The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 170: Opening up the possibility of Ye Lingling’s path to becoming a god in advance

Chapter 170: Opening up the possibility of Ye Lingling’s path to becoming a god in advance

The next day!

The core area of ​​Sunset Forest!

Beneath a huge waterfall that is more than two hundred meters high and about a hundred meters wide, the soul power in Tang San and Xiao Wu's bodies has been banned by Tang Hao.

Among them, Tang San held a huge casting hammer in his hand and kept swimming towards the place where the waterfall poured.

However, compared to the waterfall in the original work, the waterfall Tang San faced now was much larger and the impact was much stronger. Therefore, even if Tang San was much stronger than in the original work, it was difficult to even get close to the waterfall at this moment. Do it.

Even under the huge impact of the waterfall, it was extremely embarrassing.

Compared with Tang San, Xiao Wu was standing on the foothold specially made by Tang Hao in the center of the lake right in front of the waterfall. As the waterfall poured, the foothold was constantly shaking.

Although the soul power is banned, the 'potential' on Xiao Wu's body does not affect its use at all. The 'Jade Rabbit Collapses Heaven Potential' on Xiao Wu condenses, explodes, condenses, and explodes, over and over again.

Every time the momentum gathered, all the strength in Xiao Wu's body was quickly gathered, and her legs exploded instantly like bullets coming out of the barrel.

But the unstable foothold caused the completely concentrated strength to scatter in vain. The whip legs that could originally draw a long and narrow trace on the water surface only caused some waves.

Even because she was not used to it, Xiao Wu often accidentally fell on her footing. Although she was not as embarrassed as Tang San in the water, she was not much better.

But compared to these, Xiao Wu was more concerned about Tang Hao, who was always watching the two of them practice on the shore. Whenever she wanted to secretly relax for a while, she would feel a terrifying gaze falling on her.

The meaning in the eyes seems to say: If you are given the opportunity and don’t know how to work hard, just kill the rabbit and take the bones...
An extremely strange expression suddenly appeared on Xiao Wu's face, which seemed to be crying and laughing at the same time.

Under the gaze of the Level 96 Titled Douluo, Xiao Wu did not dare to relax at all in the strength and speed of his kicks.

Compared with Tang San and Xiao Wu, Qin Mo and Ye Lingling did not practice under this waterfall.

Because it was inappropriate, although Ye Lingling was even stronger than the two in terms of combat power, he was still an auxiliary soul master. If he used this method of training, he would get twice the result with half the effort.

As for Qin Mo, it was because of his strength and pure waterfall cultivation that even if Qin Mo's soul power was banned, it would not be able to put much pressure on Qin Mo.

In the 'Eye of Ice and Fire', Ye Lingling's soul power is also banned like Tang San and Xiao Wu. At this moment, she is sitting cross-legged at the core of the 'Eye of Ice and Fire' formation, her eyes are slightly closed, as if she is immersed in in practice.

The martial spirit of the 'Nine Heart Begonia' on the palm of my hand fluctuated slightly, as if it was breathing. Every time the Begonia petals rippled, the many herbs and plants in the 'Ice and Fire Eyes', including the 'Blue Silver Emperor', seemed to be worshiping. , fluctuating slightly.

An aura like a 'domain' lingers around.

Originally this had nothing to do with Ye Lingling, but the convergence of faith between the two 'Blue Silver Emperors' was a blessing for plants, plant spirit beasts and even plant spirit owners.

Even though the nature of Ye Lingling's "Nine Hearts Begonia" martial spirit is higher than that of "Blue Silver Emperor", because it involves "faith", it will help Ye Lingling even more.

After all, Ye Lingling possesses the most original and core authority gifted by the 'Flower God' after his death. If he gets the help of 'Faith', he might be able to start the road to becoming a god in advance.

In the valley of the 'Eye of Ice and Fire', Qin Mo briefly felt the soul power seal used by Tang Hao, and a trace of regret soon appeared on his face.

The body exerted slight force, and in an instant, the soul power seal was directly broken.

As Tang Hao said, this kind of soul power ban is only suitable for level [-] or [-] soul masters. Soul masters with soul powers below level [-] are too weak to withstand the soul power. The impact of force release.

However, if the soul power is higher than level [-], the soul power that can be improved is not much different from normal cultivation.

However, although Qin Mo was a little regretful about this, he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, the main purpose had been accomplished. It just depends on the subsequent reaction.

Moreover, Qin Mo has already made plans for his next training, and his soul power level will definitely not increase slower than others.

However, although this training method has no effect on him, it is a good training method for other people in Shrek Academy.

Especially Ma Hongjun and Oscar, their current soul power level is just right. Even if their soul power is banned, they can still practice and improve with the cultivation of "Shi". Coupled with Zhao Wuji's gravity method, it is similar to Tang San's cultivation. wonderful.However, the most suitable ones for this type of training are undoubtedly soul masters with the 'Haotian Hammer' martial spirit and the 'Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique'.

After breaking free from the soul power ban, Qin Mo looked at the figure in the valley of the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' below, with a gentle look in his eyes.

After a moment, he said: "Grandpa, please forgive me."

As Qin Mo's words fell, the space instantly began to distort, quickly submerging Qin Mo's figure.


In an instant, Qin Mo disappeared from the spot.

Looking at Qin Mo's disappearing figure, Qin Dong slowly emerged from the void, sitting cross-legged, his eyes trembled slightly, and he thought to himself: "Seven turns of the inner alchemy... is not enough..."

Immediately, his eyes slowly closed, his breath condensed instantly, and he directly began to practice the 'Elixir Condensation Method'.

Tiandou Imperial City—the original Lanba Academy!

The space fluctuated slightly, and Qin Mo's figure slowly emerged. Looking at the gate that had been renamed 'Shrek Advanced Soul Master Academy' not far away, there was a trace of fluctuation on his face, and he said with a hint of emotion: "The Tiandou royal family is so fast. Action.”

Immediately, his mental power fluctuated slightly, and he quickly began to sense the auras of Flanders, Zhao Wuji and other inner courtyard teachers.


The space fluctuated slightly, and Qin Mo's figure quickly disappeared.

"Huh? What's going on..."

"Is there someone here just now..."

"Damn it!"


director's office!
The space fluctuated slightly, and Qin Mo quickly stepped out of the distortion of space.


Qin Mo gave a slight salute to Flanders, who was dealing with college affairs.

Although Flanders was greedy for money and stingy, he was very competent in his position as dean. Even the integration of students from Lanba College and Shrek College was handled in an orderly manner.

At least according to Qin Mo's mental induction just now, there was no chaos inside the academy.

Seeing Qin Mo's appearance, Flanders quickly raised his head, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and said: "Didn't you go to practice with Shanhe Mianxia? Why did you suddenly come back, where are Lingling, Xiaowu, Tang San and the others? "

Hearing this, Qin Mo looked slightly helpless and explained immediately.

Seeing this, Flanders couldn't help but smile on his face and said, "Okay, you came back just in time. The prince has arranged for people to come to inquire every day these days."

"Old Zhao, Ma Hongjun, they should be practicing in the training ground now. After you arrange your training, you will just go to the Prince's Mansion, so you don't need me to show you the way."

Hearing this, Qin Mo's eyes moved slightly, he shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "No, I can find it."

After speaking, Qin Mo immediately released his mental power and quickly found the location of the training ground. He then gave a slight salute to Flanders and disappeared directly into the dean's office.

Seeing this, Flanders didn't pay attention and continued to bend down to deal with the documents on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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