Chapter 176 The Great Emperor·····Collapse······
Tiandou Empire——Imperial Palace!
In the palace, 'Xue Qinghe' was handling the government documents on the table with a calm expression. Having been the prince for many years, he was already able to handle government affairs with ease, even better than Emperor Xue Ye.

After finishing processing the last government document, 'Xue Qinghe' slowly put down the pen and said, "Uncle She, how are the preparations going?"

As 'Xue Qinghe' finished speaking, She Long's voice quickly sounded: "Miss, we still need Ge Long from the Tiandou Military Department."

Hearing this, 'Xue Qinghe' frowned slightly, stood up and walked around for a moment, then said: "It's not surprising, Ge Long is only loyal to the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire. As long as I sit in that position, he will naturally surrender."

However, just in case, 'Xue Qinghe' still planned to take some precautions, and immediately said: "Uncle She, could you please observe in secret, if Ge Long makes any changes next..."

Although he hadn't finished speaking, She Long immediately nodded and said, "Yes, Miss."

After speaking, he disappeared directly into the palace.

Originally, the two titled Douluo She Long and Thorn Blood were the protectors of 'Xue Qinghe', but with the arrival of Ghost Leopard Douluo a year ago, they now have the protection of Ghost Leopard Douluo.

The two major titled Douluo, She Long and Thorn Blood, were directly liberated and became the two most terrifying knives in the hands of 'Xue Qinghe'.

After seeing She Long disappear, 'Xue Qinghe' paused slightly, with a hint of indifference in his eyes, and said: "Uncle Thornblood, it's your turn to take action, send that old guy Xue Ye on his way, let him live for one more year. , it gives him an advantage."

Hearing this, Galway Douluo nodded slightly, and then instantly turned into a shadow and flew towards the core area of ​​the palace.

Regarding this scene, the many waiters serving in the palace were extremely calm, as if they had not heard the exchange between 'Xue Qinghe' and the two titled Douluo.

'Xue Qinghe' slowly walked to the desk and looked at the many government documents that were organized in an orderly manner. There was an inexplicable look in his eyes, as if he was waiting for something.

Not long...

An extremely sharp sound instantly echoed in the palace.

"The Great Emperor... collapsed..."

As this extremely sharp sound sounded, the entire palace suddenly boiled like boiling water, and countless messy sounds continued to echo.

But if anyone could see the scene in the palace at this moment, they would find something strange in it. The chaos caused by the death of Emperor Xue Ye in the palace seemed to have been rehearsed countless times.

Although the movements of many waiters and guards seemed chaotic and disorderly, there was no sadness in their eyes, but a hint of excitement.

'Xue Qinghe', on the other hand, adjusted his clothes slightly and then quickly ran towards Emperor Xue Ye's palace.

Pope Palace!
Pope Bibi Dong looked at the kneeling figure, with a rare hint of gentleness in his eyes, and said, "Have you really thought about it clearly?"

"If not, I'm afraid I won't be able to surpass him in my whole life." Hu Liena paused for a moment, slowly raised her head to look at Bibi Dong, her eyes full of determination, and said: "Teacher, I am a saint! The saint of Wuhun Palace. ·······”

Looking at Hu Liena's eyes full of determination, Bibi Dong could no longer say any words of dissuasion. Her eyes became gentler. The persistence of the girl in front of her was exactly the same as when she was young, she was so determined.

Since the Wuhundian team suffered a tragic defeat at the hands of Qin Mo a year ago and lost three soul bones, the three members of the Golden Generation and everyone in the Wuhundian team were directly punished into the Death Canyon.

But now, on the second day after the punishment, Hu Liena went directly to the Pope's Palace and asked to enter the Killing City.

As a saint of the Wuhun Palace, the teacher is also one of the contemporary gods of death. Naturally, she is very aware of sinful places like the City of Killing, but Hu Liena still did not hesitate at all.

Bibi Dong couldn't help but stretched out her hand to help Hu Liena up, stroked Hu Liena's hair, and said with an unprecedented softness in her voice: "Since you have made a decision, the teacher will not stop you from entering the killing city. Yes, but you have to remember that you must come back alive."

Feeling the temperature coming from her hair, Hu Liena's eyes quietly flashed with sparkle. She nodded vigorously and said, "Teacher, I can do it." Pope Bibi Dong raised her hand, and a ring on her hand shone brightly. When it was in her palm When he turned it over, an extremely strange, dark dagger with a faint ominous aura and a sickle-like blade appeared in Bibi Dong's hand, and handed it to Hu Liena.

"This is the weapon that the teacher once used. Since you want to enter the killing city, I will give it to you."

Holding the dagger as black as a sickle, her aura was extremely strange and ominous, but Hu Liena felt an incomparable sense of security and said respectfully: "Thank you, teacher."

Outside Tiandou City—the core of Sunset Forest!
Under the majestic waterfall, Qin Mo, Ye Lingling, and Tang Hao were quietly waiting for the two people who were still refining their soul power not far away. After Ye Lingling successfully broke through to level [-], Qin Mo took Ye Lingling with him. They arrived under the waterfall, waiting for the two of them to break through.

At this moment, under the gazes of the three people, the violent soul power fluctuations lingering on Tang San and Xiao Wu were coming to an end. Feeling the soul power fluctuations on Tang San and Xiao Wu, Qin Mo's eyes showed a hint of satisfaction.

Obviously, they have reached the soul power bottleneck and have broken through to level [-]. Even if it were not for the limitation of the soul ring, the soul power level would definitely be able to break through several levels again with this violent soul power.

But this is okay, after all, the soul power refined in the body will not disappear. When the bottleneck of absorbing the soul ring is broken, it can explode together with the soul power in the soul ring, promoting the improvement of the soul power level.

After a moment, an extremely arrogant laugh sounded: "Hahaha, Sister Xiaowu's soul power has exceeded level [-]. Let's continue to compete..."

A year ago, after Qin Mo called Tang San "Little Sanzi" once in the "Ice and Fire Eyes", Xiao Wu's name for Tang San changed from the original Xiaosan, Tang San, and Sange to "Little Sanzi" again. son'.

Especially after learning that Tang Hao was not a threat to him, he had no inhibitions.

Tang San, on the other hand, was a little helpless about this. After all, Xiao Wu was his sister. Let him pamper her...

Hearing Xiao Wu's arrogant voice, Qin Mo's eyes showed a smile, while Ye Lingling beside Qin Mo showed a hint of anger. This year, Xiao Wu's wild nature has been amplified to the extreme.

Seeing how Xiao Wu was laughing with her hands on her hips without caring about her image, Ye Lingling immediately shouted angrily: "Xiao Wu!"

As Ye Lingling's voice sounded, Xiao Wu, who was originally extremely arrogant, paused for an instant, her laughter stopped instantly, and she turned to look at Ye Lingling stiffly: "Ling...Sister Lingling, you..." How did you come."

In Shrek's inner courtyard, Ye Lingling, who is also a girl and entered school earlier than Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing, is undoubtedly a senior sister.

She has the responsibility and obligation to guide Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing, so even if Ye Lingling doesn't like to talk, she is undoubtedly very concerned about Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing.

This was true even after she first learned that Ning Rongrong was from the Qibao Glazed Sect and was the daughter of the head of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

It can be said that the inner courtyard has been so peaceful and stable in the past few years. It is not as chaotic as Shrek Academy in the original book. In addition to Qin Mo's methods and strength, it is also indispensable for Ye Lingling's dedication.

Compared with Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, who is the most immature, reckless, and even unabashed, is undoubtedly the most troublesome existence for Ye Lingling, so naturally he pays the most attention to Xiao Wu.

Moreover, Xiao Wu indeed lacked the most. It took Ye Lingling a lot of time for Xiao Wu to avoid being eliminated by the rules of the inner courtyard.

After several years of hard work, Xiao Wu's "recklessness" has been brought back a little, and now it's good...
Xiao Wu, on the other hand, has both respect and fear for Ye Lingling, but the fear is not that Ye Lingling will hurt her, but because of the control after entering the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy.

Although Xiao Wu could feel that Ye Lingling cared for her from the bottom of his heart and was truly good to her.

With Xiao Wu's 'innocent' nature, this point cannot be concealed at all, especially after choosing to embark on the path of 'One Strike Shura', her perceptual ability has become even more acute.

In addition to the reason of strength, even though Ye Lingling possesses an auxiliary martial spirit, it is far stronger than her and cannot escape even if she wants to. Therefore, no matter how helpless she is, there is nothing she can do to control Ye Lingling.

(End of this chapter)

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