The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 180 Tang 3 Blue Silver Emperor Blue Silver King

Chapter 180 Tang San Blue Silver Emperor Blue Silver King

After awakening the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor for Tang San, Qin Mo and others did not directly set off to return to the Eye of Ice and Fire.

But it's not because he doesn't want to return directly, but because the size of the 'Blue Silver King' is very complicated, and the ten-meter-long vines that appear in front of Qin Mo and the others are just superficial.

The roots at the bottom stretched almost half of the Blue Silver Forest. It was really difficult to move in a short time. Even with Qin Mo's help, it took nearly three days.

Because, because of Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Ye Lingling, the 'Blue Silver King' didn't resist at all. Even though the Blue Silver King pulled out his roots and was extremely sluggish, he still entered Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Cauldron' with great anticipation. 'Zhong didn't worry about Qin Mo deceiving him at all.

Outside the Blue Silver Forest, Tang Hao sat on the ground and waited quietly.


The space was slightly distorted, and the four of Qin and Mo slowly stepped out of the distortion.

The moment he saw Qin Mo and the others coming out, especially when he saw Tang San's completely changed face, a glimmer of light suddenly lit up in his dim eyes, and he almost uncontrollably appeared in front of Tang San and hugged him, Trembling slightly, he murmured: "Ah Yin..."

Feeling his father's trembling body and the damp heat on his shoulders, Tang San also trembled slightly. Is 'A Yin' his mother's name?
Because of his father's decadence, Tang San had not dared to ask his father about his mother this year. Coupled with the fatigue of training, it was only now that he learned his mother's name from his father.

Looking at Tang San and his son hugging each other, Xiao Wu and Ye Lingling also showed a hint of sadness in their eyes, but Qin Mo's eyes were extremely calm, and he quietly added a layer of space barrier to the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit. Just in case the 'Blue Silver King' inside sensed Tang Hao's aura.

Perhaps they also knew that there was hope for the 'Blue Silver Emperor' to be resurrected, so the two of them quickly suppressed their emotions. However, after leaving his father's arms, Tang San couldn't help but reveal a hint of urgency in his eyes, obviously he couldn't wait any longer. .

His eyes suddenly looked at Qin Mo eagerly, and with a hint of pleading in his tone, he said: "Boss Mo..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo paused slightly, patted Tang San's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, because we didn't know the specific location of the Blue Silver Forest when we came here, we could only ask Haotian Mian to bring us here, so we It took three days.”

"Although my spatial ability is not as powerful as my grandfather's, it only takes an hour at most to go back."

As Qin Mo finished speaking, Tang San's eyes suddenly showed a look of expectation.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's mental power fluctuated slightly, the martial spirit of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' trembled slightly, and the space suddenly distorted.


After the space fluctuated, Qin Mo and the other two disappeared instantly outside the Blue Silver Forest.

An hour later!

Outside the 'Ice and Fire Eyes', the space was slightly distorted, and the figures of Qin and Mo suddenly appeared outside the poison array.

It's not that Qin Mo can't teleport directly into the 'Eye of Ice and Fire', but it's not necessary, because under the influence of the formation in the 'Eye of Ice and Fire', the soul power consumed by teleporting directly into the 'Eye of Ice and Fire' is normal space. Ten times the teleportation.

One hour of spatial teleportation consumed most of even Qin Mo's soul power. There was really no need to waste it on this.

Compared with Qin Dong's space method, although Qin Mo's space teleportation is far inferior in distance and number of people due to his strength, the spatial stability during space teleportation is much better.

After an hour of space teleportation, Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Ye Lingling only felt slightly uncomfortable.

Looking at the poisonous formation in front of him, Qin Mo's mental power fluctuated slightly, and the soul power in his body fluctuated slightly, and he quickly made several strange seals with his hands.

The poison array suddenly opened, and he immediately headed inside.

After a moment, Qin Mo and the other five appeared in the 'Ice and Fire Eyes'.

At this moment, the 'Blue Silver Emperor', which sensed Tang San's aura, was trembling slightly, and Tang San couldn't help but step forward.

Qin Mo didn't pay attention to this, but looked at the area in the valley. The space fluctuations on his body disappeared in a flash, completely clearing the area where many medicinal materials grew in an area away from the 'Blue Silver Emperor'.

At the same time, a huge hole was left directly in that area.

Immediately, the martial spirit of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in the palm instantly enlarged, the mental power fluctuated slightly, the space flickered, and the extremely complex body of the 'Blue Silver King' instantly fell into the huge hole.

All the roots are completely coiled together, occupying most of the cavity.

The moment he came out of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', the originally a little sluggish Blue Silver King instantly felt the incomparable magical aura around him, and quickly recovered a lot, with an extremely shocked expression on his vine-shaped face.

Some trembling mental fluctuations echoed: "Unexpectedly...there is such a magical place in the world, this..."

Before he could sense it carefully, the Blue Silver King instantly sensed the presence of the 'Blue Silver Empress' and Tang Hao's breath not far away. The originally trembling branches and leaves instantly froze: "Empress! You... ·How could you be involved with this..."

The face of the Blue Silver King is full of weirdness. Even though his years of cultivation have reached 5000 years, no, it is close to 9 years now, the Blue Silver King is only a king after all, not an emperor. He is not as good as the Blue Silver King. This kind of absolute control over the Blue Silver Grass can only affect and sense the Blue Silver Forest.

Therefore, the Blue Silver King, who has lived in the Blue Silver Forest all year round, only knows that the Blue Silver Emperor, the Blue Silver Emperor, died more than ten years ago, but he does not know why he fell or who fell into his hands.

At this moment, the Blue Silver Emperor and the humans with the spirit ring of the Blue Silver Emperor appeared at the same time, which immediately confused the Blue Silver King.

Even though Blue Silver King's mental power was strong, his intelligence was still a little short of that, so he fell directly into chaos.

Seemingly aware of the Blue Silver King's chaos, the 'Blue Silver King' vines stretched towards the Blue Silver King.

The moment the two vines came into contact, a hint of realization suddenly appeared on the face of the Blue Silver King's countless vine combinations. Apparently, he understood everything through the unique communication method of the plant soul beast.Thick vines crawled on the ground, hanging down towards the 'Blue Silver Emperor' as if kneeling down. Crystal blue tears continued to flow from the vine face of the Blue Silver King, and his mental power fluctuated slightly, towards the 'Blue Silver Emperor'. ' asked.

"Empress, I didn't expect you to be able to... But why don't you let that human take you back to the Blue Silver Forest? He can bring the king to the Blue Silver Forest to awaken his bloodline, so naturally he doesn't know... ·If there are any of our subjects, you..."

Feeling the mental fluctuations of the Blue Silver King, the 'Blue Silver Empress' stagnated slightly, and her branches and leaves unconsciously drooped slightly. She did not respond, but slowly pulled the vines away from the Blue Silver King.

Feeling the depression of the 'Blue Silver Empress', thinking that he had offended the Blue Silver Emperor, the Blue Silver King crawled even lower, his body trembling slightly, not daring to make any more fluctuations.

The exchange between the Blue Silver Emperor and the Blue Silver King only lasted a moment, so everyone present did not know what happened. They looked at the Blue Silver Emperor and the Blue Silver King who seemed to be in a low mood and were a little confused.

Seeing this, Tang San looked at Qin Mo with a slightly anxious face, and said: "Boss Mo, my mother is..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo's brows moved slightly. Looking at the expression on Blue Silver King's face as if he had made a mistake and the slightly drooping branches and leaves of 'Blue Silver King', he suddenly made a guess.

His eyes glanced at Tang Hao momentarily, then he shook his head, and without explaining, he said: "Let me recover my soul power first."

Hearing this, Tang San paused slightly, with a trace of confusion in his eyes, but after all, it was related to his mother's recovery, so Tang San did not continue to ask, but nodded quickly.

Seeing this, Qin Mo quickly sat cross-legged, took out several jelly beans from the space necklace, and drank them directly.

Under Shao Xin's recovery jelly beans, in less than a quarter of an hour, most of the soul power consumed in Qin Mo's body was quickly restored to complete.

After seeing Qin Mo's soul power restored, Tang San quickly asked: "Boss Mo, what should I do?"

Qin Mo first sensed the auras of Tang San, Blue Silver King, and Blue Silver Emperor, and asked: "The soul skill of your fifth soul ring should be a domain soul skill."

Although it was a question, Qin Mo's tone was filled with determination.

Hearing this, Tang San nodded and said, "Yes, Boss Mo, my fifth soul skill is called Blue Silver Domain."

"Release the Blue Silver Domain, don't resist, just leave everything to me." Qin Mo said with a smile.

These words were not only spoken to Tang San, but also to Blue Silver Emperor and Blue Silver King.

As Qin Mo's words fell, Tang San hesitated slightly, but nodded quickly. Then his soul power fluctuated slightly, and he directly summoned the 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit, and the fifth soul ring surrounding his body lit up instantly. .

'Blue Silver Domain' Coverage······

Although the Blue Silver Emperor was unable to respond due to his cultivation, the vines swaying slightly up and down were like a nod, expressing understanding.

As for the Blue Silver King, perhaps because of his previous performance, he showed an expression of great trust in Qin Mo's words, and his spiritual consciousness was completely open in front of Qin Mo.

Upon seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes showed a trace of fluctuation, and then his mental power exploded instantly, and the martial spirit of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' was shaken in vain.

"Red!" "Red!" "Red!" "Dark!"

The power of the four 10-year-old domain soul skills exploded instantly.


Invisible time and space, the trembling sounds of yin and yang echoed instantly, as if there were invisible links that completely connected Tang San, Blue Silver Emperor, and Blue Silver King.

The Blue Silver Domain is the framework, the Blue Silver Emperor is the origin, and the Blue Silver King's nearly 9 years of cultivation is the energy. Under the power of Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit, the three are instantly integrated.


An extremely bright blue-gold light rose into the sky.

Fortunately, there was a formation laid out by Qin Mo in the 'Eye of Ice and Fire'. When the light reached the edge of the formation, it was completely blocked.

But the fluctuations of the 'Emperor''s aura in the light spread rapidly towards the entire continent with the Sunset Forest as the center at an extremely terrifying speed.





Countless ignorant spiritual thoughts, and strange fluctuations that are not even spiritual thoughts flicker like light spots...
With the Sunset Forest as the center, all the countless blue silver grasses that sensed the fluctuation of the Emperor's aura trembled, even the blue silver grass that had only been cultivating for one year.

The next moment, a golden light that was so weak that it was almost invisible to the naked eye appeared on countless blue and silver grasses, and converged towards the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' in an extremely strange way.

In an instant, the entire 'Ice and Fire Eye' completely turned into a golden ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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