded as the 'supreme' in the previous life has been slightly put down.

The reason why Tang San in the original work is so obsessed with hidden weapons is that he does have a love for hidden weapons, but it is mostly because of the lack of security.

In his previous life, he was always in danger of being exposed, and in the end he died because of it. After time travel, Tang Hao ignored him when he was young, and the teacher he taught was not even as strong as himself, and there was someone he wanted to protect for the rest of his life.

Later, he faced a behemoth like Wuhun Palace, and was always in danger and uneasiness. Only the hidden weapon that always accompanied him gave Tang San a sense of security. Otherwise, why in the original work, Tang San became a god and did not continue to forge hidden weapons after everything was settled.

Even after ascending to the God Realm, he did not leave any top-ranked hidden weapons to the Tang Sect, but Fan left some behind.

If Tang San's love for hidden weapons was really as described in the original work, he would be able to stay on the Douluo Continent for a hundred years after becoming a god, even if he only spent one-tenth or one percent of his time on hidden weapons.

Before he became a god, he had no time to study hidden weapons because he faced off against the Spirit Hall. There was no problem in handing them over to others to forge them, but what about after he became a god...

Even if the upper limit of the power is not as high as that of the soul guide, with the brainwashed descendants' respect for Tang San in the original work, they will definitely regard what Tang San left behind as a treasure and heritage that cannot be used unless there is a crisis of genocide.

Even the mountain gate will not be able to be preserved after ten thousand years, and the hidden weapons made of precious metals will not be preserved even for ten thousand years.

Therefore, it is not so much a love for hidden weapons, but a strong desire to research and explore the unknown.

But now with the broadening of his horizons and the sense of security brought by Shrek Academy, Tang San's obsession with hidden weapons has naturally weakened a lot. After all, the supreme achievement in hidden weapons was already accomplished by Tang San in his previous life.

In Qin Mo's opinion, Tang San is more suitable to be a researcher, which is the direction Qin Mo has set for Tang San. From Tang San's performance, it is obvious that he is very suitable for this role.

At least after Tang San introduced the 'Basics of Alchemy', there were several more basic elixirs among the credit exchange items in Shrek Academy's outer courtyard.

Compared with the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' that had been cleaned up by Qin Mo's elixir before, the lush scene in the valley of the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' at this moment was once again restored.

Except for the 'Xiancao' which has not fully grown and is in a seedling state, most of the medicinal materials have already grown.

In the center of many medicinal materials, a Bluesilver grass several meters high with countless golden lines on its leaves seemed to feel something, and it was constantly swaying.

Before Qin Mo could answer, Tang San suddenly pressed his chest with his left hand unconsciously. His eyes were quickly attracted by the strange blue silver grass that was constantly swaying. He subconsciously spread his right hand, and the 'Blue Silver Grass' martial spirit was instantly released.

A feeling of joy or sadness suddenly arose in my heart, and my eyes showed a trace of confusion. "This is... Bluesilver Grass?" Tang San whispered in confusion.

Hearing this, Qin Mo nodded slightly, with a hint of sigh on his face, and said: "It's Blue Silver Grass, but also..."

Before Qin Mo finished speaking, Tang Hao's voice sounded: "Your mother!"



Except for Qin Dong, Qin Mo, and Tang Hao, who already knew the situation, Ye Lingling, Tang San, and Xiao Wu's eyes widened for a moment, and there was a trace of confusion in their eyes, but the next moment they turned into shock.

As a soul master and a serial soul master in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, how could he not understand what Tang Hao meant.

Ye Lingling felt a little dizzy and looked at Qin Mo blankly, as if asking if this was true.

Seeing Ye Lingling's confused look, Qin Mo shook Ye Lingling's palm slightly, nodded, and confirmed this fact.

But Xiao Wu, who was also in the form of a soul beast, felt as if he was struck by lightning. Looking at the blue silver grass whose life breath was not even as good as that of a ten-thousand-year soul beast, his body trembled in vain.

The red 10-year-old soul ring that Tang Hao had displayed not long ago suddenly appeared in his mind, with an extremely frightened look in his eyes, and the hands that grabbed the corners of Tang San's clothes instantly let go, as if they were grabbing a ferocious beast.

"Could it be..."

In shock, Tang San didn't notice Xiao Wu's movements.

Seeing Xiao Wu's movements, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly showed a trace of amusement, and now he realized that he was scared. However, Qin Mo did not intend to let Tang San know the identity of this silly rabbit soul beast now.

People's hearts are fickle, and malice often has no source, or even reason, and can easily destroy everything. Just like Tang Hao in the past, doesn't he love Ah Yin?No, but what about the result...

His mental power fluctuated slightly, and the voice quickly sounded in Silly Rabbit's mind.

After a moment, Xiao Wu looked at Qin Mo with disbelief and surprise in her eyes, as if asking if what Qin Mo said was true.

Seeing this, Qin Mo suddenly nodded funnyly.

While Qin Mo was communicating with Xiao Wu, Tang Hao, Tang San and his son had already walked in front of the 'Blue Silver Emperor'.

Tang San knelt on the ground with eyes full of crystal clear eyes, and kowtowed three times to the 'Blue Silver Emperor'.

The 'Blue Silver Emperor', who was nearly [-] years old, had already regained some consciousness. Feeling Tang San's three solid bangs, he immediately stretched out a branch with some distress, trying to help Tang San up.

Seeing this, Tang San stood up quickly, wiped the corners of his eyes, gritted his teeth, and said, "Dad, who on earth harmed my mother like this..."

Hearing this, Tang Hao's dim eyes dimmed again. He was silent for a moment, and slowly took out several letters from the space soul guide. His voice was extremely hoarse and said: "It's the Pope Qian from the previous generation of Wuhun Palace. Xunji, and... Haotian Sect!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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