The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 178 Tang 3 Xiao Wu condenses the fifth soul ring!Bloody rage!

Chapter 178 Tang San Xiaowu condenses the fifth soul ring!Bloody rage!
Looking at the Blue Silver King's soul beast, which was like a servant, Qin Mo suddenly felt a sense of excitement in his heart for some reason. He sighed quietly in his tone and said, "Blue Silver King, let's get started."

Hearing this, the Blue Silver King trembled slightly, as if nodding, and then looked at Tang San with an expression of incomparable reverence on his face. He prostrated on the ground with incomparable piety, and his extremely respectful voice instantly echoed throughout the entire Blue Silver Forest.

"King! Please feel the worship of your subjects!"

As the Blue Silver King finished speaking, an extremely huge aura rose up in vain throughout the Blue Silver Forest.

The countless blue silver grasses in the blue silver forest all trembled slightly, and faint blue light spots quietly emerged from each blue silver grass. In just a moment, the entire blue silver forest seemed to be plunged into a deep blue ocean.

Endless blue light points rose up and quickly condensed towards Tang San's body under the fluctuation of Blue Silver King's spirit.

Tang San felt a warmth all over his body, as if he had transformed into a sea eye, the endless blue ocean being sucked in crazily, and he instantly entered a state of cultivation.

Looking at the blue light dots swarming around him, Qin Mo's mental power fluctuated slightly, and he instantly imprisoned several blue light dots. With a flash of light in his eyes, the blue light dots on his fingertips were instantly analyzed.

Feeling the analyzed information, Qin Mo showed a hint of understanding on his face.

Then he looked at Xiao Wu who was not far away and reminded: "Xiao Wu, just take this opportunity to start condensing soul rings. Don't you forget the soul beast that Mr. He selected for your fifth soul ring?"

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's body froze slightly. Even though he knew that Qin Mo and Ye Lingling had no ill intentions towards him, he still felt a little uncomfortable after hearing these words.

However, Xiao Wu's heart was 'innocent' after all. Although she felt a little uncomfortable, she didn't pay too much attention to it. Instead, she started to reminisce. It was obvious that she had left a lot of things behind after being wild for a year.

Seeing this, Qin Mo and Ye Lingling both had a hint of helplessness in their eyes. This silly rabbit...
Seeing Xiao Wu thinking hard, Qin Mo's forehead was full of black lines. He must have forgotten it. Just as he was about to speak, an extremely excited voice quickly sounded from Xiao Wu.

"I thought of it!" Xiao Wu's face showed a hint of excitement.

Hearing this voice, Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief. He originally planned to teleport back to the academy and ask Mr. He.

However, Xiao Wu did not directly start to condense the soul rings. Instead, he directly wiped it on the space soul guide on his body, and suddenly a nearly brand-new book appeared in Xiao Wu's hand.

Looking at the book in her hand, Xiao Wu quickly started flipping through it.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's expression suddenly froze. The silly rabbit remembered that he should condense the soul ring of a soul beast. Looking at the book in Xiao Wu's hand that had basically no signs of turning, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

And Ye Lingling couldn't help but hold her forehead and smile bitterly.

After a moment, Xiao Wu's voice sounded: "Found it!"

Xiao Wu opened the brand new book to a little more than half way, and it contained information about several strange soul beasts.

Thunder Rabbit!
Predicted Soul Skill [-]: Lightning Possession, Attack and Speed ​​Amplified Soul Skills, Strongly Amplified Attack, Strongly Amplified Speed, Amplification time is affected by the age of the soul ring and soul power. If the fit is sufficient, a certain degree can be added to the amplification. Lightning attacks can cause paralysis and other negative states.

Predictive soul skill two: Thunder Flash, a speed soul skill, the innate soul skill of the Thunder Rabbit, which flashes like thunder at a certain distance.

Moon Cat!
Predicted Soul Skill [-]: Moon's Blessing, a soul skill that increases all attributes, fully increases attributes under the moonlight, the increase percentage depends on the brightness of the moonlight and the age of the soul ring, the duration depends on the soul power, disadvantages: without moonlight No increase after use.

Prediction Soul Skill [-]: Moon Shadow Disappearance, the figure is completely invisible under the moonlight.

Fire Feather!
Crazy Blood Rabbit!
Predicted soul skills: Bloody Fury, all attribute amplifying soul skills, after using soul skills, the blood in the body will continue to burn, all attribute amplification range - extremely strong!Side effects - huge!If the amplification time is too long, it is very likely to self-destruct! ! (Choose carefully)

After Xiao Wu chose the 'One Strike Asura' route, Shrek's inner courtyard teachers made choices for Xiao Wu's next few soul rings.

Among them, the fifth soul ring is also the watershed for [-]% of the soul masters on the mainland. It absorbs the boundaries of the first ten thousand year soul ring. The controller of the research office, Mr. He, personally selected the most suitable type of soul beast for Xiao Wu - attributes Amplification category!

There is an upper limit to the increase in attributes, and the attribute increase-like soul skills provided by ten thousand year soul beasts, especially the top grade ten thousand year soul beasts, are basically very close to the upper limit of attribute increase that a soul master can bear.Of course, this upper limit of increase is the upper limit of self-amplified soul skills and does not affect the increase of external amplified soul skills.

Xiao Wu, who has embarked on the 'One Strike Shura' route, does not need those fancy soul skills, but what he needs is near-extreme domineering.

There are many types of soul beasts that Mr. He has chosen for Xiao Wu's fifth soul ring. Among them, the most suitable ones are undoubtedly the Thunder Rabbit and the Crazy Blood Rabbit.

The former is strong in that it does not have any negative status, but weak in that it only increases attack power and speed.

The latter is undoubtedly the one with the most powerful attribute increase among all the soul beasts, but it has extremely terrifying side effects. Even the text recorded in the book given by Mr. He has several exclamation marks, and also reminds caution at the end. choose.

But there is no doubt that they are extremely powerful soul skills. Looking at the faint blue light lingering on Tang San's body, a trace of determination flashed in Xiao Wu's eyes.

Looking at Xiao Wu's movements, Ye Lingling's eyes showed a hint of worry. Just as he was about to open his mouth to persuade, his palm suddenly fell into a warm embrace.

Qin Mo held Ye Lingling's hand and looked at the worry in Ye Lingling's eyes. He didn't say anything but shook his head slightly to signal not to stop him.

Seeing this, Ye Lingling paused slightly, a hint of depression flashed in his eyes.

Naturally, the actions of the two people did not escape Xiao Wu's eyes. Looking at Ye Lingling who was a little depressed, Xiao Wu showed a smile on his face, slightly clenched his fist with his right hand and waved it, saying: "Sister Lingling, I will let Sister Xiaowu protect you from now on." .”

Seeing Xiao Wu trying to transform into a big sister, Ye Lingling couldn't help laughing and said angrily: "Xiao Wu..."

But before Ye Lingling could finish speaking, Xiao Wu suddenly shrank her neck with a look of fear on her face, quickly sat cross-legged, closed her eyes tightly, and began to gather her soul rings.

As Xiao Wu's eyes were closed tightly, invisible fluctuations instantly enveloped Xiao Wu completely. Qin Mo seemed to vaguely see countless shadows of rabbit-like soul beasts on Xiao Wu's body.

But the next moment...


An extremely subtle cry rang out, and the shadows of countless rabbit spirit beasts disappeared instantly, leaving only one rabbit spirit beast with eyes and fur all blood-colored, with extremely obvious muscles on its body, and a bloodthirsty and violent rabbit spirit beast in its eyes. .

With Qin Mo's knowledge of soul beasts, he could naturally recognize that this was the soul beast Xiao Wu had chosen - the Crazy Blood Rabbit!
At the same time, the origin of the 10-year-old soul beast hidden in Xiao Wu's body also began to fluctuate, and the shadow of a soft-bone rabbit condensed instantly.

As the phantoms of the two rabbit-like soul beasts condensed, the 10-year-old soul beast origin quickly transformed into a bridge, and began to pull and transform the bloodline origin of the crazy blood rabbit towards the phantom of the soft-bone rabbit.

In an instant, the soft-bone rabbit's originally white hair with a hint of pink quickly dyed a layer of red, and wisps of violent aura quickly condensed.

A halo of light quickly gathered around Xiao Wu.

"White!" "Yellow!" "Purple!" "Black!"

As the origin of the 10-year-old soul beast in Xiao Wu's body continued to be pulled and transformed, the color of the soul ring changed rapidly, reaching the black color of a [-]-year-old soul ring in an instant.

With Xiao Wu's physical strength, and the fact that the soul ring is the aggregation of Xiao Wu's own origin, the match is so perfect that there will be no impact from the residual soul of the ten thousand year soul beast.

The age of the soul ring that can be condensed cannot be only ten thousand years, but no one can know how many ten thousand years of soul rings can be condensed.

Seeing the fluctuations of soul power floating on Xiao Wu's body and the surrounding black soul rings, even Qin Mo's eyes showed a hint of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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