The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 177 Blue Silver Forest Blue Silver King

Chapter 177 Blue Silver Forest Blue Silver King

Three days later!
Under the leadership of Tang Hao, Qin Mo and his party of five appeared in front of a forest with extremely dense vegetation.

Looking at the lush forest in front of him, a trace of nostalgia flashed through Tang Hao's slightly dim eyes, and he said, "We're here."

Hearing this, Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Ye Lingling all had a hint of confusion in their eyes. Apparently they didn't know how special this place was, but Tang San was vaguely aware of it, and the forest in front of him gave Tang San a vague sense of intimacy.

But this is normal. After all, compared to Tang San in the original work, the 'Blue Silver Emperor' bloodline in Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit has begun to be gradually awakened. In terms of bloodline strength alone, it can be said that it has reached the level of Blue Silver. King's level.

Even if Qin Mo doesn't bring Tang San to the Blue Silver Forest to awaken the 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit for the second time this time, when Tang San's soul power level reaches the seventieth level of the Soul Saint, he will definitely be able to completely destroy the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit. Evolved into the 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit.

Not only Tang San, Ye Lingling, who also possessed a plant-type martial spirit, although not as clearly as Tang San felt, could also feel the comfort coming from the blue silver forest in front of him.

Qin Mo, on the other hand, instantly activated his mental power and began to explore the forest in front of him.

Qin Mo's plan for the seventh soul ring is indispensable for the power of the 'Blue Silver King' in this forest, although the 'Blue Silver King', as the supreme emperor among all blue silver grasses, has the right to live and kill.

But at this moment, the 'Blue Silver Emperor' is in a weak state after all, and his age has only been restored to tens of thousands of years. In terms of strength alone, he is not even as strong as the Soul Emperor. Even with Tang San's 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit, the power is still It's extremely limited, and it's pretty good to be able to spread out the entire Sunset Forest.

If you want to spread the majesty of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' to the entire continent to collect faith, unless the 'Blue Silver Emperor''s 10-year cultivation is fully restored, or Tang San cultivates the 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit to 95 level, otherwise it would be impossible.

But if you add the 5000-year-old Blue Silver King in this forest, it might not be possible. With the 5000-year-old Blue Silver King's cultivation, plus the 'Blue Silver King' himself and Tang San's 'Blue Silver King' Silver Emperor's martial spirit, the three combined into one, are completely enough to spread the will of the Blue Silver Emperor to the entire continent.

Under Qin Mo's mental power, the atmosphere in the Blue Silver Forest in front of him was extremely calm and harmonious. The countless Blue Silver Grasses seemed to be one, and it was impossible to detect which one was the Blue Silver King.

Although in the original work, when Tang San's Blue Silver Grass awakened for the second time, the Blue Silver King's posture was extremely magical, revealing his aura, but that was because the Blue Silver King was paying homage to the emperor.

In ordinary times, the Blue Silver King would not and would not dare to be so ostentatious. Even if the Blue Silver King's years of cultivation have reached 5000 years, it is still only Blue Silver Grass. The same level of combat power is undoubtedly the lowest existence, and the only one worth it. What is praised is only the vitality that is exaggerated to the extreme.

Therefore, it usually extremely restrains its own aura and soul power fluctuations. In the extremely restrained state, the Blue Silver King is actually not much different from ordinary vines.

At least in this blue silver forest, it can be said that they can be found everywhere. It is really not possible to find them simply by using mental power to detect them.

However, although he could not determine the specific location of the Blue Silver King, Qin Mo could also sense that the Blue Silver Forest in front of him contained an extremely surging aura of plant life, which was comparable to the top-level plant-type martial spirit mimetic environment.

Although he failed to detect the specific location of the Blue Silver King, Qin Mo didn't pay too much attention. Anyway, when Tang San's bloodline awakened, the Blue Silver King would definitely show up, so Qin Mo was not in a hurry.

Qin Mo patted Tang San lightly and said, "Call out the martial spirit."

Hearing this, Tang San subconsciously activated the Xuantian Technique in his body, and the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit instantly condensed from Tang San's right hand.

The moment Tang San's blue silver grass martial spirit was summoned, Qin Mo felt that the blue silver forest in front of him seemed to be stagnant for a moment, but after this moment, it suddenly began to boil and riot like boiling water.

Countless bluesilver grasses in the forest seemed to be calling excitedly, swinging rhythmically, and extremely excited and hesitant mental power fluctuations quickly lingered.

Compared to Tang San in the original work, the essence of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass at this time was undoubtedly much more powerful. Simply summoning the spirit of the 'Blue Silver Grass' caused a riot in the Blue Silver Forest.

In the induction of Qin Mo's spiritual power, in the gap between the many big trees in the center of the Blue Silver Forest where several people were hugging each other, a strange plant that looked like countless vines intertwined with each other and meandered for ten meters rose up in vain with soul power fluctuations and surging spiritual power. Rising rapidly.

Faint blue light quickly gathered, and the ordinary vine body appeared a little crystal clear. Countless vines moved slightly, and vaguely seemed to form a human face, facing the direction of Qin Mo and others outside the forest, with a tinge on his face. With an extremely excited and anxious expression.

Feeling the changes in the vines, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly showed a smile, but there was no change.

Tang San, who summoned the 'Blue Silver Grass', was completely immersed in a wonderful epiphany. At this moment, Tang San seemed to have become the controller of the Blue Silver Forest in front of him, and could easily sense the energy in the entire Blue Silver Forest. The environment seemed like the entire Blue Silver Forest had turned into its own power, just like the Creator.

The Blue Silver King in the core of the forest also sensed Tang San's will, and surging mental power fluctuations quickly burst out: "King! Great King! You are finally here..."

As this wave of mental power burst out, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on Tang San's face. Even though Qin Mo and his father had warned him, Tang San was still agitated when he actually sensed it.

"King, can you please come to me?" The fluctuations in mental power seemed to become urgent, with strong desire and piety.Feeling the message in the fluctuation of mental power, Tang San looked at Qin Mo subconsciously, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes: "Boss Mo..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo smiled slightly and said, "Let's go, let's go together."

Hearing this, Tang San was slightly startled. Although he didn't understand, he trusted Qin Mo very much, and immediately relied on the spiritual guidance of the Blue Silver King to move deeper into the Blue Silver Forest.

However, because Tang Hao had the soul ring of the previous Blue Silver Emperor, he did not follow him into the Blue Silver Forest.

Because even if it is a soul ring that the previous generation Blue Silver King voluntarily sacrificed, if many Blue Silver Grass soul beasts in the Blue Silver Forest, especially the Blue Silver King, sense it, countless riots will definitely occur and cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The area of ​​​​the Blue Silver Forest is not large, only several times larger than the Soul Beast Forest, but the vegetation in it is extremely dense and ancient, as if it has experienced a long time.

As we go deeper, the towering trees completely block the sunlight.

With the guidance of the Blue Silver King and the many Blue Silver Grass spirit beasts in the Blue Silver Forest, Qin Mo and the four of them were not disturbed by any spirit beasts along the way.

Of course, the most important reason is that Qin Mo completely blocked his own aura, as well as that of Ye Lingling and Xiao Wu, leaving only Tang San's aura.

Nearly half an hour later, Tang San felt that the mental fluctuations became particularly clear. The next moment, Blue Silver King's slightly nervous, excited and pious mental fluctuations quickly appeared.

"King! I'm here!"

As the mental wave appeared, Tang San instantly focused his gaze and looked in the direction not far away. His footsteps shook lightly and he quickly moved in the direction of the mental wave.

After passing several huge trees hugged by at least several people, the figure of the Blue Silver King quickly appeared in front of Qin Mo and the others.

Seeing Tang San's appearance, the face on the Blue Silver King's vine showed an extremely excited and pious expression, but before he could speak, the figures of Qin Mo, Ye Lingling, and Xiao Wu instantly made his expression froze.

"King... this?? Human being?? Not..."

Blue Silver King looked at Qin Mo and the four people in front of him with some incoherence, and there was a little confusion on his face condensed by vines.

Seeing this, Qin Mo suddenly showed a strange look, and immediately said to Ye Lingling and Xiao Wu: "Lingling, Xiao Wu, release your martial spirit."

Hearing this, Ye Lingling and Xiao Wu did not hesitate, and quickly activated the soul power in their bodies to summon their martial souls.

The soul power fluctuated instantly, and pink and white light suddenly appeared.

As Ye Lingling's "Nine-Hearted Begonia" martial spirit appeared, the light of the soul power on the Blue Silver King dimmed in vain, and the vines stretching upward ten meters quickly dwarfed, hanging down on Ye Lingling's "Nine-Hearted Begonia" like a creeper. 'In front of me.

Feeling the reverence originating from the deepest part of the soul, Blue Silver King's face showed an extremely horrified expression. At the same time, Blue Silver King also sensed the hidden spirit beast aura on Xiao Wu's body, and for a moment, his face made of vines was incomparable. Weird, countless vines are chaotic.

Although Xiao Wu has practiced 'Shi' and completely condensed her soul beast aura into 'Shi', which is enough to hide it from demigod-level existences, but if she appears in front of a senior soul beast, especially after releasing the martial soul aura, But he could sense Xiao Wu's true identity.

Of course, this is also the reason why Xiao Wu has not restrained his aura. If Xiao Wu completely restrains his martial soul aura, it will not be that easy unless it is a senior soul beast that has an old relationship with Xiao Wu, or a soul beast that is good at exploration. Be seen through.

Upon seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly showed a trace of amusement, and his mental power immediately fluctuated rapidly, and he quickly transmitted everything to the Blue Silver King through the fluctuations of his mental power.

At the same time, he also quickly asked Ye Lingling to put away the "Nine Hearts and Begonia" martial spirit. After all, the essence of Ye Lingling's "Nine Hearts and Begonia" spirit was too high. If he didn't put it away, the next step would be impossible.

After receiving Qin Mo's mental fluctuations for a quarter of an hour, the Blue Silver King finally recovered.

However, the prostrate body still did not get up, and the face composed of countless vines looked at Ye Lingling in awe, and was also very close to Xiao Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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