The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 171 Goodbye Xue Qinghe!Haotian's reaction!

Chapter 171 Goodbye Xue Qinghe!Haotian's reaction!

Tiandou Imperial City—Prince’s Mansion!


The space fluctuated slightly. After Qin Mo arranged the training tasks for Ma Hongjun, Oscar and others, he went directly to the Prince's Mansion.

The waiters and guards in the Prince's Mansion seemed to have received instructions from 'Xue Qinghe'. The moment Qin Mo arrived outside the Prince's Mansion, the guards guarding the Prince's Mansion all gave Qin Mo a slight salute.

The captain of the guard at the head even said respectfully: "I have seen Count Shuofeng!"

After the Soul Master Elite Competition, as the captain of the championship team Shrek Team, Qin Mo received the status of earl nobleman personally conferred by Emperor Xue Ye.

He was called the 'Earl of Shuofeng' because the territory chosen by Emperor Xueye for Qin Mo was the 'Shuofeng Plain'. The Shuofeng Plain was located in an extremely fertile plain within the province to which Tiandou Imperial City belonged.

This Shuofeng Plain was originally controlled by the Tiandou royal family. It was just a plain. The annual tax was not even worse than that of the smallest province in the Tiandou Empire. However, in order to win over Qin Mo, he directly gave away such a piece of fat to Qin Mo. In the hands of Qin Mo.

The value alone is much higher than the canonized earl title. If the Shuofeng Plain had not been owned by the Tiandou royal family for generations, many officials and nobles in the empire would not agree at all.

Even so, there was a lot of wrangling over the granting of this territory.

Seeing this, Qin Mo nodded slightly and asked, "Is His Highness the Crown Prince in the mansion?"

The captain of the guard replied respectfully: "Earl Shuo Feng came just in time. A quarter of an hour ago, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince just returned from the court."

Hearing this, Qin Mo raised his head slightly to confirm the time, with a hint of surprise in his eyes. Was he going to court at this time?No wonder he has an innate talent of level [-], but his soul power level has only reached the soul saint level now.

Before Qin Mo could say anything, a figure wearing light cyan clothes and with white hair quickly appeared at the gate of the Prince's Mansion and walked towards Qin Mo.

As this figure appeared, the guards in front of Qin Mo showed respectful expressions on their faces: "I've seen Chief Fana."

Manager Fana waved his hand slightly, indicating that he should return to his post. Then he showed a trace of respect on his face, bowed slightly to Qin Mo, and said with a smile: "Earl Shuofeng, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is waiting in the main hall. Please follow me."

Qin Mo paused for a moment and looked at the gray-haired figure in front of him, with a strange look in his eyes, a Contra, and it was a Contra with a soul power level approaching level [-].

Although the aura's concealment was extremely perfect, it was very likely that Wuhun was good at concealment and even the titled Douluo couldn't detect it, but he couldn't escape Qin Mo's eyes at all.

A being of this level of strength is already considered a pillar to the Tiandou Empire, and now he is working as a general manager in the Prince's Mansion. He is obviously from the Spirit Hall.

However, Qin Mo was only a little surprised and had no intention of interfering.

In other words, even if 'Xue Qinghe' became the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, Qin Mo wouldn't care much. After all, the Douluo Continent is a world where strength comes first.

Under Qin Mo's gaze, General Manager Fana felt a little frightened, and there was a faint feeling of being seen through, but before he could think about it, Qin Mo's voice sounded.

"Here comes Controller Laufana."

Hearing this, Chief Fana quickly concentrated his attention, with a hint of humility on his face, and said with a respectful smile: "Earl Shuo Feng is very polite, please..."

As the crown prince's palace of the Tiandou Empire, it is not even smaller than the current Shrek Academy in terms of size. Especially the level of luxury is not far behind that of the Balak Kingdom. It can be called a small palace in the Tiandou Imperial City.

Along the way, many of the attendants in the Prince's Mansion were extremely respectful when they saw the two of them.

But Qin Mo's eyes became even more strange, because as he went deeper, he sensed more than ten Contra-level existences, although these Contras were all hidden in the dark.

Does Qian Renxue in the original work have so much power around her?

Under the leadership of Chief Fana, Qin Mo came to the tallest and most luxurious building in the Prince's Mansion.

Manager Fana bowed slightly and said respectfully: "Count Shuofeng, His Royal Highness is inside, please..."

Upon seeing this, Qin Mo paused slightly, and looked at General Manager Fana who was frozen in place, not intending to enter. His brows moved slightly, but he didn't wait for Qin Mo to react.

A gentle voice filled with joy quickly came from the hall.

"Brother Qin, please let Qinghe wait..." Different from the past, at this time, 'Xue Qinghe' was dressed in gorgeous clothes. Although his posture was as gentle and elegant as before, it was a little more subtle. Majesty, he walked out of the hall quickly, with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes moved slightly, then a smile appeared on his face and he said: "Brother Xue!"

The manager of Fana next to Qin Mo bowed to 'Xue Qinghe' with great respect, and then quietly retreated.

Not paying attention to the departure of General Manager Fana, 'Xue Qinghe' heard Qin Mo's name, and the smile on his face became gentler, and he said with a smile: "I heard from Dean Flanders that Brother Qin followed Shanhe Mian to practice. I don't know if it's possible." reward?"

Hearing this, Qin Mo showed a wry smile, shook his head slightly and said nothing.

Seeing this, 'Xue Qinghe' paused for a moment, then patted Qin Mo on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your current strength is already the best among your generation. It may not be a bad thing to settle down."

"At your age, your soul power has not even reached level [-]."

Hearing this, Qin Mo rolled his eyes countless times in his heart. If it were the original Xue Qinghe who said this, it would be credible, but you, a person with innate twenty-level soul power and the most talented person in Douluo Continent, how can you have the nerve to say this? Say something like this.

However, although Qin Mo complained in his heart, he did not show it at all on his face. Instead, he shook his head slightly and said calmly: "Brother Xue, on the road of cultivation, you must seize the day and night, and there is no room for slacking off."

There was an extremely firm persistence in his calm tone. 'Xue Qinghe' was slightly startled, and suddenly thought of himself. An extremely complicated look flashed across his eyes, and he froze on the spot.

Seeing this, a being hidden in the dark quickly woke up 'Xue Qinghe' with a voice transmission from his soul. After waking up, 'Xue Qinghe' looked at Qin Mo with more admiration in his eyes and sighed: "No wonder Brother Qin has such strength. Qinghe has learned a lesson."

Hearing this, Qin Mo shook his head slightly and said, "Brother Xue is ridiculous."

Seeing that Qin Mo didn't really want to say anything more in this regard, 'Xue Qinghe' immediately began to change the subject and said with a hint of mystery: "Brother Qin, do you know why I am looking for you?"

Qin Mo paused for a moment, looking at the mysterious appearance of 'Xue Qinghe', he felt very strange in his heart, who would know what you want to do with me, but there was a trace of doubt on his face, and he shook his head slightly to show his ignorance.

Seeing this, a smile suddenly appeared on 'Xue Qinghe''s face, and he said: "I wonder if Shrek Academy has selected the locations of junior and intermediate soul master colleges in each major province?"

Hearing this, with Qin Mo's wisdom, it was not difficult to hear the meaning of 'Xue Qinghe''s words. His eyes instantly looked at 'Xue Qinghe' and said: "Brother Xue means..."

Seeing Qin Mo who reacted instantly, the smile on Xue Qinghe's face became brighter and brighter. He actually took Qin Mo's arm and walked towards the main hall with a smile: "Hahaha, it's just what you thought... ·····”

"Gu is the honorary dean of all Shrek's junior and intermediate soul master academies. Let's go and show you the location of the academy that Gu is carefully selected..."


Haotian Sect—the main hall of the sect!
The auras of the six incomparably powerful figures in the hall were pulling each other, and an extremely depressing aura lingered.


An extremely angry voice burst out from the mouth of a lanky old man: "I don't agree. No matter how strong Tang Hao is, it doesn't matter. He is the sinner of the sect!"

As the thin elder finished speaking, several old men in the hall showed recognition in their eyes.

If it was the forces under Wuhun Palace that were destroyed, they would not stop there, but what was destroyed was the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, which was also one of the three upper sects.

After secret investigation by Tang Xiao and two title-level elders, they all determined that the traces on the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family ruins were not left by their ancestor Tang Chen.

Apart from the ancestor Tang Chen, the only Clear Sky Hammer who lives outside is Tang Hao.

"That's enough! Old Seven."

Below Tang Xiao, an old man with long eyebrows called out in a deep voice.

Hearing the voice of the long-browed old man, although the anger in the seventh elder's eyes did not weaken at all, his face softened a little, but his tone was still slightly angry.

On the main seat, looking at the scene in front of him, even though he was a level 96 super Douluo, Tang Xiao still felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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