The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 173: Enshrinement Hall!Star Luo!

Chapter 173: Enshrinement Hall!Star Luo!

Wuhun City - Worship Hall!

The second enshrinement of the Golden Crocodile in Wuhun Palace looked at the letter in front of him gently and said with a smile: "Hahaha, Xiao Xue'er finally thought of us old guys, but it's a pity that it's just such a simple little thing."

After saying that, he handed the letter in his hand to the other worshipers.

Looking at the contents of the letter, all the worshipers present had gentle expressions in their eyes. Even the demigod Qian Daoliu, who had a soul power as high as level 99, had a slight smile on his face at this moment.

Qianjun and Jiangmo, the two great priests, said with smiles on their faces: "Second brother, no matter how small the matter is, this is the first time that Xiaoxue'er has asked us for help in these years..."

"Hahaha, that's true. You should really pay more attention." Jin Crocodile Priest slightly stroked his beard, with a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes, and continued: "Tiled Douluo of the space system, plus Soul Douluo The Jiuxin Begonia of the highest level is quite qualified. If Xiao Xueer can conquer it, it will be of great use to our Spirit Hall."

Many of the worshipers present nodded slightly. As the most powerful force with the longest inheritance in the entire continent, they naturally understood the power of the space title and the Contra-level Nine Heart Begonia.

However, Jin Crocodile Worshiper suddenly changed his words and looked directly at Qian Daoliu, with a faint smile on his face and said: "Brother, does Xiao Xueer think too highly of that little guy named Qin Mo..." ··”

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the worship hall. Qianjun, Jiangmo and many other worshipers all looked at Qiandaoliu with a trace of strangeness in their eyes.

Faced with the ridicule of the Golden Crocodile, Qian Daoliu's expression did not change at all, but he said extremely calmly: "That little guy is really good. His soul power reached the level of Soul King at only fourteen years old. Even compared to me and even Tang Chen back then. She is a little stronger, but compared to Xue'er, there is only a difference between Yunni and Yunni."

As the guardian of the God of Angels, he naturally understands the difficulty of becoming a god. For countless years in Wuhun Hall, only Qian Renxue has the hope of inheriting the position of god.

As strong as Qian Daoliu, Bo Saixi, and Tang Chen, the three semi-god-level beings have stopped here. Even if Tang Chen failed in the last step due to the influence of the blood-red nine-headed bat king, failure is failure, and it is ultimately a dream. flower.

In response to what Qian Daoliu said, all the worshipers present nodded subconsciously. As the worship elders of Wuhun Hall, they naturally understood what Qian Daoliu meant.

Compared with Qian Renxue, who had an innate soul power of level 100 and was almost [-]% capable of becoming a god, even though Qin Mo was extremely talented, he was just ordinary.

Looking at Qian Daoliu's extremely calm face, Golden Crocodile Douluo put away the half-smiling expression on his face. Qian Renxue's letter request really made them, who were basically nearly a hundred years old and broken. The old guys felt much more relaxed and even dared to tease Qian Daoliu directly.

Immediately, Qian Daoliu's voice sounded again, his tone was much more serious: "Qianjun! Conquer the devil!"



Qianjun and Jiangmo, the two super Douluo, stood up quickly to respond.

"You should pay close attention to what Xue'er told you..." Qian Daoliu paused slightly, his eyes moved, and he seemed to have seen the Pope's Palace, which was not too far away from the Enshrinement Hall. His tone gradually became indifferent and said: "Goodbye Let irrelevant people interfere."

Hearing this, Qian Jun, Jiang Mo, and even the other worshipers all had their eyes fixed. They naturally understood who the irrelevant person Qian Dao Liu was talking about was.

But no matter whether it was Qianjun, Jiangmo or other offerings, they didn't care at all. The two major offerings, Qianjun and Jiangmo, responded quickly.

"Yes! Great offering!"

"Yes! Great offering!"

Star Luo Empire——Imperial Palace!
Compared with the Imperial Palace of the Tiandou Empire, the Imperial Palace of the Star Luo Empire was less luxurious and more wild and chilling. Even the clothes of the officials were convenient and practical.

At this moment, on the supreme throne in the main hall, the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire lowered his eyes, as if sleeping like a tiger.

The officials and nobles below had different expressions, but they seemed to be worried about something. They were all silent, as if they were waiting for something.

Among them, half a step in front of the officials, there was a muscular figure with blond hair shawl and a look of loneliness on his face. From his face, which was very similar to the figure on the throne, he was the eldest prince of the Star Luo Empire, Davis. .

At this moment, Davis no longer had the high spirits he had in the Soul Master Elite Competition.

Not far from Davis, Duke Netherworld, who was wearing the attire of a Duke of the Star Luo Empire, had a slightly cold expression on his face.

But it wasn't because of the defeat of Davis, the eldest prince who everyone had high hopes for.

After all, for their Netherworld Duke's Palace, no matter which prince of the Xingluo Royal Family wins the final victory, for their Netherworld Duke's Palace, their status will not change at all.

Therefore, compared to other officials and nobles of the Star Luo Empire, their Netherworld Duke Palace never had to take sides. No, no, it should be said that their Netherworld Duke Palace naturally sided with the Star Luo Emperor.

The martial soul fusion skill 'Netherworld White Tiger' that can be passed down stably means that no matter who the final winner is, the power of their Netherworld Duke's Palace will ultimately be indispensable. The position of emperor and empress must come from their Netherworld Duke's Palace.

But with Dai Mubai returning alone, their situation in Netherworld Duke Palace will definitely be affected.

Although the status of the Netherworld Duke Palace will not decline due to the existence of the martial soul fusion skill 'Netherworld White Tiger', I am afraid that the family's interests will inevitably be affected, at least during Dai Mubai's tenure.

The Duke of Netherworld glanced at Davis, who was not far away with a faint trace of decadence, and a trace of indifference flashed in his eyes: "Trash, something that doesn't live up to expectations..." At the same time, he looked at a certain person who ran away from home and refused to return. The dishonest daughter of the family was also extremely dissatisfied.

While waiting, slight but steady footsteps gradually approached.

In the main hall, many officials and nobles, including Duke Netherworld and Davis, all paused slightly. The Star Luo Emperor on the throne was even more shocked in vain, and his eyes trembled slightly and slowly opened.

In an instant, an extremely powerful roar of a tiger seemed to resound in the hall.


As the Star Luo Emperor opened his eyes, many officials, nobles, and even the Duke of Netherworld and the eldest prince Davis subconsciously dwarfed their bodies and bowed slightly to show respect.

The next moment, a slightly sharp but extremely loud voice sounded.

"Announcement—the third prince Dai Mubai has entered the palace!"

"Announcement—the third prince Dai Mubai has entered the palace!"

"Announcement—the third prince Dai Mubai has entered the palace!"

The loud voice instantly echoed in the main hall and even the palace.

Outside the main hall, Dai Mubai, who was wearing a black tiger-print costume that vaguely resembled the emperor's robe of the Star Luo Empire, looked at the extremely tall palace door in front of him, his eyes wavered slightly, as if he was thinking of his young age. hour.

Many emotions flickered in his eyes, but in an instant, they were swept away by Dai Mubai. His eyes turned into extremely confident and proud, and he slowly stepped into the hall like a sword unsheathed!

The moment he stepped into the palace gate, nearly a hundred officials and nobles in the hall were all looking at him, as if they wanted to suppress Dai Mubai with countless power in their eyes.

Facing the gazes of nearly a hundred officials and nobles, a trace of contempt flashed across Dai Mubai's eyes.

If it were Dai Mubai in the original work, he might have some scruples, but Dai Mubai, who graduated from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, has no taboos, because he knows that in this world, strength is supreme, and only the strong are eternal.

His mental power fluctuated slightly, and the eyes of a white tiger in the sea of ​​​​consciousness that seemed to be able to tear the heavens and earth apart suddenly opened, and an incomparable tyrannical power erupted.


The milk tiger roars in the valley, all the beasts panic!
Although Dai Mubai's soul power level was only over 50, the power that erupted at this moment was enough to stagnate all the beings in the hall whose soul power level was above level [-].

Officials and nobles whose soul power level was lower than level [-] were directly forced back a few steps by this force and lowered their heads unconsciously.

Only those beings whose strength reached the Contra level were not affected, but they also felt the extremely domineering and decisive will from the power that Dai Mubai exploded.

The reluctance and reluctance that were still lingering in his eyes slowly dissipated, and a trace of recognition gradually appeared.

Under the power, the already lonely face of the eldest prince Davis became even more bitter, and a hint of surrender slowly appeared in his eyes.

Not far away, Duke Netherworld showed a trace of sigh and curiosity in his eyes.

After subduing all the officials and nobles, Dai Mubai's power slowly subsided, and he looked at the figure at the top of the hall, above the throne of the Supreme God, without flinching.

On the throne, Emperor Xing Luo looked at the way the civil and military officials of the dynasty shrank under Dai Mubai's power, with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes. Especially when Dai Mubai looked at him without any cowardice, Xing Luo was even more dismayed. The Emperor was extremely satisfied.

You know, even the eldest prince Davis, who once had high hopes from all the forces in the Star Luo Empire and had every advantage, would feel cowardly when facing him.

It wasn't until the two were a hundred steps away that Dai Mubai slowly lowered his head, knelt on one knee, and said solemnly: "My son, I pay homage to my father!"


Emperor Xingluo's majestic voice instantly echoed in the hall, and the overbearing will in his voice made all the officials and nobles in the hall feel tense.

Only then did I suddenly realize that the two people at the front were so similar, the same domineering, the same majesty...
As Emperor Xingluo finished speaking, Dai Mubai stood up slowly, his eyes extremely calm.

Seeing this, Emperor Xingluo nodded inconspicuously, then looked at the person beside him, and said in an indifferent voice: "Declarate the edict!"


An old man wearing eunuch clothes next to the Star Luo Empire immediately bowed slightly and took a step forward, opening the imperial edict in his hand. The loud voice quickly echoed throughout the entire Star Luo Imperial Palace.


(End of this chapter)

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