The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 175 Ye Lingling breaks through level 6

Chapter 175 Ye Lingling breaks through level [-]
In addition to reaching level [-] in soul power, many skills have also made great progress in this year's practice.

In addition, Qin Mo also expanded the space size of the space necklace on his body. The fifty cubic meters of space seemed a bit too small even for the previous Qin Mo.

The refined elixir alone takes up most of it, not to mention other miscellaneous items.

But compared with these, what is more important is Qin Mo's martial spirit 'Qiankun Ding'.

Originally, after the martial spirit of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' expanded to one third of the size of the Lima Plain with the 'dojo', it gave Qin Mo a faint feeling that it was more real. At this moment, the scope of the 'dojo' is comparable to that of Tiandou. The largest province in the empire.

The soul power fluctuated slightly, and the "Qiankun Cauldron" martial soul quietly emerged on Qin Mo's right palm.

The martial soul of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' at this moment is much more ordinary than a year ago. Without Qin Mo using his soul power or mental power, it is like a divine object that has eclipsed itself.
But only Qin Mo himself knows what kind of power the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit will have once he breaks out.

As the 'dojo' expanded, the martial spirit of the 'Qiankun Ding' became more 'real', and the connection between the 'Qiankun Ding' and Qin Mo himself became deeper.

In addition, the soul power consumption of activating soul skills has been reduced a lot. Although domain soul skills are extremely powerful, the consumption of soul power is also exaggerated.

A year ago, if the six realms of soul skills were activated at the same time, the soul power in Qin Mo's body could not even last for a quarter of an hour. Even if the time domain was used to flow back time, the consumption would be even more terrifying.

But now, even if the six major fields are fully opened, it is enough to last for an hour, and the time that can be reversed is also longer.

However, rather than saying that the soul power consumption has decreased, it is better to say that the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial soul has begun to gradually convert the six major areas into its own power, just like the natal treasure in myths and legends.

This is also the reason why Qin Mo's strength has improved at such an exaggerated rate this year. Rather than improving his strength, it is more about the continuous transformation of the 'Qiankun Ding', which has allowed Qin Mo's physical upper limit to continue to expand.

The cultivation of soul power and the consumption of auxiliary elixirs are more like recovery than improvement, and there is not even a trace of emptiness. The soul power in the body is extremely stable and pure.

The physical and mental strength that are not restricted by the rules of the world has reached the limit of level 89. It is only a little short of being able to break the boundaries and reach the title level.

In addition, with the expansion of the scope of the 'Dojo' and the gradual recognition of many students and civilians in the 'Dojo', the speed of collecting the world's origins has also reached an extremely impressive level.

Even every few seconds, the origin of the world continues to converge towards the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit. The number of world origin points gathered in a single day has reached tens of thousands, and the speed of the gathering of the origin of the world is still increasing day by day.

After all, the inner recognition of beings in the territory and academy will continue to increase.

At this rate, the more than [-] million world sources consumed by the expansion of the 'Dojo' can be fully recovered in two or three years at most.

If we wait until the Star Luo Empire's junior and intermediate soul master colleges are completed, the speed of world origin collection will definitely increase again.


The soul power in the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' began to fluctuate in vain. Qin Mo woke up instantly and looked quickly at Ye Lingling.

At this moment, the huge soul power contained in the 'Eye of Ice and Fire' was rapidly gathering towards her under the influence of Ye Lingling's mental power.

The fluctuation of soul power in Ye Lingling's body has reached the limit of level 59, and it is possible to break through at any time.However, Qin Mo could sense that the originally violent soul power in Ye Lingling gradually calmed down, and it was obviously no longer enough for Ye Lingling to break through.

Seeing the gathering soul power, Qin Mo's eyes showed a clear look, and he immediately understood what Ye Lingling was thinking.

Although the Haotian Sect's secret method of 'suppression and explosion' is of great help to soul masters who are at the level of forty-level soul sects and fifty-level soul kings, there are limits.

Normally, with the talents of Ye Lingling, Tang San and others, they can increase their soul power by at least three levels in a year at the soul master and soul king levels.

This secret method of Haotian Sect can increase the efficiency by about twice at most, and can only be used once. Ye Lingling's original soul power level reached level 53 at the end of the soul master competition.

After suppressing it for a year, the maximum increase in soul power after the explosion can reach level 59.

However, perhaps it was because of the environment in the 'Eye of Ice and Fire' and the assistance of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' that he reached the limit of level 59, just a hair away from the breakthrough.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Lingling was a little unwilling and wanted to try again to see if he could break through.

Seeing the firmness on Ye Lingling's face, Qin Mo's eyes showed a hint of gentleness, his mental power fluctuated slightly, and the originally 'ordinary' 'Qiankun Ding' in his palm shook in vain, and an extremely mysterious and simple light shone.

In an instant, the field laid out by Qin Mo in the 'Eye of Ice and Fire' quickly began to change, and the endless 'good fortune' quickly began to converge towards Ye Lingling's location.

At the same time, Qin Mo glanced slightly at the 'Blue Silver Emperor', and a spiritual thought quickly burst out.

The next moment, the branches and leaves of 'Blue Silver Emperor' trembled slightly, and a bright light burst out in vain from the main vine. A drop of liquid lingering with the breath of life quickly condensed and dripped towards the 'Nine Hearts Begonia' martial spirit in Ye Lingling's palm.

Ye Lingling originally felt that the power in his body had reached the limit, but he just wanted to try again. After all, he had reached the limit of level 59.

But unexpectedly, before Ye Lingling started to make a formal breakthrough, under the sound of 'Ding Zhen', the soul power that had been forcibly gathered instantly lost all ability to resist, and even seemed to have its own consciousness, quickly gathering into his body. , the martial spirit 'Nine Hearts Begonia' directly emitted an extremely gentle breath of life.


There seemed to be a shattering sound in his ears, the extremely solid bottleneck was directly shattered, and the soul power directly broke through to level [-].

With the breakthrough of soul power, the aura on Ye Lingling's body gradually calmed down.

After a moment, the 'Nine Heart Begonia' in Ye Lingling's palm turned into light and disappeared into Ye Lingling's body.

Qingling's eyes quietly opened, and she looked at Qin Mo who was guarding her. Ye Lingling's face suddenly showed a hint of joy, and her tone was unconsciously a little coquettish, and she said: "Qin Mo, I broke through to sixty." Level."

Hearing this, Qin Mo paused slightly. Looking at Ye Lingling's cute appearance, he subconsciously reached out and pinched Ye Lingling's cheek, feeling the warmth of his fingertips, and a tender look appeared in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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