The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 169 The best 'wood' attribute soul ring! 'Test'!

Chapter 169 The best 'wood' attribute soul ring! 'Test'!
"Martial Soul Hall...Haotian Sect..."

Somewhat tremblingly, Tang San took the letter from his father's hand. He opened it with a quick breath and looked at the handwriting on the letter. With Tang San's wisdom, he couldn't see the plot in it. Combined with what he heard when he was reborn after time travel, Hearing the painful cry, Tang San's eyes showed a trace of extremely deep murderous intent.

Tang San looked at his father Tang Hao in a daze, looking at his father's already graying temples and dim eyes, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "No wonder..."

Originally, Tang San was still surprised that Tang Hao, whom he had not seen for only a few years, seemed to be tens of years older, but now he understood clearly in his heart.

The knowledge learned in Shrek's inner courtyard library can be said to cover all aspects of a soul master.

If his father was just an ordinary commoner, or a soul master with average strength, it would not be surprising for his father to age so quickly given his age, but his father is a titled Douluo, and his soul power has reached level 96. A titled Douluo comparable to the Sword Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

In terms of age alone, Tang Hao was dozens of years younger than Sword Douluo, but the aura of twilight in his body was much stronger than that of Sword Douluo.

At this moment, Tang Hao was caressing the branches and leaves of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' very gently, and his hoarse voice sounded, slowly telling the story between him and Tang San's mother, with incomparable affection in his tone.

When Tang Hao mentioned that Tang San's mother committed suicide after the last words she left in his ear, everyone present except Qin Dong and Qin Mo's grandson showed sadness on their faces.

In particular, Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Ye Lingling had their eyes reddened and tears streaming down their faces. They were all moved by the affection between Tang San's parents.

Qin Dong and Qin Mo, who knew the inside story well, sneered at what Tang Hao said. I am afraid that before Tang San's mother died, they had a vague guess.

Otherwise, why would the last words left in Tang Hao's ears be so... strange.

What belongs to him forever will never be owned by anyone else.

Rather than saying it was a last word oath about her love for Tang Hao, it was more like telling Tang Hao that even if she didn't encounter this, as long as Tang Hao was willing, she would be willing...
Although Tang San had the wisdom of two lifetimes, he was still too young emotionally. After listening to the story in Tang Hao's mouth, his hands were tightly clenched, and the nails on his fingertips directly pierced the palms of his hands, sinking deeply. Inside the flesh, blood kept dripping.

"Martial Soul Hall!" "Haotian Sect!!"

Tang San's eyes were blood red and he gritted his teeth.

As if aware of Tang San's crying, anger, and injured hands, the 'Blue Silver Emperor' in front of Tang San slowly stretched out two branches, one slowly stretched towards Tang San's cheek, and the other lightly stretched out. He gently slapped Tang San's hands, trying to make Tang San let go.

Seeing the concern of his mother, the Blue Silver Emperor, tears flowed uncontrollably from Tang San's eyes. Feeling the touch on his cheeks and hands, Tang San's heart seemed to be filled with something.

Reason slowly returned, and for a moment, as if he thought of something, Tang San quickly looked at his father, with a hint of excitement in his eyes, and said: "Dad, since mother said that the meaning of 'Blue Silver Emperor' is 'immortality', then it is There is no possibility of recovery."

Then he looked at the 'Eye of Ice and Fire' not far away, and the 'Blue Silver Emperor' who was less than ten thousand years old in front of him. Countless thoughts flashed in his mind, and he quickly said: "Is it as long as my mother's age is restored to 10 years?" , you can recover.”

Hearing this, Tang Hao showed a smile on his face and said, "Xiaosan, you are as smart as your mother."

Hearing this, a glimmer of hope suddenly lit up in Tang San's eyes, but soon Tang San thought of the key again. Looking at his father's gray temples and the lingering aura of twilight on his body, his face instantly showed a hint of paleness.

"Dad, although the 'Eye of Ice and Fire' is magical, it can only accelerate the growth of plants ten times at most. Even if Mom has her own consciousness and can absorb the magical aura of the 'Eye of Ice and Fire', it can only increase the growth rate of plants by ten times at most. To reach twenty times the growth rate, 10 years of cultivation..."

Seeing the sad expression on Tang San's face, Qin Mo slowly stepped forward and patted Tang San, saying: "You know the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' quite well, you actually know the effects of the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' on plants." effect."

"But haven't you noticed the abnormality in this 'ice and fire eyes'?"

Hearing this, Tang San was slightly startled, and immediately closed his eyes slightly, and began to feel the abnormality in the surrounding environment. Tang San, who possessed the 'Blue Silver Grass' martial spirit, was undoubtedly extremely sensitive to the environment.

In just an instant, a purple light burst out from Tang San's eyes. In his perception, the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' blessed the growth of plants not just ten times, but a hundred times.

Moreover, under his mother, there is a substance that is like a source of life, which continuously provides the source of life for his mother.

When the numbers are added up, the growth rate of 'Blue Silver Emperor' directly reaches hundreds of times.

His eyes instantly looked at Qin Mo, with a hint of hope in his eyes, but soon Tang San seemed to think of some possibility, his mother's secret of 'immortality', coupled with the hundreds of times growth rate.

The expression on Tang San's face was in vain, he looked at Qin Mo with some trembling, and said: "Boss Mo, you..."

Although he hadn't finished speaking, Qin Mo didn't understand what Tang San meant, so he patted Tang San's head angrily, and sneered: "Little Sanzi, don't think too much, if I want a 10-year soul ring... , soul bones, just ask grandpa to go to sea and you can get them."

"What's more, if I wanted your mother's soul ring and soul bones, would I bring you here? This is the most important core place of my Qin family and the Linling family."

"Also, don't forget that your father is also a Titled Douluo."

Hearing this, Tang San glanced at his father Tang Hao with some pain, as if he was consulting.

Seeing his father nodding slightly towards him, Tang San's eyes immediately relaxed, and a look of shame appeared on his face, saying: "Boss Mo, I'm sorry..."

Seeing this, Qin Mo shook his head slightly and didn't care, but said directly: "I need a soul ring, but I don't need your mother's soul ring."

Hearing this, Tang San was slightly startled, obviously not understanding what Qin Mo meant.Seeing Tang San's dazed look, Qin Mo's soul power moved slightly, he raised his right palm, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul was summoned instantly.

Originally, there was still confusion in Tang San's eyes, but as the soul ring on Qin Mo's body rose, the confusion in Tang San's eyes turned into shock.

"Red!" "Red!" "Red!" "Dark black!" "Blazing red!" "Clear blue!"

Not only Tang San, but also Ye Lingling and Xiao Wu on the side, but compared to the simple shock of Ye Lingling and Tang San, Xiao Wu was more afraid.

But it wasn't that she was afraid that Qin Mo would take action against her, but that she was instinctively afraid of Qin Mo's soul rings. Those three blood-red soul rings put too much pressure on her.

Tang San stared with wide eyes at the six soul rings surrounding Qin Mo's body, and instantly remembered the legend recorded in a book called 'Continental Travels' in the inner courtyard library.

Ye Lingling also thought of the words recorded in the classics in the family secret place.

There was a hint of shock in his eyes: "God's inheritance!?"

In the blink of an eye, Tang San's eyes suddenly revealed a hint of enlightenment, and the countless doubts hidden in his mind seemed to have answers. Looking at Qin Mo, there was even more awe in his eyes.

Not knowing Tang San's chaotic thoughts, Qin Mo looked at Tang San's shocked face, with a hint of seriousness in his eyes, and said, "My seventh soul ring needs your and your mother's help."

Knowing that Tang San was an extremely overthinking person, Qin Mo didn't waste any time and pointed directly at the three different colored spirit rings surrounding his body and said: "None of the three spirit rings on my body were obtained by hunting spirit beasts. Come."

"Especially these two soul rings." Qin Mo pointed at the blazing red and azure soul rings, looked at Tang San and reminded, "Don't you think their aura is very familiar?"

Hearing this, Tang San's mental power fluctuated rapidly, his eyes flashed with purple light, feeling the fluctuations of the two blazing red and blue soul rings on Qin Mo's body.

In an instant, Tang San quickly looked at the 'Eye of Ice and Fire' in the center of the valley, and murmured: "It's the 'Eye of Ice and Fire'... Is this the power of the gods? It even... ···”

Not paying attention to Tang San's shock, Qin Mo continued: "The 'Ice and Fire Eye' is the core treasure of our Shanhe Qin family and Haitang Ye family. Originally, except for our Shanhe Qin family, Lingling and Lingling's grandfather, it was absolutely not allowed to Anyone entering."

"But I made a deal with your father, His Majesty Tang Hao. My seventh soul ring needs your and your mother's help."

"The origins of my fifth and sixth soul rings are condensed from the two extremely powerful 'ice and fire' powers in the 'Ice and Fire Eyes', and the seventh soul ring requires the attribute of 'wood' .”

"Originally, Bluesilver Grass was not part of my plan. My original target was a 'ferocious beast' level plant soul beast in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, but your father gave me a better choice."

Hearing what Qin Mo said about the 'ferocious beast' level plant soul beast, a certain silly rabbit unconsciously shrank his neck. Apparently he didn't know anything about the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

"Originally, I planned to wait until my soul power reached level [-] before I would bring you to this 'Ice and Fire Eye'."

"At that time, your soul power level must have reached level [-] or above, and the 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial soul bloodline has fully awakened."

"At that time, you will use your 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit, coupled with your mother's title of Blue Silver Emperor, to connect with the Blue Silver Grass in the entire continent, and collect the faith of all the Blue Silver Grass spirit beasts in the entire continent, so as to quickly recover. Your mother’s cultivation.”

"And I, with the help of the lost power of you and your mother, condensed the seventh soul ring."

"It will take at least two years to reach this level. However, there happens to be a secret method of 'suppression and explosion' in the Haotian Sect, which can increase the soul power level in a short period of time without any side effects."

"So your father, Your Majesty Tang Hao, and I decided to take you to the 'Ice and Fire Eye' in advance."

After hearing what Qin Mo said, Tang San's mind was extremely complicated. Looking at Qin Mo whose face was full of calm, he said with some difficulty: "Boss Mo, this... will be bad for my mother. influence?"

Seeing the faint anxiety in Tang San's eyes, Qin Mo shook his head helplessly and said, "If there were any bad influences, would your father make this deal?"

"What I want is just a trace of the purest source of belief in 'Wood'. It will have no impact on you or your mother. You can even get a lot of benefits from it."

Although this was a 'test' led by Qin Mo with Tang San as the protagonist and Tang Hao and Lan Yinhuang as supporting roles, Qin Mo did not lie to Tang San in this regard.

The origin of the belief in 'wood' condensed by the two 'Blue Silver Emperors' is indeed Qin Mo's best choice for soul rings. Even the quality of the soul rings condensed by this is not inferior to Qin Mo's fourth, fifth, and fourth soul rings. Six soul rings.

At the same time, it will indeed not cause any damage to Tang San and the 'Blue Silver Emperor'. The 'Blue Silver Emperor' can directly restore tens of thousands of years of cultivation with this, and Tang San's soul power level will definitely improve greatly.

Even though he had been training and studying in Shrek Academy, Tang San could be said to have great trust in Qin Mo, the boss, but after all, this was related to his mother, so Tang San felt really uneasy.

As if he knew his son's anxiety, Tang Hao stretched out his rough palm and patted Tang San's shoulder slightly. He didn't say anything, but let Tang San make his own decision.

Feeling the power on his shoulders and seeing the longing and longing flashing in his father's eyes, Tang San immediately made a decision in his heart and nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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