The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 181 Fulfill the promise!Start harvesting!

Chapter 181 Fulfill the promise!Start harvesting!
The golden Blue Silver Grass Sea of ​​Life and Faith was completely submerged, and the originally invisible and colorless 'Blue Silver Domain' instantly appeared under this golden ocean.

The Blue Silver King and the Blue Silver Emperor transformed into two golden plants directly under the golden ocean, and their rich and incomparable life breath grew crazily.

When the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor was awakened for Tang San, the Blue Silver King, whose age was approaching 9 years due to the Emperor's feedback, instantly broke through the 9-year bottleneck under this golden ocean. , and it is growing at an extremely exaggerated rate.

In just a moment, the cultivation period reached the limit of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years.

After the time limit reaches its limit, it is clear that there is almost endless energy in the golden ocean, and the Blue Silver King still has enough foundation to absorb it, but it seems to have hit some kind of limit and cannot make any progress.

No, it’s not so much a boundary, but rather that the Bluesilver Grass group itself is too weak. Even though there are billions of Bluesilver Grasses on the entire Douluo Continent, the luck and luck of the group itself, The foundation and the original authority of the world it occupies can only support one 'Emperor'.

As for Tang San's 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit, although it is Blue Silver Emperor, it is only a martial spirit after all, and the reason why he can become an 'Emperor' is more because of Tang San's own background and luck.

But Blue Silver King didn't have as much luck as Tang San. When the 'Emperor' position was occupied, it was impossible to evolve into an 'Emperor'.

Even if the upper limit of cultivation years is exceeded, all that can be achieved is a 10-year-old Blue Silver King, not a 10-year-old Blue Silver King like Tang San's mother.

However, the Blue Silver King didn't pay much attention to this. Under the golden ocean, the face of the Blue Silver King made of vines did not have any negative emotions, but was full of reverence and satisfaction.

The nearly 10-year-old cultivation base was almost unreservedly allowed to be mobilized by Qin Mo's mental power.

And the 'Blue Silver Emperor' is also under this endless golden ocean, the aura is expanding crazily, and the cultivation period restored almost every moment exceeds a hundred years.

"Thirty thousand one thousand years!"

"Thirty thousand one thousand years!"

"Forty-five thousand years!"

"Twelve thousand years!"

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the aura of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' returned from being no more than 9 years old to more than 10 years old. The 'Blue Silver Emperor' itself is a [-]-year-old soul beast, and its control over power is extremely high. Familiar, so the skyrocketing power has not lost control at all.

The crystal clear blue-gold bone buried in the root of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' also seemed to be aware of the gradual recovery of the body, lit up with extremely bright light, and began to gradually melt towards the roots of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' .

It was just like a soul master absorbing soul bones, but it seemed a bit insignificant under this golden ocean. Except for Qin Mo, who was in control of the overall situation, everyone in the "Ice and Fire Eyes" was immersed in shock.

With the integration of the 'Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone', the years of cultivation of the 'Blue Silver Emperor' suddenly skyrocketed from more than 10 years, and the limit of [-] years of cultivation was instantly broken.

Blue-gold light burst out from the 'Blue Silver Emperor' in an instant. The dazzling light made everyone present slightly close their eyes. Countless crystal clear blue vines with golden threads instantly completely wrapped the 'Blue Silver Emperor', like a giant. Like a cocoon, the golden light is transparent and shining, and the huge energy fluctuations are completely contained within the grass blades.

The invisible aura of creation rose suddenly, and it was a strange phenomenon when the soul beast broke through the boundaries and transformed into a 10-year-old soul beast. When it transformed into a cocoon, it was also the time when the 10-year-old soul beast made a choice.

If you choose to transform into a human, then when the giant cocoon breaks, you will directly transform into a human form. If you choose to continue to be a powerful 10-year-old soul beast, then after the giant cocoon breaks, you will become a real 10-year-old soul beast.

All decisions are made by the soul beast in the cocoon.

Sensing this aura of creation, Qin Mo's eyes instantly lit up. This is what Qin Mo was waiting for, his mental power exploded instantly, the 'Qiankun Ding' martial spirit shook, and he quickly said: "Tang San, Lingling!"

Hearing Qin Mo's voice, Tang San and Ye Lingling were instantly shaken. Ye Lingling's soul power quickly began to fluctuate, summoning the "Nine Hearts and Begonia" martial spirit.

Tang San, on the other hand, did not hesitate to activate the Xuantian Technique in his body with all his strength, and unleashed the ultimate power of the Blue Silver Domain without any hesitation.

At this moment, Tang San no longer had the slightest doubt in his heart about what Qin Mo said. In less than half a quarter of an hour, his mother's aura skyrocketed from a cultivation aura that was only thirty thousand years old to one hundred thousand years old. Entered into transformation.

The Blue Silver King's cultivation years have also been greatly improved as a result, even himself. In this half-quarter of an hour, Tang San could feel the power attached to his 'Blue Silver King' martial spirit. The first four soul rings, especially the first soul ring, became more and more pure, vaguely feeling like his fifth soul ring.

The power of the fifth soul skill 'Blue Silver Domain' has also been greatly improved. Although the age has not changed, the coverage, soul power consumption, and domain effects have all undergone great changes.

As Tang San's limit exploded, a drop of extremely pure, brilliant, illusory and yet substantive blue-gold water droplets quietly emerged from Tang San's 'Blue Silver Emperor' martial spirit and the 'Blue Silver Emperor' entangled in countless vines. Condensation, integration.

The moment the water droplets condensed and merged, the breath of 'Blue Silver Empress' was slightly stagnant, but then there was no abnormality anymore. Tang San also felt slightly weak, but he quickly recovered completely under the endless golden ocean.

Naturally, who had opened the 'Blue Silver Domain', he could sense the changes very clearly. Knowing that Qin Mo had not deceived him, he looked at Qin Mo with even more gratitude.Not paying attention to the change in Tang San's eyes, Qin Mo's mental power fluctuated slightly as he looked at the condensed water droplets, and the space instantly distorted, directly absorbing the 'water droplets' into the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit.

The purest origin of the Blue Silver Emperor has been obtained. As long as a certain amount of world origin is spent to refine it into the origin of 'wood', Qin Mo's seventh soul ring can be condensed with it.

However, after collecting the 'Blue Silver Emperor Origin', Qin Mo did not start to absorb the soul ring. Instead, he looked directly at the 'Nine Heart Begonia' in Ye Lingling's palm, with an extremely serious look in his eyes.

Qin Mo spent so much effort not just for a mere seventh soul ring.

At this moment, Tang San's mother, Queen Blue Silver, had returned to her 10-year age and entered the stage of transformation. As a result, King Blue Silver's cultivation had greatly improved, and Tang San also received huge benefits.

It can be said that Qin Mo has fulfilled his promise to Tang San, and now it is time for Qin Mo to start reaping the rewards.

The soul power fluctuated slightly, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron' flashed in vain. In an instant, it was directly connected to the land of 'Ice and Fire Eyes'.

Originally, Qin Mo's world origin was not enough to turn the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' with two god-level dragon bones into a 'dojo', but the gains from the Soul Master Elite Competition were really too great.

In addition to Qin Mo's two territories and dozens of soul master academies within the Tiandou Empire, the valley where the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' are located has also been turned into a 'dojo' by Qin Mo.

With the trembling of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', the power of the 'Dojo' was instantly stimulated, as if it were a world of its own, the endless golden ocean gathered in the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' trembled.

Incomparably majestic power exploded instantly, and the 'Qiankun Cauldron', which originally seemed to be extremely compact, suddenly grew in size and suddenly fell on top of the 'Ice and Fire Eyes'. The huge body of the tripod completely covered the 'Ice and Fire Eyes'.

The "Ice and Fire Eyes" at the bottom are like the Tai Chi Liang Yi, just like the fire of the cauldron.


The terrifying swallowing power burst out, as if it was transformed into a black hole, and the endless golden ocean surged wildly in an instant, and this terrifying swallowing power seemed to be only aimed at this endless golden ocean, Tang in the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' Hao and others were not affected at all.

Looking at the 'Qiankun Cauldron' that was pressing down on the 'Ice and Fire Eyes' like a black hole, the eyes of everyone present were extremely shocked.

As the endless golden ocean began to be swallowed up, Qin Mo's mental power condensed in vain, and the world origin points on the attribute panel began to evaporate crazily. The power of the 'dojo' exploded instantly, and the 'ice and fire' suppressed by the martial soul of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' Yiyan' seemed to be on fire.

The fire of ice and fire rose instantly, completely submerging the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

The ultimate creation of ice and fire instantly rioted within the martial soul of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', spinning crazily as if it had transformed into a 'big mill' that could obliterate everything.

The endless golden ocean that was swallowed was crazily crushed and obliterated by the power of the 'ice and fire millstone'.

The countless ignorant thoughts contained in it were instantly completely annihilated under this extreme ice and fire.


A drop of extremely pure golden liquid slowly condensed from under the 'Ice and Fire Millstone' and dripped into the inner wall of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit.

This is a 'water drop' condensed by the power of extremely pure faith.

At the same time, a surging source of the world appeared in vain in the 'Qiankun Cauldron'. This was the source of the world that gathered when the thoughts and beliefs of the blue silver grass soul beasts in the entire continent were condensed.

Originally, after the 'Blue Silver Empress', Tang San, and Blue Silver King absorbed the limit, they would give back to all the Blue Silver Grass, but now they were all intercepted by Qin Mo, and used the 'Qiankun Cauldron', 'Dojo', ' The power of the Ice and Fire Eyes is completely tempered and absorbed.

With the emergence of this world origin, the evaporation of the world origin on the attribute panel came to a standstill, and began to gradually recover, although the speed was not fast.

As the first 'water drop' of faith fell, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit erupted in vain, and its swallowing power surged.

"Tick tock!" "Tick tock!" "Tick tock!"

Countless golden 'water droplets' continued to condense, and in just a moment, a thin layer of golden liquid accumulated inside the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

(End of this chapter)

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