Chapter 174 One Year

Time flies by, and a year passes quietly.

Outside Tiandou City, at the core of the Sunset Forest, under the giant waterfall, two young figures flickered. There was obviously no fluctuation in soul power, but the rocks and ground where they passed were cracked.

Countless fist and leg prints were scattered all over the lake shore.

"Okay! Stop..." Tang Hao's voice sounded.

Tang San and Xiao Wu froze slightly and quickly stopped.

Compared with a year ago, the two of them have matured a lot. Although they are a little embarrassed, their eyes are brighter than ever.

"Oops! Uncle Hao, I'm obviously almost going to win..."

After living together for a year, Xiao Wu had long since determined that Tang Hao would not do anything to her, and even seemed to be happy to see the relationship between her and Tang San succeed. This also made Xiao Wu gradually become cheerful and relaxed.

Although Tang Hao is controlled by Qin Mo's 'Yin Yang Soul Control Pill', without Qin Mo's orders, he is actually no different from a normal person. His memory, senses, views and practices towards others and things will not change. affected.

Compared to the original work where he controlled power by practicing the 'Chaotic Cloak Hammering Technique', cultivating the 'potent' Tang San was undoubtedly extremely simple. It even took only half a year to achieve the level that it took a year in the original work.

And in just half a year, the Haotian Sect's secret method of accumulating soul power has obviously not reached its limit.

As for Xiao Wu, she doesn't have such worries. There is no limit to the path of pure control of strength and extreme explosion.

So Tang Hao directly taught Tang San all the nine skills of Haotian, and asked Tang San to fight Xiao Wu.

And without using soul skills and soul power, Xiao Wu with the beast spirit undoubtedly had the upper hand. At the beginning, Tang San couldn't even last a minute when facing Xiao Wu.

Even after half a year, the persistence time had only been extended from one minute to a quarter of an hour. After all, it wasn't just Tang San who was making progress.

In fact, Tang San was able to hold on for a quarter of an hour in Xiao Wu's hands without using his soul power or soul skills, which was already considered very good.

After all, the 'one-hit Shura' route taken by Xiao Wu is already the best at close combat. Coupled with the combat intuition brought by the soul beast transformation, as well as the sharp perception of the rabbit spirit, without using soul skills, soul skills, etc. Even Qin Mo may not dare to say that he can suppress him when he fights with his physical strength, martial spirit, and only his physical body.

Looking at Xiao Wu acting coquettishly, a wry smile appeared on Tang San's face. Over the past six months, he had been defeated several times every day, and he was somewhat used to it.

Tang Hao also had a soft look on his face, shook his head slightly and said, "Let's talk about it next time, the soul power accumulation in your body has reached its limit."

Hearing this, Tang San and Xiao Wu's eyes instantly showed a hint of surprise, especially Xiao Wu, who jumped up and said excitedly: "Uncle Hao, is it true???"

In the past year, although they did not practice asceticism as in the original work, they did not have much time to rest. They only had two days per month to return to Tiandou City to relax.

Of course, for Tang San, who was seriously lacking in love and had a resolute temperament, it was nothing, but for Xiao Wu, it was an incomparable torment. Moreover, even if Tang Hao would not attack her, in terms of cultivation, she If you slack off, a scare is inevitable.

Looking at Xiao Wu who was jumping for joy, Tang San's eyes became extremely gentle.

Tang Hao also had a smile on his face, but he still said seriously: "Concentrate your concentration and calm down, prepare to cultivate your soul power!"

After finishing speaking, the thick and powerful arms quickly fell on Tang San and Xiao Wu. The hot and domineering soul power quickly spread to the two people's dantian soul sea, and the restraints shattered.

Tang San and Xiao Wu felt as if a volcano of soul power was erupting within their bodies, and extremely surging soul power crazily poured out from the Dantian Soul Sea.

Not daring to be careless, Tang San and Xiao Wu quickly sat cross-legged and began to circulate their soul power, absorbing this majestic soul power.

At the same time, in the inner training ground of Shrek Academy in Tiandou City, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, Lin Nuo, and Zhu Zhuqing were also sitting cross-legged, with powerful soul power fluctuations constantly lingering.

Flender, Zhao Wuji and many inner courtyard teachers looked at the five people who were cultivating and making breakthroughs, with extremely satisfied eyes in their eyes. At the same time, Vlad and other inner courtyard teachers also felt a little reluctant to give up.

After all, the graduation level of the inner courtyard is to reach level [-] soul power. After this, I am afraid that these little guys in front of me have met the requirements. I am afraid that in a short time, there will be no sequence students in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy.

However, this will only happen in a short period of time. After a year, after Qin Mo agreed to the conditions given by 'Xue Qinghe', all nine Shrek intermediate soul master academies and 28 Shrek academies in the Tiandou Empire were completed. , even the latest college to be completed has been open for nearly half a year.

In other words, within a few months at most, the nine intermediate Shrek Soul Master Colleges will be able to start providing feedback. There may not be many students who meet the graduation requirements, and there will be even fewer students with Lingran talents. They may even not choose to continue studying in Shrek's Advanced Soul Master Academy. Teachers College.

But the nine intermediate soul master academies combined can still provide a few inner academy students for Shrek's advanced soul master academy.

And it's not just the nine intermediate soul master academies. Because Shrek Academy won the championship of the soul master elite competition a year ago, there are many talented students among the newly admitted students this year. However, they are still under investigation. It did not become the inner court sequence.

With the establishment of Shrek's junior and intermediate soul master academy, as the only Shrek's advanced soul master academy, the rules have naturally become more standardized and strict, especially the elimination system.

As for whether there will be dissatisfaction and resentment among students, Shrek Academy doesn't care at all.

After all, the opportunity has been given to them. If they are eliminated, they can only blame themselves for not working hard enough. Shrek Academy provides knowledge, training environment, soul rings, and even if they work hard enough, these are completely free. In this case, they are eliminated. Well deserved.

Shrek Academy can tolerate students' lack of talent, but it cannot tolerate students not working hard.

Of course, if there are soul masters who are waiting to die and can afford to pay the tuition that doubles every year, Shrek Academy will not refuse.In addition to the many junior and intermediate soul master academies in the Tiandou Empire, the junior and intermediate soul master academies in the Star Luo Empire have also begun construction, and will definitely be completed in at least another half year.

However, compared to 'Xue Qinghe', Dai Mubai has only been confirmed as the crown prince for a year after all. Even with the cooperation of many officials and nobles of the empire, it is impossible to directly acquire the empire's properties like 'Xue Qinghe' did. The Soul Master Academy is undergoing reconstruction, after all, this involves the interests of all aspects.

Even though there are not many junior and intermediate soul master academies, it is not that simple to make concessions to the many forces in the Star Luo Empire. Rather than arguing with these forces, it is better to directly find a suitable location and build it from scratch. Academy.

Of course, the most important reason why the Tiandou Empire can achieve this is because of the power of the worship hall hidden behind the 'Xue Qinghe'. If the Star Luo Empire wants to achieve the level of the Tian Dou Empire, unless the Xing Luo Empire The emperor abdicated directly, and Dai Mubai ascended the throne and became the Star Luo Emperor.

It is worth mentioning that Emperor Xue Ye of the Tiandou Empire has become increasingly sluggish this year. During this period, his consciousness was sometimes blurred and sometimes clear. As the prince, 'Xue Qinghe' has completely supervised the country.

After overseeing the country in 'Xue Qinghe', Prince Xue Xing and the third prince Xue Beng immediately asked themselves to go to the bitter cold place of the Arctic Icefield in order to survive when Emperor Xue Ye regained consciousness.

As for the truth that Prince Xue Xing secretly investigated, he did not dare to bring it out, even in front of Emperor Xue Ye. After all, the current Tiandou Empire is different from the original work. At this moment, he does not have Dugu Bo's protection by his side.

Regarding Prince Xue Xing and Xue Beng's request, Emperor Xue Ye did not hesitate and agreed directly. He even asked 'Xue Qinghe' to draft the decree and write the edict in person. The meaning was extremely obvious.

If 'Xue Qinghe' is really Xue Qinghe, there is still life in Xue Qinghe, but unfortunately it is not... Whether it is Prince Xue Xing or the third prince Xue Beng, they are definitely dead, and they may even walk in front of Emperor Xue Ye.

After all, in a bitterly cold place like the Arctic Icefield, where the people are strong and strong, isn't it normal for some accidents to happen?

'Ice and Fire Eyes'

In front of the Blue Silver Emperor, who had grown nearly half a meter taller than a year ago, Ye Lingling sat cross-legged, with the martial soul of 'Nine Hearts Begonia' suspended, and the surging soul power kept fluctuating.

Qin Mo was protecting Ye Lingling.

During this year, Qin Mo spent the rest of his time in the 'Eye of Ice and Fire', except for completing the plan when the junior and intermediate soul master colleges in the Tiandou Empire were being renovated.

After watching the fluctuating soul power on Ye Lingling's body gradually stabilize, Qin Mo relaxed slightly, a light flashed in his eyes, and the attribute panel instantly appeared in front of Qin Mo's eyes.

【Name: Qin Mo】

[Martial Soul: Qiankun Ding]

[Soul Power: LV70]

[Physique: LV89]

[Spiritual Power: LV89]


[First Soul Skill: Space Domain (100000)]

[Second Soul Skill: Time Domain (100000)]

[Third Soul Skill: Sun Realm (100000)]

[Fourth Soul Skill: Yin Realm (100000)]

[Fifth Soul Skill: Field of Fire (100000)]

[Sixth Soul Skill: Domain of Water (100000)]

[Equipment: Space Soul Guidance Device (500 cubic meters)]

[Dojo: Lima Plain, Shuofeng Plain...]

[Origin of the world: 46.75 squares↑]

[Plane opened: Douluo Continent]

In one year, in order to complete his plan, Qin Mo spent more than 5000 million points of world origin to make all the territories granted by the Tiandou Empire, as well as many areas around the junior and intermediate Shrek Academy, his own. Dojo.

Since some areas did not belong to 'Shrek', it cost Qin Mo a lot of world origin, but it was all worthwhile for Qin Mo.

Although they are located in various parts of the Tiandou Empire, the combined size of all the dojos is no smaller than the area of ​​the largest province in the Tiandou Empire.

And as the scope of the dojo controlled by the 'Qiankun Cauldron' continues to expand and become more 'real', it naturally begins to feed Qin Mo back. Not only the soul power level, but also the mental power and physical strength have been greatly improved. of blessing.

Coupled with the excellent training environment of the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' and the help of pills to assist training, Qin Mo's soul power level reached the bottleneck of level [-] as early as half a month ago.

(End of this chapter)

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