The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 172 Jiang is indeed still old and cunning!

Chapter 172 Jiang is indeed still old and cunning!
Outside the Prince's Mansion, the sky was already dark. Qin Mo walked slowly towards the direction of Shrek Academy, with thoughts in his eyes.

Thinking about the abnormal strength hidden around 'Xue Qinghe', at this moment, the hidden titled Douluo in the Prince's Mansion, in addition to She Long and Thorn Blood in the original work, there is also an existence with a soul power level far higher than the two, with an extremely dark and hidden aura. , even if it weren't for the sound transmission by soul power, Qin Mo wouldn't be able to notice it.

In addition, the number of Contras in the Prince's Mansion was also extremely abnormal. The number of Contras he sensed along the way exceeded the number of hands.

If 'Xue Qinghe' in the original work had such powerful weapons around him, Ning Fengzhi and Tang San might not be able to snatch Emperor Xue Ye from 'Xue Qinghe'.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo glanced at the location of Tiandou Imperial Palace, with a slight fluctuation in his eyes, and thought to himself: "I'm afraid Emperor Xueye doesn't have much time left..."

The increase in strength around 'Xue Qinghe', coupled with the destruction of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, resulted in Ning Fengzhi having no time to pay attention to Emperor Xue Ye at all.

Even because of the destruction of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Ning Fengzhi wished in his heart that Emperor Xue Ye would fall earlier to make way for his disciple Xue Qinghe, and then have a deeper cooperation with the Tiandou Empire.

Without the attention of Ning Fengzhi Qibao Glazed Sect, and Dugu Bo was currently with his granddaughter and not in Tiandou Imperial City, Yang Wudi, who was also good at toxicology and pharmacology, was also still in Xingluo Empire.

At this moment, except for Qin Mo, no one in Tiandou Imperial City can remove the toxins from Emperor Xue Ye. However, even if Qin Mo removes the toxins from Emperor Xue Ye, Emperor Xue Ye will not survive for long, and for this, at least Consume an 'elixir' with jelly grass as the main medicine.

The toxins have already penetrated into Emperor Xue Ye's bone marrow, and his life energy has long been exhausted. Qin Mo has no intention of wasting the 'elixir' on Emperor Xue Ye.

And the most important thing is that compared to Xue Beng, the so-called orthodox Tiandou royal bloodline, Qin Mo would rather Qian Renxue's 'Xue Qinghe' to take the throne.

Although there are many reasons for wanting to slow down Qian Renxue's pace of becoming a god.

If nothing unexpected happens, it won’t be long before we hear the news of Emperor Xueye’s death.

But compared to these, Qin Mo is more concerned about the many junior and intermediate soul master academies that the 'Xue Qinghe' plan has planned to build in major provinces.

This is related to Qin Mo's future plan, and there is no room for carelessness.

As for what 'Xue Qinghe' said as the honorary dean of the college, just listen to it. Whoever believes it is a fool.

In the original plan, Qin Mo planned to start from scratch, starting from the intermediate soul master academy, but 'Xue Qinghe' gave him another choice, an extremely tempting choice.

At this moment, Qin Mo's space necklace contained a map that detailed the locations, names, environments, and facilities of all junior and intermediate soul master academies in the Tiandou Empire.

Many of the colleges with excellent locations are marked with red circles, and these colleges marked with red circles are the best choices among many soul master colleges.

The meaning is self-evident. As long as Qin Mo nods, it won't be long before these colleges marked with red circles will be renamed 'Shrek'.

Compared to building a college from scratch, it is undoubtedly much faster. It only requires slight modifications, and it can be completely established in less than a few weeks. Moreover, the location of the college is definitely much better than the one Qin Mo chose.

After all, the well-located areas within the Tiandou Empire are already occupied by many soul master families, nobles, royal families, and royal families.

Faced with this kind of temptation, even Qin Mo couldn't control it and wanted to agree directly.

But if they agree, it means that Shrek Academy has completely boarded the boat of "Xue Qinghe". Even Qin Mo can already imagine how many elements of Wuhun Palace these academies will have.

This aspect indeed does more harm than good for Shrek Academy, but for Qin Mo, it does more good than harm. In fact, the most important thing for Qin Mo is not the college itself, but the nominal ownership of the college.

Even Qin Mo couldn't make a decision on the pros and cons, so Qin Mo didn't agree directly in the end, but chose to delay.

Xue Qinghe expressed that he wanted to discuss it with his grandfather Qin Dong and Dean Flanders.


Prince's Mansion - the main hall!
After Qin Mo left, 'Xue Qinghe' did not leave the main hall, but ordered all the nearby waiters to leave. After all the waiters left the main hall, 'Xue Qinghe''s soul power fluctuated slightly, and he changed directly from a gentle young man to a... A stunningly beautiful lady.

Then he spoke into the darkness: "Grandpa Ghost Leopard."

As Qian Renxue's words fell, Ghost Leopard Douluo slowly emerged from the darkness, while She Long and Thorn Blood, who were also in the darkness, quietly flashed outside the main hall to guard.

Looking at Qian Renxue's restored appearance, Ghost Leopard Douluo showed a hint of affection in his eyes, but then reminded him: "Young Master, this Qin Mo... is very strange..."

Ghost Leopard Douluo paused slightly, with a hint of solemnity in his tone, and said: "I feel a hint of danger in him..."

Before Ghost Leopard Douluo could finish speaking, Qian Renxue stood up instantly and exclaimed: "How is that possible, Grandpa Ghost Leopard, you are a super Douluo with a soul power level of 96."

Even Qian Renxue herself, relying on the god-level martial soul 'Seraph', when the martial soul's true form is activated, can at most be comparable to some new Titled Douluo beings in combat power, and cannot threaten the soul at all. A super Douluo with power up to level 96.

Seeing Qian Renxue's disbelief, Ghost Leopard Douluo narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Young Master, I'm afraid Qin Mo's strength is not as simple as it seems..."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue's eyes quickly showed a look of thinking. For a moment, Qian Renxue's face calmed down and she said with a smile: "It's not easy. The stronger Qin Mo is, the better it is for us."

Hearing this, Ghost Leopard Douluo paused slightly. He was naturally very clear about Qian Renxue's plan and said, "Young Master, will he agree?"

A beautiful smile appeared on Qian Renxue's face, and she said with great confidence: "He will agree."

Shrek Academy - Dean's Office!

"Boy Mo, are you stupid? Why don't you agree?" Zhao Wuji's loud voice suddenly sounded.

The look in Qin Mo's eyes was filled with incredulity, as if he didn't understand why Qin Mo disagreed.

Not only Zhao Wuji, but also Flanders: "That's right, Mr. Mo, this is a huge benefit."

Seeing the excited expressions of Flanders and Zhao Wuji, Qin Mo was slightly stunned, obviously not understanding what they meant.

Seeing this, Flanders and Zhao Wuji suddenly showed a smile on their faces. It was definitely the first time for Flanders and Zhao Wuki to see Qin Mo, who had always been extremely mature, showing such an appearance.

Seeing Qin Mo still looking a little confused, Flanders and Zhao Wuji looked at each other, with a hint of helplessness in their voices, and said, "Boy Mo, have you forgotten that the most important thing about our Shrek Academy is where we are?" College.”

"No matter how many other junior and intermediate soul master academies there are, they are just side effects. In the end, won't they all return to us?"

"And you are worried that the academy will be interfered by the empire or other forces, or even forced to take sides, it doesn't matter at all."

"The college rules of Shrek Academy will not change, nor will they affect the civilian soul masters who enroll, study, and practice. This is enough for us... and for those civilian soul masters, After all, there are only a few talented soul masters."

"As long as the rules of our Shrek Academy remain unchanged, then wouldn't the civilian soul masters be the ones who benefit the most?"

"And... the most important thing is that it doesn't matter if these junior and intermediate soul master academies are gone, as long as Emperor Xue Ye's imperial edict is not abolished..." Flanders said with a look on his face An extremely cunning expression.

Qin Mo was enlightened instantly, and his eyes suddenly revealed a look of great understanding.

As expected, Jiang is still old and cunning!
(End of this chapter)

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